- Timestamp:
- 11/25/12 10:44:29 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/FACT++/src
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r14674 r14688 20 20 #include <v8.h> 21 21 22 #include "dim.h" 22 23 #include "tools.h" 23 24 #include "externals/izstream.h" … … 118 119 "(function(){" 119 120 "var t=new Date();" 120 "while ((new Date()-t)<"+to_string(args[0]->Int32Value())+") dim.sleep();"121 "while ((new Date()-t)<"+to_string(args[0]->Int32Value())+") v8.sleep();" 121 122 "})();"; 122 123 … … 143 144 TryCatch exception; 144 145 145 const bool rc = ms==0 || !ExecuteInternal(" dim.sleep("+to_string(ms)+");").IsEmpty();146 const bool rc = ms==0 || !ExecuteInternal("v8.sleep("+to_string(ms)+");").IsEmpty(); 146 147 if (rc) 147 148 func->Call(func, 0, NULL); … … 190 191 Handle<Object> self = args.This(); 191 192 192 self->Set InternalField(0, Integer::New(id));193 self->Set(String::New("id"), Integer::NewFromUnsigned(id), ReadOnly); 193 194 self->Set(String::New("kill"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapKill)->GetFunction(), ReadOnly); 194 195 … … 198 199 Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncKill(const Arguments& args) 199 200 { 200 const int id = args.This()->GetInternalField(0)->Int32Value();201 const uint32_t id = args.This()->Get(String::New("id"))->Uint32Value(); 201 202 202 203 V8::TerminateExecution(id); … … 250 251 return ThrowException(String::New(e.what())); 251 252 } 252 253 253 } 254 254 … … 268 268 return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 2 not an int32 and not a string.")); 269 269 270 if (args.Length()==3 && !args[2]->Is Uint32())271 return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 3 not an uint32."));270 if (args.Length()==3 && !args[2]->IsInt32()) 271 return ThrowException(String::New("Argument 3 not an int32.")); 272 272 273 273 // Using a Javascript function has the advantage that it is fully … … 294 294 "{" 295 295 "var s = dim.state(name);" 296 "if(! "+index+")throw new Error('Waitig for state "+arg1+" of server "+arg0+" failed.');"296 "if(!s)throw new Error('Waitig for state "+arg1+" of server "+arg0+" failed.');" 297 297 "if(state=="+index+")return true;"; 298 298 if (timeout) 299 code += "if((new Date()-t)>ms)return false;"; 300 301 code += "dim.sleep();" 302 "}" 299 code += "if((new Date()-t)>Math.abs(ms))break;"; 300 301 code += "v8.sleep();" 302 "}"; 303 if (timeout) 304 code += "if(ms>0)throw new Error('Waitig for state "+arg1+" of server "+arg0+" timed out.');"; 305 code += "return false;" 303 306 "})('"+arg0+"',"+arg1; 304 307 if (timeout) … … 486 489 487 490 if (!ExecuteFile(*file)) 488 return Boolean::New(false); 489 } 491 { 492 V8::TerminateExecution(fThreadId); 493 return ThrowException(Null()); 494 } 495 } 496 490 497 return Boolean::New(true); 491 498 } … … 541 548 542 549 return handle_scope.Close(arr); 543 }544 545 Handle<Value> InterpreterV8::FuncVersion(const Arguments&)546 {547 return String::New(V8::GetVersion());548 550 } 549 551 … … 797 799 case 'S': { Handle<Value> v=Integer::NewFromUnsigned(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(ptr)); ptr += 2; return v; } 798 800 case 'C': { Handle<Value> v=Integer::NewFromUnsigned((uint16_t)*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr)); ptr += 1; return v; } 799 case ':': { Handle<Value> v=String::New(ptr); return v; }800 801 } 801 802 return Undefined(); … … 808 809 //const void *ptr = Local<External>::Cast(args.Holder()->GetInternalField(0))->Value(); 809 810 810 const String::AsciiValue str(args. Holder()->Get(String::New("name")));811 const String::AsciiValue str(args.This()->Get(String::New("name"))); 811 812 812 813 const auto it = fReverseMap.find(*str); … … 883 884 { 884 885 size_t pos = 1; 885 for (auto it=tok.begin(); it !=tok.end() && ptr<end; it++, pos++)886 for (auto it=tok.begin(); it<tok.end() && ptr<end; it++, pos++) 886 887 { 887 888 char type = (*it)[0]; 888 889 it++; 889 890 890 if (it==tok.end() && type=='C')891 type = ':';892 893 if (it==tok.end() && type!