02/04/13 05:16:50 (12 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
updated to changes in LP (newdaq), implemented PhiDo (still commented), added checking of DB for crashed and failed transfer processes
1 edited


  • trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/CheckTransfer.sh

    r14192 r14824  
    77printprocesslog "INFO starting $0"
     9source /home_nfs/isdc/fact_opr/myagent.sh
     11# check first the disk in LP and on dl00
    912ssh fact@ "df -h /*da*"
    1113df -h /scratch
     14echo ""
     16# check next the DB to know if some transfer processes failed or crashed
     17function check_runs_in_db()
     19   query="SELECT "$toquery" FROM "$1" "$where
     20   #echo $query
     21   runs=( `sendquery $query` )
     22   if [ ${#runs[@]} -gt 0 ]
     23   then
     24      #for run in ${runs[@]}
     25      #do
     26      #   echo $run
     27      #done
     28      echo -e "\e[1;31m\x1b[5m ==>\e[00m "$1": "${runs[@]}"\e[1;31m\x1b[5m <==\e[00m "
     29      echo "SELECT fNight, fRunId FROM "$1" "$where";"
     30      echo "UPDATE "$1" SET fStartTime=NULL, fStopTime=NULL, fAvailable=NULL, fReturnCode=NULL, fProcessingSiteKey=NULL "$where";"
     31   fi
     33# get information of runs where transfer had a problem
     34toquery="fNight, fRunID, fStartTime, fStopTime, fAvailable, fProcessingSiteKey, fReturnCode "
     35toquery="CONCAT(fNight, '_', fRunID, '(', fStartTime, '-', fStopTime, ':', fReturnCode, ')') "
     36toquery="CONCAT(fNight, '_', fRunID, ':', fReturnCode) "
     37toquery="IF (ISNULL(fReturnCode), CONCAT(fNight, '_', fRunID, 'crashed'), CONCAT(fNight, '_', fRunID, 'failed', fReturnCode)) "
     38where="WHERE NOT ISNULL(fReturnCode) OR (NOT ISNULL(fStartTime) AND ISNULL(fStopTime)) AND fStartTime < DATE_ADD(Now(), INTERVAL -3 HOUR) "
     39check_runs_in_db "RawFileRsyncedISDCStatus"
     40check_runs_in_db "RawFileAvailWueStatus"
     41# RawFileAvailISDC needs a different treatment
     42#  as return code 0 means that file is in fails folder in archive
     43where="WHERE fReturnCode>0 OR (NOT ISNULL(fStartTime) AND ISNULL(fStopTime)) "
     44check_runs_in_db "RawFileAvailISDCStatus"
    1347# get last 10 nights (skip current night)
    1852        `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-72hour"` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-48hour"` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-24hour"` \
    1953        )
     54# get nights from directory in LP
    2155dates=( `ssh fact@ "find /loc_data/zipraw -mindepth 3 -type d | sort | sed -e 's/\/loc_data\/zipraw\///g' "` )
     57#dates=( "2012/09/22" )
    24 numdaysoklimit=3
    26 checklimit=2500
    2764for date in ${dates[@]}
    4885   # get paths
    4986   date2=`echo $date | sed -e 's/\///g'`
    50    lprawpath="/daq/raw/"$date
    51    lprawpath2="/loc_data/raw/"$date
     87#   lprawpath="/daq/raw/"$date
     88   lprawpath="/newdaq/raw/"$date
     89#   lprawpath2="/loc_data/raw/"$date
     90   lprawpath2="/daq/raw/"$date
    5291   lpziprawpath="/loc_data/zipraw/"$date
    5392   localrawpath="/scratch/from_lapalma/raw/"$date
    5493   localrawpath3="/fact/raw/"$date
    55    localfailpath="/archive/fact/fails/raw/"$date
     94#   localfailpath="/archive/fact/fails/raw/"$date
     95   localfailpath="/gpfs/fact/fact-archive/fails/raw/"$date
    5696   wuerawpath="/fact/raw/"$date
     97   #phidorawpath="/fhgfs/groups/app/fact-construction/raw/"$date
    5899   # get disk usage and number of files for directory
    59    daq=( `ssh fact@ "if [ -d $lprawpath ]; then ls $lprawpath/* | wc -l; du -s -b --apparent-size $lprawpath; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi"` )
    60    data=( `ssh fact@ "if [ -d $lprawpath2 ]; then ls $lprawpath2/* | wc -l; du -s -b --apparent-size $lprawpath2; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi"` )
    61    if [ ${daq[0]} -eq -1 ] && [ ${data[0]} -eq -1 ]
    62    then
    63       echo "INFO no data available on daq for "$date
     100   newdaq=( `ssh fact@ "if [ -d $lprawpath ]; then ls $lprawpath/* | wc -l; du -s -b --apparent-size $lprawpath; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi"` )
     101   daq=( `ssh fact@ "if [ -d $lprawpath2 ]; then ls $lprawpath2/* | wc -l; du -s -b --apparent-size $lprawpath2; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi"` )
