Changeset 16814
- Timestamp:
- 06/12/13 15:56:12 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r16810 r16814 19 19 20 20 using namespace std; 21 22 typedef struct TileHeader 23 { 24 char id[4]; 25 uint32_t numRows; 26 uint64_t size; 27 TileHeader(uint32_t nRows=0, 28 uint64_t s=0) : id({'T', 'I', 'L', 'E'}), 29 numRows(nRows), 30 size(s) 31 { }; 32 } __attribute__((__packed__)) TileHeader; 33 34 typedef struct BlockHeader 35 { 36 uint64_t size; 37 char ordering; 38 unsigned char numProcs; 39 BlockHeader(uint64_t s=0, 40 char o=FACT_ROW_MAJOR, 41 unsigned char n=1) : size(s), 42 ordering(o), 43 numProcs(n) 44 {} 45 } __attribute__((__packed__)) BlockHeader; 21 46 22 47 class CompressedFitsFile … … 249 274 char t, 250 275 int numOf, 251 uint32_t comp) : _name(n), 252 _num(numOf), 253 _typeSize(0), 254 _offset(0), 255 _type(t), 256 _description(""), 257 _compression(comp) 276 BlockHeader& head, 277 vector<uint16_t>& seq) : _name(n), 278 _num(numOf), 279 _typeSize(0), 280 _offset(0), 281 _type(t), 282 _description(""), 283 _header(head), 284 _compSequence(seq) 258 285 { 259 286 switch (t) … … 297 324 char type() const { return _type;}; 298 325 string getDescription() const { return _description;} 299 uint32_t getCompression() const { return _compression;} 326 BlockHeader& getBlockHeader() { return _header;} 327 const vector<uint16_t>& getCompressionSequence() const { return _compSequence;} 328 const char& getColumnOrdering() const { return _header.ordering;} 329 300 330 301 331 string getCompressionString() const 302 332 { 303 switch (_compression) 333 return "FACT"; 334 /* 335 ostringstream str; 336 for (uint32_t i=0;i<_compSequence.size();i++) 337 switch (_compSequence[i]) 304 338 { 305 case UNCOMPRESSED: return "RAW"; 306 case SMOOTHMAN: return "SMOO"; 339 case FACT_RAW: if (str.str().size() == 0) str << "RAW"; break; 340 case FACT_SMOOTHING: str << "SMOOTHING "; break; 341 case FACT_HUFFMAN16: str << "HUFFMAN16 "; break; 307 342 }; 308 return "UNKNOWN";343 return str.str();*/ 309 344 } 310 345 … … 317 352 char _type; ///< the type of the column, as specified by the fits documentation 318 353 string _description; ///< a description for the column. It will be placed in the header 319 uint32_t _compression; ///< the compression of the column. Only looked for if used by the compressed writer 354 BlockHeader _header; 355 vector<uint16_t> _compSequence; 320 356 }; 321 357 … … 435 471 uint32_t compressHUFFMAN(char* dest, const char* src, uint32_t numRows, uint32_t sizeOfElems, uint32_t numRowElems); 436 472 uint32_t compressSMOOTHMAN(char* dest, char* src, uint32_t numRows, uint32_t sizeOfElems, uint32_t numRowElems); 473 uint32_t applySMOOTHING(char* dest, char* src, uint32_t numRows, uint32_t sizeOfElems, uint32_t numRowElems); 437 474 438 475 int32_t _checkOffset; ///< offset to the data pointer to calculate the checksum … … 452 489 const uint32_t CompressedFitsFile::_THREAD_READ_ = 4; 453 490 const uint32_t CompressedFitsFile::_THREAD_EXIT_ = 5; 454 455 #define COMPRESSED_FLAG 0x1456 #define UNCOMPRESSED_FLAG 0x0457 458 typedef struct TileHeader459 {460 char id[4];461 uint32_t numRows;462 uint64_t size;463 TileHeader(uint32_t nRows=0,464 uint64_t s=0) : id({'T', 'I', 'L', 'E'}),465 numRows(nRows),466 size(s)467 { };468 } __attribute__((__packed__)) TileHeader;469 470 typedef struct BlockHeader471 {472 uint64_t size;473 char ordering;474 unsigned char numProcs;475 uint16_t procs[];476 } __attribute__((__packed__)) BlockHeader;477 491 478 492 template<> … … 1140 1154 for (uint32_t