04/16/12 14:29:41 (13 years ago)
Jens Buss
switched to the 0new commenting method
6 edited


  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking1

    r13278 r13349  
    11# Move Telescope to Wobble Position 1
    2 .! echo `date -u`  "data taking script for Wobble 1 starting up... " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    3 .! echo `date -u`  "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    4 .! echo
    5 .! echo `date -u`  "Operator: make sure that telescope is tracking wobble position 1 of source" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    6 .! echo `date -u`  "... This script will wait 10sec for you" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    7 .w 10000
     2> data taking script for Wobble 1 starting up...
     3> ----------------------------------------------------
     5> Operator: make sure that telescope is tracking wobble position 1 of source
     7#> ... This script will wait 10sec for you
     8#.w 10000
    1213.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
    14 .! echo `date -u`  "bias voltage is switched off" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    16 .! echo `date -u`  "taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     15> bias voltage is switched off
     17> taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ...
    1718.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    1819MCP/START -1 1000 drs-pedestal
    1920.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    2021.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    21 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     22> ... done
    23 .! echo `date -u`  "taking DRS:Gain 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     24> taking DRS:Gain 1000 ...
    2425MCP/START -1 1000 drs-gain
    2526.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    2627.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    27 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     28> ... done
    29 .! echo `date -u`  "taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     30> taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ...
    3031MCP/START -1 1000 drs-pedestal
    3132.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    3233.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    33 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     34> ... done
    35 .! echo `date -u`  "taking crosscheck DRS:Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     36> taking crosscheck DRS:Pedestal 1000 ...
    3738MCP/START -1 1000 drs-pedestal
    3839.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    3940.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    40 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     41> ... done
    42 .! echo `date -u`  "taking DRS:Time 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     43> taking DRS:Time 1000 ...
    4344MCP/START -1 1000 drs-time
    4445.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    4546.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    46 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     47> ... done
    48 .! echo `date -u`  "taking DRS:Time upshifted 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     49> taking DRS:Time upshifted 1000 ...
    4950MCP/START -1 1000 drs-time-upshifted
    5051.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    5152.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    52 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     53> ... done
    54 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Pedestal 1000 for secondary baseline..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     55> taking Pedestal 1000 for secondary baseline...
    5657MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
    5758.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    5859.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    59 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     60> ... done
    61 .! echo `date -u`  "taking crosscheck Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     62> taking crosscheck Pedestal 1000 ...
    6364MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
    6465.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    6566.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    66 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    67 .! echo `date -u`  "Operator: Measure Sky Brightness" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     67> ... done
     68> Operator: Measure Sky Brightness
    69 .! echo `date -u`  "switching on bias ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     70> switching on bias ...
    7172.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
    7273.s BIAS_CONTROL 5
    7374.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
    7476# here one should wait 30..45sec according to TB
    75 .! echo `date -u`  "bias is on, and feedback-program is working, but we wait 45sec for the current readings..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     77> bias is on, and feedback-program is working, but we wait 45sec for the current readings...
    7678.w 45000
    77 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     79> ... done
     81# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    7982.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    80 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Pedestal with BIAS on 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     83> taking Pedestal with BIAS on 1000 ...
    8184MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
    8285.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    8386.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    84 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     87> ... done
     89# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    8690.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    87 .! echo `date -u`  "taking External Light Pulser with BIAS on 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     91> taking External Light Pulser with BIAS on 1000 ...
    8892MCP/START -1 1000 light-pulser-ext
    8993.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    9094.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    91 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     95> ... done
    9397#Data Taking with Full Trigger Area (4x5min)
     99# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    94100.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    95 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 1 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     101> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 1 ...
    96102MCP/START 300 -1 data
    97103.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    98104.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    99 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     105> ... done
     107# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    101108.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    102 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 2 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     109> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 2 ...
    103110MCP/START 300 -1 data
    104111.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    105112.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    106 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     113> ... done
     115# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    108116.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    109 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 3 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     117> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 3 ...
    110118MCP/START 300 -1 data
    111119.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    112120.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    113 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     121> ... done
     123# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    115124.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    116 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 4 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     125> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 4 ...
