Changeset 14466 for fact/tools

10/04/12 19:04:19 (12 years ago)
further evolving
1 edited


  • fact/tools/PyDimCtrl/

    r14464 r14466  
    1414report_length = 0
     16source_list = [
     17  ['Crab',          0.6,  50, -130],
     18  ["1ES 2344+51.4", 0.6,  90, -90 ],
     19  ["Mrk 501",       0.6, -22, -22+180 ],
     20  ["Mrk 421",       0.6,  90, -90 ],
     21  ["1ES 1218+304",  0.6,  -5, -5+180 ],
     22  ["1ES 1959+650",  0.6, 155, 155-180 ],
     23  ["Dark Patch 2",  0.6,  90, -90 ],
     24  ["Dark Patch 3",  0.6,  90, -90 ],
     25  ["H 1426+428",    0.6,  90, -90 ],
     26  ["IC 310",        0.6, -18, -18+180 ],
     27  ["PKS 2155-304",  0.6,  90, -90 ] ]
     29sourcedict = {}
     30def make_sourcedict():
     31  for s in source_list:
     32    sourcedict[s[0]] = {}
     33    sourcedict[s[0]]['wobble_offset'] = s[1]
     34    sourcedict[s[0]]['wobble_angle1'] = s[2]
     35    sourcedict[s[0]]['wobble_angle2'] = s[3]
    1641def wait_nice(self, state_num, timeout=None):                           
    100 def IsReadyForDataTaking():
     125def IsReadyForDataTaking( verbose=False ):
    101126  """ Checking the system statuses if they are ready for data taking
    102127  """
    104   print "--------------------------------------"
    105   print "Checking the system statuses of:"
    106   print "FEEDBACK, BIAS, FAD and DRIVE_CONTROL"
    107   print "--------------------------------------"
    109   print "...waiting for FEEDBACK"
    110   print "   to be in state 12: CurrentControl"
     128  if verbose:
     129    print "--------------------------------------"
     130    print "Checking the system statuses of:"
     131    print "FEEDBACK, BIAS, FAD and DRIVE_CONTROL"
     132    print "--------------------------------------"
     134    print "...waiting for FEEDBACK"
     135    print "   to be in state 12: CurrentControl"
    111136  feedback.wait(12)
    113   print "...waiting for BIAS_CONTROL"
    114   print "   to be in state 9: VoltageOn"
     138  if verbose:
     139    print "...waiting for BIAS_CONTROL"
     140    print "   to be in state 9: VoltageOn"
    115141  bias_control.wait(9)
    117   print "...waiting for FAD_CONTROL"
    118   print "   to be in state 4: Connected"
     143  if verbose:
     144    print "...waiting for FAD_CONTROL"
     145    print "   to be in state 4: Connected"
    119146  fad_control.wait(4)
    121   print "...waiting for drive_CONTROL"
    122   print "   to be in state 8: Tracking"
     148  if verbose:
     149    print "...waiting for drive_CONTROL"
     150    print "   to be in state 8: Tracking"
    123151  drive_control.wait(8)
    125   print "...system statuses OK"
    126   print "--------------------------------------"
     153  if verbose:
     154    print "...system statuses OK"
     155    print "--------------------------------------"
    128157def NotReadyForDataTaking( servers_n_targets = [ (feedback, 12),
    286315  """
    287316  runtype += '\0'
    289318  if verbose:
    290319    print ' taking', runtype,'. ', num_events, 'events in', time, 'seconds'
    299328  if verbose:
    300329    print '... done'
     331def TakeBetter( time, num_events, runtype,
     332                Bias = None,
     333                Drive = None,
     335                verbose=False):
     336  """
     337  """
     338  if Bias not in [None, 'On', 'Off']:
     339    raise ValueError('Bias needs to be one of [None, 'On', 'Off']')
     340    return False
     343  runtype += '\0'
     345  # FAD:
     346  #
     347  # It makes no sense to try to take data, when the FADs are not well connected.
     348  # Also I think it makes no sense to start datataking, when FAD is in WritingData
     349  # and when MCP is not in an Idle state...
     350  #
     351  # we will check if FAD is in Connected(4), if in Writing_Data(8), we will send: close_all_open_files()
     352  # if in one of the configuring states(5,6,7) we will send reset_configure
     353  # if in Connecting(3), we will try to find which board is making problems...
     354  # and disconnect and connect it --> THREE TIMES
     355  # if it doesn't help.
     356  # we abort.
     357  #
     358  #
     361  # FTM:
     362  # the ftm is not so critcal, since it makes no problems normally...
     363  # It can be in triggerON(4) or Idle(3)
     364  # Connected(2) is not good here we need a power cycle
     365  # Any of the Configured States (5,6,7) should be treated with reset_configure()
     366  #
     367  # we will anyway check if in Connected(2) before starting.
     369  # DRIVE_CONTROL:
     370  # in case *Drive* is a valid sourcename from sourcedict,
     371  # we will give the command to point to that source in ON mode
     372  # in case *Drive* is a tuple of ('sourcename', 1 || 2)
     373  # We will point to that soource in wobble mode.
     374  #
     375  # If Drive is 'Stop. The Drive will be stopped
     376  #
     377  # In anycase The Drive will be checked for not beeing in the state ERROR
     378  # in that case we will send DRIVE_CONTROL/STOP and the last tracking
     379  # command or nothing in case Drive = 'Stop'
     380  #