     102   if [ ${newdaq[0]} -eq -1 ] && [ ${daq[0]} -eq -1 ]
     103   then
     104      echo "INFO no data available on newdaq for "$date
    64105      continue
    65106   fi
    69110   fails=( `if [ -d $localfailpath ]; then ls $localfailpath/* | wc -l; du -L -s -b --apparent-size $localfailpath; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi` )
    70111   wue=( `ssh operator@coma.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de "if [ -d $wuerawpath ]; then ls $wuerawpath/* | wc -l; du -s -b --apparent-size $wuerawpath; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi"` )
     112   #phido=( `ssh -i /home_nfs/isdc/fact_opr/.ssh/id_rsa.fact_opr.phido "if [ -d $phidorawpath ]; then ls $phidorawpath/* | wc -l; du -s -b --apparent-size $phidorawpath; else echo '-1 -1 -1'; fi"` )
    71113   query="SELECT Sum(if(fHasDrsFile=1,2,1)) FROM RunInfo WHERE fNight="$date2
    72114   querystart="SELECT Sum(if(fHasDrsFile=1,2,1)) FROM "
    96138      numwue=0
    97139   fi
     140   #query=$querystart"RawFileAvailPhidoStatus "$queryjoin" "$querywhere
     141   #numphido=`sendquery`
     142   #if [ "$numphido" == "" ]
     143   #then
     144   #   numphido=0
     145   #fi
    98146   echo "disk: "
     147   echo "  newdaq  "${newdaq[@]}
    99148   echo "  daq     "${daq[@]}
    100    echo "  data    "${data[@]}
    101    echo "  zip     "${zip[@]}
     149   echo "  data    "${zip[@]}
    102150   echo "  dl00    "${dl00[@]}
    103151   echo "  wue     "${wue[@]}
    104152   echo "  arch    "${archive[@]}
    105153   echo "  fail    "${fails[@]}
     154   #echo "  phido   "${phido[@]}
    106155   echo "db: "
    107156   echo "  runinfo "$numruns
    109158   echo "  isdc    "$numisdc
    110159   echo "  wue     "$numwue
     160   #echo "  phido   "$numphido
    112162   # check if file are available in the different places
    122172   # check if number of files agree in the different places
     173   # lp
     174   if ! [ ${daq[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${daq[0]} -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     175   then
     176      echo "WARN number of files on daq (" ${daq[0]}") does not agree with number of files on newdaq (" ${newdaq[0]}") for "$date
     177      numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
     178      result="1"
     179   else
     180      numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     181      result="0"
     182   fi
     183   # dl00
     184   if ! [ ${dl00[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${dl00[0]} -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     185   then
     186      echo "WARN number of files on dl00 (" ${dl00[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${newdaq[0]}") for "$date
     187      numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
     188      result=$result"1"
     189   else
     190      numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     191      result=$result"0"
     192   fi
    123193   # archive
    124    if ! [ ${archive[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${archive[0]} -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    125    then
    126       echo "WARN number of files in archive (" ${archive[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${daq[0]}") for "$date
     194   if ! [ ${archive[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${archive[0]} -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     195   then
     196      echo "WARN number of files in archive (" ${archive[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${newdaq[0]}") for "$date
    127197      #check /archive/rev_1/failed
    128198      if ! [ ${fails[0]} -eq -1 ]
    129199      then
    130200         sum=`echo " ${fails[0]} + ${archive[0]} " | bc -l `
    131          if ! [ $sum -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    132          then
    133             echo "ERROR number of files in archive ("$sum") is different from number of files in La Palma ("${daq[0]}")."
     201         if ! [ $sum -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     202         then
     203            echo "ERROR number of files in whole archive ("$sum") is different from number of files in La Palma ("${newdaq[0]}")."
