Changeset 1357 for trunk/WuerzburgSoft/Thomas
- Timestamp:
- 06/12/02 14:34:27 (23 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/WuerzburgSoft/Thomas/mphys
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1356 r1357 8 8 * MParticle.[h,cc]: 9 9 - added RofZ and ZofR as static functions 10 - changed from MParContainer to TObject 11 - removed unnecessary or commented inline functions 10 12 11 13 * MPhoton.[h,cc]: … … 16 18 * energyloss.C: 17 19 - added 20 21 * MPairProduction.[h,cc]: 22 - simplified formula 23 - changed arguments to Energy of Photon and interaction angle 24 25 * phys.C: 26 - added correct photon energy for pair production 27 - added correct angle for pair production 28 - changed output to E^2*Counts 29 - changed gamma production from E^-2 to Uniform by weighting 30 - removed all unecessary functions and code (s.energyloss.C) 18 31 19 32 -
r1352 r1357 71 71 72 72 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 Bool_t MPairProduction::Process(MParticle *gamma, MParticle *phot, const Double_t theta, TList *list)73 Bool_t MPairProduction::Process(MParticle *gamma, const Double_t Ep, const Double_t theta, TList *list) 74 74 { 75 75 // 76 76 // gamma: primary particle from source 77 77 // phot: infrared photon from background. (angle = interaction angle) 78 // 78 // Ep: Energy photon [GeV] 79 // theta: interaction angle [rad] 80 // 81 82 79 83 const Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV] 80 81 //const Double_t theta = phot->GetAngle(); // [2pi]82 const Double_t Ep = phot->GetEnergy(); // [GeV]83 84 const Double_t Eg = gamma->GetEnergy(); // [GeV] 84 85 85 86 const Double_t ctheta = cos(theta); 86 87 87 const Double_t s = (Ep*Eg/(2*E0*E0))*(1-ctheta); //[1] 88 if (s<1) 88 const Double_t s = Ep*Eg*2*(1-ctheta); //[1] 89 const Double_t S = s/(E0*E0*4); //[1] 90 if (S<1) 89 91 return kFALSE; 90 92 93 const Double_t stheta = sin(theta); 94 95 const Double_t sqrbetah = s/((Eg+Ep)*(Eg+Ep)) + 1; 96 const Double_t sqrbetae = 1.-1./S; 97 98 const Double_t GammaH = (Eg+Ep)/sqrt(s); 99 100 Double_t psi = stheta/(GammaH*(ctheta-sqrt(sqrbetah))); 101 102 fAngle->SetParameter(0, sqrt(sqrbetae)); 103 104 const Double_t alpha = psi-acos(fAngle->GetRandom()); 105 106 Double_t salpha = sin(alpha); 107 Double_t calpha = cos(alpha); 108 109 const Double_t tphi = stheta/(Eg/Ep+ctheta); // tan(phi) 110 111 Double_t bb = sqrt(sqrbetah/sqrbetae); 112 113 Double_t s1 = calpha/GammaH; 114 Double_t s2 = tphi*s1 - salpha - bb; 115 116 Double_t tan1 = ((salpha+bb)*tphi+s1)/s2; 117 Double_t tan2 = ((salpha-bb)*tphi+s1)/s2; 118 119 const Double_t E = (Eg+Ep)/2;; 120 const Double_t f = sqrt(sqrbetah*sqrbetae)*salpha; 121 122 cout << " {" << f << "," << E << "," << atan(tan1) << "," << atan(-tan2) << "} " << flush; 123 124 MElectron &p0 = *new MElectron(E*(1.-f), gamma->GetZ()); 125 MElectron &p1 = *new MElectron(E*(1.+f), gamma->GetZ()); 126 p0 = *gamma; // Set Position and direction 127 p1 = *gamma; // Set Position and direction 128 129 static TRandom rand(0); 130 Double_t rnd = rand.Uniform(TMath::Pi() * 2); 131 p0.SetNewDirection(atan(+tan1), rnd); 132 p1.SetNewDirection(atan(-tan2), rnd+TMath::Pi()); 133 134 list->Add(&p0); 135 list->Add(&p1); 136 137 /* 91 138 const Double_t Epg = Ep/Eg; // 1+Epg ~ 1 92 139 const Double_t Egp = Eg/Ep; // 1+Egp ~ Egp … … 120 167 const Double_t E = sqrt(s)*E0/gamma1; 121 168 const Double_t dE = E*Bcosd; 169 170 const Double_t E1 = E0/(E+dE); 171 const Double_t E2 = E0/(E-dE); 172 173 const Double_t beta1 = sqrt(1.-E1*E1); 174 const Double_t beta2 = sqrt(1.-E2*E2); 175 176 const Double_t Bscp = Bsind*cphi; 177 const Double_t spg = sphi/gamma1; 178 const Double_t cpg = cphi/gamma1; 179 180 const Double_t tan1 = (spg*(Bcosd+1) + Bscp)/((cpg*(Bcosd+1) - Bscp)); 181 const Double_t tan2 = (spg*(Bcosd-1) + Bscp)/((cpg*(Bcosd-1) - Bscp)); 122 182 123 183 MElectron &p0 = *new MElectron(E+dE, gamma->GetZ()); … … 126 186 p1 = *gamma; // Set Position and direction 127 187 128 const Double_t E1 = E0/(E+dE);129 const Double_t E2 = E0/(E-dE);130 131 const Double_t beta1 = sqrt(1.-E1*E1);132 const Double_t beta2 = sqrt(1.-E2*E2);133 134 188 p0.SetBeta(beta1); 135 189 p1.SetBeta(beta2); 136 137 const Double_t Bscp = Bsind*cphi;138 const Double_t spg = sphi/gamma1;139 const Double_t cpg = cphi/gamma1;140 141 const Double_t tan1 = (spg*(Bcosd+1) + Bscp)/((cpg*(Bcosd+1) - Bscp));142 const Double_t tan2 = (spg*(Bcosd-1) + Bscp)/((cpg*(Bcosd-1) - Bscp));143 190 144 191 static TRandom rand(0); … … 149 196 list->Add(&p0); 150 197 list->Add(&p1); 151 198 */ 152 199 return kTRUE; 153 200 } -