    117126MCP/START 300 -1 data
    118127.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    119128.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    120 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     129> ... done
    122 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    123 .! echo `date -u` "This is the end of data taking of Wobble 1" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     131> ----------------------------------------------------
     132> This is the end of data taking of Wobble 1
  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking2

    r13279 r13349  
    11# Move Telescope to Wobble Position 2
    2 .! echo `date -u` "data taking script for Wobble 2 starting up... " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    3 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    4 .! echo
    5 .! echo `date -u`  "Operator: make sure that telescope is tracking wobble position 2 of source" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    6 .! echo `date -u`  "Operator: Measure Sky Brightness" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     2> data taking script for Wobble 2 starting up...
     3> ----------------------------------------------------
     5> Operator: make sure that telescope is tracking wobble position 2 of source
     6> Operator: Measure Sky Brightness
     9# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    810.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    9 .! echo `date -u` "taking Pedestal with BIAS on 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     11> taking Pedestal with BIAS on 1000 ...
    1012.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    1113MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
    1214.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    1315.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    14 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     16> ... done
     18# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    1619.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    17 .! echo `date -u` "taking External Light Pulser with BIAS on 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     20> taking External Light Pulser with BIAS on 1000 ...
    1821MCP/START -1 1000 light-pulser-ext
    1922.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    2023.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    21 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     24> ... done
    2326#Data Taking with Full Trigger Area (4x5min)
     28# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    2529.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    26 .! echo `date -u` "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 1 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     30> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 1 ...
    2731MCP/START 300 -1 data
    2832.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    2933.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    30 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     34> ... done
     36# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    3237.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    33 .! echo `date -u` "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 2 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     38> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 2 ...
    3439MCP/START 300 -1 data
    3540.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    3641.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    37 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     42> ... done
     44# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    3945.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    40 .! echo `date -u` "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 3 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     46> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 3 ...
    4147MCP/START 300 -1 data
    4248.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    4349.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    44 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     50> ... done
     52# check if all subsystems are in the correct state
    4653.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    47 .! echo `date -u` "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 4 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     54> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 4 ...
    4855MCP/START 300 -1 data
    4956.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    5057.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    51 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     58> ... done
    53 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    54 .! echo `date -u` "This is the end of data taking of Wobble 2" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     60> ----------------------------------------------------
     61> This is the end of data taking of Wobble 2
  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/FirstDrsCalib

    r13112 r13349  
    11# dimctrl script
    2 .! echo `date -u` " " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    3 .! echo `date -u` " " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    4 .! echo `date -u` "First DRS Calibration Script starting up..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    5 .! echo `date -u` "-------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     3> -------------------------------------------
     4> First DRS Calibration Script starting up...
     5> -------------------------------------------
    77.w 2000
    1010# so for this we should get the feedback and biasctrl programs into known states
    1111# I think it is good to try a RECONNECT to the bias, and make sure the voltage is off
    12 # Since we do not know, what the feedback program is doing at the moment, we should as well, 
     12# Since we do not know, what the feedback program is doing at the moment, we should as well,
    1313# tell it to keep its mouth shut ... just to be sure, we know whats going on
     14> stopping feedback
    1516.w 2000
    1617# stopping should always be possible, and end in state 'Connected'(6)
    1718.s FEEDBACK 6
     19> ..done
    2224#.s BIAS_CONTROL 3
    2325#.s BIAS_CONTROL 7 5000
    24 # if these assumptions are all wrong, then we might have been properly connected anyway, 
     26# if these assumptions are all wrong, then we might have been properly connected anyway,
    2527# and just have to ramp down... lets do it, but wait forever, in case it does not work
     28> switching off bias
    2730.w 2000
    2831.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
     32> ...done
    3034# in case we reach this line, the voltages are all off, and the feedback does not do anything
    3135# So lets do the current calibration, therefor we tell the bias crate to ramp up just 1 single DAC count(~22mV)
    3236# the result of this action is, to get bias_ctrl into the state 'VoltageOn'(9), but since we only go one DAC count it shouldn't take long
     37> setting bias globally to 1 DAC
    3439.w 2000
    3540.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
     41> ...done
    37 # now we may tell the feedback program to calibrate the currents ... 
     43# now we may tell the feedback program to calibrate the currents ...
