Changeset 12943 for trunk/FACT++/src
- Timestamp:
- 02/26/12 12:46:47 (13 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/FACT++/src/ ¶
r12912 r12943 75 75 76 76 vector<MyColumn> InitColumns(vector<string> list); 77 vector<MyColumn> InitColumnsRoot(vector<string> &list); 77 78 78 79 double GetDouble(const MyColumn &, size_t) const; … … 80 81 ///Display the selected columns values VS time 81 82 void Dump(ofstream &, const vector<MyColumn> &, const string &, size_t, size_t, const string &); 83 void DumpRoot(ofstream &, const vector<string> &, const string &, size_t, size_t, const string &); 82 84 void DumpMinMax(ofstream &, const vector<MyColumn> &, size_t, size_t, bool); 83 85 void DumpStats(ofstream &, const vector<MyColumn> &, size_t, size_t); … … 215 217 const string val1 = what[5]; 216 218 217 const uint32_t first = val0.empty() ? 0 : atoi(val0.c_str());219 const uint32_t first = atol(val0.c_str()); 218 220 const uint32_t last = (val0.empty() && delim.empty()) ? col.num-1 : (val1.empty() ? first : atoi(val1.c_str())); 219 221 … … 242 244 mycol.first = first; 243 245 mycol.last = last; 246 mycol.ptr = SetPtrAddress(name); 244 247 245 248 vec.push_back(mycol); 246 249 } 247 248 for (auto it=vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); it++)249 it->ptr = SetPtrAddress(it->name);250 250 251 251 return vec; … … 292 292 const fits::Table::Keys &fKeyMap = GetKeys(); 293 293 294 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 294 295 TFormula select; 295 296 if (!filter.empty() && select.Compile(filter.c_str())) 296 297 throw runtime_error("Syntax Error: TFormula::Compile failed for '"+filter+"'"); 298 #endif 297 299 298 300 fout << "## --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; … … 303 305 fout << "## NumRows: \t" << GetInt("NAXIS2") << '\n'; 304 306 fout << "## Comment: \t" << ((fKeyMap.find("COMMENT") != fKeyMap.end()) ? fKeyMap.find("COMMENT")->second.value : "") << '\n'; 307 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 305 308 if (!filter.empty()) 306 309 fout << "## Selection: \t" << select.GetExpFormula() << '\n'; 310 #endif 307 311 fout << "## --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; 308 312 ListKeywords(fout); … … 323 327 fout << "[" << it->first << ":" << it->last << "]"; 324 328 325 fout << ": " << it->col.unit << '\n'; 329 if (!it->col.unit.empty()) 330 fout << ": " << it->col.unit; 331 fout << '\n'; 326 332 327 333 num += it->last-it->first+1; … … 331 337 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- 332 338 339 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 333 340 vector<Double_t> data(num); 341 #endif 334 342 335 343 const size_t last = limit ? first + limit : size_t(-1); … … 342 350 343 351 size_t p = 0; 352 353 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 354 data[p++] = first-1; 355 #endif 344 356 345 357 ostringstream out; … … 380 392 } 381 393 394 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 382 395 if (!filter.empty()) 383 396 data[p] = GetDouble(*it, i); 397 #endif 384 398 } 385 399 … … 387 401 out << "'" << msg << "' "; 388 402 } 389 403 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 390 404 if (!filter.empty() && select.EvalPar(0,<0.5) 391 405 continue; 392 406 #endif 393 407 fout << out.str() << endl; 394 408 } 409 } 410 411 vector<MyColumn> FitsDumper::InitColumnsRoot(vector<string> &names) 412 { 413 static const boost::regex expr("[^\\[]([[:word:].]+)(\\[([[:digit:]]+)\\])?"); 414 415 const fits::Table::Columns &cols = GetColumns(); 416 417 vector<MyColumn> vec; 418 419 for (auto it=names.begin(); it!