r1352 r1357 19 19 virtual ~MPairProduction(); 20 20 21 Bool_t Process(MParticle *g, MParticle *p, const Double_t theta, TList *l);21 Bool_t Process(MParticle *g, const Double_t Ep, const Double_t theta, TList *l); 22 22 23 23 ClassDef(MPairProduction, 0) // -
r1356 r1357 24 24 ************************ 25 25 */ 26 #include <iostream.h> 27 #include <iomanip.h> 26 28 27 29 Double_t MParticle::ZofR(Double_t *x, Double_t *k) … … 65 67 // set the name and title of this object 66 68 // 67 68 fName = name ? name : "MParticle"; 69 fTitle = title ? title : "Container for a particle"; 69 70 /* 71 fName = name ? name : "MParticle"; 72 fTitle = title ? title : "Container for a particle"; 73 */ 70 74 } 71 75 … … 104 108 fTheta = fabs(fTheta-TMath::Pi()); 105 109 } 106 107 #include <iostream.h>108 #include <iomanip.h>109 110 110 111 Bool_t MParticle::SetNewPosition(Double_t dr) -
r1356 r1357 2 2 #define MARS_MParticle 3 3 4 #ifndef MARS_MParContainer5 #include "MParContainer.h"4 #ifndef ROOT_TObject 5 #include <TObject.h> 6 6 #endif 7 7 8 class MParticle : public MParContainer 8 /* 9 #ifndef MARS_MParContainer 10 #include "MParContainer.h" 11 #endif 12 */ 13 14 class MParticle : public TObject 9 15 { 10 16 public: … … 16 22 protected: 17 23 Double_t fEnergy; // [GeV] Energy 18 // Double_t fBeta; // [1] beta19 24 20 25 Double_t fZ; // [1] Red shift … … 27 32 public: 28 33 MParticle(ParticleType_t t, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); 29 // ~MParticle(); 34 35 static Double_t ZofR(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL); 36 static Double_t RofZ(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL); 30 37 31 38 void operator=(MParticle &p) … … 38 45 } 39 46 40 static Double_t MParticle::ZofR(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL);41 static Double_t MParticle::RofZ(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL);42 43 // void Fill(const MParContainer *inp);44 45 // void Draw(Option_t *opt=NULL);46 47 virtual Double_t GetInteractionLength() const = 0; 47 48 48 49 void SetEnergy(Double_t e) { fEnergy = e; } 49 // void SetBeta(Double_t b) { fBeta = b; }50 51 50 void SetZ(Double_t z) { fZ = z; } 52 /*53 void SetPhi(Double_t p) { fPhi = p; }54 void SetR(Double_t r) { fR = r; }55 void SetTheta(Double_t t) { fTheta = t; }56 void SetPsi(Double_t p) { fPsi = p; }57 */58 51 59 52 void SetNewDirection(Double_t theta, Double_t phi); -
r1355 r1357 1 //#ifndef __CINT__2 1 #include <iostream.h> 2 3 3 #include <fstream.h> 4 4 … … 8 8 #include <TH2.h> 9 9 #include <TList.h> 10 #include <TStyle.h> 10 11 #include <TRandom.h> 11 #include <TGraph.h>12 12 #include <TCanvas.h> 13 #include <TStyle.h> 14 //#endif 13 15 14 #include "mbase/MParContainer.h" 16 15 #include "mphys/MPhoton.h" … … 19 18 #include "mhist/MBinning.h" 20 19 #include "mhist/MH.h" 20 21 21 // 2.96 22 22 // 2.87 23 23 // 2.73 24 25 /***********************26 *27 * calc r from z:28 *29 * R = 2*c/H0 *(1+z - sqrt(1+z))30 *31 * z = -0.5 * (3 + R' +/- sqrt(R'+1)) R' = R*H0/c32 *33 * H0 = 50./3.0857e19; // [km / Mpc s] --> [s^-1]34 *35 ************************36 */37 38 Double_t ZofR(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL)39 {40 Double_t c = 299792458; // [m/s]41 Double_t H0 = 50./3.0857e19; // [km / Mpc s] --> [s^-1]42 43 Double_t ly = 3600.*24.*365.*c; // [m/ly]44 Double_t pc = 1./3.258; // [pc/ly]45 Double_t r = x[0] /pc*ly*1e3; // [m]46 47 Double_t R = r*H0/c; // [1]48 49 return (R+1+sqrt(R*2+1))/2 - 1;50 }51 52 Double_t RofZ(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL)53 {54 Double_t z1 = x[0] + 1;55 56 Double_t c = 299792458; // [m/s]57 Double_t H0 = 50./3.0857e19; // [km / Mpc s] --> [s^-1]58 59 Double_t ly = 3600.