11/25/12 13:35:49 (12 years ago)
7 edited


  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/Database.js

    r14675 r14696  
    7878     *    for (var row=0; row<table.length; row++)
    7979     *        for (var col in table.cols)
    80      *            dim.out("table["+row+"]['"+col+"']="+table[row][col]);
     80     *            console.out("table["+row+"]['"+col+"']="+table[row][col]);
    8181     *
    8282     */
  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/Moon.js

    r14675 r14696  
     71 * Calculates the illuminated fraction of the moon's disk.
     72 *
    7173 * Calculates the illuminated fraction of the moon's disk for the
    7274 * provided time. If no time is provided, the current system time
    8587 */
    8688Moon.disk = function() { /* [native code] */ }
     91 * Calculate moon rise, set and transit times.
     92 *
     93 * Calculates the moon rise and set time, above and below horizon,
     94 * and the time of culmination (transit time) for the given time.
     95 * The calculation is done using libnova's ln_get_lunar_rst and is
     96 * always performed for the FACT site at La Palma.
     97 *
     98 * @param {Date} [time=new Date()]
     99 *    Date for which the times should be calculated. Note that the date
     100 *    is converted to UTC and the times are calculated such that the
     101 *    Date (yy/mm/dd) is identical for all returned values.
     102 *
     103 * @type {Object}
     104 *
     105 * @returns
     106 *    An object with the following properties is returned: time {Date}
     107 *    the provided time; rise, transit, set {Date} times of rise, set and
     108 *    transit; isUp {Boolean} whether the moon is above or below horizon
     109 *    at the provided time. If the moon does not rise or set, the properties
     110 *    rise, transit and set will be undefined.
     111 *
     112 * @example
     113 *    var date = new Date("2012-10-25 16:30 GMT"); // Date in UTC
     114 *    console.out(JSON.stringify(Moon.horizon(date));
     115 */
     116Moon.horizon = function() { /* [native code] */ }
  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/Subscription.js

    r14675 r14696  
    3939 * @example
    4040 *    var handle1 = new Subscription("MAGIC_WEATHER/DATA");
    41  *    var handle2 = new Subscription("TNG_WEATHER/DATA", function(evt) { dim.out(JSON.stringify(evt)); });
     41 *    var handle2 = new Subscription("TNG_WEATHER/DATA", function(evt) { console.out(JSON.stringify(evt)); });
    4242 *    ...
    4343 *    handle2.close();
    7878     *
    7979     * @example
    80      *     handle.onchange = function(event) { dim.out(JSON.stringify(event); };
     80     *     handle.onchange = function(event) { console.out(JSON.stringify(event); };
    8181     *
    8282     */
  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/Thread.js

    r14675 r14696  
    3333 *
    3434 * @example
    35  *    var handle = new Thread(100, function() { dim.out("Hello world!"); });
     35 *    var handle = new Thread(100, function() { console.out("Hello world!"); });
    3636 *    ...
    3737 *    handle.kill();
  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/_global_.js

    r14675 r14696  
    3333 * @example
    3434 *    for (var key in args)
    35  *        dim.out("args["+key+"]="+args[key]);
     35 *        console.out("args["+key+"]="+args[key]);
    3636 */
    3737_global_.arg = [];
  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/dim.js

    r14678 r14696  
    1313 */
    1414var dim = { };
    16 /**
    17  * Sleep for a while. This can be used to just wait or give time
    18  * back to the operating system to produce less CPU load if the
    19  * main purpose of a loop is, e.g., to wait for something to happen.
    20  *
    21  * @param {Integer} [milliseconds=0]
    22  *     Number of millliseconds to sleep. Note that even 0 will always
    23  *     sleep at least one millisecond.
    24  *
    25  */
    26 dim.sleep = function() { /* [native code] */ }
    6755 * @example
    6856 *     dim.alarm("Alarm for 30 seconds!");
    69  *     dim.sleep(30000);
     57 *     v8.sleep(30000);
    7058 *     dim.alarm();
    7159 */
    7260dim.alarm = function() { /* [native code] */ }
    74 /**
    75  *
    76  * Displays a message on the local console (only).
    77  *
    78  * @param argument
    79  *     Any kind of argument can be given. If it is not a String, it
    80  *     is converted using the toString() member function.
    81  *
    82  * @param [. . .]
    83  *     Any number of additional arguments. Each argument will appear in
    84  *     a new line.
    85  *
    86  * @example
    87  *     dim.out("Five="+5, "--- new line ---");
    88  *
    89  */
    90 dim.out = function() { /* [native code] */ }
    187157 *
    188158 * @example
    189  *     dim.onchange['*'] = function(state) { dim.out("State change from "+state.name+" received"); }
    190  *     dim.onchange['DIM_CONTROL'] = function(state) { dim.out(JSON.stringify(state); }
     159 *     dim.onchange['*'] = function(state) { console.out("State change from "+state.name+" received"); }
     160 *     dim.onchange['DIM_CONTROL'] = function(state) { console.out(JSON.stringify(state); }
    191161 *     ...
    192162 *     delete dim.onchange['DIM_CONTROL']; // to remove the callback
    194164 */
    195165dim.onchange = [];
     168 * DIM version number
     169 *
     170 * @constant
     171 * @type Integer
     172 */
     173dim.version = 0;
  • trunk/FACT++/scripts/doc/dimctrl.js

    r14675 r14696  
    4848 *
    4949 * @example
    50  *     dim.newState(10, "StateTen", "This is state number ten");
     50 *     dim.defineState(10, "StateTen", "This is state number ten");
    5151 */
    52 dimctrl.newState = function() { /* [native code] */ }
     52dimctrl.defineState = function() { /* [native code] */ }
    8888 * @example
    8989 *     var state = dim.getState();
    90  *     dim.out(JSON.stringify(state));
     90 *     console.out(JSON.stringify(state));
    9191 */
    9292dimctrl.getState = function() { /* [native code] */ }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.