Changeset 12371 for fact/tools
- Timestamp:
- 11/04/11 15:12:50 (13 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12369 r12371 82 82 // x = pixel id, y = DRS cell id 83 83 84 TH1F *hBaseline[ NPIX ]; // histograms for baseline extraction85 TH1F *hMeanBsl, *hpltMeanBsl;86 TH1F *hRmsBsl, *hpltRmsBsl;87 84 TH2F * hAmplSpek_cfd; 88 TH2F * hAmplSpek_discri;89 TH2F * hTemp_Array[1441];90 85 TObjArray hList; 91 TObjArray hListBaseline, hListTemplates;92 86 93 87 void BookHistos( ); … … 103 97 // * compute pulse height and pulse integral spektrum of the peaks 104 98 int fpeak( 105 char *datafilename = " ../../20111011_055.fits.gz",106 const char *drsfilename = "../../2011101 1_054.drs.fits.gz",107 const char *OutRootFileName = ". /fpeak_cdf.Coutput.root",99 char *datafilename = "data/20111016_013.fits.gz", 100 const char *drsfilename = "../../20111016_011.drs.fits.gz", 101 const char *OutRootFileName = "../analysis/fpeak_cdf.Coutput.root", 108 102 int firstevent = 0, 109 103 int nevents = -1, … … 111 105 int npixel = -1, 112 106 bool spikeDebug = false, 113 int verbosityLevel = 1 // different verbosity levels can be implemented here 107 int avg1 = 14, 108 int avg2 = 8, 109 int verbosityLevel = 1, // different verbosity levels can be implemented here 110 bool ProduceGraphic = true 114 111 ) 115 112 { … … 117 114 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); 118 115 119 // Create (pointer to) Canvases, which are used in every run,120 // also in 'non-debug' runs121 TCanvas * cSpektrum;122 TCanvas * cStartCell;123 TCanvas *cTemplate;124 cSpektrum = new TCanvas("cSpektrum","Amplitude Spektra of different discriminators",10,10,400,400);125 cSpektrum->Divide(1,2);126 cStartCell = new TCanvas("cStartCell ", "The Startcells of this run", 10,410,400,400);127 cTemplate = new TCanvas("cTemplate","Template of current Pixel",1,1,1600,1000);128 129 // Canvases only need if spike Debug, but I want to deklare130 // the pointers anyway ...131 TCanvas *cRawAndSpikeRemoval = NULL;132 116 TCanvas *cFiltered = NULL; 133 134 135 117 if (spikeDebug){ 136 cRawAndSpikeRemoval = new TCanvas("cRawAndSpikeRemoval","DRS Waveform",410,10,400,400);137 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->Divide(1, 2);138 118 cFiltered = new TCanvas("cFiltered","filtered DRS Waveforms",410,410,400,400); 139 cFiltered->Divide(1, 2);119 cFiltered->Divide(1, 3); 140 120 } 141 121 … … 188 168 for ( int pix = firstpixel; pix < firstpixel+npixel; pix++ ){ 189 169 if (verbosityLevel > 0){ 190 if (pix % 20 ==0){ 191 cout << "Processing Event number: " << CurrentEventID << "\t" 192 << "Pixel number: "<< pix << endl; 170 if (pix == firstpixel){ 171 cout << "Processing Event: " << CurrentEventID << "/" << nevents << endl; 193 172 } 194 173 } … … 205 184 206 185 // filter Vcorr with sliding average using FIR filter function 207 //factfir(b_slide , a_slide, k_slide, Vcorr, Vslide); 208 sliding_avg(Vcorr, Vslide, 8); 186 sliding_avg(Vcorr, Vslide, avg1); 209 187 // filter Vslide with CFD using FIR filter function 210 188 factfir(b_cfd , a_cfd, k_cfd, Vslide, Vcfd); 211 189 // filter Vcfd with sliding average using FIR filter function 212 //factfir(bs2 , as2, ks2, Vcfd, Vcfd2); 213 sliding_avg(Vcfd, Vcfd2, 8); 190 sliding_avg(Vcfd, Vcfd2, avg2); 214 191 215 192 … … 220 197 vector<Region> * zXings = zerosearch( Vcfd2 , 1 , 8); 221 198 // zXings means "zero cross ings" 222 //ShiftRegionBy(*zXings, -ks2/2); 223 EnlargeRegion(*zXings, 10, 10); 224 findAbsMaxInRegions(*zXings, Vslide); 225 //removeMaximaBelow( *zXings, 11.0, 0); 226 //removeMaximaAbove( *zXings, 14.0, 0); 199 EnlargeRegion( *zXings, 10, 10); 200 findAbsMaxInRegions( *zXings, Vslide); 201 removeMaximaBelow( *zXings, 3.0, 0); 202 removeRegionOnFallingEdge( *zXings, 100); 227 203 228 204 // fill maxima in Histogram … … 234 210 } 235 211 hAmplSpek_cfd->Fill(pix, zXings->at(i).maxVal); 236 237 for (int j=-100; j<150; j++){238 if (zXings->at(i).maxPos + j >= 0 && zXings->at(i).maxPos + j <= 1023)239 hTemp_Array[pix]->Fill(j+101, Vslide[zXings->at(i).maxPos + j]);240 }241 212 } 242 213 } … … 250 221 } 251 222 252 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->cd( 1); 253 gPad->SetGrid(); 254 debugHistos[Ameas_].Draw(); 255 256 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->cd( 2); 223 cFiltered->cd(1); 257 224 gPad->SetGrid(); 258 225 debugHistos[Vcorr_].Draw(); 259 226 260 cFiltered->cd( 1);227 cFiltered->cd(2); 261 228 gPad->SetGrid(); 262 229 debugHistos[Vslide_].Draw(); … … 278 245 } 279 246 280 cFiltered->cd( 2);247 cFiltered->cd(3); 281 248 gPad->SetGrid(); 282 249 debugHistos[Vcfd2_].Draw(); … … 285 252 zeroline->Draw(); 286 253 287 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->Update();288 254 cFiltered->Update(); 289 290 cTemplate->cd();291 hTemp_Array[pix]->Draw("COLZ");292 cTemplate->Modified();293 cTemplate->Update();294 295 255 //Process gui events asynchronously during input 296 256 TTimer timer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50, kFALSE); … … 304 264 //TODO!!!!!!!!! 305 265 // do some Garbage collection ... 