i=0;i<_columns.size();i++) 1141 1155 { 1142 switch (_columns[i].getCompression()) 1143 { 1144 case UNCOMPRESSED: 1145 case SMOOTHMAN: 1156 switch (_columns[i].getColumnOrdering())//getCompression()) 1157 { 1158 case FACT_ROW_MAJOR: 1146 1159 for (uint32_t k=0;k<thisRoundNumRows;k++) 1147 1160 {//regular, "semi-transposed" copy … … 1150 1163 } 1151 1164 break; 1152 default : 1165 1166 case FACT_COL_MAJOR : 1153 1167 for (int j=0;j<_columns[i].numElems();j++) 1154 1168 for (uint32_t k=0;k<thisRoundNumRows;k++) … … 1158 1172 } 1159 1173 break; 1174 default: 1175 cout << "Error: unknown column ordering: " << _columns[i].getColumnOrdering() << endl; 1160 1176 1161 1177 }; … … 1247 1263 } 1248 1264 1265 uint32_t CompressedFitsWriter::applySMOOTHING(char* , char* src, uint32_t numRows, uint32_t sizeOfElems, uint32_t numRowElems) 1266 { 1267 uint32_t colWidth = numRowElems; 1268 for (int j=colWidth*numRows-1;j>1;j--) 1269 reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(src)[j] = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(src)[j] - (reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(src)[j-1]+reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(src)[j-2])/2; 1270 1271 return numRows*sizeOfElems*numRowElems; 1272 } 1249 1273 /**************************************************************** 1250 1274 * COMPRESS BUFFER … … 1262 1286 _catalog[currentCatalogRow][i].second = compressedOffset; 1263 1287 1264 uint32_t compression = _columns[i].getCompression();1265 1266 1288 if (_columns[i].numElems() == 0) continue; 1289 1290 BlockHeader& head = _columns[i].getBlockHeader(); 1291 const vector<uint16_t>& sequence = _columns[i].getCompressionSequence(); 1267 1292 //set the default byte telling if uncompressed the compressed Flag 1268 1293 uint64_t previousOffset = compressedOffset; 1269 _compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset++] = COMPRESSED_FLAG; 1270 switch (compression) 1271 { 1272 case UNCOMPRESSED: 1273 compressedOffset += compressUNCOMPRESSED(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), thisRoundNumRows, _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), _columns[i].numElems()); 1274 break; 1275 case SMOOTHMAN: 1276 compressedOffset += compressSMOOTHMAN(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), thisRoundNumRows, _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), _columns[i].numElems()); 1277 break; 1278 1279 default: 1280 ; 1281 }; 1294 //skip header data 1295 compressedOffset += sizeof(BlockHeader) + sizeof(uint16_t)*sequence.size(); 1296 1297 for (uint32_t j=0;j<sequence.size(); j++) 1298 { 1299 switch (sequence[j]) 1300 { 1301 case FACT_RAW: 1302 if (head.numProcs == 1) 1303 compressedOffset += compressUNCOMPRESSED(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), thisRoundNumRows, _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), _columns[i].numElems()); 1304 break; 1305 case FACT_SMOOTHING: 1306 applySMOOTHING(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), thisRoundNumRows, _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), _columns[i].numElems()); 1307 break; 1308 case FACT_HUFFMAN16: 1309 if (head.ordering == FACT_COL_MAJOR) 1310 compressedOffset += compressHUFFMAN(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), thisRoundNumRows, _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), _columns[i].numElems()); 1311 else 1312 compressedOffset += compressHUFFMAN(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), _columns[i].numElems(), _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), thisRoundNumRows); 