    3844# I do not understand, if I have to explicitely allow the feedback program to generate output,
    3945# or if it just produces output...
    40 # As far as I understand, the feedback output enable status is the same, 
     46# As far as I understand, the feedback output enable status is the same,
    4147# as it was before I send the STOP command... so it is unknown at this point.
    42 # and in addition enabling or disabling the output, when STOPed is not possible as far as I know... 
     48# and in addition enabling or disabling the output, when STOPed is not possible as far as I know...
    4349# I try to enable it anyway.
     50> enabling output for feedback
    4552.w 2000
     53> ...done
    47 .! echo `date -u` "calibrating bias crate current readings..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     55> calibrating bias crate current readings...
    4957.w 5000
    5563# Thomas Bretz told me, that the feedback, after this is step has disabled its output
    5664# and is in the mode, we might call 'temperature control' even there is no temerature beeing controlled.
    57 # I don't know where the voltage is ... in order to perform the calibration, the feedback had to 
     65# I don't know where the voltage is ... in order to perform the calibration, the feedback had to
    5866# ramp up to 2V below the operational voltage, i.e. about 1V below the breakdown voltage
    6068# We want to take a DRS amplitude calibration so we have to ramp down the bias voltage.
    6169# this 10sec wait is needed in order for the bias not to disconect all the time...
    62 .! echo `date -u` "current calibration done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     70> ... current calibration done
    6371.w 10000
     73> switching off bias
    6675.w 5000
    6776.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
     77> ...done
    6979# So now we can take the 3 runs, which are called DRS amplitude calibration:
    7181# A gain calibration run with ROI=1024
    7282# and a second pedestal run, with the same ROI as our next data will be, i.e. ROI=300 in this case
    73 .! echo `date -u` "taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     83> taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ...
    7686MCP/START -1 1000 drs-pedestal
    7787.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    7888.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    79 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     89> ... done
    81 .! echo `date -u` "taking DRS:Gain 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     91> taking DRS:Gain 1000 ...
    8292MCP/START -1 1000 drs-gain
    8393.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    8494.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    85 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     95> ... done
    87 .! echo `date -u` "taking Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     97> taking Pedestal 1000 ...
    8898MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
    8999.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    90100.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    91 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     101> ... done
    93103# okay this is the DRS calibration for the next few runs.
    94 # we are now asked to take again a pedestal run, which can be used, to 
    95 # calculate the electronics noise for instance ... since the shutter is closed and the 
     104# we are now asked to take again a pedestal run, which can be used, to
     105# calculate the electronics noise for instance ... since the shutter is closed and the
    96106# voltage is off .. there should not be alot of signal in it :-)
    97 .! echo `date -u` "taking crosscheck Pedestal 1000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     107> taking crosscheck Pedestal 1000 ...
    101111.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    102112.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    103 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     113> ... done
    105 # now we want to take a run, with dark counts events 
     115# now we want to take a run, with dark counts events
    106116# so we need to ramp up the voltage
    107117# we want to use the 'current control' more so we give the commands for this...
    108 .! echo `date -u` "switching on bias ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     118> switching on current controll feedback ...
    112122# the feedback should be in state 'CurrentControl'(12) now
    113123.s FEEDBACK 12
    115 # now we give the feedback a hint, that it may ramp ...
     124> ... done
     125> switching on bias
     126# now we give the feedback a hint, that it may ramp ...
    117128# after this command the bias_ctrl should be in state 'VoltageOn'(9) after a second or so
    118129.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
     130> ...1 DAC globally set
    119131# then usually it takes some time until the feedback has enough information to really start controlling the voltage
    120132# when the feedback actually kicks in, the bias is first in state 'Ramping'(5) for some seconds and finally in 'VoltageOn'(9)
    121133# again
    122134.s BIAS_CONTROL 5
     135> ...ramping to nominal voltage
    123136.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
     137> ...bias on
    124138# here we should wait 45 sec in order for the current control to get enough current readings and temp readings to stabilize..
    125 .! echo `date -u` "...waiting 45sec for the current control..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     139> waiting 45sec for the current control to stabilize...
    126140.w 45000
    127 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     141> ... done
    129 # so now we can take the dark count run ... 
     143# so now we can take the dark count run ...
