- Timestamp:
- 11/05/11 13:32:59 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- fact/tools/rootmacros
- Files:
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r12391 r12392 105 105 106 106 107 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 tpeak.C ROOT macros to produce overlays of data around a found peak in a given 109 window. 110 111 int tpeak( 112 char *datafilename = "data/20111016_013.fits.gz", 113 const char *drsfilename = "../../20111016_011.drs.fits.gz", 114 const char *OutRootFileName = "../analysis/fpeak_cdf.Coutput.root", 115 int firstevent = 0, 116 int nevents = -1, 117 int firstpixel = 0, 118 int npixel = -1, 119 bool spikeDebug = false, 120 int avg1 = 14, 121 int avg2 = 8, 122 int OverlayWindowLeft = 50, 123 int OverlayWindowRight = 150, 124 int verbosityLevel = 1, // different verbosity levels can be implemented 125 here 126 bool ProduceGraphic = true 127 ) 128 129 call it like this, if you want to overlay a certain number of peaks for a 130 single channel 131 tpeak("data/20111029_017.fits.gz","data/20111029_013.drs.fits.gz","test.root",0,1000,333,1,true,0,0,50,150,1,true) 132 133 set the first bool 'spikeDebug' to false in order to overlay quicker ... every 134 50th event the canvas is updated. 135 depending on what kind of peaks you like to detect the sliding average filters 136 should be set to e.g. 14,8 for singles in a quiet G-APD pedestal run 137 or 0,0 if you want to see just every thing that might be a signal... 138 139 the window size 50,150 means .. 50 slices to the left of the maximum and 150 140 to the right. 141 142 there is a bit of cleaning included in the file, maybe you want to switch it 143 off, then just search for the calls of these methods... 144 removeMaximaBelow( *zXings, 3.0); 145 removeRegionWithMaxOnEdge( *zXings, 2); 146 removeRegionOnFallingEdge( *zXings, 100); 147 148 and comment them out or play with the settings. 149 150 they are defined in zerosearch.C, which is maybe a bad choice... 151 152 153 -
r12366 r12392 42 42 #include "factfir.C" 43 43 44 #include "FOpenDataFile.h" 45 #include "FOpenDataFile.c" 46 47 #include "DrsCalibration.C" 48 #include "DrsCalibration.h" 49 50 #include "SpikeRemoval.h" 51 #include "SpikeRemoval.C" 44 52 45 53 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 54 // Decleration of variables 47 55 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 56 bool breakout=false; 57 58 int NEvents; 49 59 vector<int16_t> AllPixelDataVector; 50 60 vector<int16_t> StartCellVector; 51 52 61 unsigned int CurrentEventID; 53 54 bool breakout=false; 55 56 size_t ROIxNOP; 62 size_t PXLxROI; 63 UInt_t RegionOfInterest; 57 64 UInt_t NumberOfPixels; 58 UInt_t RegionOfInterest;59 int NEvents;60 65 61 66 size_t drs_n; … … 64 69 vector<float> drs_triggeroffsetmean; 65 70 66 int FOpenDataFile( fits & );67 68 69 71 vector<float> Ameas(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // copy of the data (measured amplitude 70 vector<float> N1mean(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // mean of the +1 -1 ch neighbors71 72 vector<float> Vcorr(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // corrected Values 72 vector<float> Vdiff(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // numerical derivative73 74 73 vector<float> Vslide(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // sliding average result 75 74 vector<float> Vcfd(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // CDF result 76 75 vector<float> Vcfd2(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES); // CDF result + 2nd sliding average 77 78 79 float getValue( int, int );80 float correctDrsOffset( int slice, int pixel );81 void computeN1mean( int );82 void removeSpikes( int );83 76 84 77 // histograms … … 95 88 TH1F* h; 96 89 TH1F *debugHistos; 97 TH2F* hStartCell; // id of the DRS physical pipeline cell where