*24.*365.*c; // [m/ly]60 Double_t pc = 1./3.258; // [pc/ly]61 62 Double_t R = c/H0 * 2 * (z1 - sqrt(z1)); // [m]63 64 return R * pc/ly/1e3; // [kpc]65 }66 67 Double_t AngleDistrib(Double_t *x, Double_t *k)68 {69 70 Double_t c = x[0]; // cos(alpha)71 Double_t b = k[0]; // sqrt(1-1/s)72 73 Double_t b2 = b*b;74 Double_t b4 = b2*b2;75 76 Double_t c2 = c*c;77 Double_t c4 = c2*c2;78 79 Double_t u = 1. - b4*c4 +2.*b2*(1.-b2)*(1.-c2);80 Double_t d = 1.-b2*c2;81 82 return u/(d*d);83 }84 85 86 // ================================================================87 Double_t DiSum(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL)88 {89 Double_t t = x[0];90 91 Double_t disum = t;92 Double_t add = 0;93 94 Double_t eps = fabs(t*1e-1);95 96 Int_t n = 2;97 Double_t pow = t*t; // t^298 99 do100 {101 add = pow/n/n;102 103 pow *= t; // pow = t^n104 n++;105 106 disum += add;107 108 } while (fabs(add)>eps);109 110 return disum;111 }112 113 Double_t F(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL)114 {115 Double_t o = x[0];116 Double_t s = -2.*o;117 118 // if (o<1e-10)119 // return 2.125; //-3./8.;120 121 return -o/4. + (9./4. + 1./o + o/2.) * log(1.+2.*o) + 1./8.*(1.+2.*o) + MElectron::Li2(&s); //- 3./8.122 }123 124 Double_t FlimLi(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL) // F(omegap)-F(omegam) mit b-->1 (Maple)125 {126 Double_t w = x[0];127 128 Double_t s = -w*2*(1+1); // -2*omega*(1+beta)129 Double_t li2 = MElectron::Li2(&s);130 131 return fabs(li2);132 }133 134 #include <math.h>135 void rkck(Double_t y[], Double_t dydx[], int n, Double_t x, Double_t h, Double_t yout[],136 Double_t yerr[], void (*derivs)(Double_t, Double_t[], Double_t[]))137 {138 /*139 * ---------------------------------------------------------140 * Numerical recipes for C, Chapter 16.1, Runge-Kutta Method141 * ---------------------------------------------------------142 */143 const Double_t a2 = 0.2;144 const Double_t a3 = 0.3;145 const Double_t a4 = 0.6;146 const Double_t a5 = 1.0;147 const Double_t a6 = 0.875;148 const Double_t b21 = 0.2;149 const Double_t b31 = 3.0/40.0;150 const Double_t b32 = 9.0/40.0;151 const Double_t b41 = 0.3;152 const Double_t b42 = -0.9;153 const Double_t b43 = 1.2;154 const Double_t b51 = -11.0/54.0;155 const Double_t b52 = 2.5;156 const Double_t b53 = -70.0/27.0;157 const Double_t b54 = 35.0/27.0;158 const Double_t b61 = 1631.0/55296.0;159 const Double_t b62 = 175.0/512.0;160 const Double_t b63 = 575.0/13824.0;161 const Double_t b64 = 44275.0/110592.0;162 const Double_t b65 = 253.0/4096.0;163 const Double_t c1 = 37.0/378.0;164 const Double_t c3 = 250.0/621.0;165 const Double_t c4 = 125.0/594.0;166 const Double_t c6 = 512.0/1771.0;167 const Double_t dc5 = -277.00/14336.0;168 169 const Double_t dc1 = c1-2825.0/27648.0;170 const Double_t dc3 = c3-18575.0/48384.0;171 const Double_t dc4 = c4-13525.0/55296.0;172 const Double_t dc6 = c6-0.25;173 174 Double_t ak2[n];175 Double_t ak3[n];176 Double_t ak4[n];177 Double_t ak5[n];178 Double_t ak6[n];179 Double_t ytemp[n];180 181 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)182 ytemp[i] = y[i]+b21*h*dydx[i];183 184 (*derivs)(x+a2*h,ytemp,ak2);185 186 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)187 ytemp[i] = y[i]+h*(b31*dydx[i]+b32*ak2[i]);188 189 (*derivs)(x+a3*h,ytemp,ak3);190 191 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)192 ytemp[i] = y[i]+h*(b41*dydx[i]+b42*ak2[i]+b43*ak3[i]);193 194 (*derivs)(x+a4*h,ytemp,ak4);195 196 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)197 ytemp[i] = y[i]+h*(b51*dydx[i]+b52*ak2[i]+b53*ak3[i]+b54*ak4[i]);198 199 (*derivs)(x+a5*h,ytemp,ak5);200 201 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)202 ytemp[i] = y[i]+h*(b61*dydx[i]+b62*ak2[i]+b63*ak3[i]+b64*ak4[i]+b65*ak5[i]);203 204 (*derivs)(x+a6*h,ytemp,ak6);205 206 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)207 yout[i]=y[i]+h*(c1*dydx[i]+c3*ak3[i]+c4*ak4[i]+c6*ak6[i]);208 209 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)210 