Changeset 1408

07/16/02 11:00:32 (22 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
5 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r1407 r1408  
    11                                                                  -*-*- END -*-*-
     3 2002/07/16: Thomas Bretz
     5   * mgui/
     6     - added a sanity check in DistanceToPrimitive
     8   * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]:
     9     - added DistanceToPrimitive
     10     - declared virtual functions as virtual (easier to read in the Dox)
     12   * mfileio/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]:
     13     - renamed AddContainer and AddRule to AddColumn and AddColumns
     15   * macros/MagicHillas.C:
     16     - adopted to new names of MWriteAsciiFile member functions
    320 2002/07/15: Abelardo Moralejo
    522   * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc2.[h,cc]
    623     - converted fWeight into a static variable.
    827 2002/07/11: Thomas Bretz
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/NEWS

    r1401 r1408  
    3838     CT1 camera (a pixel 127 doesn't exist and the pixel 126 didn't
    3939     have any neighbour)
     41   - Calls to MWriteAsciiFile::AddContainer and MWriteAsciiFile::AddRule
     42     must be replaced by calles to MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn and
     43     MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns. Be carefull, the arguments have slightly
     44     changed.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/macros/MagicHillas.C

    r1395 r1408  
    113113    MFillH hfill2a("HistAntiSrc [MHHillasSrc]", "HillasAntiSrc");
    115     MWriteRootFile write("hillas.root");
    116     write.AddContainer("MHillas",       "Hillas");
    117     write.AddContainer("HillasSource",  "Hillas");
    118     write.AddContainer("HillasAntiSrc", "Hillas");
    119     write.AddContainer("MHStarMap");
    120     write.AddContainer("MMcEvt","Hillas");
     115    /*
     116     MWriteRootFile write("hillas.root");
     117     write.AddContainer("MHillas",       "Hillas");
     118     write.AddContainer("HillasSource",  "Hillas");
     119     write.AddContainer("HillasAntiSrc", "Hillas");
     120     write.AddContainer("MMcEvt",        "Hillas");
     121     write.AddContainer("MHStarMap");
    123     /*
    124123     MWriteAsciiFile write("hillas.txt");
    125      write.AddContainer("MHillas", "fLength");
    126      write.AddContainer("MHillas", "fConc");
    127      write.AddContainer("MHillas");
     124     write.AddColumn("MHillas.fLength*MGeomCam.fConvMm2Deg");
     125     write.AddColumn("MHillas", "fConc");
     126     write.AddColumns("MHillas");
    128127     */
    141140    tlist.AddToList(&hfill2s);
    142141    tlist.AddToList(&hfill2a);
    143     tlist.AddToList(&write);
    145143    //
    159157    //
    160158    // After the analysis is finished we can display the histograms
    161     //
    162160    plist.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
    163161    plist.FindObject("HistSource")->DrawClone();
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mfileio/