readout starts98 // x = pixel id, y = DRS cell id99 100 TH1F *hBaseline[ NPIX ]; // histograms for baseline extraction101 TH1F *hMeanBsl, *hpltMeanBsl;102 TH1F *hRmsBsl, *hpltRmsBsl;103 TH2F * hAmplSpek_cfd;104 TH2F * hAmplSpek_discri;105 106 90 TH2F *hPeakOverlay; //histogrammm for overlay of detected Peaks 91 int hPeakOverlayXaxisLeft,hPeakOverlayXaxisRight; 107 92 108 93 TObjArray hList; … … 110 95 111 96 void BookHistos( ); 112 void SaveHistograms( char * ); 113 114 int searchSinglesPeaks = 0; 97 void SaveHistograms( const char * ); 115 98 116 99 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117 100 // Main 118 101 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 120 102 int tpeak( 121 char *datafilename = "../../20111011_055.fits.gz", 122 const char *drsfilename = "../../20111011_054.drs.fits.gz", 123 int PixelID = -1, 124 int firstevent = 0, 125 int nevents = -1, 126 bool spikeDebug = false, 127 int verbosityLevel = 1 // different verbosity levels can be implemented here 128 ) 103 char *datafilename = "data/20111016_013.fits.gz", 104 const char *drsfilename = "../../20111016_011.drs.fits.gz", 105 const char *OutRootFileName = "../analysis/fpeak_cdf.Coutput.root", 106 int firstevent = 0, 107 int nevents = -1, 108 int firstpixel = 0, 109 int npixel = -1, 110 bool spikeDebug = false, 111 int avg1 = 14, 112 int avg2 = 8, 113 int OverlayWindowLeft = 50, 114 int OverlayWindowRight = 150, 115 int verbosityLevel = 1, // different verbosity levels can be implemented here 116 bool ProduceGraphic = true 117 ) 118 129 119 { 120 hPeakOverlayXaxisLeft = OverlayWindowLeft; 121 hPeakOverlayXaxisRight = OverlayWindowRight; 122 123 gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); 124 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); 130 125 131 126 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 133 128 // also in 'non-debug' runs 134 129 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135 136 TCanvas * cSpektrum;137 TCanvas * cStartCell;138 cSpektrum = new TCanvas("cSpektrum","Amplitude Spektra of different discriminators",10,10,400,400);139 cSpektrum->Divide(1,2);140 cStartCell = new TCanvas("cStartCell ", "The Startcells of this run", 10,410,400,400);141 142 130 // Canvases only need if spike Debug, but I want to deklare 143 131 // the pointers anyway ... 144 TCanvas *cRawAndSpikeRemoval = NULL;145 132 TCanvas *cFiltered = NULL; 146 133 if (spikeDebug){ 147 cRawAndSpikeRemoval = new TCanvas("cRawAndSpikeRemoval","DRS Waveform",410,10,400,400); 148 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->Divide(1, 2); 149 cFiltered = new TCanvas("cFiltered","filtered DRS Waveforms",410,410,400,400); 150 cFiltered->Divide(1, 2); 134 cFiltered = new TCanvas("cFiltered","filtered DRS Waveforms",1,10,400,300); 135 cFiltered->Divide(1, 3); 151 136 } 152 137 // Canvases to show the peak template 153 138 TCanvas *cPeakOverlay = NULL; 154 cPeakOverlay = new TCanvas("cPeakOverlay", "Overlay of detected Peaks", 410, 10, 600, 600); 155 156 gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); 157 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); 139 cPeakOverlay = new TCanvas("cPeakOverlay", "Overlay of detected Peaks", 1, 310, 400, 400); 140 158 141 159 142 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 169 152 // Filter-Settings 170 153 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 172 // sliding window filter settings173 int k_slide = 16;174 vector<double> a_slide(k_slide, 1); //erzeugt vector der länge k_slide, und füllt die elemente mit 1175 double b_slide = k_slide;176 177 154 // CFD filter settings 178 155 int k_cfd = 10; … … 182 159 a_cfd[k_cfd-1]=1.; 183 160 184 // 2nd slinding window filter185 int ks2 = 16;186 vector<double> as2(ks2, 1);187 double bs2 = ks2;188 189 161 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 162 // prepare datafile … … 192 164 193 165 // Open the data file 194 fits *datafile = new fits( datafilename ); 195 if (!datafile) { 196 printf( "Could not open the file: %s\n", datafilename ); 197 return 1; 198 } 199 200 // access data 201 NEvents = FOpenDataFile( *datafile ); 202 printf("number of events in file: %d\n", NEvents); 166 167 fits * datafile; 168 // Opens the raw data file and 'binds' the variables given as 169 // Parameters to the data file. So they are filled with 170 // raw data as soon as datafile->GetRow(int) is called. 