=names.end(); it++) 420 { 421 if (it->empty()) 422 continue; 423 424 *it = ' '+*it; 425 426 string::const_iterator beg = it->begin(); 427 string::const_iterator end = it->end(); 428 429 boost::smatch what; 430 while (boost::regex_search(beg, end, what, expr, boost::match_extra)) 431 { 432 const string all = what[0]; 433 const string name = what[1]; 434 const size_t idx = atol(string(what[3]).c_str()); 435 436 // Check if found colum is valid 437 const auto ic = cols.find(name); 438 if (ic==cols.end()) 439 { 440 beg++; 441 //cout << "Column '" << name << "' does not exist." << endl; 442 //return vector<MyColumn>(); 443 continue; 444 } 445 if (idx>=ic->second.num) 446 { 447 cout << "Column '" << name << "' has no index " << idx << "." << endl; 448 return vector<MyColumn>(); 449 } 450 451 // find index if column already exists 452 size_t p = 0; 453 for (; p<vec.size(); p++) 454 if (vec[p].name==name) 455 break; 456 457 ostringstream id; 458 id << '[' << p << ']'; 459 460 it->replace(beg-it->begin()+what.position(1), what.length()-1, id.str()); 461 462 beg = what[0].first+3; 463 end = it->end(); 464 465 if (p<vec.size()) 466 continue; 467 468 // Column not found, add new column 469 MyColumn mycol; 470 471 = name; 472 mycol.col = ic->second; 473 mycol.first = idx; 474 mycol.last = idx; 475 mycol.ptr = SetPtrAddress(name); 476 477 vec.push_back(mycol); 478 } 479 } 480 481 ostringstream id; 482 id << '[' << vec.size() << ']'; 483 484 for (auto it=names.begin(); it!=names.end(); it++) 485 { 486 while (1) 487 { 488 auto p = it->find_first_of('#'); 489 if (p==string::npos) 490 break; 491 492 it->replace(p, 1, id.str()); 493 } 494 } 495 496 //cout << endl; 497 //for (size_t i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) 498 // cout << "val[" << i << "] = " << vec[i].name << '[' << vec[i].first << ']' << endl; 499 //cout << endl; 500 501 return vec; 502 } 503 504 void FitsDumper::DumpRoot(ofstream &fout, const vector<string> &cols, const string &filter, size_t first, size_t limit, const string &filename) 505 { 506 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 507 vector<string> names(cols); 508 names.insert(names.begin(), filter); 509 510 const vector<MyColumn> vec = InitColumnsRoot(names); 511 if (vec.size()==0) 512 return; 513 514 vector<TFormula> form(names.size()); 515 516 auto ifo = form.begin(); 517 for (auto it=names.begin(); it!=names.end(); it++, ifo++) 518 { 519 if (!it->empty() && ifo->Compile(it->c_str())) 520 throw runtime_error("Syntax Error: TFormula::Compile failed for '"+*it+"'"); 521 } 522 523 const fits::Table::Keys &fKeyMap = GetKeys(); 524 525 fout << "## --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; 526 fout << "## Fits file: \t" << fFilename << '\n'; 527 if (filename!="-") 528 fout << "## File: \t" << filename << '\n'; 529 fout << "## Table: \t" << fKeyMap.find("EXTNAME")->second.value << '\n'; 530 fout << "## NumRows: \t" << GetInt("NAXIS2") << '\n'; 531 fout << "## Comment: \t" << ((fKeyMap.find("COMMENT") != fKeyMap.end()) ? fKeyMap.find("COMMENT")->second.value : "") << '\n'; 532 fout << "## --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; 533 ListKeywords(fout); 534 fout << "## --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; 535 fout << "##\n"; 536 if (!filter.empty()) 537 fout << "## Selection: " << form[0].GetExpFormula() << "\n##\n"; 538 539 size_t num = 0; 540 for (auto it=vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); it++, num++) 541 { 542 fout << "## [" << num << "] = " << it->name; 543 544 if (it->first==it->last) 545 { 546 if (it->first!=0) 547 fout << "[" << it->first << "]"; 548 } 549 else 550 fout << "[" << it->first << ":" << it->last << "]"; 551 552 if (!it->col.unit.empty()) 553 fout << ": " << it->col.unit; 554 fout << '\n'; 555 } 556 fout << "##\n"; 557 fout << "## --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; 558 fout << "#\n"; 559 560 fout << "# "; 561 for (auto it=form.begin()+1; it!