yerr[i]=h*(dc1*dydx[i]+dc3*ak3[i]+dc4*ak4[i]+dc5*ak5[i]+dc6*ak6[i]);211 }212 213 Double_t FMIN(Double_t a, Double_t b)214 {215 return a<b ? a : b;216 }217 218 Double_t FMAX(Double_t a, Double_t b)219 {220 return a>b ? a : b;221 }222 223 void SolvEq(Double_t y[], Double_t dydx[], int n, Double_t *x, Double_t htry, Double_t eps,224 Double_t yscal[], Double_t *hdid, Double_t *hnext,225 void (*derivs)(Double_t, Double_t[], Double_t[])) // rkqs226 {227 /*228 * ---------------------------------------------------------229 * Numerical recipes for C, Chapter 16.1, Runge-Kutta Method230 * ---------------------------------------------------------231 */232 const Double_t SAFETY = 0.9;233 const Double_t PGROW = -0.2;234 const Double_t PSHRNK = -0.25;235 const Double_t ERRCON = 1.89e-4;236 237 Double_t yerr[n];238 Double_t ytemp[n];239 240 Double_t h = htry;241 Double_t errmax;242 while (1)243 {244 rkck(y, dydx, n, *x, h, ytemp, yerr, derivs);245 246 errmax=0.0;247 248 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)249 errmax = FMAX(errmax, fabs(yerr[i]/yscal[i]) );250 251 errmax /= eps;252 253 if (errmax <= 1.0)254 break;255 256 Double_t htemp = SAFETY*h*pow(errmax,PSHRNK);257 258 h = (h >= 0.0 ? FMAX(htemp,0.1*h) : FMIN(htemp,0.1*h));259 260 Double_t xnew= (*x) + h;261 262 if (xnew != *x)263 continue;264 265 cout << "stepsize underflow in rkqs" << endl;266 break;267 }268 269 *hnext = errmax>ERRCON ? SAFETY*h*pow(errmax,PGROW) : 5.0*h;270 271 *x += (*hdid=h);272 273 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)274 y[i] = ytemp[i];275 }276 277 Double_t dEdt(Double_t E, Double_t t, Double_t z0=-1)278 {279 /* ------------------------------------280 * Lower limit as differential Equation281 * ------------------------------------282 283 Double_t T = 2.96; // [K]284 Double_t sigma = 6.653e-29; // [m^2]285 Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV]286 Double_t e = 1.602176462e-19; // [C]287 Double_t kB = 1e-9/e*1.3806503e-23; // [GeV/K]288 Double_t h = 1e-9/e*6.62606876e-34; // [GeVs]289 Double_t hc = h*c; // [GeVm]290 Double_t pi = TMath::Pi(); // [1]291 Double_t khc = pi*kB/hc; // [1 / K m]292 Double_t a = 8./15 * pi * khc*khc*khc*khc * hc; // [Gev / K^4 / m^3]293 294 Double_t konst = 4./3. * sigma * a *T*T*T*T *c /E0 /E0;295 296 return -konst *E*E;297 */298 Double_t pc = 1./3.258; // [pc/ly]299 Double_t c = 299792458; // [m/s]300 Double_t ly = 3600.*24.*365.*c; // [m/ly]301 Double_t r = t * c / ly * pc / 1000; // [kpc]302 Double_t R = RofZ(&z0) - r;303 Double_t z = z0>=0 ? ZofR(&R) : 0;304 305 Double_t e = 1.602176462e-19; // [C]306 Double_t T = 2.96*(z+1); // [K]307 Double_t kB = 1e-9/e*1.3806503e-23; // [GeV/K]308 Double_t kBT = kB*T; // [GeV]309 Double_t alpha = 1./137; // [|]310 Double_t h = 1e-9/e*6.62606876e-34; // [GeVs]311 Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV]312 313 314 Double_t k = TMath::Pi() * alpha * kBT;315 316 Double_t ln = 4.*kBT/E0/E0;317 318 return -1./3/h* k*k * (log(ln*E)-1.9805);319 }320 321 void dEdt(Double_t t, Double_t E[], Double_t dedt[])322 {323 dedt[0] = dEdt(E[0], t);324 //cout << t << "\t" << E[0] << "\t" << dedt[0] << endl;325 }326 327 Int_t GetSeed()328 {329 return (Int_t)fmod(TStopwatch::GetRealTime()*10, 65535);330 }331 332 void DrawDevelopmentHiLim(Double_t E0, Double_t z, Option_t *opt="")333 {334 Double_t t = 0;335 Double_t E[1] = { E0 };336 Double_t yscal[1] = { 1 };337 338 Double_t dedt[1];339 340 Double_t eps;// = 1e5;341 Double_t step = 5e6;342 343 Double_t hdid;344 Double_t hnext;345 346 cout << "Start: " << dedt[0] << endl;347 348 Int_t n = 15000;349 Double_t tres[n];350 Double_t Eres[n];351 int i;352 for (i=0; i<n; i++)353 {354 tres[i] = t;355 356 eps = E[0]/1e9; //9;357 358 dedt[0] = dEdt(E[0], t);359 360 SolvEq(E, dedt, 1, &t, step, eps, yscal, &hdid, &hnext, dEdt);361 362 step = hnext;363 364 Eres[i] = E[0];365 366 if (i==0) cout << "Did: " << hdid << endl;367 368 if (t>1.5e14 || E[0]<5e6)369 break;370 // cout << tres[i] << "\t" << Eres[i] << "\t(" << step << ")" << endl;371 }372 373 cout << i << endl;374 375 TGraph grp(i<n?i:n, tres, Eres);376 grp.Clone()->Draw(opt);377 378 }379 380 Double_t EnergyLossRateLoLim(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL)381 {382 Double_t t = x[0];383 Double_t E = k[0];384 Double_t t0 = k[1];385 386 Double_t c = 299792458; // [m/s]387 Double_t ly = 3600.