171 NEvents = OpenDataFile( datafilename, &datafile, 172 AllPixelDataVector, StartCellVector, CurrentEventID, 173 RegionOfInterest, NumberOfPixels, PXLxROI, verbosityLevel); 174 if (NEvents == 0){ 175 cout << "return code of OpenDataFile:" << datafilename<< endl; 176 cout << "is zero -> aborting." << endl; 177 return 1; 178 } 179 180 if (verbosityLevel > 0) 181 cout <<"number of events in file: "<< NEvents << "\t"; 203 182 if ( nevents == -1 || nevents > NEvents ) nevents = NEvents; // -1 means all! 183 if (verbosityLevel > 0) 184 cout <<"of, which "<< nevents << "will be processed"<< endl; 185 186 if (verbosityLevel > 0) 187 cout <<"Total # of Pixel: "<< NumberOfPixels << "\t"; 188 if ( npixel == -1 || npixel > (int)NumberOfPixels ) npixel = (int)NumberOfPixels; // -1 means all! 189 if (verbosityLevel > 0) 190 cout <<"of, which "<< npixel << "will be processed"<< endl; 204 191 205 192 //Get the DRS calibration … … 210 197 drs_n); 211 198 212 //Check the sizes of the data columns213 if (drs_n != 1474560) {214 cerr << "error: DRS calib file has wrong ...erm...size ... drs_n is: "215 << drs_n << endl;216 cerr << " Aborting." << endl;217 return 1;218 }219 220 if(ROIxNOP != 1474560)221 {222 cout << "warning: data_n should better be 1440x1024=1474560, but is "223 << ROIxNOP << endl;224 cout << "this script is not guaranteed to run under these "225 <<" circumstances....any way ... it is never guaranteed." << endl;226 }227 228 199 // Book the histograms 229 230 200 BookHistos( ); 231 201 232 float myTHR = 3.5;233 float calibratedVoltage;234 202 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 235 203 // Loops over Every Event and Pixel … … 243 211 //------------------------------------- 244 212 245 for ( int pix = 0; pix < 1440; pix++ ){ 246 247 hStartCell->Fill( pix, StartCellVector[pix] ); 248 249 // this is a stupid hack ... there is more code at the 250 // end of this loop to complete this hack ... 251 // beginning with if (PixelID != -1) as well. 252 if (PixelID != -1) { 253 pix = PixelID; 254 if (verbosityLevel > 0){ 255 cout << "Processing Event number: " << CurrentEventID << "\t" 256 << "Pixel number: "<< pix << endl; 257 } 258 } 259 260 if (verbosityLevel > 0){ 261 if (pix % 20 ==0){ 262 cout << "Processing Event number: " << CurrentEventID << "\t" 263 << "Pixel number: "<< pix << endl; 264 } 265 } 266 267 // compute the DRs calibrated values and put them into Ameas[] 268 for ( unsigned int sl = 0; sl < RegionOfInterest; sl++){ 269 calibratedVoltage = getValue( sl, pix); 270 if (verbosityLevel > 10){ 271 printf("calibratedVoltage = %f\n", calibratedVoltage); 272 } 273 Ameas[ sl ] = calibratedVoltage; 274 275 // in case we want to plot this ... we need to put it into a 276 // Histgramm 277 if (spikeDebug){ 278 debugHistos[Ameas_].SetBinContent(sl, calibratedVoltage); 279 } 280 } 281 // operates on Ameas[] and writes to N1mean[] 282 computeN1mean( RegionOfInterest ); 283 284 // operates on Ameas[] and N1mean[], then writes to Vcorr[] 285 removeSpikes( RegionOfInterest ); 286 287 // filter Vcorr with sliding average using FIR filter function 288 factfir(b_slide , a_slide, k_slide, Vcorr, Vslide); 289 // filter Vslide with CFD using FIR filter function 290 factfir(b_cfd , a_cfd, k_cfd, Vslide, Vcfd); 291 // filter Vcfd with sliding average using FIR filter function 292 factfir(bs2 , as2, ks2, Vcfd, Vcfd2); 293 294 295 vector<Region> *Regions = discriminator( Vslide, myTHR,true , 120); 296 for (unsigned int p=0; p<Regions->size(); p++ ){ 297 hAmplSpek_discri->Fill(pix , Regions->at(p).maxVal); 298 } 213 for ( int pix = firstpixel; pix < firstpixel + npixel; pix++ ){ 214 215 if (verbosityLevel > 0){ 216 if (pix == firstpixel){ 217 cout << "Processing Event: " << CurrentEventID << "/" << nevents << endl; 218 } 219 } 220 221 applyDrsCalibration( Ameas,pix,12,12, 222 drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, 223 RegionOfInterest, AllPixelDataVector, StartCellVector); 224 225 // finds spikes in the raw data, and interpolates the value 226 // spikes are: 1 or 2 slice wide, positive non physical artifacts 227 removeSpikes (Ameas, Vcorr); 228 229 // filter Vcorr with sliding average using FIR filter function 230 sliding_avg(Vcorr, Vslide, avg1); 231 // filter Vslide with CFD using FIR filter function 232 factfir(b_cfd , a_cfd, k_cfd, Vslide, Vcfd); 233 // filter Vcfd with sliding average using FIR filter function 234 sliding_avg(Vcfd, Vcfd2, avg2); 299 235 300 236 // peaks in Ameas[] are found by searching for zero crossings … … 304 240 vector<Region> * zXings = zerosearch( Vcfd2 , 1 , 1); 305 241 // zXings means "zero cross ings" 306 ShiftRegionBy(*zXings, -ks2/2);307 242 EnlargeRegion(*zXings, 10, 10); 308 243 findAbsMaxInRegions(*zXings, Vslide); 309 310 for ( unsigned int sl = 0; sl < RegionOfInterest; sl++){ 311 // hPixelCellData.Fill( sl, Vcorr[sl] ); 312 hBaseline[pix]->Fill( Vslide[sl] ) ; 313 } 244 removeMaximaBelow( *zXings, 3.0); 245 removeRegionWithMaxOnEdge( *zXings, 2); 246 removeRegionOnFallingEdge( *zXings, 100); 314 247 315 248 //following Code should produce the Overlay of peaks … … 317 250 318 251 for (it = zXings->begin() ; it < zXings->end() ; it++){ 319 int a = it->maxPos-100;320 int b = it->maxPos+100;321 if ( a< 0)322 a=0;323 if ( b>1023)324 b=1023;325 for ( int pos = a; pos <= b; pos++){252 int Left = it->maxPos - OverlayWindowLeft; 253 int Right = it->maxPos + OverlayWindowRight; 254 if (Left < 0) 255 Left =0; 256 if (Right > (int)Vcorr.size() ) 257 Right=Vcorr.size() ; 258 for ( int pos = Left; pos < Right; pos++){ 326 259 327 260 hPeakOverlay->Fill( pos - (it->maxPos), Vcorr[pos]) ; … … 330 263 331 264 332 333 if (zXings->size() != 0 ){334 for (unsigned int i=0; i<zXings->size(); i++){335 if (verbosityLevel > 1){336 cout << zXings->at(i).maxPos << ":\t"337 << zXings->at(i).maxVal <<endl;338 }339 hAmplSpek_cfd->Fill(pix, zXings->at(i).maxVal);340 }341 }342 343 265 if ( spikeDebug ){ 344 for ( unsigned int sl = 0; sl < RegionOfInterest; sl++){ 345 debugHistos[Vslide_].SetBinContent( sl, Vslide[sl] ); 346 debugHistos[Vcfd_].SetBinContent( sl, Vcfd[sl] ); 347 debugHistos[Vcfd2_].SetBinContent( sl, Vcfd2[sl] ); 348 } 349 350 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->cd( 1); 351 gPad->SetGrid(); 352 debugHistos[Ameas_].Draw(); 353 354 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->cd( 2); 266 267 268 // TODO do this correct. The vectors should be the rigt ones... this is just luck 269 debugHistos[Ameas_].GetXaxis()->Set(Ameas.size() , -0.5 , Ameas.size()-0.5); 270 debugHistos[Vcorr_].GetXaxis()->Set(Ameas.size() , -0.5 , Ameas.size()-0.5); 271 debugHistos[Vslide_].GetXaxis()->Set(Ameas.size() , -0.5 , Ameas.size()-0.5); 272 debugHistos[Vcfd_].GetXaxis()->Set(Ameas.size() , -0.5 , Ameas.size()-0.5); 273 debugHistos[Vcfd2_].GetXaxis()->Set(Ameas.size() , -0.5 , Ameas.size()-0.5); 274 275 for ( unsigned int sl = 0; sl < RegionOfInterest; sl++){ 276 debugHistos[Ameas_].SetBinContent(sl, Ameas[sl]); 277 debugHistos[Vcorr_].SetBinContent(sl, Vcorr[sl]); 278 debugHistos[Vslide_].SetBinContent( sl, Vslide[sl] ); 279 debugHistos[Vcfd_].SetBinContent( sl, Vcfd[sl] ); 280 debugHistos[Vcfd2_].SetBinContent( sl, Vcfd2[sl] ); 281 } 282 