1 | <html>
2 | <head>
3 | <meta name="Author" content="The FACT Group" />
4 | <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
5 | <title>FACT Project</title>
6 | <link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css" />
7 | </head>
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9 |
10 | <body>
11 |
12 |
13 | <a href='https://www.fact-project.org/smartfact'>Is FACT taking data?</a><br><br>
14 | Who is on shift?
15 | (from <a href='https://www.fact-project.org/shift'>FACT shift plan<a>
16 | and <a href='https://www.fact-project.org/logbook/memberlist.php'>FACT logbook<a>)
17 |
18 | <?php
19 |
20 | if (date("H")>8)
21 | $today=date("Ymd", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")));
22 | else
23 | $today=date("Ymd",strtotime(date("Y-m-d", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")))." -1 day"));
24 |
25 | echo "<br> Night: ".$today." (date of sunset) <br>";
26 | $query="SELECT u FROM calendar.data WHERE CONCAT(y, LPAD(m+1, 2, 0), LPAD(d,2,0))='".$today."' AND x=0 ";
27 | //echo $query;
28 | include ("db.php");
29 | $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw);
30 | $result = mysql_query($query);
31 | echo " Contact Info Shiftcrew: <br>\n <ul>\n";
32 | while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
33 | {
34 | //echo " ".$row[0]." ";
35 | $query2="SELECT usertitle, fid8 FROM logbook.userfields LEFT JOIN logbook.users ON (uid=ufid) WHERE username='".$row[0]."'";
36 | //echo $query2;
37 | $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
38 | while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2))
39 | {
40 | echo "<li>".$row2[0].": ".$row2[1]."</li>\n";
41 | }
42 | mysql_free_result($result2);
43 | }
44 | echo "</ul>\n <br>\n <br>\n ";
45 | mysql_free_result($result);
46 |
47 | echo "General Contact Info: <br>\n <ul>\n";
48 | $query3="SELECT usertitle, fid8 FROM logbook.userfields LEFT JOIN logbook.users ON (uid=ufid) WHERE username='dorner'";
49 | $result3 = mysql_query($query3);
50 | while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_row($result3))
51 | {
52 | echo "<li>".$row3[0].": ".$row3[1]."</li>\n";
53 | }
54 | mysql_free_result($result3);
55 |
56 | echo "</ul>\n";
57 |
58 | ?>
59 |
60 | </body>
61 | </html>