1313 break; 1314 default: 1315 cout << "ERROR: Unkown compression sequence entry: " << sequence[i] << endl; 1316 break; 1317 } 1318 } 1319 1282 1320 //check if compressed size is larger than uncompressed 1283 if ( compression != UNCOMPRESSED&&1284 compressedOffset - previousOffset > _columns[i].sizeOfElems()*_columns[i].numElems()*thisRoundNumRows+ 1)1321 if (sequence[0] != FACT_RAW && 1322 compressedOffset - previousOffset > _columns[i].sizeOfElems()*_columns[i].numElems()*thisRoundNumRows+sizeof(BlockHeader)+sizeof(uint16_t)*sequence.size()) 1285 1323 {//if so set flag and redo it uncompressed 1286 co mpressedOffset = previousOffset;1287 _compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset++] = UNCOMPRESSED_FLAG;1324 cout << "REDOING UNCOMPRESSED" << endl; 1325 compressedOffset = previousOffset + sizeof(BlockHeader) + 1; 1288 1326 compressedOffset += compressUNCOMPRESSED(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][compressedOffset]), &(_transposedBuffer[threadIndex][offset]), thisRoundNumRows, _columns[i].sizeOfElems(), _columns[i].numElems()); 1289 } 1327 BlockHeader he; 1328 he.size = compressedOffset - previousOffset; 1329 he.numProcs = 1; 1330 he.ordering = FACT_ROW_MAJOR; 1331 memcpy(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][previousOffset]), (char*)(&he), sizeof(BlockHeader)); 1332 _compressedBuffer[threadIndex][previousOffset+sizeof(BlockHeader)] = FACT_RAW; 1333 offset += thisRoundNumRows*_columns[i].sizeOfElems()*_columns[i].numElems(); 1334 _catalog[currentCatalogRow][i].first = compressedOffset - _catalog[currentCatalogRow][i].second; 1335 continue; 1336 } 1337 head.size = compressedOffset - previousOffset; 1338 memcpy(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][previousOffset]), (char*)(&head), sizeof(BlockHeader)); 1339 memcpy(&(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex][previousOffset+sizeof(BlockHeader)]),, sizeof(uint16_t)*sequence.size()); 1340 1290 1341 offset += thisRoundNumRows*_columns[i].sizeOfElems()*_columns[i].numElems(); 1291 1342 _catalog[currentCatalogRow][i].first = compressedOffset - _catalog[currentCatalogRow][i].second; 1292 1343 } 1344 1293 1345 TileHeader tHead(thisRoundNumRows, compressedOffset); 1294 // tHead.numRows = thisRoundNumRows;1295 // tHead.size = compressedOffset;1296 1346 memcpy(_compressedBuffer[threadIndex], &tHead, sizeof(TileHeader)); 1297 1347 return compressedOffset; … … 1338 1388 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(myself->_mutex)); 1339 1389 uint32_t threadToWaitForBeforeWriting = (myID == 0) ? myself->_numThreads-1 : myID-1; 1390 1340 1391 while (myself->_threadStatus[myID] != _THREAD_EXIT_) 1341 1392 { … … 1603 1654 } 1604 1655 1656 //get header structures 1657 BlockHeader rawHeader; 1658 BlockHeader smoothmanHeader(0, FACT_ROW_MAJOR, 3); 1659 vector<uint16_t> rawProcessings(1); 1660 rawProcessings[0] = FACT_RAW; 1661 vector<uint16_t> smoothmanProcessings(3); 1662 smoothmanProcessings[0] = FACT_SMOOTHING; 1663 smoothmanProcessings[1] = FACT_HUFFMAN16; 1664 smoothmanProcessings[2] = FACT_RAW; 1665 1605 1666 //first lets see if we do have an explicit request 1606 1667 bool explicitRequest = false; … … 1612 1673 if (displayText) cout << compressions[j].second << endl; 1613 1674 if (compressions[j].second == "UNCOMPRESSED") 1614 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, CompressedFitsFile::UNCOMPRESSED));1675 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, rawHeader, rawProcessings)); 1615 1676 if (compressions[j].second == "SMOOTHMAN") 1616 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, CompressedFitsFile::SMOOTHMAN));1677 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, smoothmanHeader, smoothmanProcessings)); 1617 1678 break; 1618 1679 } … … 1624 1685 { 1625 1686 if (displayText) cout << "UNCOMPRESSED" << endl; 1626 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, CompressedFitsFile::UNCOMPRESSED));1687 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, rawHeader, rawProcessings)); 1627 1688 } 1628 1689 else 1629 1690 { 1630 1691 if (displayText) cout << "SMOOTHMAN" << endl; 1631 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, CompressedFitsFile::SMOOTHMAN));1692 outFile.addColumn(CompressedFitsFile::ColumnEntry(colName, sortedColumns[i].type, sortedColumns[i].num, smoothmanHeader, smoothmanProcessings)); 1632 1693 } 1633 1694 } -
r16811 r16814 13 13 #include "fits.h" 14 14 #include "huffman.h" 15 16 17 #define FACT_RAW 0x0 18 #define FACT_SMOOTHING 0x1 19 #define FACT_HUFFMAN16 0x2 20 21 #define FACT_COL_MAJOR 'C' 22 #define FACT_ROW_MAJOR 'R' 15 23 16 24 … … 79 87 80 88 private: 89 90 //Structure helper for reading tiles headers 81 91 typedef struct TileHeader 82 92 { … … 84 94 uint32_t numRows; 85 95 uint64_t size; 86 TileHeader(uint32_t nRows=0, 87 uint64_t s=0) : id({'T', 'I', 'L', 'E'}), 96 97 TileHeader() {} 98 99 TileHeader(uint32_t nRows, 100 uint64_t s) : id({'T', 'I', 'L', 'E'}), 88 101 numRows(nRows), 89 102 size(s) 90 103 { }; 91 friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const TileHeader& h)92 {93 out <<[0] <<[1] <<[2] <<[3] << " num Rows: " << h.numRows << ", tile size: " << h.size;94 return out;95 }96 104 } __attribute__((__packed__)) TileHeader; 105 106 //Structure helper for reading blocks headers and compresion schemes 107 typedef struct BlockHeader 108 { 109 uint64_t size; 110 char ordering; 111 unsigned char numProcs; 112 uint16_t processings[]; 113 114 BlockHeader(uint64_t s=0, 115 char o=FACT_ROW_MAJOR, 116 unsigned char n=1) : size(s), 117 ordering(o), 118 numProcs(n) 119 {} 120 } __attribute__((__packed__)) BlockHeader; 97 121 98 122 // Do what it takes to initialize the compressed structured … … 103 127 return; 104 128 129 if (fTable.isCompressed) 130 for (auto it=fTable.sortedCols.begin(); it!= fTable.sortedCols.end(); it++) 131 if (it->comp != FACT) 132 { 133 #ifdef __EXCEPTIONS 134 throw runtime_error("ERROR: Only the FACT compression scheme is handled by this reader."); 135 #else 136 gLog << ___err___ << "ERROR: Only the FACT compression scheme is handled by this reader." << endl; 137 return; 138 #endif 139 } 140 141 fColumnOrdering.resize(fTable.sortedCols.size()); 142 for (auto it=fColumnOrdering.begin(); it != fColumnOrdering.end(); it++) 143 (*it) = FACT_ROW_MAJOR; 105 144 //Get compressed specific keywords 106 145 fNumTiles = fTable.isCompressed ? GetInt("NAXIS2") : 0; … … 129 168 vector<char> fTransposedBuffer; ///<intermediate buffer to transpose the rows 130 169 vector<char> fCompressedBuffer; ///<compressed rows 170 vector<char> fColumnOrdering; ///< ordering of the column's rows 131 171 132 172 size_t fNumTiles; ///< Total number of tiles … … 137 177 138 178 vector<vector<pair<int64_t, int64_t> > > fCatalog;///< Catalog, i.e. the main table that points to the compressed data. 139 vector<size_t> fTileSize; ///< size in bytes of each compressed tile140 vector<vector<size_t> > fTileOffsets; ///< offset from start of tile of a given compressed column179 vector<size_t> fTileSize; ///< size in bytes of each