    r1381 r1408  
    9696    if (contname)
    97        AddContainer(contname);
     97       AddColumns(contname);
    116116    if (cont)
    117         AddContainer(cont);
     117        AddColumns(cont);
    140140// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     142// Tries to get all containers from the ParList which were given by name
     143// adds them to the list of pointers to the container which should be
     144// written to the ascii file.
     146Bool_t MWriteAsciiFile::GetContainer(MParList *plist)
     148    TObject *obj=NULL;
     150    TIter Next(&fList);
     151    while ((obj=Next()))
     152    {
     153        //
     154        // MData is the highest class in the inheritance tree
     155        //
     156        if (obj->InheritsFrom(MData::Class()))
     157        {
     158            if (!((MData*)obj)->PreProcess(plist))
     159                return kFALSE;
     160            continue;
     161        }
     163        //
     164        // MParContainer is the next class in the inheritance tree
     165        //
     166        if (obj->InheritsFrom(MParContainer::Class()))
     167            continue;
     169        //
     170        // It is neither a MData nor a MParContainer, it must be a TNamed
     171        //
     172        TObject *o = plist->FindObject(obj->GetName());
     173        if (!o)
     174            return kFALSE;
     176        fList[fList.IndexOf(obj)] = o;
     177    }
     178    return kTRUE;
     181// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     183// Check if the containers are ready for writing. If so write them.
     184// The containers are written in one line, one after each other.
     185// If not all containers are written (because of the IsReadyToSave-flag)
     186// a warning message is print.
     188void MWriteAsciiFile::CheckAndWrite() const
     190    Bool_t written = kFALSE;
     192    MParContainer *obj = NULL;
     194    Int_t num = fList.GetEntries();
     196    TIter Next(&fList);
     197    while ((obj=(MParContainer*)Next()))
     198    {
     199        if (!obj->IsReadyToSave())
     200            continue;
     202        if (!obj->AsciiWrite(*fOut))
     203            continue;
     205        written = kTRUE;
     207        num--;
     208    }
     210    if (!written)
     211        return;
     213    *fOut << endl;
     215    if (num!=0)
     216        *fLog << warn << "Warning - given number of objects doesn't fit number of written objects." << endl;
     219// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    142221// Add a rule to be written as a column to the ascii file.
    143222// For more information about rules see MDataChain.
    145 void MWriteAsciiFile::AddRule(const char *rule)
     224//  eg: MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn("log10(MHillas.fEnergy)/2")
     226void MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn(const TString rule)
    147228    MDataChain *chain = new MDataChain(rule);
    151232// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    153 // Add another container (by pointer) to be written to the ascii file.
    154 // The container will be output one after each other in one line.
    155 // If you want to write only one data member of the container
    156 // specify the name of the data member (eg. fAlpha) Make sure,
    157 // that a "GetteMethod" for this data type exists (strip the f and
    158 // replace it by Get)
    159 // If you specify a single data member you can add a scale-factor which
    160 // is (in case of the data member being a floating point value) multiplied
    161 // with the data member value. This is usefull if you are want to
    162 // change the scale (unit) of a data member for writing (eg.
    163 // writing degrees for the hillas parameters instead of the internally
    164 // used millimeters)
    165 //
    166 void MWriteAsciiFile::AddContainer(MParContainer *cont, const TString member, Double_t scale)
    167 {
    168     if (member.IsNull())
    169     {
    170         fList.Add(cont);
    171         return;
    172     }
     234// Add another column to be written to the ascii file. The columns will be
     235// output one after each other in one line.
     236// Specify the name of the data member to be written (eg fWidth) and
     237// a possible scale factor (eg. to transform millimeters to degrees)
     239//  eg:
     240//       MMcEvt evt;
     241//       MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn(&evt, "fImpact", 0.01);
     243void MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn(MParContainer *cont, const TString member, Double_t scale)
    174245    MData *data = new MDataMember(cont, member);
    193264// Add another container (by name) to be written to the ascii file.
    194265// The container will be output one after each other in one line.
    195 // If you want to write only one data member of the container
    196 // specify the name of the data member (eg. fAlpha) Make sure,
    197 // that a "GetteMethod" for this data type exists (strip the f and
    198 // replace it by Get)
    199 // If you specify a single data member you can add a scale-factor which