*24.*365.*c; // [m/ly]388 Double_t pc = 1./3.258; // [pc/ly]389 390 Double_t r = t * c / ly * pc / 1000; // [kpc]391 Double_t R = RofZ(&k[2]) - r;392 Double_t z = k[2]>=0 ? ZofR(&R) : 0;393 394 Double_t T = 2.96*(z+1); // [K]395 // Double_t alpha = 1./137; // [1]396 Double_t sigma = 6.653e-29; // [m^2]397 Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV]398 Double_t e = 1.602176462e-19; // [C]399 Double_t kB = 1e-9/e*1.3806503e-23; // [GeV/K]400 Double_t h = 1e-9/e*6.62606876e-34; // [GeVs]401 Double_t hc = h*c; // [GeVm]402 Double_t pi = TMath::Pi(); // [1]403 Double_t khc = pi*kB/hc; // [1 / K m]404 Double_t a = 8./15 * pi * khc*khc*khc*khc * hc; // [Gev / K^4 / m^3]405 Double_t konst = 4./3 * sigma * a * T*T*T*T * c / (E0* E0); // [1 / GeV s]406 407 Double_t ret = 1./(konst*(t-t0) + 1./E);408 409 return ret;410 }411 412 void DrawDevelopmentLoLim(Double_t t0, Double_t E0, Double_t z=-1, Option_t *opt="")413 {414 // 8.7415 416 Double_t val[] = { E0, t0, z };417 Double_t t = 1.5e14;418 while (EnergyLossRateLoLim(&t, val)<1e4)419 t -= 0.01e14;420 421 TF1 *f1=new TF1("LoLim", EnergyLossRateLoLim, t, 1.5e14, 2);422 f1->SetParameter(0, E0);423 f1->SetParameter(1, t0);424 425 f1->Draw(opt);426 f1->SetBit(kCanDelete);427 }428 429 //430 // (3) Energy loss rate of electrons and 'high energy particle'431 //432 Double_t DrawDevelopment(Double_t E, Double_t z, Option_t *opt="", TH1 *hist=NULL)433 {434 Double_t ly = 3600.*24.*365.; // [s/ly]435 Double_t pc = 1./3.258; // [pc/ly]436 437 TGraph *graph = new TGraph;438 graph->SetPoint(0, 0, E);439 graph->SetMaximum(E*3); // *MENU*440 441 cout << "------ " << endl;442 443 static TRandom rand;444 445 Double_t x = 0;446 for (int i=1; i<10; i++)447 {448 Double_t l = rand.Exp(MElectron::InteractionLength(&E, &z));449 450 if (z>=0)451 {452 Double_t r = RofZ(&z) - l;453 454 cout << " " << i << ". R=" << RofZ(&z) << " l=" << l << " z=" << ZofR(&r) << endl;455 456 z = r>=0 ? ZofR(&r) : 0;457 458 if (z==0)459 cout << "z<0" << endl;460 }461 462 x += l;463 464 Double_t t = x/pc*ly*1000;465 graph->SetPoint(i*2-1, t, E);466 467 Double_t e1 = MElectron::GetEnergyLoss(E, z<0?0:z);468 469 E -= e1;470 471 if (hist)472 hist->Fill(e1);473 474 cout << " Ep=" << e1 << flush;475 476 graph->SetPoint(i*2, t, E);477 }478 479 graph->SetMinimum(E/3); // *MENU*480 graph->Draw(opt);481 graph->SetBit(kCanDelete);482 483 //if (E<31500)484 cout << "t=" << x*ly/pc*1000 << "\tE=" << E << "\tz=" << z << endl;485 486 return E;487 }488 489 void EnergyLossRate()490 {491 if (gPad)492 gPad->Clear();493 494 Double_t E = 1.5e9; // [GeV]495 Double_t z = 0.03;496 497 MBinning bins;498 bins.SetEdgesLog(18, 0.1, 1e9);499 500 TH1D hist;501 hist.SetName("Phot");502 hist.SetTitle("Photons from inverse Compton");503 MH::SetBinning(&hist, &bins);504 505 cout << "Working..." << flush;506 507 for (int i=0; i<50; i++)508 {509 cout << i << "." << flush;510 DrawDevelopment(E, z, i?"L":"AL", &hist);511 }512 513 //DrawDevelopmentLoLim(2e14, 1.64e2, "Lsame"); // seen514 DrawDevelopmentLoLim(1.78e14, 280, z, "Lsame"); // seen515 DrawDevelopmentHiLim(E, z, "L");516 gPad->SetLogy();517 518 new TCanvas("Photons", "Photons created in inverse Compton");519 hist.DrawCopy();520 gPad->SetLogx();521 522 cout << "...done." << endl;523 }524 525 void Scatter()526 {527 Double_t E = 1.5e9; // [GeV]528 529 Int_t nbins = 100;530 Double_t lo = E/1e6;531 Double_t up = E*10;532 533 Double_t binsize = log10(up/lo)/nbins;534 Double_t *scale=new Double_t[nbins+1];535 for (int i=0; i<nbins+1; i++)536 scale[i] = pow(10, binsize*i) * lo;537 538 MElectron epsilon;539 epsilon.SetEnergy(E);540 541 /*542 TH1F *hist = new TH1F("h", "h", nbins, scale);543 544 hist->Draw();545 546 TStopwatch clock;547 clock.Start();548 549 for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)550 {551 Double_t e1 = epsilon.GetRandom();552 553 hist->Fill(e1);554 }555 556 clock.Stop();557 clock.Print();558 559 epsilon.DrawCopy("same");560 gPad->SetLogx();561 gPad->SetLogy();562 */563 }564 565 void DrawILPhoton(Double_t z=0)566 {567 if (!gPad)568 new TCanvas("IL_Photon", "Mean Interaction Length Photon");569 else570 gPad->GetVirtCanvas()->cd(4);571 572 TF1 f1("length", MPhoton::InteractionLength, 1e4, 1e11, 1);573 f1.SetParameter(0, z);574 575 gPad->SetLogx();576 gPad->SetLogy();577 gPad->SetGrid();578 f1.SetMaximum(1e5);579 f1.SetLineWidth(1);580 581 TH1 *h=f1.DrawCopy()->GetHistogram();582 583 h->SetTitle("Mean Interaction Length (Photon)");584 h->SetXTitle("E [GeV]");585 h->SetYTitle("x [kpc]");586 587 gPad->Modified();588 gPad->Update();589 }590 591 void DrawILElectron(Double_t z=0)592 {593 if (!gPad)594 new TCanvas("IL_Electron", "Mean Interaction Length Electron");595 else596 gPad->GetVirtCanvas()->cd(3);597 598 TF1 f2("length", MElectron::InteractionLength, 1e3, 1e10, 0);599 f2.SetParameter(0, z);600 601 gPad->SetLogx();602 gPad->SetLogy();603 gPad->SetGrid();604 f2.SetLineWidth(1);605 606 TH1 *h=f2.DrawCopy()->GetHistogram();607 608 h->SetTitle("Mean Interaction Length (Electron)");609 h->SetXTitle("E [GeV]");610 h->SetYTitle("x [kpc]");611 612 gPad->Modified();613 gPad->Update();614 }615 616 void DrawRZ()617 {618 new TCanvas("RZ", "r and z");619 620 TF1 f1("ZofR", ZofR, 0, 4.5e5, 0);621 TF1 f2("RofZ", RofZ, 0, 5, 0);622 623 gPad->Divide(2,2);624 625 gPad->GetVirtCanvas()->cd(1);626 TH1 *h = f1.DrawCopy()->GetHistogram();627 628 h->SetTitle("z(r)");629 h->SetXTitle("r [kpc]");630 h->SetYTitle("z");631 632 gPad->Modified();633 gPad->Update();634 635 gPad->GetVirtCanvas()->cd(2);636 h = f2.DrawCopy()->GetHistogram();637 638 h->SetTitle("r(z)");639 h->SetXTitle("z");640 h->SetYTitle("r [kpc]");641 642 gPad->Modified();643 gPad->Update();644 }645 646 24 Double_t PrimSpect(Double_t *x, Double_t *k) 647 25 { … … 649 27 } 650 28 651 /* 652 Double_t Planck(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL) 653 { 654 Double_t E = x[0]; // [GeV] 655 Double_t z = k ? k[0] : 0; 656 657 Double_t T = 2.96*(z+1); // [K] 658 Double_t e = 1.602176462e-19; // [C] 659 Double_t kB = 1e-9/e*1.3806503e-23; // [GeV/K] 660 661 Double_t EkT = E/kB/T; 662 663 return E*E*E / (exp(EkT)-1.); // [GeV^2] 664 } 665 */ 666 667 Double_t Planck(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL) 668 { 669 // 670 // Planck, per unit volume, per unit energy 671 // 672 // constants moved out of function, see below 673 // 674 675 // 676 // This is to get a correct random value in a TF1! 677 // 678 Double_t E = pow(10, x[0]); // [GeV] 679 Double_t z = k ? k[0] : 0; 680 681 Double_t T = 2.96*(z+1); // [K] 682 Double_t e = 1.602176462e-19; // [C] 683 Double_t kB = 1e-9/e*1.3806503e-23; // [GeV/K] 684 685 Double_t EkT = E/kB/T; 686 687 return E*E / (exp(EkT)-1.); // [GeV^2] 29 Double_t PhotonSpect(Double_t *x, Double_t *k=NULL) 30 { 31 Double_t Ep = pow(10, x[0]); 32 Double_t res = MPhoton::Int2(&Ep, k); 33 34 return res*1e55; //65/k[0]; 35 // return MPhoton::Planck(&Ep, &k[1]); 36 } 37 38 Double_t Sbar_sigmas(Double_t *x, Double_t *k) 39 { 40 Double_t sbar = pow(10, x[0]); 41 42 Double_t s = 1./(sbar*4); 43 44 Double_t sigma = MPhoton::Sigma_gg(&s); 45 46 return sigma*sbar*1e28; 47 } 48 49 Double_t RandomTheta(Double_t Eg, Double_t Ep) 50 { 51 Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV] 52 53 Double_t f = Eg/E0*Ep/E0; 54 55 if (f<1) 56 return 0; 57 58 TF1 func("RndTheta", Sbar_sigmas, 0, log10(f), 0); 59 60 Double_t sbar = pow(10, func.GetRandom()); 61 Double_t theta = acos(1.