     381  # In case Drive is None no commands will be send to DRIVE_CONTROL at allow
     383  # RATE_CTRL
     384  #
     385  # Rate_control should be in Connected(4) and not lower
     386  # 5,6,7 should not be the case ... STOP will help, I hope
     387  #
     388  # we will try to get it into Connected, by sending STOP once
     389  # if not successful we abort
     391  start_time = time.time()
     392  duration = 10.
     393  while fad_control.stn != 4:
     394    if fad_control.stn in [5,6,7]: # Configure State --> Reset_Configure
     395      fad_control.reset_configure()
     396    elif fad_control.stn == 8: #WritingData --> Close_all_open_files()
     397      fad_control.close_open_files()
     398    elif fad_control.stn == 3: #Connecting --> try to find 'bad' board and reconnect
     399      duration = 60.
     400      print 'fad_control in state Connecting ... trying to find "bad" board'
     401      print 'timeout increased to 60.sec'
     402      conn = GetFadConnections()
     403      bad = np.where( conn != 0x42 )[0]
     404      print 'possible bad boards', bad
     405      print 'disconnecting'
     406      for b in bad:
     407        fad_control.disconnect(b)
     408      time.sleep(3.)
     409      for b in bad:
     410        fad_control.connect(b)
     411    else:                       # really bad .. abort
     412      print 'ERROR: FAD_CTRL in state', fad_control.stn, fad_control.sts
     413      print 'I do not know how to treat that ... aborting'
     414      return False
     416    time.sleep(1.)
     417    if time.time() - start_time > duration:
     418      print 'Timeout during try to get FAD into Connected'
     419      return False
     421  # BIAS
     422  #
     423  # As well it makes no sense to try to take data, when the Bias control is in an
     424  # undefined state.
     425  # When *Bias* is 'On' we will take care that the Bias voltage is on, and stays on
     426  # When *Bias* is 'Off' we will shut bias down and do nothing more
     427  # When *Bias* is None -default- then no commands will be send to BiasCtrl
     429  start_time = time.time()
     430  duration = 20.
     431  if Bias == 'On':
     432    if (bias_control.voltage()[0:320].mean() > 60) and
     433      ( (bias_control.stn == 5) or (bias_control.stn == 9) )
     435  elif Bias == 'Off':
     438  if verbose:
     439    print ' taking', runtype,'. ', num_events, 'events in', time, 'seconds'
     440  mcp.start(time, num_events, runtype)
     442  if verbose:
     443    print '...waiting for FAD to be in state 8: Writing Data'
     444  fad_control.wait(8) # Writing Data
     445  if verbose:
     446    print '...waiting for FAD to be in state 4: Connected'
     447  fad_control.wait_nice(4) # Connected
     448  if verbose:
     449    print '... done'
    464614    # this 10sec wait is needed in order for the bias not to disconect all the time...
    465615    print " ... current calibration done"
    466     time.sleep(10)
     616    #time.sleep(10)
    468618    print " switching off bias"
    469619    bias_control.set_zero_voltage()
    470     time.sleep(5)
     620    #time.sleep(5)
    471621    print " ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 7: VoltageOff"
    472622    bias_control.wait(7)
    487637  fad_control.start_drs_calibration()
    488   time.sleep(0.5)
     638  #time.sleep(0.5)
    489639  Take( -1, 1000, 'drs-pedestal')
    803953  print '... done'
    805 source_list = [
    806   ['Crab', 0.6 , 50, -130],
    807   ["1ES 2344+51.4", 0.6 , 90, -90 ],
    808   ["Mrk 501", 0.6,  -22, -22+180 ],
    809   ["Mrk 421", 0.6, 90, -90 ],
    810   ["1ES 1218+304", 0.6, -5, -5+180 ],
    811   ["1ES 1959+650", 0.6,  155, 155-180 ],
    812   ["Dark Patch 2", 0.6 , 90, -90 ],
    813   ["Dark Patch 3", 0.6 , 90, -90 ],
    814   ["H 1426+428", 0.6 , 90, -90 ],
    815   ["IC 310", 0.6,  -18, -18+180 ],
    816   ["PKS 2155-304", 0.6,  90, -90 ] ]
    818 sourcedict = {}
    820 def make_sourcedict():
    821   for s in source_list:
    822     sourcedict[s[0]] = {}
    823     sourcedict[s[0]]['wobble_offset'] = s[1]
    824     sourcedict[s[0]]['wobble_angle1'] = s[2]
    825     sourcedict[s[0]]['wobble_angle2'] = s[3]
    828955def TakeSource( name ):
    829956  if name not in sourcedict:
     990def GetFadConnections( verbose = False ):
     991  """ return np.array(40) with bitmaps, showing the FADs connection status:
     992      apperently this is the meaning:
     993      0x43 -- well connected and well configured           -- green with white tick mark
     994      0x42 -- well connected                               -- green
     995      0x09 -- something is wrong with the connection       -- orange or red?
     996      0x00 -- not connected, and not attempting to connect -- grey
     997  """
     999  conn = np.array(map( ord, fad_control.connections()[0] ))
     1000  if verbose:
     1001    for crate in range(4):
     1002      print map( hex, conn[crate*10: (crate+1) *10 ] )
     1003  return conn
    8621007if __name__ == '__main__':
    8631008  print 'Welcome to PyDimCtrl'
    8711016    print,
    8721017  print
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