    134204            numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    135             result="1"
     205            result=$result"1"
    136206         else
    137207            numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
    138             result="0"
    139          fi
    140       else
    141          result="1"
    142       fi
    143    else
    144       numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
    145       result="0"
    146    fi
    147    # lp
    148    if ! [ ${data[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${data[0]} -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    149    then
    150       echo "WARN number of files on data (" ${data[0]}") does not agree with number of files on daq (" ${daq[0]}") for "$date
     208            result=$result"0"
     209         fi
     210      else
     211         result=$result"1"
     212      fi
     213   else
     214      numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     215      result=$result"0"
     216   fi
     217   # wue
     218   if ! [ ${wue[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${wue[0]} -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     219   then
     220      echo "WARN number of files in Wue (" ${wue[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${newdaq[0]}") for "$date
    151221      numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    152222      result=$result"1"
    155225      result=$result"0"
    156226   fi
    157    # dl00
    158    if ! [ ${dl00[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${dl00[0]} -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    159    then
    160       echo "WARN number of files on dl00 (" ${dl00[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${daq[0]}") for "$date
    161       numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    162       result=$result"1"
    163    else
    164       numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
    165       result=$result"0"
    166    fi
    167    # wue
    168    if ! [ ${wue[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${wue[0]} -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    169    then
    170       echo "WARN number of files in Wue (" ${wue[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${daq[0]}") for "$date
    171       numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    172       result=$result"1"
    173    else
    174       numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
    175       result=$result"0"
     227   ## phido
     228   #if ! [ ${phido[0]} -eq -1 ]  && ! [ ${phido[0]} -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     229   #then
     230   #   echo "WARN number of files on Phido (" ${phido[0]}") does not agree with number of files in LP (" ${newdaq[0]}") for "$date
     231   #   numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
     232   #   result=$result"1"
     233   #else
     234   #   numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     235   #   result=$result"0"
     236   #fi
     238   if [ "$short" = "yes" ]
     239   then
     240      continue
    176241   fi
    179244   # check du for raw files
    180245   # la palma
    181    if ! [ ${daq[1]} -eq ${data[1]} ]
    182    then
    183       echo "WARN size of data doesn't agree on daq ("${daq[1]}") and data ("${data[1]}") for "$date
     246   if ! [ ${newdaq[1]} -eq ${daq[1]} ]
     247   then
     248      echo "WARN size of data doesn't agree on newdaq ("${newdaq[1]}") and daq ("${daq[1]}") for "$date
    184249      numdiff=`echo " $numdiff + 1 " | bc -l `
    185250      numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    241306      result=$result"0"
    242307   fi
     308   ## phido
     309   #if ! [ ${zip[1]} -eq ${phido[1]} ]
     310   #then
     311   #   echo "WARN size of data doesn't agree on data ("${zip[1]}") and on Phido ("${phido[1]}") for "$date
     312   #   if ! [ ${phido[1]} -eq -1 ]
     313   #   then
     314   #      numdiff=`echo " $numdiff + 1 " | bc -l `
     315   #      numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
     316   #      result=$result"1"
     317   #   else
     318   #      numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     319   #      result=$result"0"
     320   #   fi
     321   #else
     322   #   numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     323   #   result=$result"0"
     324   #fi
    243325   result=$result"-"
    247329   then
    248330      # lp
    249       if ! [ $numruns -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    250       then
    251          echo "WARN number of runs on daq ("${daq[0]}") not equal to number of runs ("$numruns")"
     331      if ! [ $numruns -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     332      then
     333         echo "WARN number of runs on newdaq ("${newdaq[0]}") not equal to number of runs ("$numruns")"
    252334         numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    253335         result=$result"1"
    286368         result=$result"0"
    287369      fi
     370      ## phido
     371      #if ! [ $numruns -eq $numphido ]
     372      #then
     373      #   echo "WARN number of backuped on Phido ("$numrsynced") not equal to number of runs ("$numruns")"
     374      #   numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
     375      #   result=$result"1"
     376      #else
     377      #   numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     378      #   result=$result"0"
     379      #fi
    288380   fi
    292384   echo "INFO numok: "$numok
    293385   echo "INFO numpb: "$numpb
    294    if [ $numdiff -gt 0 ]
     386   #if [ $numdiff -gt 0 ]
     387   if [ $numdiff -ge 0 ]
    295388   then
    296389      query="SELECT fRunID FROM RunInfo WHERE fNight="$date2
    300393      wuediffcounter=0
    301394      wueokcounter=0
     395      #phidodiffcounter=0
     396      #phidookcounter=0
    302397      dl00diffcounter=0
    303398      dl00okcounter=0
    304       datadiffcounter=0
    305       dataokcounter=0
     399      daqdiffcounter=0
     400      daqokcounter=0
    306401      echo "INFO found "${#runs[@]}" rawfiles in DB."
