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  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/Tdas0211.tex

    r1618 r1626  
    5959information contained in this document is also present in MAGIC-TDAS
    606002-05 dealing with the previous version of the program, but it has also
    61 been included here for clarity. An important bug regarding the
    62 ray-tracing routine has been corrected in this new version.
     61been included here for clarity. Two important bugs regarding the
     62ray-tracing routine have been corrected in this new version.
    8989routine was checked in detail and some inconsistencies were
    9090found. As a result of this, an important bug was detected which
    91 produced a systematic blurring of all the images. This bug, fixed in
    92 this version, is discussed in detail in section \ref{notes}.
     91produced a systematic blurring of all the images. Later another bug
     92was found in the calculation of the photon arrival time on the
     93camera.These bugs, fixed in this version, are discussed in detail in
     94section \ref{notes}.
    126128\section{Notes on version 0.6 \label{notes}}
    128 \subsection {The bug fixed in the ray tracing}
     130\subsection {First bug fixed in the ray tracing}
    130132The previous versions of the reflector were extensively checked and a
    2622642$\pi$). When the direction cosines of a particle's trajectory are
    263265given, they refer also to its momentum vector (a downgoing
    264 vector). The same is true for the Cherenkov photons.
     266vector)\footnote{In Corsika the third component of the momentum is
     267measured along the negative z-axis and this is probably the origin of
     268the confusion which resulted in the bug}. The same is true for the
     269Cherenkov photons.
    307312course a paralel beam of light was focused at the right distance (1697
    308313cm) since in that case u = v = 0, and both the upgoing and downgoing
    309 versors have the same direction.
     314versors have the same direction. 
    311316The example in figure \ref{parabola} shows the case in which the
    408413dramatic effect than the defocusing which the bug was producing.
     415\subsection {Second bug: photon timing}
     416After a first release of Reflector 0.6 had been made public, another
     417important bug was found. We tried to check whether the simulated
     418reflecting dish was really ``isochronous''. A paralel beam of photons,
     419all sharing the same arrival time on the ground, were processed by the
     420simulation program and their arrival times on the camera plane were
     421histogrammed. The result can be seen in fig. \ref{timing} (dashed
     422histograms). This time the bug was quite evident: since Corsika gives
     423us the arrival time of photons on ground, the path from the point
     424where the photon hits the dish to the ground has to be subtracted (or
     425added, because since the center of the dish in the MC is at $z = 0$,
     426the mirror reflecting the photon may have $z < 0$ when the dish is
     427inclined). The sign in this subtraction (in {\it ph2cph.c}) was
     428wrong. This bug was present in both versions 0.5 and 0.4, and might
     429be related to the other one (a change of orientation of the z axis
     430at some point may have produced it). Since in the simulation made for
     431the design report the timing played little or no role (the camera
     432simulation did not consider the arrival times of photons) it is not
     433possible to know whether the bug was already in the code by then.
     435This bug means that all the studies made up to now regarding photon
     436arrival times on the camera are completely useless (for instance, the
     437optimization of the time parameters in the L1 trigger has to be redone
     438from scratch!).
     441  \begin{center}
     442    \epsfig{file=eps/timing.eps,width=\textwidth}
     443    \caption{Test of reflector isochrony. The arrival time
     444distributions of photons in the camera are shown for (buggy) Reflector
     4450.5 and for Reflector 0.6. The sketch in the center shows the test for
     446the case in which the light beam is paralel to the telescope axis
     447(left plot). On the right, the same test has been made with light
     448arriving 1 degree off axis.
     449 \label{timing}}
     450  \end{center}
    410454\subsection {Performance of the new version}
    411455In figure \ref{coma} we show the images of a point-like source at 10
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