    130144# this might be changed in the future ... either the number of events or the the ROI might be changed
    131145# then the DRS calibration above, and the pedestal run in between have to be changed as well.
    132 .! echo `date -u` "taking Pedestal with BIAS on 3000 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     146> taking Pedestal with BIAS on 3000 ...
    133147MCP/START -1 3000 pedestal
    134148.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    135149.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    136 .! echo `date -u` "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     150> ... done
    138152# at the end the bias voltage should be ramped down, since in a few seconds a shifter wit ha flashlight
    139153# will come out to open the shutter...
    140 .! echo `date -u` "switching OFF bias ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     154> switching OFF bias ...
    142156.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
    144 .! echo `date -u` "This is the end of First DRS Calibration" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    145 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    146 .! echo `date -u` " " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    147 .! echo `date -u` " " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     157> ...done
     159> This is the end of First DRS Calibration
     160> ----------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/ResumeDataTaking

    r13280 r13349  
    11# DIM_CONTROL: resume data taking after it had to be aborted during first run of four
    2 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    3 .! echo `date -u`  "resume taking the 4 data runs after DataTaking was aborted..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    4 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    5 .! echo `date -u` "Operator: make sure bias is switched on and feedback is running!!!" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     2> ----------------------------------------------------------------
     3> resume taking the 4 data runs after DataTaking was aborted...
     4> ----------------------------------------------------------------
     5> Operator: make sure bias is switched on and feedback is running!!!
    77# check if bias is ramped up and if feedback is running
    99.s FEEDBACK 12
    1010.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
    11 .! echo `date -u`  "bias is on, and feedback-program is working, but we wait 45sec for the current readings..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     11> bias is on, and feedback-program is working, but we wait 45sec for the current readings...
    1212.w 45000
    13 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     13> ... done
    1515#Data Taking with Full Trigger Area (4x5min)
    1616.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    17 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 1 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     17> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 1 ...
    1818MCP/START 300 -1 data
    1919.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    2020.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    21 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     21> ... done
    2323.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    24 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 2 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     24> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 2 ...
    2525MCP/START 300 -1 data
    2626.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    2727.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    28 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     28> ... done
    3030.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    31 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 3 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     31> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 3 ...
    3232MCP/START 300 -1 data
    3333.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    3434.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    35 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     35> ... done
    3737.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/IsReadyForDataTaking
    38 .! echo `date -u`  "taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 4 ..." >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     38> taking Data:FullTriggerArea 5min Run 4 ...
    3939MCP/START 300 -1 data
    4040.s FAD_CONTROL 8
    4141.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    42 .! echo `date -u`  "... done" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     42> ... done
    44 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    45 .! echo `date -u` "This is the end of data taking" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    46 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     44> ----------------------------------------------------
     45> This is the end of data taking
     46> ----------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/TakeCrab

    r13264 r13349  
    11# Data taking and tracking script for Crab starting up...
    2 .! echo
    3 .! echo `date -u`  "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    4 .! echo `date -u`  "Data taking and tracking script for Crab starting up... " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    5 .! echo `date -u`  "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     3> ----------------------------------------------------
     4> Data taking and tracking script for Crab starting up...