    307402      for run in ${runs[@]}
    312407         # get file sizes for run
    313          sizedaq=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l ${lprawpath}/${rawfile} 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    314          sizedata=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l $lprawpath2/$rawfile 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
     408         sizenewdaq=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l ${lprawpath}/${rawfile} 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
     409         sizedaq=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l $lprawpath2/$rawfile 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    315410         sizezip=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l $lpziprawpath/$rawfile2 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    316411         if ! [ ${dl00[1]} -eq -1 ]
    330425            sizewue=( `ssh operator@coma.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de "ls -l $wuerawpath/$rawfile2 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    331426         fi
     427#         echo "vgl "$run": "$sizezip" - "$sizearchive
     428         #if ! [ ${phido[1]} -eq -1 ]
     429         #then
     430         #   sizephido=( `ssh -i /home_nfs/isdc/fact_opr/.ssh/id_rsa.fact_opr.phido "ls -l $phidorawpath/$rawfile2 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
     431         #fi
    333433         # check file sizes for run
    334434         # lp
    335          if ! [ "$sizedaq" = "$sizedata" ]
    336          then
    337             echo "  "$rawfile" daq("$sizedaq") data("$sizedata")"
    338             datadiffcounter=`echo " $datadiffcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    339          else
    340             dataokcounter=`echo " $dataokcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     435         if ! [ "$sizenewdaq" = "$sizedaq" ]
     436         then
     437            echo "  "$rawfile" newdaq("$sizenewdaq") daq("$sizedaq")"
     438            daqdiffcounter=`echo " $daqdiffcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     439         else
     440            daqokcounter=`echo " $daqokcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    341441         fi
    342442         # dl00
    349449         fi
    350450         # archive
    351          if [  "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive"  -a  ${archive[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizearchive" != "" ] || [  "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" -a ${fails[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizefails" != "" ]
     451         #if [  "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive"  -a  ${archive[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizearchive" != "" ] || [  "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" -a ${fails[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizefails" != "" ] #not yet ingested files are treated wrongly
     452         #if [ ${archive[1]} -ne -1 ] && [ "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive" -o "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" ]
     453         if [ ${archive[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive" -a "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" ]
    352454         then
    353455            echo "  "$rawfile2" data("$sizezip") archive("$sizearchive"/"$sizefails")"
    365467            wueokcounter=`echo " $wueokcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    366468         fi
     469         ## phido
     470         #if ! [ "$sizezip" = "$sizephido" ] && ! [ ${phido[1]} -eq -1 ]
     471         #then
     472         #   echo "  "$rawfile2" data("$sizezip") phido("$sizephido")"
     473         #   phidodiffcounter=`echo " $phidodiffcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     474         #else
     475         #   phidookcounter=`echo " $phidookcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     476         #fi
    367477      done
    368478      query="SELECT fRunID FROM RunInfo WHERE fNight="$date2" AND fHasDrsFile=1"
    371481      for drsrun in ${drsruns[@]}
    372482      do
    373          rawfile=$date2"_"`printf %03d $run`"drs.fits"
     483         rawfile=$date2"_"`printf %03d $drsrun`".drs.fits"
    374484         rawfile2=$rawfile".gz"
    375485         # get file sizes for run
    376          sizedaq=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l ${lprawpath}/${rawfile} 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    377          sizedata=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l $lprawpath2/$rawfile 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
     486         sizenewdaq=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l ${lprawpath}/${rawfile} 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
     487         sizedaq=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l $lprawpath2/$rawfile 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    378488         sizezip=( `ssh fact@ "ls -l $lpziprawpath/$rawfile2 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    379489         if ! [ ${dl00[1]} -eq -1 ]
    393503            sizewue=( `ssh operator@coma.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de "ls -l $wuerawpath/$rawfile2 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
    394504         fi
     505         #if ! [ ${phido[1]} -eq -1 ]