283 284 cFiltered->cd(1); 355 285 gPad->SetGrid(); 356 286 debugHistos[Vcorr_].Draw(); 357 287 358 cFiltered->cd( 1);288 cFiltered->cd(2); 359 289 gPad->SetGrid(); 360 290 debugHistos[Vslide_].Draw(); 361 TLine * thrLine = new TLine(0, myTHR, 1024, myTHR); 362 thrLine->SetLineColor(kRed); 363 thrLine->SetLineWidth(2); 364 thrLine->Draw(); 365 TLine * OneLine; 366 vector<TLine*> MyLines; 367 for (unsigned int p=0; p<Regions->size(); p++ ){ 368 OneLine = new TLine( 369 Regions->at(p).begin , 370 Regions->at(p).maxVal, 371 Regions->at(p).end, 372 Regions->at(p).maxVal); 373 OneLine->SetLineColor(kRed); 374 OneLine->SetLineWidth(2); 375 MyLines.push_back(OneLine); 376 OneLine->Draw(); 377 } 291 378 292 TBox *OneBox; 379 293 vector<TBox*> MyBoxes; … … 392 306 } 393 307 394 cFiltered->cd( 2);308 cFiltered->cd(3); 395 309 gPad->SetGrid(); 396 310 debugHistos[Vcfd2_].Draw(); … … 399 313 zeroline->Draw(); 400 314 401 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->Update();402 315 cFiltered->Update(); 403 316 … … 423 336 }// end of if(spikeDebug) 424 337 425 delete Regions;426 338 delete zXings; 427 428 // this is the 2nd part of the ugly hack in the beginning.429 // this makes sure, that the loop ends430 if (PixelID != -1){431 pix = 2000;432 }433 434 339 if (breakout) 435 340 break; … … 439 344 // end of loop over pixels 440 345 //------------------------------------- 441 if (ev % 50 == 0){ 442 cSpektrum->cd(1); 443 hAmplSpek_cfd->Draw("COLZ"); 444 cSpektrum->cd(2); 445 hAmplSpek_discri->Draw("COLZ"); 446 cSpektrum->Modified(); 447 cSpektrum->Update(); 448 449 // updating seems not to work .. 450 // debug cout 451 cStartCell->cd(); 452 hStartCell->Draw(); 453 cStartCell->Modified(); 454 cStartCell->Update(); 455 346 if (ProduceGraphic){ 347 if (ev % 50 == 0){ 456 348 //OVERLAY PEAKS 457 349 cPeakOverlay->cd(); … … 459 351 cPeakOverlay->Modified(); 460 352 cPeakOverlay->Update(); 461 462 } 463 464 353 } 354 } 465 355 if (breakout) 466 356 break; … … 469 359 // end of loop over Events 470 360 //------------------------------------- 471 472 473 for (int pix = 0; pix < NumberOfPixels; pix++) { 474 //printf("Maximum bin pix[%d] %f\n", pix ,hBaseline[pix]->GetMaximumBin() ); 475 476 float vmaxprob = hBaseline[pix]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( 477 hBaseline[pix]->GetMaximumBin() ); 478 479 printf("%8.3f", vmaxprob ); 480 481 hMeanBsl->Fill( vmaxprob ); 482 hpltMeanBsl->SetBinContent(pix+1, vmaxprob ); 483 484 hRmsBsl->Fill(hBaseline[pix]->GetRMS() ); 485 hpltRmsBsl->SetBinContent( pix+1, hBaseline[pix]->GetRMS() ); 486 } 487 488 489 SaveHistograms( datafilename ); 361 if (ProduceGraphic){ 362 //OVERLAY PEAKS 363 cPeakOverlay->cd(); 364 hPeakOverlay->Draw("COLZ"); 365 cPeakOverlay->Modified(); 366 cPeakOverlay->Update(); 367 } 368 369 SaveHistograms( OutRootFileName ); 490 370 491 371 return( 0 ); 492 372 } 493 373 494 void removeSpikes(int Samples){495 496 const float fract = 0.8;497 float x, xp, xpp, x3p;498 499 // assume that there are no spikes500 for ( int i = 0; i < Samples; i++) Vcorr[i] = Ameas[i];501 502 // find the spike and replace it by mean value of neighbors503 for ( int i = 0; i < Samples; i++) {504 505 // printf("Vcorr[%d] = %f, Ameas[%d] = %f\n", i, Vcorr[ i ], i, Ameas[ i ] );506 507 x = Ameas[i] - N1mean[i];508 509 if ( x < -5. ){ // a spike candidate510 // check consistency with a single channel spike511 xp = Ameas[i+1] - N1mean[i+1];512 xpp = Ameas[i+2] - N1mean[i+2];513 x3p = Ameas[i+3] - N1mean[i+3];514 515 // printf("candidates x[%d] = %f; xp = %f; xpp = %f, x3p = %f\n", i, x, xp, xpp, x3p);516 517 if ( Ameas[i+2] - ( Ameas[i] + Ameas[i+3] )/2. > 10. ){518 // printf("double spike candidate\n");519 Vcorr[i+1] = ( Ameas[i] + Ameas[i+3] )/2.;520 Vcorr[i+2] = ( Ameas[i] + Ameas[i+3] )/2.;521 // printf("Vcorr[%d] = %f %f %f %f\n", i, Vcorr[i], Vcorr[i+1], Vcorr[i+2], Vcorr[ i+3 ]);522 // printf("Ameas[%d] = %f %f %f %f\n", i, Ameas[ i ], Ameas[ i+1 ], Ameas[ i+2 ], Ameas[i+3]);523 i = i + 3;524 }525 else{526 527 if ( ( xp > -2.