Changeset 1476 for trunk/WuerzburgSoft/Thomas
- Timestamp:
- 08/02/02 10:50:32 (23 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/WuerzburgSoft/Thomas/mphys
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1475 r1476 4 4 * MCascade.[h,cc]: 5 5 - doesn't overwrite existing files anymore 6 - removed redefinition of default argument 7 8 * 9 - removed redefinition of default argument 10 11 * analp.C: 12 - added smearing 6 13 7 14 -
r1475 r1476 1 1 #include "MCascade.h" 2 2 3 #include <math.h> // fabs, for alpha 3 4 #include <iostream.h> 4 5 … … 215 216 return kFALSE; 216 217 } 217 return kFALSE;218 218 } 219 219 -
r1449 r1476 96 96 } 97 97 98 void MFit::SetHist(TH1 *h, Bool_t candelete =kFALSE)98 void MFit::SetHist(TH1 *h, Bool_t candelete) 99 99 { 100 100 DeleteH(); … … 106 106 } 107 107 108 void MFit::Fit(Bool_t log =kFALSE)108 void MFit::Fit(Bool_t log) 109 109 { 110 110 fgBinMin = fHist->FindBin(fFunc->GetXmin()); // excluded … … 128 128 } 129 129 130 void MFit::Print(Option_t *opt ="") const130 void MFit::Print(Option_t *opt) const 131 131 { 132 132 for (int i=0; i<fFunc->GetNpar(); i++) … … 159 159 } 160 160 161 TF1 *MFit::DrawCopy(Option_t *o ="") const161 TF1 *MFit::DrawCopy(Option_t *o) const 162 162 { 163 163 return fFunc->DrawCopy(o); -
r1449 r1476 20 20 #include "MFit.h" 21 21 #include "MPhoton.h" 22 23 TH1D Smear(const TH1 &h, Double_t sigma) 24 { 25 TH1D ret; 26 27 MH::SetBinning((TH1*)&ret, (TH1*)&h); 28 29 Int_t n = h.GetNbinsX(); 30 31 for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) 32 { 33 Double_t xi = sqrt(h.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)*h.GetBinLowEdge(i)); 34 for (int j=1; j<=n; j++) 35 { 36 Double_t xj = sqrt(h.GetBinLowEdge(j+1)*h.GetBinLowEdge(j)); 37 38 Double_t dx = log10(xj/xi)/sigma; 39 40 Double_t gaus = exp(-dx*dx/2)/(sigma*sqrt(TMath::Pi()*2)); 41 42 gaus *= h.GetBinContent(i); 43 44 ret.Fill(xj, gaus/sqrt(n)); 45 } 46 } 47 return ret; 48 } 22 49 23 50 void GetRange(TChain *chain, const char *name, Int_t &nbins, Double_t &min, Double_t &max, Double_t conv=1, Bool_t zero=kTRUE) … … 110 137 // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 111 138 139 TString dir = "~/data/"; 140 112 141 TChain chain("Photons"); 113 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_01.root");114 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_02.root");115 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_03.root");116 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_04.root");117 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_01.root");118 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_03.root");119 chain.Add("cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_02.root");120 142 /* 121 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_3.root"); 122 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_4.root"); 123 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_5.root"); 124 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_6.root"); 125 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_7.root"); 126 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_8.root"); 127 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_9.root"); 128 129 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_01.root"); 130 chain.Add("cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_02.root"); 143 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_01.root"); 144 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_02.root"); 145 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_03.root"); 146 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_256_04.root"); 147 148 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_01.root"); 149 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_02.root"); 150 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_03.root"); 151 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_05.root"); 131 152 */ 153 154 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.5_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_01.root"); 155 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.5_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-7_10Mpc_512_01.root"); 156 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.5_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-7_50Mpc_512_01.root"); 157 