=':')894 return Exception::Error(String::New(("Format string invalid '"+evt->GetFormat()+"'").c_str()));895 896 891 string name = pos<vec.size() ? vec[pos].name : ""; 897 892 if (tok.size()==1) 898 893 name = "data"; 899 894 900 const uint32_t cnt = it==tok.end() ? 1 : stoi(it->c_str()); 895 // Get element size 896 uint32_t sz = 1; 897 switch (type) 898 { 899 case 'X': 900 case 'D': sz = 8; break; 901 case 'F': 902 case 'I': 903 case 'L': sz = 4; break; 904 case 'S': sz = 2; break; 905 case 'C': sz = 1; break; 906 } 907 908 // Check if no number is attached if the size of the 909 // received data is consistent with the format string 910 if (it==tok.end() && (end-ptr)%sz>0) 911 return Exception::Error(String::New(("Number of received bytes ["+to_string(evt->GetSize())+"] does not match format ["+evt->GetFormat()+"]").c_str())); 912 913 // Check if format has a number attached. 914 // If no number is attached calculate number of elements 915 const uint32_t cnt = it==tok.end() ? (end-ptr)/sz : stoi(it->c_str()); 916 917 // is_str: Array of type C but unknown size (String) 918 // is_one: Array of known size, but size is 1 (I:1) 919 const bool is_str = type=='C' && it==tok.end(); 920 const bool is_one = cnt==1 && it!=tok.end(); 901 921 902 922 Handle<Value> v; 903 if (cnt==1) 904 { 923 924 if (is_str) 925 v = String::New(ptr); 926 if (is_one) 905 927 v = Convert(type, ptr); 906 } 907 else 928 929 // Array of known (I:5) or unknown size (I), but no string 930 if (!is_str && !is_one) 908 931 { 909 932 Handle<Object> a = Array::New(cnt); … … 919 942 if (tok.size()>1) 920 943 arr->Set(pos-1, v); 944 else 945 ret->Set(String::New("data"), v, ReadOnly); 921 946 922 947 if (!name.empty()) … … 925 950 named->Set(n, v); 926 951 } 927 928 if (it==tok.end())929 break;930 952 } 931 953 … … 979 1001 HandleScope handle_scope; 980 1002 981 const Handle<Script> sleep = Script::Compile(String::New(" dim.sleep();"), String::New("internal"));1003 const Handle<Script> sleep = Script::Compile(String::New("v8.sleep();"), String::New("internal")); 982 1004 if (sleep.IsEmpty()) 983 1005 return Undefined(); … … 1127 1149 } 1128 1150 1151 const HandleScope handle_scope; 1152 1129 1153 it->second->CreationContext()->Enter(); 1130 1131 const HandleScope handle_scope;1132 1154 1133 1155 // ------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1617 1639 1618 1640 HandleException(exception, "code"); 1619 return Undefined();1641 return Handle<Value>(); 1620 1642 } 1621 1643 … … 1762 1784 // Create a template for the global object. 1763 1785 Handle<ObjectTemplate> dim = ObjectTemplate::New(); 1764 dim->Set(String::New("print"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapPrint), ReadOnly); 1765 dim->Set(String::New("alarm"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapAlarm), ReadOnly); 1766 dim->Set(String::New("out"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapOut), ReadOnly); 1767 dim->Set(String::New("wait"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapWait), ReadOnly); 1768 dim->Set(String::New("send"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSend), ReadOnly); 1769 dim->Set(String::New("state"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapState), ReadOnly); 1770 dim->Set(String::New("sleep"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSleep), ReadOnly); 1786 dim->Set(String::New("print"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapPrint), ReadOnly); 1787 dim->Set(String::New("alarm"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapAlarm), ReadOnly); 1788 dim->Set(String::New("wait"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapWait), ReadOnly); 1789 dim->Set(String::New("send"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSend), ReadOnly); 1790 dim->Set(String::New("state"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapState), ReadOnly); 1791 dim->Set(String::New("version"), Integer::New(DIM_VERSION_NUMBER), ReadOnly); 1771 1792 1772 1793 Handle<ObjectTemplate> dimctrl = ObjectTemplate::New(); … … 1775 1796 dimctrl->Set(String::New("getState"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapGetState), ReadOnly); 1776 1797 1777 // new class State ? 