compressed tile 180 vector<vector<size_t> > fTileOffsets; ///< offset from start of tile of a given compressed column 141 181 142 182 void AllocateBuffers() … … 148 188 149 189 fTransposedBuffer.resize(fTable.bytes_per_row*fNumRowsPerTile); 150 fCompressedBuffer.resize(fTable.bytes_per_row*fNumRowsPerTile + fTable.num_cols ); //use a bit more memory for compression flags190 fCompressedBuffer.resize(fTable.bytes_per_row*fNumRowsPerTile + fTable.num_cols*(sizeof(BlockHeader)+256)); //use a bit more memory for block headers 151 191 } 152 192 … … 266 306 const char *src =; 267 307 268 for (auto it=fTable.sortedCols.begin(); it!=fTable.sortedCols.end(); it++) 308 uint32_t i=0; 309 for (auto it=fTable.sortedCols.begin(); it!=fTable.sortedCols.end(); it++, i++) 269 310 { 270 311 char *buffer = + it->offset; // pointer to column (destination buffer) 271 312 272 switch ( it->comp)313 switch (fColumnOrdering[i]) 273 314 { 274 case UNCOMPRESSED: 275 case SMOOTHMAN: 276 // regular, "semi-transposed" copy 277 for (char *dest=buffer; dest<buffer+thisRoundNumRows*fTable.bytes_per_row; dest+=fTable.bytes_per_row) // row-by-row 278 { 279 memcpy(dest, src, it->bytes); 280 src += it->bytes; // next column 281 } 282 break; 283 284 default: 285 // transposed copy 286 for (char *elem=buffer; elem<buffer+it->bytes; elem+=it->size) // element-by-element (arrays) 287 { 288 for (char *dest=elem; dest<elem+thisRoundNumRows*fTable.bytes_per_row; dest+=fTable.bytes_per_row) // row-by-row 315 case FACT_ROW_MAJOR: 316 // regular, "semi-transposed" copy 317 for (char *dest=buffer; dest<buffer+thisRoundNumRows*fTable.bytes_per_row; dest+=fTable.bytes_per_row) // row-by-row 289 318 { 290 memcpy(dest, src, it-> size);291 src += it-> size; // next element319 memcpy(dest, src, it->bytes); 320 src += it->bytes; // next column 292 321 } 293 } 322 break; 323 324 case FACT_COL_MAJOR: 325 // transposed copy 326 for (char *elem=buffer; elem<buffer+it->bytes; elem+=it->size) // element-by-element (arrays) 327 { 328 for (char *dest=elem; dest<elem+thisRoundNumRows*fTable.bytes_per_row; dest+=fTable.bytes_per_row) // row-by-row 329 { 330 memcpy(dest, src, it->size); 331 src += it->size; // next element 332 } 333 } 334 break; 335 default: 336 #ifdef __EXCEPTIONS 337 throw runtime_error("Unkown column ordering scheme"); 338 #else 339 gLog << ___err___ << "ERROR - unkown column ordering scheme" << endl; 340 return; 341 #endif 294 342 break; 295 343 }; … … 305 353 uint32_t UncompressUNCOMPRESSED(char* dest, 306 354 const char* src, 307 uint32_t numRows, 308 uint32_t sizeOfElems, 309 uint32_t numRowElems) 310 { 311 memcpy(dest, src, numRows*sizeOfElems*numRowElems); 312 return numRows*sizeOfElems*numRowElems; 355 uint32_t numElems, 356 uint32_t sizeOfElems) 357 { 358 memcpy(dest, src, numElems*sizeOfElems); 359 return numElems*sizeOfElems; 313 360 } 314 361 315 362 // Read a bunch of data compressed with the Huffman algorithm 316 uint32_t UncompressHUFFMAN(char* dest, 317 const char* src, 318 uint32_t , 319 uint32_t sizeOfElems, 320 uint32_t numRowElems) 321 { 322 if (sizeOfElems < 2) 323 { 324 cout << "Error, Huffman only works on shorts or longer types. (here: " << sizeOfElems << "). Aborting." << endl; 325 return -1; 326 } 327 363 uint32_t UncompressHUFFMAN16(char* dest, 364 const char* src, 365 uint32_t numChunks) 366 { 328 367 vector<uint16_t> uncompressed; 329 368 330 369 //read compressed sizes (one per row) 331 370 const uint32_t* compressedSizes = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(src); 332 src += sizeof(uint32_t)*num