    200 // is (in case of the data member being a floating point value) multiplied
    201 // with the data member value. This is usefull if you are want to
    202 // change the scale (unit) of a data member for writing (eg.
    203 // writing degrees for the hillas parameters instead of the internally
    204 // used millimeters)
    205 //
    206 void MWriteAsciiFile::AddContainer(const TString cont, const TString member, Double_t scale)
    207 {
    208     if (member.IsNull())
    209     {
    210         TNamed *name = new TNamed(cont, cont);
    211         fList.Add(name);
    212         fAutoDel.Add(name);
    213         return;
    214     }
    216     MData *data = new MDataMember(Form("%s.%s", (const char*)cont, (const char*)member));
    217     if (scale!=1)
    218     {
    219         MDataList  *list = new MDataList('*');
    220         MDataValue *val  = new MDataValue(scale);
    222         list->SetOwner();
    223         list->AddToList(data);
    224         list->AddToList(val);
    226         data = list;
    227     }
    228     fList.Add(data);
    229     fAutoDel.Add(data);
    230 }
    232 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    233 //
    234 // Tries to get all containers from the ParList which were given by name
    235 // adds them to the list of pointers to the container which should be
    236 // written to the ascii file.
    237 //
    238 Bool_t MWriteAsciiFile::GetContainer(MParList *plist)
    239 {
    240     TObject *obj=NULL;
    242     TIter Next(&fList);
    243     while ((obj=Next()))
    244     {
    245         //
    246         // MData is the highest class in the inheritance tree
    247         //
    248         if (obj->InheritsFrom(MData::Class()))
    249         {
    250             if (!((MData*)obj)->PreProcess(plist))
    251                 return kFALSE;
    252             continue;
    253         }
    255         //
    256         // MParContainer is the next class in the inheritance tree
    257         //
    258         if (obj->InheritsFrom(MParContainer::Class()))
    259             continue;
    261         //
    262         // It is neither a MData nor a MParContainer, it must be a TNamed
    263         //
    264         TObject *o = plist->FindObject(obj->GetName());
    265         if (!o)
    266             return kFALSE;
    268         fList[fList.IndexOf(obj)] = o;
    269     }
    270     return kTRUE;
    271 }
    273 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    274 //
    275 // Check if the containers are ready for writing. If so write them.
    276 // The containers are written in one line, one after each other.
    277 // If not all containers are written (because of the IsReadyToSave-flag)
    278 // a warning message is print.
    279 //
    280 void MWriteAsciiFile::CheckAndWrite() const
    281 {
    282     Bool_t written = kFALSE;
    284     MParContainer *obj = NULL;
    286     Int_t num = fList.GetEntries();
    288     TIter Next(&fList);
    289     while ((obj=(MParContainer*)Next()))
    290     {
    291         if (!obj->IsReadyToSave())
    292             continue;
    294         if (!obj->AsciiWrite(*fOut))
    295             continue;
    297         written = kTRUE;
    299         num--;
    300     }
    302     if (!written)
    303         return;
    305     *fOut << endl;
    307     if (num!=0)
    308         *fLog << warn << "Warning - given number of objects doesn't fit number of written objects." << endl;
    309 }
     266// The output will be done either by MParContainer::AsciiWrite or
     267// by the corresponding overloaded function.
     269//  eg: MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns("MMcEvt")
     271void MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns(const TString cont)
     273    TNamed *name = new TNamed(cont, cont);
     274    fList.Add(name);
     275    fAutoDel.Add(name);
     278// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     280// Add another container (by pointer) to be written to the ascii file.
     281// The container will be output one after each other in one line.
     282// The output will be done either by MParContainer::AsciiWrite or
     283// by the corresponding overloaded function.
     285//  eg:
     286//      MMcEvt evt;
     287//      MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns(&evt);
     289void MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns(MParContainer *cont)
     291    fList.Add(cont);
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mfileio/MWriteAsciiFile.h

    r1381 r1408  
    3535    ~MWriteAsciiFile();
    37     void AddContainer(const TString cname, const TString member="", Double_t scale=1);
    38     void AddContainer(MParContainer *cont, const TString member="", Double_t scale=1);
    40     void AddRule(const char *rule);
     37    void AddColumn(const TString rule);
     38    void AddColumn(MParContainer *cont, const TString member="", Double_t scale=1);
     39    void AddColumns(const TString name);
     40    void AddColumns(MParContainer *cont);
    4242    ClassDef(MWriteAsciiFile, 0) // Class to write one container to an ascii file
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