*x*fract ) && ( xpp < -10. ) ){528 Vcorr[i+1] = N1mean[i+1];529 // printf("Vcorr[%d] = %f %f %f\n", i, Vcorr[i], Vcorr[i+1], Vcorr[i+2]);530 // N1mean[i+1] = (Ameas[i] - Ameas[i+2] / 2.);531 N1mean[i+2] = (Ameas[i+1] - Ameas[i+3] / 2.);532 i = i + 2;//do not care about the next sample it was the spike533 }534 // treatment for the end of the pipeline must be added !!!535 }536 }537 else{538 // do nothing539 }540 } // end of spike search and correction541 for ( int i = 0; i < Samples; i++ ) debugHistos[ Vcorr_ ].SetBinContent( i, Vcorr[i] );542 }543 /*544 void computeN1mean( int Samples ){545 cout << "In compute N1mean" << endl;546 // compute the mean of the left and right neighbors of a channel547 548 for( int i = 0; i < Samples; i++){549 if (i == 0){ // use right sample es mean550 N1mean[i] = Ameas[i+1];551 }552 else if ( i == Samples-1 ){ //use left sample as mean553 N1mean[i] = Ameas[i-1];554 }555 else{556 N1mean[i] = ( Ameas[i-1] + Ameas[i+1] ) / 2.;557 }558 h[tN1mean].SetBinContent(i, Ameas[i] - N1mean[i]);559 }560 } // end of computeN1mean computation561 */562 563 void computeN1mean( int Samples ){564 // compute the mean of the left and right neighbors of a channel565 566 for( int i = 2; i < Samples - 2; i++){567 /* if (i == 0){ // use right sample es mean568 N1mean[i] = Ameas[i+1];569 }570 else if ( i == Samples-1 ){ //use left sample as mean571 N1mean[i] = Ameas[i-1];572 }573 else{574 N1mean[i] = ( Ameas[i-1] + Ameas[i+1] ) / 2.;575 }576 */577 N1mean[i] = ( Ameas[i-1] + Ameas[i+1] ) / 2.;578 }579 } // end of computeN1mean computation580 581 582 583 /*584 // this function takes a vector<float> and tries to apply the DRS calibration to it.585 // therfor it uses a DRS calibration file, which must be given as a parameter.586 // in case the calibration file can not be opened the function generates a warning on cerr587 // and returns an empty vector588 //589 // the function assumes the first parameter conatins the data of all Pixel590 // the RegionOfInterest is deduced from its size().591 592 //593 594 vector<float> * calibrateDrsData(595 vector<float> & AllPixelData,596 vector<float> & AllStartCells,597 const char * DrsCalibFilePath,598 bool ApplyCalibToSourceVector = false)599 {600 vector<float> * CalibratedDRSData;601 602 size_t DrsLengthOfVectors;603 vector<float> DrsOffset;604 vector<float> DrsGain;605 vector<float> DrsOffsetSpecialTrigger;606 607 // the Total Number of Pixel, we have data of608 // is deduced from the size() of AllPixelStartCell609 unsigned int NumberOfPixel = AllStartCells.size();610 //sanity Check:611 if (NumberOfPixel < 1) {612 cerr << "calibrateDrsData - Error: NumberOfPixel=AllStartCells.size() ia:"613 << AllStartCells.size() << " must be >= 1" << endl;614 return CalibratedDRSData615 }616 617 // The RegionOfInterest is deduced from the size() of AllPixel Data618 unsigned int RegionOfInterest = AllPixelData.size() / NumberOfPixel;619 // sanity Check620 if ( RegionOfInterest < 1){621 cerr << "calibrateDrsData - Error: RegionOfInterest = AllPixelData.size() / NumberOfPixel is:"622 << RegionOfInterest << " must be >= 1" << endl;623 return CalibratedDRSData624 }625 626 // now lets see if we can find the drs calib file627 FOpenCalibFile( DrsCalibFilePath,628 DrsOffset,629 DrsGain,630 DrsOffsetSpecialTrigger,631 DrsLengthOfVectors);632 //sanity check is done in FOpenCalibFile, I guess ... check and maybe TODO633 // maybe at least the return code of FOpenCalibFile should be checked here ... TODO634 635 636 637 638 }639 640 */641 642 float getValue( int slice, int pixel ){643 const float dconv = 2000/4096.0;644 645 float vraw, vcal;646 647 unsigned int pixel_pt;648 unsigned int slice_pt;649 unsigned int