306 // all the Objects on the heap should be deleted here.307 308 266 }// end of if(spikeDebug) 309 267 … … 314 272 } // end of loop over pixels 315 273 316 if (ev % 10 == 0){317 cSpektrum->cd(1);318 hAmplSpek_cfd->Draw("COLZ");319 cSpektrum->cd(2);320 hAmplSpek_discri->Draw("COLZ");321 cSpektrum->Modified();322 cSpektrum->Update();323 324 // updating seems not to work ..325 // debug cout326 cStartCell->cd();327 hStartCell->Draw();328 cStartCell->Modified();329 cStartCell->Update();330 331 cTemplate->cd();332 hTemp_Array[firstpixel]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-10,40);333 hTemp_Array[firstpixel]->Draw("COLZ");334 cTemplate->Modified();335 cTemplate->Update();336 }337 338 339 274 if (breakout) 340 275 break; 341 276 } // end of loop over pixels 342 343 277 if (ProduceGraphic){ 278 TCanvas * cSpektrum; 279 cSpektrum = new TCanvas("cSpektrum","Amplitude Spektra of different discriminators",10,10,400,400); 280 cSpektrum->Divide(1,1); 281 cSpektrum->cd(1); 282 hAmplSpek_cfd->Draw("COLZ"); 283 cSpektrum->Modified(); 284 cSpektrum->Update(); 285 } 344 286 SaveHistograms( OutRootFileName ); 345 346 287 return( 0 ); 347 288 } … … 412 353 void BookHistos( ){ 413 354 // histograms for baseline extraction 414 char hName[500];415 char hTitle[500];416 355 417 356 TString name,title; 418 357 title = "all events all slices of pixel "; 419 358 name = "base"; 420 TH1F *h;421 422 for( int i = 0; i < NPIX; i++ ) {423 title += i;424 name += i;425 // sprintf(&hTitle[0],"all events all slices of pixel %d", i);426 // sprintf(&hName[0],"base%d", i);427 428 h = new TH1F( name, title, 400, -99.5 ,100.5 );429 430 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Sample value (mV)" );431 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Entries / 0.5 mV" );432 hListBaseline.Add( h );433 hBaseline[i] = h;434 }435 436 hMeanBsl = new TH1F("histo_mean","Value of maximal probability",400,-99.5,100.5);437 hMeanBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "max value (mV)" );438 hMeanBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Entries / 0.5 mV" );439 hList.Add( hMeanBsl );440 441 hpltMeanBsl = new TH1F("hplt_mean","Value of maximal probability",1440,-0.5,1439.5);442 hpltMeanBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );443 hpltMeanBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "max value in mV" );444 hList.Add( hpltMeanBsl );445 446 hRmsBsl = new TH1F("histo_rms","RMS in mV",2000,-99.5,100.5);447 hRmsBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "RMS (mV)" );448 hRmsBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Entries / 0.5 mV" );449 hList.Add( hRmsBsl );450 451 hpltRmsBsl = new TH1F("hplt_rms","Value of maximal probability",1440,-0.5,1439.5);452 hpltRmsBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );453 hpltRmsBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "RMS in mV" );454 hList.Add( hpltRmsBsl );455 359 456 360 hAmplSpek_cfd = new TH2F("hAmplSpek_cfd","amplitude spektrum - CFD",1440,-0.5,1439.5, 256, -27.5, 100.5); … … 459 363 hList.Add( hAmplSpek_cfd ); 460 364 461 hAmplSpek_discri = new TH2F("hAmplSpek_discri","amplitude spektrum - std discriminator",1440,-0.5,1439.5, 256, -27.5, 100.5);462 hAmplSpek_discri->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );463 hAmplSpek_discri->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "amplitude in mV" );464 hList.Add( hAmplSpek_discri );465 365 466 366 debugHistos = new TH1F[ NumberOfDebugHistoTypes ]; … … 482 382 debugHistos[ type ].GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude (a.u.)"); 483 383 } 484 485 TH2F *temp;486 for ( int type = 0; type < 1441; type++){487 sprintf(&hTitle[0],"pulse template of pixel %d", type );488 sprintf(&hName[0],"template_%d", type );489 490 temp = new TH2F( hName, hTitle, 256, 0, 255, 256, -10.5, 117.5);491 492 temp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Time slice (%.1f ns/slice)" );493 temp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Amplitude (about mV)" );494 hListTemplates.Add( temp );495 hTemp_Array[ type ] = temp;496 }497 498 499 384 } 500 385 … … 504 389 505 390 hList.Write(); // write the major histograms into the top level directory 506 tf.mkdir("BaselineHisto");507"BaselineHisto"); // go to new subdirectory508 hListBaseline.Write(); // write histos into subdirectory509"..");510 tf.mkdir("PulseTempplates");511"PulseTemplates");512 hListTemplates.Write(); // write histos into subdirectory513 391 514 392 tf.Close(); // close the file 515 } // end of SaveHistograms(const char * loc_fname )393 }
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