-sbar*2/f); 62 63 return theta; 688 64 } 689 65 690 66 void DoIt() 691 67 { 692 Double_t rcygnusx3 = 5000; //100; //30/3.258; // [~10kpc] 693 694 Double_t startz = ZofR(&rcygnusx3); 68 Double_t R = 100; // [kpc] 69 Double_t startz = MParticle::ZofR(&R); 70 71 cout << "R = " << R << "kpc" << endl; 72 cout << "Z = " << startz << endl; 695 73 696 74 static TRandom rand(0); 697 75 MPairProduction pair; 698 76 699 //Double_t nphot = 50; 700 Double_t runtime = 15*60; ///*18*60*/60; // [s] 701 702 Double_t lo = 2e5; 703 Double_t hi = 2e10; 77 Double_t runtime = 30*60; // [s] 78 79 Double_t lo = 1e4; 80 Double_t hi = 1e10; 704 81 Double_t alpha = -2; 705 82 706 Double_t nbins = 4*log10(hi/lo); 707 708 TF1 phot("PhotonSpectrum", Planck, -15, -10.5, 1); 83 Double_t nbins = 24; //4*log10(hi/lo); 84 709 85 TF1 src ("PrimarySpectrum", PrimSpect, log10(lo), log10(hi), 1); // 10GeV-1000PeV 710 711 src.SetParameter(0, alpha); 86 src.SetParameter(0, 0); 87 88 TH1D hist; 89 TH1D histsrc; 90 91 hist.SetMinimum(lo*lo * pow(lo, alpha)/10); 92 histsrc.SetMinimum(lo*lo * pow(lo, alpha)/10); 712 93 713 94 TList listg; … … 726 107 MBinning binspolx; 727 108 MBinning binspoly; 728 binspolx.SetEdges( 32, -180, 180);729 binspoly.SetEdgesLog(20, 1e- 9, 1e-5);109 binspolx.SetEdges(16, -180, 180); 110 binspoly.SetEdgesLog(20, 1e-13, 1e-4); 730 111 MH::SetBinning(&position, &binspolx, &binspoly); 731 112 MH::SetBinning(&angle, &binspolx, &binspoly); … … 737 118 histpos.SetTitle("Particle Position"); 738 119 position.SetTitle("Particle Position"); 739 740 TH1D hist;741 TH1D histsrc;742 120 743 121 // … … 761 139 gPad->SetLogy(); 762 140 141 histsrc.SetName("Spectrum"); 142 histsrc.SetXTitle("E [GeV]"); 143 histsrc.SetYTitle("E^{2}\\dotCounts"); 144 histsrc.GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.015); 145 histsrc.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); 146 763 147 histsrc.Draw("P"); 764 148 hist.Draw("Psame"); 765 149 histsrc.Draw("Csame"); 766 150 hist.Draw("Csame"); 767 768 histsrc.SetName("Spectrum");769 histsrc.SetXTitle("E [GeV]");770 histsrc.SetYTitle("E*Counts");771 histsrc.GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.015);772 histsrc.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);773 151 774 152 ofstream fsrc("source.dat"); … … 789 167 790 168 Double_t E = pow(10, src.GetRandom()); 791 792 histsrc.Fill(E, E); 169 Double_t weight = pow(E, alpha); 170 171 histsrc.Fill(E, E*E * weight); 172 793 173 fsrc << E << endl; 794 174 … … 800 180 while (1) 801 181 { 802 cout << " |P:" << flush; 182 if (listg.GetSize()!=0) 183 cout << " |P:" << flush; 803 184 804 185 TIter NextP(&listg); … … 806 187 while ((p=(MPhoton*)NextP())) 807 188 { 189 Double_t Eg = p->GetEnergy(); 190 808 191 if (!p->SetNewPosition()) 809 192 { 810 193 cout << "!" << flush; 811 194 812 hist.Fill( p->GetEnergy(), p->GetEnergy());813 position.Fill(p->GetPhi()*kRad2Deg, p->GetR() );814 angle.Fill(p->GetPsi()*kRad2Deg, p->GetTheta()*kRad2Deg );815 histpos.Fill(p->GetR() );816 hista.Fill(p->GetTheta()*kRad2Deg );817 818 fcas << p->GetEnergy()<< endl;195 hist.Fill(Eg, Eg*Eg*weight); 196 position.Fill(p->GetPhi()*kRad2Deg, p->GetR(), weight); 197 angle.Fill(p->GetPsi()*kRad2Deg, p->GetTheta()*kRad2Deg, weight); 198 histpos.Fill(p->GetR(), weight); 199 hista.Fill(p->GetTheta()*kRad2Deg, weight); 200 201 fcas << Eg << endl; 819 202 delete listg.Remove(p); 820 203 continue; … … 824 207 // Sample phtoton from background and interaction angle 825 208 // 826 MPhoton photon; 827 828 phot.SetParameter(0, p->GetZ()); 829 photon.SetEnergy(pow(10, phot.GetRandom())); 830 Double_t theta = rand.Uniform(TMath::Pi() * 2); 831 832 if (!pair.Process(p, &photon, theta, &liste)) 833 { 834 cout << "0" << flush;; 209 TF1 phot("PhotonSpectrum", PhotonSpect, -log10(Eg)-8, -10.5, 2); 210 phot.SetParameter(0, Eg); 211 phot.SetParameter(1, p->GetZ()); 212 if (phot.Integral(-log10(Eg)-8, -10.5)==0) 213 { 214 // ??????????????????? 215 hist.Fill(Eg, Eg*Eg*weight); 216 angle.Fill(p->GetPsi()*kRad2Deg, p->GetTheta()*kRad2Deg, weight); 217 hista.Fill(p->GetTheta()*kRad2Deg, weight); 218 delete listg.Remove(p); 219 cout << "z" << flush; 220 continue; 221 } 222 223 Double_t Ep = pow(10, phot.GetRandom()); 224 225 Double_t theta = RandomTheta(Eg, Ep); 226 if (theta==0) 227 { 228 cout << "t" << flush; 229 continue; 230 } 231 232 if (!pair.Process(p, Ep, theta, &liste)) 233 { 234 cout << "0" << flush; 835 235 continue; 836 236 } … … 843 243 break; 844 244 845 cout << " |E" << flush; 245 if (liste.GetSize()!