cal_pt;650 unsigned int drs_cal_offset;651 652 // printf("pixel = %d, slice = %d\n", slice, pixel);653 654 pixel_pt = pixel * RegionOfInterest;655 slice_pt = pixel_pt + slice;656 drs_cal_offset = ( slice + StartCellVector[ pixel ] )%RegionOfInterest;657 cal_pt = pixel_pt + drs_cal_offset;658 659 vraw = AllPixelDataVector[ slice_pt ] * dconv;660 vcal = ( vraw - drs_basemean[ cal_pt ] - drs_triggeroffsetmean[ slice_pt ] ) / drs_gainmean[ cal_pt ]*1907.35;661 662 return( vcal );663 }664 665 // this is a faster version of getValue, that does not do a full calibration666 // was used for a performace test...667 float correctDrsOffset( int slice, int pixel ){668 669 const float dconv = 2000/4096.0;670 671 // here 1024 is not the RegionOfInterest, but really the lenth of the pipeline672 unsigned int physical_slice = ( slice + StartCellVector[ pixel ] ) % 1024;673 674 unsigned int slice_pt;675 unsigned int physical_slice_pt;676 slice_pt = pixel * RegionOfInterest + slice;677 physical_slice_pt = pixel * RegionOfInterest + physical_slice;678 679 float vcal = AllPixelDataVector[ slice_pt ] *680 dconv - drs_basemean[ physical_slice_pt ];681 return( vcal );682 }683 684 374 // booking and parameter settings for all histos 685 375 void BookHistos( ){ 686 // histograms for baseline extraction687 char hName[500];688 char hTitle[500];689 690 TH1F *h;691 692 for( int i = 0; i < NPIX; i++ ) {693 sprintf(&hTitle[0],"all events all slices of pixel %d", i);694 sprintf(&hName[0],"base%d", i);695 696 h = new TH1F( hName, hTitle, 400, -99.5 ,100.5 );697 698 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Sample value (mV)" );699 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Entries / 0.5 mV" );700 hListBaseline.Add( h );701 hBaseline[i] = h;702 }703 704 hMeanBsl = new TH1F("histo_mean","Value of maximal probability",400,-99.5,100.5);705 hMeanBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "max value (mV)" );706 hMeanBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Entries / 0.5 mV" );707 hList.Add( hMeanBsl );708 709 hpltMeanBsl = new TH1F("hplt_mean","Value of maximal probability",1440,-0.5,1439.5);710 hpltMeanBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );711 hpltMeanBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "max value in mV" );712 hList.Add( hpltMeanBsl );713 714 hRmsBsl = new TH1F("histo_rms","RMS in mV",2000,-99.5,100.5);715 hRmsBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "RMS (mV)" );716 hRmsBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Entries / 0.5 mV" );717 hList.Add( hRmsBsl );718 719 hpltRmsBsl = new TH1F("hplt_rms","Value of maximal probability",1440,-0.5,1439.5);720 hpltRmsBsl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );721 hpltRmsBsl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "RMS in mV" );722 hList.Add( hpltRmsBsl );723 724 hAmplSpek_cfd = new TH2F("hAmplSpek_cfd","amplitude spektrum - CFD",1440,-0.5,1439.5, 256, -27.5, 100.5);725 hAmplSpek_cfd->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );726 hAmplSpek_cfd->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "amplitude in mV" );727 hList.Add( hAmplSpek_cfd );728 729 hAmplSpek_discri = new TH2F("hAmplSpek_discri","amplitude spektrum - std discriminator",1440,-0.5,1439.5, 256, -27.5, 100.5);730 hAmplSpek_discri->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );731 hAmplSpek_discri->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "amplitude in mV" );732 hList.Add( hAmplSpek_discri );733 734 hStartCell = new TH2F("StartCell", "StartCell", 1440, 0., 1440., 1024, 0., 1024);735 hStartCell->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );736 hStartCell->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "slice" );737 hList.Add( hStartCell );738 376 739 377 debugHistos = new TH1F[ NumberOfDebugHistoTypes ]; … … 755 393 debugHistos[ type ].GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude (a.u.)"); 756 394 } 757 hPeakOverlay = new TH2F("hPeakOverlay", "Overlay of detected Peaks", 201, -100.5, 100.5, 1024, -99.5, 100.5); 395 hPeakOverlay = new TH2F("hPeakOverlay", "Overlay of detected Peaks", 396 hPeakOverlayXaxisLeft + hPeakOverlayXaxisRight , (-1*hPeakOverlayXaxisLeft)-0.5, hPeakOverlayXaxisRight-0.5 , 397 4096, -48.5, 1999.5 ); 758 398 hPeakOverlay->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Timeslices" ); 759 399 hPeakOverlay->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Amplitude [a.u.]" ); 760 //hList.Add( hPeakOverlay h);400 hList.Add( hPeakOverlay ); 761 401 762 402 } 763 403 764 void SaveHistograms( char * loc_fname ){ 765 766 TString fName; // name of the histogram file 767 768 // create the filename for the histogram file 769 fName = loc_fname; // use the name of the tree file 770 // TODO ... next statement doesn't work for ".fits.gz" 771 fName.Remove(fName.Length() - 5); // remove the extension .fits 772 fName += "_discri.root"; // add the new extension 773 404 void SaveHistograms(const char * loc_fname ){ 774 405 // create the histogram file (replace if already existing) 775 TFile tf( fName, "RECREATE");406 TFile tf( loc_fname, "RECREATE"); 776 407 777 408 hList.Write(); // write the major histograms into the top level directory 778 tf.mkdir("BaselineHisto");779 tf.cd("BaselineHisto"); // go to new subdirectory780 hListBaseline.Write(); // write histos into subdirectory781 409 782 410 tf.Close(); // close the file 783 411 } // end of SaveHistograms( char * loc_fname ) 784 412 785 int FOpenDataFile(fits &datafile){786 787 // cout << "-------------------- Data Header -------------------" << endl;788 // datafile.PrintKeys();789 // cout << "------------------- Data Columns -------------------" << endl;790 // datafile.PrintColumns();791 792 //Get the size of the data column793 RegionOfInterest = datafile.GetUInt("NROI");794 NumberOfPixels = datafile.GetUInt("NPIX");795 //Size of column "Data" = #Pixel x ROI796 ROIxNOP = datafile.GetN("Data");797 798 //Set the sizes of the data vectors799 AllPixelDataVector.resize(ROIxNOP,0);800 StartCellVector.resize(NumberOfPixels,0);801 802 //Link the data to variables803 datafile.SetRefAddress("EventNum", CurrentEventID);804 datafile.SetVecAddress("Data", AllPixelDataVector);805 datafile.SetVecAddress("StartCellData", StartCellVector);806 datafile.GetRow(0);807 808 return datafile.GetNumRows() ;809 }810 811 812 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////813 /// old BookHistos814 /*815 void BookHistos( int Samples ){816 // booking and parameter settings for all histos817 818 h = new TH1F[ Ntypes ];819 820 for ( int type = 0; type < Ntypes; type++){821 822 h[ type ].SetBins(Samples, 0, Samples);823 h[ type ].SetLineColor(1);824 h[ type ].SetLineWidth(2);825 826 // set X axis paras827 h[ type ].GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1);828 h[ type ].GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1);829 h[ type ].GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);830 h[ type ].GetXaxis()->SetTitle(Form("Time slice (%.1f ns/slice)", 1./2.));831 832 // set Y axis paras833 h[ type ].GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1);834 h[ type ].GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1);835 h[ type ].GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.3);836 h[ type ].GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude (a.u.)");837 }838 cRawAndSpikeRemoval = new TCanvas("cRawAndSpikeRemoval","DRS Waveform",10,10,800,600);839 cRawAndSpikeRemoval->Divide(1, 3);840 cFilter = new TCanvas("cFilter","filtered DRS Waveforms",10,10,800,600);841 cFilter->Divide(1, 3);842 843 hStartCell = new TH2F("StartCell", "StartCell", 1440, 0., 1440., 1024, 0., 1024);844 845 }846 */847
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