=form.end(); it++) 562 fout << " \"" << it->GetExpFormula() << "\""; 563 fout << "\n#" << endl; 564 565 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- 566 567 vector<Double_t> data(vec.size()+1); 568 569 const size_t last = limit ? first + limit : size_t(-1); 570 571 while (GetRow(first++)) 572 { 573 const size_t row = GetRow(); 574 if (row==GetNumRows() || row==last) 575 break; 576 577 //data[p++] = first-1; 578 579 ostringstream out; 580 out.precision(fout.precision()); 581 582 size_t p = 0; 583 for (auto it=vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); it++, p++) 584 data[p] = GetDouble(*it, it->first); 585 586 data[p] = first; 587 588 if (!filter.empty() && form[0].EvalPar(0,<0.5) 589 continue; 590 591 for (auto iform=form.begin()+1; iform!=form.end(); iform++) 592 out << iform->EvalPar(0, << " "; 593 594 fout << out.str() << endl; 595 } 596 #endif 395 597 } 396 598 … … 616 818 fout.precision(conf.Get<int>("precision")); 617 819 820 const string filter = conf.Has("filter") ? conf.Get<string>("filter") : ""; 821 822 const size_t first = conf.Get<size_t>("first"); 823 const size_t limit = conf.Get<size_t>("limit"); 824 825 if (conf.Get<bool>("root")) 826 { 827 DumpRoot(fout, conf.Vec<string>("col"), filter, first, limit, filename); 828 return 0; 829 } 830 618 831 const vector<MyColumn> cols = InitColumns(conf.Vec<string>("col")); 619 832 if (cols.size()==0) 620 833 return false; 621 834 622 const string filter = conf.Has("filter") ? conf.Get<string>("filter") : "";623 624 const size_t first = conf.Get<size_t>("first");625 const size_t limit = conf.Get<size_t>("limit");626 835 627 836 if (conf.Get<bool>("minmax")) … … 649 858 "Usage: fitsdump [OPTIONS] fitsfile col col ... \n" 650 859 " or: fitsdump [OPTIONS]\n"; 860 651 861 cout << endl; 652 862 } … … 654 864 void PrintHelp() 655 865 { 656 // 866 cout << 867 "\n" 868 "To address a column several syntax is possible:\n" 869 " ColumnName: Will address all fields of a column\n" 870 " ColumnName[n]: Will address the n-th field of a column (starts with 0)\n" 871 " ColumnName[n1:n2]: Will address all fields between n1 and including n2\n" 872 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 873 "\n" 874 "To select some columns can use --filter\n" 875 "Such a selction is evaluated using TFormula, hence, every " 876 "mathematical operation allowed in TFormula is allowed there, too. " 877 "The reference is the column index as printed in the output stream, " 878 "starting with 1. The index 0 is reserved for the row number.\n" 879 "\n" 880 "Example:\n" 881 " fitsdump Zd --filter=\"[0]>20 && cos([1])*TMath::RadToDeg()<45\"\n" 882 "\n" 883 "In --root mode, fitsdump support TFormula's syntax for all columns and the filter " 884 "You can then refer to a column or a (single) index of the column just by its name " 885 "If the index is omitted, 0 is assumed\n" 886 "\n" 887 888 "Example:\n" 889 " fitsdump \"(Zd+Err)*TMath::DegToRad()\" --filter=\"Num>100 && Num<200\"\n" 890 "is identical to\n" 891 " fitsdump \"(Zd[0]+Err[0])*TMath::DegToRad()\" --filter=\"Num[0]>100 && Num[0]<200\"\n" 892 "A special placeholder exists for the row number:\n" 893 " fitsdump \"#\" --filter=\"#>10 && #<100\"\n" 894 #endif 895 "\n"; 896 cout << endl; 657 897 } 658 898 … … 678 918 ("limit", var<size_t>(size_t(0)), "Limit for the maximum number of rows to read (0=unlimited)") 679 919 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT 920 ("root,r", po_switch(), "Enable root mode") 680 921 ("filter,r", var<string>(""), "Filter to restrict the selection of events (e.g. '[0]>10 && [0]<20'; does not work with stat and minmax yet)") 681 922 #endif
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