12/13/01 17:25:49 (23 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/Control/SubsystemIO/Subsystem.plain.hxx

    r1054 r1113  
     222//////////////// IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS /////////////////////////////////
     225        //we implement commandListener as a TCPListener derived class, to be   
     226        //able to custom the behaviour by overriding it's methods, namely
     227        //process, which is called when something arrives.
     228        //This could be though as inheritance for implementation, which is not
     229        //desired. Can be avoided by using signals/slots
    223231        /**
    225233         */
    226234    char* ccName;
    227236        /**
    228237         * Aproximate (+- 500ms) time in microsec, between each report is sent
    229          * to CC
     238         * to CC.
     239         * It is expressed in microsec, despite the big uncertanty in these
     240         * units, because is feed directly to usleep. This should be changed at
     241         * least to ms: remember then to multiply per 1000 in usleep. Take care
     242         * also with long periods: usleep will accept only long int
    230243         */ 
    231244    unsigned long int reportPeriod;
     246        /**
     247         * TCP/IP port for commandListener socket, here at subsystem machine
     248         */
    233249    unsigned short int portCommandListener;
     251        /**
     252         * TCP/IP port for reportListener socket in CC machine
     253         */
    234254    unsigned short int portReportListener;
    236         //we implement commandListener as a TCPListener derived class, to be   
    237         //able to custom the behaviour by overriding it's methods, namely
    238         //process     
    240257        /* maxTimeoutCount. Times subsystem tries to reconnect CC (with reportPeriod)
    251268    short int maxTimeoutCount;
     270        /**
     271         * If locked == true Subsystem is being commanded by CC.
     272         */
    254273    bool locked;
     275        /**
     276         * When REPOR received, reporting = true, and thread
     277         * ReportingAndCheckingLoop is started
     278         */
    255279    bool reporting;
     280        /**
     281         * mutex used to prevent that while reporting state is being checked
     282         * in ReportingAndCheckingLoop thread, connection closing is detected
     283         * in TCPListener thread and reporting is set at the same time.
     284         *
     285         * I'm not sure if really needed
     286         */
    256287    pthread_mutex_t mutex4reporting;
     288        /**
     289         * Accessor function for reporting bool variable that takes care of
     290         * properly locking the resource
     291         */
    257292    inline bool Reporting(){
    258293        pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex4reporting);
    261296        return ret;
    262297    }
     299        /**
     300         * Accessor function for reporting bool variable that takes care of
     301         * properly locking the resource
     302         */
    263303    inline void SetReporting(bool trueValue)
    264304        {
    268308        }
    270         //we implement reportSender as an instance of class TCPSender
     310        /**
     311         * We implement reportSender as an instance of class TCPSender
     312         */
    271313    TCPSender reportSender;
    272         //reporting and trying connections to cc are implemented as
    273         //PeriodicActions     
     315        /**
     316         * mutex used to prevent that while report is being send
     317         * in ReportingAndCheckingLoop thread, it is changed at the same time
     318         * in the main thread
     319         *
     320         * This mutex is for sure crucial
     321         *
     322         * SuspendComm and ResumeComm lock/unlock it to achieve this purpose
     323         */
    275324    pthread_mutex_t mutex4report;
     326        /**
     327         * Method that we override from TCPListener and gets called when some
     328         * command arrives. Here is where all the LOCK, REPOR protocol is
     329         * checked and where ReportingAndCheckingLoop thread is started and
     330         * stopped
     331         */
    276332    virtual void process();
     334        /**
     335         * Method that we also override from TCPListener and mainly gets
     336         * called when endofline is received (connection closed by the other
     337         * partner); we don't call it explicitely when the protocol is
     338         * not followed (this is done in ResetConnectionToCC). As in
     339         * ResetConnectionToCC we properly
     340         * close reportSender, and stop ReportingAndCheckingLoop
     341         */ 
    277342    virtual void ClosingChannel();
     344        /**
     345         * Method that actually sends the report via reportSender and returns
     346         * if it was successful (to be used inside a PeriodicAction or
     347         * whatever).
     348         * It will also fail if we didn't receive an acknowledge for
     349         * last report several (timeoutCount) times, as asynchronously checked
     350         * in method CheckReportAcknowledge.
     351         * Before actually sending this->reportString it calls the
     352         * GenerateReport method that some real subsystems (as Subsystem
     353         * derived classes) will override to fill this string. It also calls
     354         * ExtractTimeStampFromLastReportTo to be able to check the timestamp
     355         * later (in CheckReportAcknowledge) when the acknowledge arrives.
     356         */
    279357    bool SendReport();
     359        /**
     360         * Does the actual check of the report acknowledge (when it arrives)
     361         * and puts acknowledgeReceivedForLastReport to true; for synchronizing
     362         * the threads its better it does
     363         * not do anything else like resetting connection itself. If the
     364         * acknowledge doesn't arrive acknowledgeReceivedForLastReport will
     365         * remain false. SendReport will know and increase the timeoutCount.
     366         */
    280367    void CheckReportAcknowledge();
    281         //to be able to checkreportacknowledge on has to have the timestamp of
    282         //the last report sent
     369        /**
     370         * to be able to checkreportacknowledge on has to have the timestamp of
     371         * the last report sent
     372         */
    283373    char lastTimeStamp[TIMESTAMP_LEN];
    284     void ExtractTimeStampFromLastReportTo(char *);
     375        /**
     376         * Extracts this timestamp to its parameter lastTimeStamp
     377         */
     378    void ExtractTimeStampFromLastReportTo(char * lastTimeStamp);
     380        /**
     381         * the thread handle itself for ReportingAndCheckingLoop
     382         */
    285383    pthread_t reportThread;
     385        /**
     386         * make up for pthread use. Allows pthread to effectively start a
     387         * non-static function, which is very convenient to avoid the use of
     388         * self
     389         */
    286390    inline static void * pthread_ReportingAndCheckingLoop(void* self)
    287391        {
    288392            return (void *) ( ((Subsystem* )self)->ReportingAndCheckingLoop() );
    289393        }
     395        /**
     396         * The actual method started in reportThread
     397         */
    292398    void * ReportingAndCheckingLoop();
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