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.5_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-7_100Mpc_512_01.root"); 158 159 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-6_10Mpc_512_01.root"); 160 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-6_50Mpc_512_01.root"); 161 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.1_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-7_100Mpc_512_01.root"); 162 163 /* 164 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_01.root"); 165 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_02.root"); 166 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_03.root"); 167 chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B0_512_04.root"); 168 */ 169 170 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-6_10Mpc_512_01.root"); 171 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-6_50Mpc_512_01.root"); 172 //chain.Add(dir+"cascade_0.03_18_1e2_1e5_B1e-7_100Mpc_512_01.root"); 132 173 133 174 Int_t nbinse = 18; // number of bins in your histogram … … 273 314 { 274 315 h3.Fill(Ep, pow(Ep,plot) * weight); 275 r3.Fill(phi, 0 , weight);276 a3.Fill(psi, 0 , weight);316 r3.Fill(phi, 0.0, weight); 317 a3.Fill(psi, 0.0, weight); 277 318 isprim = kFALSE; 278 319 continue; … … 456 497 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 457 498 458 //delete gROOT->FindObject("Analysis Photons");499 // delete gROOT->FindObject("Analysis Photons"); 459 500 c = MH::MakeDefCanvas("Analysis Photons", "", 580, 870); 460 501 c->Divide(1,2); … … 463 504 gPad->SetLogx(); 464 505 gPad->SetLogy(); 506 h3.SetTitle(Form(" E^{%.1f} Spectra @ z=%.1e (R=%.0fkpc) ", alpha, z, R)); 507 h3.SetXTitle("E\\gamma [GeV]"); 508 h3.SetYTitle(Form("E^{%.1f} * Counts", plot)); 509 h3.GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.015); 510 h3.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); 511 h3.SetFillStyle(0); 512 h3.SetName("PrimPhotons"); 513 h3.SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); 514 h3.SetMarkerColor(kRed); 515 h3.SetMarkerSize(0.8); 516 h3.SetLineColor(kRed); 517 h3.DrawCopy("C"); //E1 518 519 TH1D hs = Smear(h, 0.2); 520 hs.SetLineColor(kGreen); 521 hs.SetFillStyle(0); 522 hs.DrawCopy("Csame"); 523 465 524 h.SetFillStyle(0); 466 525 h.SetName("Photons"); 467 h.SetTitle(Form(" E^{%.1f} Spectra ", alpha)); 468 h.SetXTitle("E\\gamma [GeV]"); 469 h.SetYTitle(Form("E^{%.1f} * Counts", plot)); 470 h.GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.015); 471 h.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); 472 h.SetMarkerStyle(kPlus); 526 h.SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); 527 h.SetMarkerSize(0.8); 528 h.DrawCopy("Csame E4"); 473 529 prim.SetFillStyle(0); 474 530 prim.SetMarkerStyle(kPlus); 475 531 prim.SetMarkerColor(kRed); 476 532 prim.SetLineColor(kRed); 477 TH1 &g1=*h.DrawCopy("P E4"); 478 g2=prim.DrawCopy("Psame E0"); 479 g2->Draw("Csame"); 480 g1.Draw("Csame"); 533 prim.SetMarkerSize(0.8); 534 prim.DrawCopy("Csame"); 481 535 h2.SetFillStyle(0); 482 536 h2.SetName("SecPhotons"); 483 h2.SetMarkerStyle(k Multiply);537 h2.SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); 484 538 h2.SetMarkerColor(kBlue); 539 h2.SetMarkerSize(0.8); 485 540 h2.SetLineColor(kBlue); 486 TH1 &g3=*h2.DrawCopy("Psame E2"); 487 g3.Draw("Csame"); 488 h3.SetFillStyle(0); 489 h3.SetName("PrimPhotons"); 490 h3.SetMarkerStyle(kMultiply); 491 h3.SetMarkerColor(kGreen); 492 h3.SetLineColor(kGreen); 493 TH1 &g4=*h3.DrawCopy("Psame E1"); 494 g4.Draw("Csame"); 541 h2.DrawCopy("Csame E4"); //E2 495 542 496 543 draw1h1426(prim.GetBinContent(2),plot); … … 507 554 div.SetXTitle("E\\gamma [GeV]"); 508 555 div.SetYTitle("Ratio"); 556 div.SetMarkerStyle(kPlus); 509 557 TH1 *gHist = div.DrawCopy("E4"); 510 558 … … 526 574 } 527 575 } 528 fit.SetParameter(0, "t", 750, 10, 1e5);529 fit.SetParameter(1, "m", 0.5, 0.1, 10);576 fit.SetParameter(0, "t", 750, 10, 1e5); 577 fit.SetParameter(1, "m", 0.5, 0.1, 10); 530 578 fit.FitLog(gHist); 531 579 fit.Print(); 532 580 fit.DrawCopy("same"); 533 581 534 cout << "Cutoff: " << setprecision(2) << fit[0]/1e3 << " TeV+- ";535 cout << fit.GetParError(0) << endl;582 cout << "Cutoff: " << setprecision(2) << fit[0]/1e3 << " +- "; 583 cout << fit.GetParError(0)/1e3 << " TeV" << endl; 536 584 537 585 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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