RowElems;371 src += sizeof(uint32_t)*numChunks; 333 372 334 373 //uncompress the rows, one by one 335 374 uint32_t sizeWritten = 0; 336 for (uint32_t j=0;j<num RowElems;j++)375 for (uint32_t j=0;j<numChunks;j++) 337 376 { 338 377 Huffman::Decode(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(src), compressedSizes[j], uncompressed); … … 347 386 } 348 387 349 //Read a bunch of data compressed with the smoothman algorithm 350 uint32_t UncompressSMOOTHMAN(int16_t* dest, 351 const char* src, 352 uint32_t numRows, 353 uint32_t sizeOfElems, 354 uint32_t numRowElems) 355 { 356 //call huffman transposed 357 const uint32_t sizeWritten = UncompressHUFFMAN(reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest), src, numRowElems, sizeOfElems, numRows); 358 388 uint32_t UnApplySMOOTHING(int16_t* data, 389 uint32_t numElems) 390 { 359 391 //un-do the integer smoothing 360 for (uint32_t j=2;j<numRowElems*numRows;j++) 361 dest[j] = dest[j] + (dest[j-1]+dest[j-2])/2; 362 363 return sizeWritten; 364 } 365 392 for (uint32_t j=2;j<numElems;j++) 393 data[j] = data[j] + (data[j-1]+data[j-2])/2; 394 395 return numElems*sizeof(uint16_t); 396 } 366 397 // Data has been read from disk. Uncompress it ! 367 398 void UncompressBuffer(const uint32_t &catalogCurrentRow, const uint32_t &thisRoundNumRows) … … 377 408 378 409 //get the compression flag 379 const int64_t compressedOffset = fTileOffsets[catalogCurrentRow][i];//fCatalog[catalogCurrentRow][i].second - fCatalog[catalogCurrentRow][0].second; 380 const char compressedFlag = fCompressedBuffer[compressedOffset]; 381 382 //#define COMPRESSED_FLAG 0x1 383 //#define UNCOMPRESSED_FLAG 0x0 384 385 const char *src =; 386 387 //if this bunch of data is not compressed, modify the compression flag 388 const uint32_t compression = compressedFlag==0 ? UNCOMPRESSED : col.comp; 389 switch (compression) 390 { 391 case UNCOMPRESSED: 392 dest += UncompressUNCOMPRESSED(dest, src, thisRoundNumRows, col.size, col.num); 393 break; 394 395 case SMOOTHMAN: 396 dest += UncompressSMOOTHMAN(reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(dest), src, thisRoundNumRows, col.size, col.num); 397 break; 398 399 default: 400 ; 410 const int64_t compressedOffset = fTileOffsets[catalogCurrentRow][i]; 411 412 BlockHeader* head = reinterpret_cast<BlockHeader*>(&fCompressedBuffer[compressedOffset]); 413 414 fColumnOrdering[i] = head->ordering; 415 416 uint32_t numRows = (head->ordering==FACT_ROW_MAJOR) ? thisRoundNumRows : col.num; 417 uint32_t numCols = (head->ordering==FACT_COL_MAJOR) ? thisRoundNumRows : col.num; 418 419 const char *src =*head->numProcs; 420 421 for (uint32_t j=head->numProcs;j != 0; j--) 422 { 423 uint32_t sizeWritten=0; 424 425 switch (head->processings[j-1]) 426 { 427 case FACT_RAW: 428 if (head->numProcs == 1) 429 sizeWritten = UncompressUNCOMPRESSED(dest, src, numRows*numCols, col.size); 430 break; 431 case FACT_SMOOTHING: 432 sizeWritten = UnApplySMOOTHING(reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(dest), numRows*numCols); 433 break; 434 case FACT_HUFFMAN16: 435 sizeWritten = UncompressHUFFMAN16(dest, src, numRows); 436 break; 437 default: 438 #ifdef __EXCEPTIONS 439 throw runtime_error("Unknown processing applied to data. Aborting"); 440 #else 441 gLog << ___err___ << "ERROR - Unknown processing applied to data. Aborting" << endl; 442 return; 443 #endif 444 break; 445 } 446 //increment destination counter only when processing done. 447 if (j==1) dest+= sizeWritten; 401 448 } 402 449 }
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