1798 Handle<ObjectTemplate> v8 = ObjectTemplate::New(); 1799 v8->Set(String::New("sleep"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSleep), ReadOnly); 1800 v8->Set(String::New("version"), String::New(V8::GetVersion()), ReadOnly); 1801 1802 Handle<ObjectTemplate> console = ObjectTemplate::New(); 1803 console->Set(String::New("out"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapOut), ReadOnly); 1778 1804 1779 1805 Handle<ObjectTemplate> onchange = ObjectTemplate::New(); 1780 1806 onchange->SetNamedPropertyHandler(OnChangeGet, WrapOnChangeSet); 1781 dim->Set( v8::String::New("onchange"), onchange);1807 dim->Set(String::New("onchange"), onchange); 1782 1808 1783 1809 Handle<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New(); 1784 global->Set(String::New("dim"), dim, ReadOnly); 1785 global->Set(String::New("dimctrl"), dimctrl, ReadOnly); 1786 global->Set(String::New("include"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapInclude), ReadOnly); 1787 global->Set(String::New("exit"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapExit), ReadOnly); 1788 global->Set(String::New("version"), FunctionTemplate::New(InterpreterV8::FuncVersion), ReadOnly); 1810 global->Set(String::New("v8"), v8, ReadOnly); 1811 global->Set(String::New("dim"), dim, ReadOnly); 1812 global->Set(String::New("dimctrl"), dimctrl, ReadOnly); 1813 global->Set(String::New("console"), console, ReadOnly); 1814 global->Set(String::New("include"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapInclude), ReadOnly); 1815 global->Set(String::New("exit"), FunctionTemplate::New(WrapExit), ReadOnly); 1789 1816 1790 1817 Handle<FunctionTemplate> sub = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapSubscription); … … 1800 1827 Handle<FunctionTemplate> thread = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapThread); 1801 1828 thread->SetClassName(String::New("Thread")); 1802 thread->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1);1803 1829 global->Set(String::New("Thread"), thread, ReadOnly); 1804 1830 1805 1831 Handle<FunctionTemplate> file = FunctionTemplate::New(WrapFile); 1806 1832 file->SetClassName(String::New("File")); 1807 file->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1);1808 1833 global->Set(String::New("File"), file, ReadOnly); 1809 1834 … … 1837 1862 if (context.IsEmpty()) 1838 1863 { 1839 //printf("Error creating context\n"); 1864 JsException("Creation of global context failed..."); 1865 JsEnd(filename); 1840 1866 return false; 1841 1867 } … … 1854 1880 //V8::ResumeProfiler(); 1855 1881 1856 bool rc;1857 1858 1882 TryCatch exception; 1859 1883 1860 1884 AddFormatToGlobal(); 1861 1885 1886 bool rc = true; 1862 1887 if (!exception.HasCaught()) 1863 1888 { … … 1866 1891 Locker::StartPreemption(10); 1867 1892 1868 rc = ExecuteFile(filename, true);1893 rc &= ExecuteFile(filename, true); 1869 1894 1870 1895 Locker::StopPreemption(); … … 1877 1902 1878 1903 // Handle an exception 1879 rc = HandleException(exception, "main");1904 rc &= HandleException(exception, "main"); 1880 1905 1881 1906 // IsProfilerPaused() … … 1930 1955 JsEnd(filename); 1931 1956 1932 return rc;1957 return true; 1933 1958 } 1934 1959 -
r14656 r14688 98 98 static v8::Handle<v8::Value> ConstructorLocal(const v8::Arguments &args); 99 99 100 static v8::Handle<v8::Value> FuncVersion(const v8::Arguments&);101 100 static v8::Handle<v8::Value> WrapInclude(const v8::Arguments &args) { if (This) return This->FuncInclude(args); else return v8::Undefined(); } 102 101 static v8::Handle<v8::Value> WrapFile(const v8::Arguments &args) { if (This) return This->FuncFile(args); else return v8::Undefined(); }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.