Changeset 14267 for trunk/FACT++

07/16/12 09:46:42 (13 years ago)
Jens Buss
additional out put for wait-states in scripts
1 edited


  • trunk/FACT++/ScriptsForDimCtrl/FirstDrsCalib.dim

    r13993 r14267  
    1717.w 2000
    1818# stopping should always be possible, and end in state 'Connected'(6)
     19> ...waiting for FEEDBACK to be in state 6: Connected
    1920.s FEEDBACK 6
    2021> ..done
    3132.w 2000
     33> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 7: VoltageOff
    3234.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
    3335> ...done
    4042.w 2000
     43> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 9: VoltageOn
    4144.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
    4245> ...done
    5962# in order to find out when the calibration ends, we have to wait for the transistion from state
    6063# 'Calibrating'(13) back to 'Connected'(6)
     64> ...waiting for FEEDBACK to be in state 13: Calibrating
    6165.s FEEDBACK 13
     66> ...waiting for FEEDBACK to be in state 6: Connected
    6267.s FEEDBACK 6
    7681.w 5000
     82> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 7: VoltageOff
    7783.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
    7884> ...done
    8389# and a second pedestal run, with the same ROI as our next data will be, i.e. ROI=300 in this case
    8490> taking DRS:Pedestal 1000 ...
    85 > OPERATOR: observe Events tab and make sure there are no patches with strange behaviour, which can be caused by DRS-CHIP Problems
     91> ===================================================
     92> OPERATOR:
     93> observe Events tab and make sure there are no patches
     94> with strange behaviour, which can be caused
     95> by DRS-CHIP Problems
     96> ===================================================
    88100MCP/START -1 1000 drs-pedestal
     101> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 8: Writing Data
    89102.s FAD_CONTROL 8
     103> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 4: Connected
    90104.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    91105> ... done
    93107> taking DRS:Gain 1000 ...
    94108MCP/START -1 1000 drs-gain
     109> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 8: Writing Data
    95110.s FAD_CONTROL 8
     111> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 4: Connected
    96112.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    97113> ... done
    99115> taking Pedestal 1000 ...
    100116MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
     117> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 8: Writing Data
    101118.s FAD_CONTROL 8
     119> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 4: Connected
    102120.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    103121> ... done
    112130MCP/START -1 1000 pedestal
     131> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 8: Writing Data
    113132.s FAD_CONTROL 8
     133> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 4: Connected
    114134.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    115135> ... done
    124144# the feedback should be in state 'CurrentControl'(12) now
    125145# the feedback should be in state 'CurrentCtrlIdle'(9) now since 30.05.12
     146> ...waiting for FEEDBACK to be in state 9: CurrentCtrlIdle
    126147.s FEEDBACK 9
    127148> ... done
    131152# after this command the bias_ctrl should be in state 'VoltageOn'(9) after a second or so
     153> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 9: VoltageOn
    132154.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
    133155> ...1 DAC globally set
    135157# when the feedback actually kicks in, the bias is first in state 'Ramping'(5) for some seconds and finally in 'VoltageOn'(9)
    136158# again
     159> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 5: Ramping
    137160.s BIAS_CONTROL 5
    138161> ...ramping to nominal voltage
     162> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 9: VoltageOn
    139163.s BIAS_CONTROL 9
    140164> ...bias on
    149173> taking Pedestal with BIAS on 3000 ...
    150174MCP/START -1 3000 pedestal
     175> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 8: Writing Data
    151176.s FAD_CONTROL 8
     177> ...waiting for FAD to be in state 4: Connected
    152178.s FAD_CONTROL 4
    153179> ... done
    157183> switching OFF bias ...
     185> ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 7: VoltageOff
    159186.s BIAS_CONTROL 7
    160187> ...done
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