     506         #then
     507         #   sizephido=( `ssh -i /home_nfs/isdc/fact_opr/.ssh/id_rsa.fact_opr.phido "ls -l $phidorawpath/$rawfile2 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print \\\$5 }'"` )
     508         #fi
    396510         # check file sizes for run
    397511         # lp
    398          if ! [ "$sizedaq" = "$sizedata" ]
    399          then
    400             echo "  "$rawfile" daq("$sizedaq") data("$sizedata")"
    401             datadiffcounter=`echo " $datadiffcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    402          else
    403             dataokcounter=`echo " $dataokcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     512         if ! [ "$sizenewdaq" = "$sizedaq" ]
     513         then
     514            echo "  "$rawfile" newdaq("$sizenewdaq") daq("$sizedaq")"
     515            daqdiffcounter=`echo " $daqdiffcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     516         else
     517            daqokcounter=`echo " $daqokcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    404518         fi
    405519         # dl00
    411525            dl00okcounter=`echo " $dl00okcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    412526         fi
    413          if [  "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive"  -a  ${archive[1]} -ne -1 ] || [  "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" -a ${fails[1]} -ne -1  ]
     527         #if [  "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive"  -a  ${archive[1]} -ne -1 ] || [  "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" -a ${fails[1]} -ne -1  ]
     528         if [  "$sizezip" != "$sizearchive"  -a  ${archive[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizearchive" != "" ] || [  "$sizezip" != "$sizefails" -a ${fails[1]} -ne -1 -a "$sizefails" != "" ]
    414529         then
    415530            echo "  "$rawfile2" data("$sizezip") archive("$sizearchive"/"$sizefails")"
    426541            wueokcounter=`echo " $wueokcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
    427542         fi
     543         ## phido
     544         #if ! [ "$sizezip" = "$sizephido" ] && ! [ ${phido[1]} -eq -1 ]
     545         #then
     546         #   echo "  "$rawfile2" data("$sizezip") phido("$sizephido")"
     547         #   phidodiffcounter=`echo " $phidodiffcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     548         #else
     549         #   phidookcounter=`echo " $phidookcounter + 1 " | bc -l `
     550         #fi
    428551      done
    430553      result=$result"-"
    431554      # raw files
    432       if [ $dataokcounter -eq ${data[0]} ]
     555      if [ $daqokcounter -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    433556      then
    434557         numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
    449572      fi
    450573      # archive
     574      # daq had been used, because archive[0] doesn't include fails[0]
     575      #if [ $archiveokcounter -eq ${newdaq[0]} ]
     576      # archive[0] had been used, because newdaq[0] might be empty
     577      #   in case the data was taken on data
     578      #if [ $archiveokcounter -eq ${archive[0]} ]
     579      # compare with daq[0] as there should be always data on data
    451580      if [ $archiveokcounter -eq ${daq[0]} ]
    452581      then
    466595         numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
    467596      fi
    468       echo "INFO "$dataokcounter" files are ok on data (raw)."
     597      ## phido
     598      #if [ $phidookcounter -eq ${phido[0]} ]
     599      #then
     600      #   result=$result"0"
     601      #   numok=`echo " $numok + 1 " | bc -l `
     602      #else
     603      #   result=$result"1"
     604      #   numpb=`echo " $numpb + 1 " | bc -l `
     605      #fi
     606      echo "INFO "$daqokcounter" files are ok on daq (raw)."
    469607      echo "INFO "$dl00okcounter" files are ok on dl00."
    470608      echo "INFO "$wueokcounter" files are ok in Wue."
    471609      echo "INFO "$archiveokcounter" files are ok in the archive."
    472       echo "WARN "$datadiffcounter" files have a different size on data (raw)."
     610      #echo "INFO "$phidookcounter" files are ok on Phido."
     611      echo "WARN "$daqdiffcounter" files have a different size on daq (raw)."
    473612      echo "WARN "$dl00diffcounter" files have a different size on dl00."
    474613      echo "WARN "$wuediffcounter" files have a different size in Wue."
    475614      echo "WARN "$archivediffcounter" files have a different size in the archive."
     615      #echo "WARN "$phidodiffcounter" files have a different size on Phido."
    476616   fi
    482622   echo "result:"
    483623   echo "(#files-dudir-db-filesize)"
     624   #echo " ldawp-ldawp-ldawp-ldawp"
    484625   echo " ldaw-ldaw-ldaw-ldaw"
    485626   echo " "$result
    486    sumdatanew=`echo " ( ${data[1]} + ${zip[1]} ) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 " | bc -l | cut -d. -f1`
     627   sumdatanew=`echo " ( ${daq[1]} + ${zip[1]} ) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 " | bc -l | cut -d. -f1`
    487628   sumdata=`echo " $sumdata + $sumdatanew " | bc -l | cut -d. -f1`
    488    echo "checked alread "$sumdata" GB. "$sumdatanew" "${data[1]}" "${zip[1]}
     629   echo "checked alread "$sumdata" GB. "$sumdatanew" "${daq[1]}" "${zip[1]}
    489630   if [ $numpb -lt 4 ]
    490631   then
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.