     5> ----------------------------------------------------
    77# changing tracking to Crab Wobble 1
    8 .! echo `date -u`  "moving telescope to wobble position 1" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    9 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     8> moving telescope to wobble position 1
     9> ...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move
    1010.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    1111.w 5000
    13 .! echo `date -u`  "...sent tracking command" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     13> ...sent tracking command
    1515# Wait for drivectrl to reply that its tracking the given source
    1616.s DRIVE_CONTROL 6
    17 .! echo `date -u`  "...moving" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     17> ...moving
    1818.s DRIVE_CONTROL 7
    19 .! echo `date -u`  "...tracking above written wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    20 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm downe" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    21 .! echo
     19> ...tracking above written wobble position
     20> ...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm downe
    2222.w 30000
    2424# starting data taking of Crab Wobble 1
    25 .! echo
    2626.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking1
    3131.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    32 .! echo
    33 .! echo `date -u` "...stopped tracking of above wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    34 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    35 .! echo
     33> ...stopped tracking of above wobble position
     34> ----------------------------------------------------
    3737# changing tracking to Crab Wobble 2
    38 .! echo
    39 .! echo `date -u`  "Moving telescope to wobble Position 2" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    40 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     39> Moving telescope to wobble Position 2
     40> ...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move
    4141.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    4242.w 5000
    4343DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK_SOURCE 0.6 -130 Crab
    44 .! echo `date -u`  "...sent tracking command" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     44> ...sent tracking command
    4646# Wait for drivectrl to reply that its tracking the given source
    4747.s DRIVE_CONTROL 6
    48 .! echo `date -u`  "...moving" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     48> ...moving
    4949.s DRIVE_CONTROL 7
    50 .! echo `date -u`  "...tracking above written wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    51 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm downe" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     50> ...tracking above written wobble position
     51> ...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm downe
    5252.w 30000
    5454# data taking to Crab Wobble 2
    55 .! echo
    5656.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking2
    6161.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    62 .! echo
    63 .! echo `date -u` "...stopped tracking of Crab at above wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    64 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    65 .! echo
     63> ...stopped tracking of Crab at above wobble position
     64> ----------------------------------------------------
    6666# ...stopped tracking of Crab at above wobble position
    6767# ----------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/TakeMrk421

    r13265 r13349  
    11# Data taking and tracking script for Mrk 421 starting up...
    2 .! echo
    3 .! echo `date -u`  "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    4 .! echo `date -u`  "Data taking and tracking script for Mrk 421 starting up... " >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    5 .! echo `date -u`  "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     3> ----------------------------------------------------
     4> Data taking and tracking script for Mrk 421 starting up...
     5> ----------------------------------------------------
    77# changing tracking to "Mrk 421" Wobble 1
    8 .! echo `date -u`  "moving telescope to wobble position 1" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    9 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     8> moving telescope to wobble position 1
     9> ...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move
    1010.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    1111.w 2000
    1212DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK_SOURCE 0.6 90 "Mrk 421"
    13 .! echo `date -u`  "...sent tracking command" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     13> ...sent tracking command
    1515# Wait for drivectrl to reply that its tracking the given source
    1616.s DRIVE_CONTROL 6
    17 .! echo `date -u`  "...moving" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     17> ...moving
    1818.s DRIVE_CONTROL 7
    19 .! echo `date -u`  "...tracking above written wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    20 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm down" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    21 .! echo
     19> ...tracking above written wobble position
     20> ...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm down
    2323.w 30000
    2525# starting data taking of "Mrk 421" Wobble 1
    26 .! echo
    2727.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking1
    3232.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    33 .! echo
    34 .! echo `date -u` "...stopped tracking of above wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    35 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     34> ...stopped tracking of above wobble position
     35> ----------------------------------------------------
    3737# changing tracking to "Mrk 421" Wobble 2
    38 .! echo
    39 .! echo `date -u`  "moving telescope to wobble position 2" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    40 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     39> moving telescope to wobble position 2
     40> ...waiting for drivectrl to be ready to move
    4141.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    4242.w 2000
    4343DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK_SOURCE 0.6 -90 "Mrk 421"
    44 .! echo `date -u`  "...sent tracking command" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     44> ...sent tracking command
    4646# Wait for drivectrl to reply that its tracking the given source
    4747.s DRIVE_CONTROL 6
    48 .! echo `date -u`  "...moving" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
     48> ...moving
    4949.s DRIVE_CONTROL 7
    50 .! echo `date -u`  "...tracking above written wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    51 .! echo `date -u`  "...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm down" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    52 .! echo
     50> ...tracking above written wobble position
     51> ...waiting 30 sec for drive to calm down
    5353.w 30000
    5555# data taking to "Mrk 421" Wobble 2
    56 .! echo
    5757.x ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking2
    6262.s DRIVE_CONTROL 5
    63 .! echo
    64 .! echo `date -u` "...stopped tracking of Mrk421 at above wobble position" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    65 .! echo `date -u` "----------------------------------------------------" >> ~/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking.log
    66 .! echo
     64> ...stopped tracking of Mrk421 at above wobble position
     65> ----------------------------------------------------
    6767# ...stopped tracking of Mrk421 at above wobble position
    6868# ----------------------------------------------------
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.