echo "
echo "Ratescans including patch rates for all ratescans of the night ".date("Y/m/d", strtotime($date)).":
if (is_dir($path))
echo "\n";
if (!$handle=opendir($path))
printf("sorry, path %s cannot be opened", $path);
while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle)))
if(ereg(".png$", $dir))
printf("\n![ratescan](%s/%s) | \n
\n", $path, $dir);
echo "
echo "No files available for ".$date.".\n";
echo "
echo "Blue: Rate vs threshold
echo "Black: Patch rates vs threshold
echo "Gray: Ratescan with good conditions (1.1.2014, id=1388617563)
echo "ΔU: offset to nominal setup voltage (reference changed on 15.9.2014)
echo "