=0) 246 cout << " |E" << flush; 846 247 847 248 TIter Next(&liste); … … 849 250 while ((e=(MElectron*)Next())) 850 251 { 252 if (e->GetEnergy()<lo) 253 continue; 254 851 255 cout << ":" << flush; 852 256 while(1) … … 858 262 } 859 263 860 MPhoton *p = e->DoInvCompton(); 861 if (e->GetEnergy()<lo*5) 264 // WRONG! 265 Double_t theta = rand.Uniform(TMath::Pi()*2); 266 MPhoton *p = e->DoInvCompton(theta); 267 268 if (fabs(p->GetTheta()*3437)<1 && // < 1min 269 p->GetEnergy()>lo) 862 270 { 863 cout << "0" << flush; 864 delete p; 865 break; 271 cout << "." << flush; 272 listg.Add(p); 866 273 } 867 868 if (p->GetEnergy()<lo) 274 else 869 275 { 870 276 cout << "i" << flush; // ignored 871 277 delete p; 278 } 279 280 if (fabs(e->GetTheta()*3437)<1 && // < 1min 281 e->GetEnergy()>lo*2) 872 282 continue; 873 } 874 875 listg.Add(p); 876 cout << "." << flush; 283 284 cout << "0" << flush; 285 break; 877 286 } 878 287 } … … 940 349 hista.DrawCopy(); 941 350 gPad->SetLogx(); 942 943 351 } 944 352 … … 946 354 void phys() 947 355 { 356 DoIt(); 357 948 358 /* 949 Double_t Eg = 1e5; 950 951 Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV] 952 Double_t lolim = E0*E0/Eg; 953 Double_t inf = 4e-12; //E0*E0/Eg * sqrt(Eg); 954 955 // 1e5: 5e-13, 4e-12 956 // 1e6: 5e-14, 2e-12 957 // 1e8: 5e-16, 1e-12 958 // 1e10: 5e-18, 1e-12 959 960 // 1e5: 2.6e-12, 4e-12 961 // 1e6: 2.6e-13, 2e-12 962 // 1e8: 2.6e-15, 1e-12 963 // 1e10: 1.6e-17, 1e-12 964 965 TF1 f("int2", MPhoton::Int2, lolim, inf, 2); 966 f.SetParameter(0, Eg); 967 f.SetParameter(1, 0); 968 969 MH::MakeDefCanvas(); 970 gPad->SetLogx(); 971 f.DrawCopy(); 972 return; 359 Double_t E = 1e10; 360 TF1 phot("PhotonSpectrum", PhotonSpect, -log10(E)-8, -10.5, 2); 361 phot.SetParameter(0, E); 362 phot.SetParameter(1, 5); 363 phot.DrawCopy(); 364 return; 365 */ 366 367 /* 368 Double_t Eg = 1e5; 369 370 Double_t E0 = 511e-6; // [GeV] 371 Double_t lolim = E0*E0/Eg; 372 Double_t inf = 4e-12; //E0*E0/Eg * sqrt(Eg); 373 374 // 1e5: 5e-13, 4e-12 375 // 1e6: 5e-14, 2e-12 376 // 1e8: 5e-16, 1e-12 377 // 1e10: 5e-18, 1e-12 378 379 // 1e5: 2.6e-12, 4e-12 380 // 1e6: 2.6e-13, 2e-12 381 // 1e8: 2.6e-15, 1e-12 382 // 1e10: 1.6e-17, 1e-12 383 384 TF1 f("int2", MPhoton::Int2, lolim, inf, 2); 385 f.SetParameter(0, Eg); 386 f.SetParameter(1, 0); 387 388 MH::MakeDefCanvas(); 389 gPad->SetLogx(); 390 f.DrawCopy(); 973 391 */ 974 // MH::MakeDefCanvas(); 975 // DrawILPhoton(); 976 977 // return ; 978 979 DoIt(); 980 return; 981 EnergyLossRate(); 982 983 MH::MakeDefCanvas(); 984 DrawILElectron(); 985 986 DrawRZ(); 987 988 return; 989 990 /* 991 cout << "Starting..." << endl; 992 993 MEvtLoop magic; 994 MParList plist; 995 MTaskList tlist; 996 plist.AddToList(&tlist); 997 998 MHInput *input = new MHInput; 999 MHOutput *output = new MHOutput; 1000 1001 plist.AddToList(input); 1002 plist.AddToList(output); 1003 1004 MGenerateInput geninp; 1005 tlist.AddToList(&geninp); 1006 1007 MFillH finput("MSinglePairInput", input); 1008 tlist.AddToList(&finput); 1009 1010 MSinglePairProduction prod; 1011 tlist.AddToList(&prod); 1012 1013 MFillH foutput("MSinglePairOutput", output); 1014 tlist.AddToList(&foutput); 1015 1016 magic.SetParList(&plist); 1017 if (!magic.Eventloop(10000)) 1018 return; 1019 1020 input->Draw(); 1021 output->Draw(); 1022 1023 return; 1024 */ 1025 1026 /* 1027 MEvtLoop magic; 1028 MParList plist; 1029 MTaskList tlist; 1030 plist.AddToList(&tlist); 1031 1032 MHInput *input = new MHInput; 1033 MHOutput *output = new MHOutput; 1034 1035 plist.AddToList(input); 1036 plist.AddToList(output); 1037 1038 MGenerateInput geninp; 1039 tlist.AddToList(&geninp); 1040 1041 MFillH finput("MSinglePairInput", input); 1042 tlist.AddToList(&finput); 1043 1044 MSinglePairProduction prod; 1045 tlist.AddToList(&prod); 1046 1047 MFillH foutput("MSinglePairOutput", output); 1048 tlist.AddToList(&foutput); 1049 1050 magic.SetParList(&plist); 1051 if (!magic.Eventloop(10000)) 1052 return; 1053 1054 input->Draw(); 1055 output->Draw(); 1056 1057 return; 1058 */ 1059 } 1060 392 } 393
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for help on using the changeset viewer.