Changeset 12684 for trunk

12/02/11 12:27:11 (13 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
added more values
1 edited


  • trunk/DataCheck/

    r12679 r12684  
    7373      echo $biasvoltagefile" not found"
    7474   fi
    75    biascurrentsfile=$auxdir/$runnumber.BIAS_CONTROL_CURRENTS.fits
     75   biascurrentsfile=$auxdir/$runnumber.BIAS_CONTROL_CURRENT.fits
    7676   if ! [ -e $biascurrentsfile ]
    7777   then
    8585   do
    8686      filenum=42
     87      filenum=53
     88      filenum=56
    8789      echo $filenum
    8890      #query2="SELECT fRunStart from RunInfo WHERE fRunNumber="$runnumber" AND fFileNumber="$filenum
    98100      tstartf=`/home/fact/FACT++/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile  2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTARTF' | grep -E -o '0[.][0-9]+'`
    99101      tstart=`echo " $tstarti + $mjdref + $tstartf " | bc -l`
     102      tstart2=`echo " $tstarti + $mjdref + $tstartf - 0.00011574 " | bc -l`  # 10 sec
     103      #tstart2=`echo " $tstarti + $mjdref + $tstartf - 0.000023148 " | bc -l` # 2 sec
    100104      tstopi=`/home/fact/FACT++/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile  2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTOPI' | grep -E -o '[0-9]{5}'`
    101105      tstopf=`/home/fact/FACT++/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile  2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTOPF' | grep -E -o '0[.][0-9]+'`
    118122      echo $triggerratefile
    119123      #ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat -
    120       ratemin=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+'`
    121       ratemax=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+'`
    122       ratemean=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+'`
    123       echo "rate: "$ratemin" - "$ratemean" - "$ratemax
     124      ratemin=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     125      ratemax=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     126      ratemean=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     127      ratemedian=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     128      echo "rate: "$ratemin" - "$ratemedian" - "$ratemean" - "$ratemax
    125130      # get information from trigger
    126131      echo $thresholdfile
    127132      echo "ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat -"
    128       threshmin=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+'`
    129       threshmax=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+'`
    130       threshmean=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+'`
    131       echo "rate: "$threshmin" - "$threshmean" - "$threshmax
     133      threshmin=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     134      threshmax=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     135      threshmean=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     136      threshmedian=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     137      echo "threshold: "$threshmin" - "$threshmedian" - "$threshmean" - "$threshmax
     138      if [ "$threshmean" == "0" ]
     139      then
     140         echo "ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat -"
     141         threshmin=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     142         threshmax=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     143         threshmean=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     144         threshmedian=`ftcopy $thresholdfile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col PatchThresh;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col PatchThresh]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     145         echo "threshold: "$threshmin" - "$threshmedian" - "$threshmean" - "$threshmax
     146         # is this taking into account the 160 values in a row?
     147      fi
     149      # get information from bias: Uref
     150      echo $biasvoltagefile
     151      echo "ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat -"
     152      biasvoltrefmin=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     153      biasvoltrefmax=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     154      biasvoltrefmean=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     155      biasvoltrefmedian=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     156      echo "bias: "$biasvoltrefmin" - "$biasvoltrefmedian" - "$biasvoltrefmean" - "$biasvoltrefmax
     157      if [ "$biasvoltmean" == "0" ]
     158      then
     159         echo "ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat -"
     160         biasvoltrefmin=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     161         biasvoltrefmax=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     162         biasvoltrefmean=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     163         biasvoltrefmedian=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col Uref;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col Uref]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     164         echo "bias: "$biasvoltrefmin" - "$biasvoltrefmedian" - "$biasvoltrefmean" - "$biasvoltrefmax
     165         # is this taking into account the 160 values in a row?
     166      fi
     168      # get information from bias: U
     169      echo $biasvoltagefile
     170      echo "ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat -"
     171      biasvoltmin=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     172      biasvoltmax=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     173      biasvoltmean=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     174      biasvoltmedian=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     175      echo "bias: "$biasvoltmin" - "$biasvoltmedian" - "$biasvoltmean" - "$biasvoltmax
     176      if [ "$biasvoltmean" == "0" ]
     177      then
     178         echo "ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat -"
     179         biasvoltmin=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     180         biasvoltmax=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     181         biasvoltmean=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     182         biasvoltmedian=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col U;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col U]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
     183         echo "bias: "$biasvoltmin" - "$biasvoltmedian" - "$biasvoltmean" - "$biasvoltmax
     184         # is this taking into account the 160 values in a row?
     185      fi
     187      # get information from bias: status
     188      echo $biasvoltagefile
     189      echo "ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat -"
     190      biasstatmin=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     191      biasstatmax=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     192      biasstatmean=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     193      biasstatmedian=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     194      echo "bias: "$biasstatmin" - "$biasstatmedian" - "$biasstatmean" - "$biasstatmax
     195      if [ "$biasstatmean" == "0" ]
     196      then
     197         echo "ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat -"
     198         biasstatmin=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     199         biasstatmax=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     200         biasstatmean=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     201         biasstatmedian=`ftcopy $biasvoltagefile'[Time> '${tstart2}' && Time< '${tstop}'][col QoS;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col QoS]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
     202         echo "bias: "$biasstatmin" - "$biasstatmedian" - "$biasstatmean" - "$biasstatmax
     203         # is this taking into account the 160 values in a row?
     204      fi
    134206      exit
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