Changeset 17037 for fact/Evidence
- Timestamp:
- 08/23/13 14:54:34 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- fact/Evidence
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified fact/Evidence/ ¶
r14187 r17037 50 50 // If service is array and no index given, try to find out how many indices exist and add all 51 51 if (FromIndex == -1 && Format.size() == 1) { 52 DimCurrentInfo X(Service, NULL, 0);52 DimCurrentInfo X(Service, (char *) NULL, 0); 53 53 54 54 FromIndex = 0; … … 336 336 // Widget properties 337 337 setAcceptDrops(true); 338 setAxisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::xBottom, new EddTimeScale); 339 340 // Update time range on plot when axis change (update() results in paintEvent())341 connect(axisWidget(QwtPlot::xBottom), SIGNAL(scaleDivChanged()), SLOT( update()));338 339 // Horizontal time scale 340 setAxisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::xBottom, new EddDateScale()); 341 connect(axisWidget(QwtPlot::xBottom), SIGNAL(scaleDivChanged()), SLOT(ScaleUpdate())); 342 342 343 343 // Additonal context menu items … … 354 354 Menu->insertAction(Menu->actions().value(10), Action); 355 355 356 // Set timer to regularly update plot if new data available356 // Set timer update plot after new data added 357 357 SingleShot = new QTimer(this); 358 358 connect(SingleShot, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(UpdatePlot())); … … 390 390 List.append(N); 391 391 392 // Use custom legend widget393 EddLegend *Legend = new EddLegend(N.Curve, this);394 legend()->remove(N.Curve);395 legend()->insert(N.Curve, (QWidget *) Legend);396 397 // Context menu might delete curve and legend -> seg fault if using direct connection, as legend item deleted398 connect(Legend, SIGNAL(DeleteCurve(QwtPlotCurve *)), this, SLOT(RemoveService(QwtPlotCurve *)), Qt::QueuedConnection);399 400 392 // Get history 401 393 struct EddDim::HistItem Hist = Handler->GetHistory(Name); … … 403 395 for (int i=0; i<Hist.DataText.size(); i++) { 404 396 if (Hist.DataText[i].second.size() > N.Index) { 405 AddPoint(List.size()-1, Hist.DataText[i].first, Hist.DataText[i];397 AddPoint(List.size()-1, double(Hist.DataText[i].first)*1000, Hist.DataText[i]; 406 398 } 407 399 } 408 400 409 401 // Subscribe to service and start updating plot after 100 ms (to allow addition of other curves) 410 402 Handler->Subscribe(Name, this, Index); 411 403 SingleShot->start(100); 412 404 } 413 414 // Update widget (must happen in GUI thread)415 void EddPlot::Update(const QString &Name, int Time, const QByteArray &, const QString &Format, const QString &Text, int Index) {416 417 for (int ItemNo=0; ItemNo<List.size(); ItemNo++) if (List[ItemNo].Name==Name && List[ItemNo].Index==Index) {418 419 // Append data if service available420 if (SetStatus(this, Name, Time, Format)) AddPoint(ItemNo, Time, atof(Text.toAscii().data()));421 NewData = true;422 }423 }424 425 // Add text indicating time range to plot426 void EddPlot::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {427 428 QString Text;429 QFont Font;430 QPainter Painter(this);431 432 Text = QDateTime::fromTime_t((int) axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom)->lowerBound()).toString("d-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss") + " to " + QDateTime::fromTime_t((int) axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom)->upperBound()).toString("d-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");433 434 Font.setPointSize(6);435 Painter.setFont(Font);436 Painter.drawText(0, height(), Text);437 }438 439 // Drag and drop methods440 void EddPlot::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *Event) {441 442 if (Event->mimeData()->hasFormat("Edd/Service")) Event->acceptProposedAction();443 }444 445 void EddPlot::dropEvent(QDropEvent *Event) {446 447 QByteArray D(Event->mimeData()->data("Edd/Service"));448 AddService(D.left(D.lastIndexOf(' ')), D.right(D.size()-D.lastIndexOf(' ')).toInt());449 }450 451 // Add new service by pasting name452 void EddPlot::MenuPasteService() {453 454 const QMimeData *D = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData();455 if (!D->hasFormat("Edd/Service")) return;456 457 QByteArray E(D->data("Edd/Service"));458 AddService(E.left(E.lastIndexOf(' ')), E.right(E.size()-E.lastIndexOf(' ')).toInt());459 }460 461 // Show last hour/last day462 void EddPlot::MenuShowLastHour() {463 464 setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, time(NULL)-60*60, time(NULL)+60);465 replot();466 }467 468 void EddPlot::MenuShowLastDay() {469 470 setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, time(NULL)-24*3600, time(NULL)+3600);471 replot();472 }473 474 void EddPlot::MenuAllAsText() {475 476 QMainWindow *M = new QMainWindow;477 M->setCentralWidget(new QWidget(M));478 M->setStatusBar(new QStatusBar(M));479 M->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);480 M->setWindowTitle("Edd Services");481 482 QGridLayout *Layout = new QGridLayout(M->centralWidget());483 484 for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) {485 Layout->addWidget(new EddLineDisplay(List[i].Name, List[i].Index), i/10, i%10);486 }487 488 M->resize(400,450);489 M->show();490 }491 492 405 493 406 // Remove subscription … … 502 415 } 503 416 417 // Update widget (must happen in GUI thread) 418 void EddPlot::Update(const QString &Name, int Time, const QByteArray &, const QString &Format, const QString &Text, int Index) { 419 420 for (int ItemNo=0; ItemNo<List.size(); ItemNo++) if (List[ItemNo].Name==Name && List[ItemNo].Index==Index) { 421 422 // Append data if service available 423 if (SetStatus(this, Name, Time, Format)) AddPoint(ItemNo, (double) Time*1000, atof(Text.toAscii().data())); 424 NewData = true; 425 } 426 } 427 428 // Add text indicating time range to plot 429 void EddPlot::ScaleUpdate() { 430 431 QwtText Text; 432 QFont Font; 433 434 // Set footer 435 Text = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).lowerBound()).toString("d-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss") + " to " + QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).upperBound()).toString("d-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"); 436 437 Font.setPointSize(6); 438 Text.setFont(Font); 439 setFooter(Text); 440 } 441 442 // Drag and drop methods 443 void EddPlot::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *Event) { 444 445 if (Event->mimeData()->hasFormat("Edd/Service")) Event->acceptProposedAction(); 446 } 447 448 void EddPlot::dropEvent(QDropEvent *Event) { 449 450 QByteArray D(Event->mimeData()->data("Edd/Service")); 451 AddService(D.left(D.lastIndexOf(' ')), D.right(D.size()-D.lastIndexOf(' ')).toInt()); 452 } 453 454 // Add new service by pasting name 455 void EddPlot::MenuPasteService() { 456 457 const QMimeData *D = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(); 458 if (!D->hasFormat("Edd/Service")) return; 459 460 QByteArray E(D->data("Edd/Service")); 461 AddService(E.left(E.lastIndexOf(' ')), E.right(E.size()-E.lastIndexOf(' ')).toInt()); 462 } 463 464 // Show last hour/last day 465 void EddPlot::MenuShowLastHour() { 466 467 setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, (time(NULL)-60*60)*1000, (time(NULL)+60)*1000); 468 replot(); 469 } 470 471 void EddPlot::MenuShowLastDay() { 472 473 setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, (time(NULL)-24*3600)*1000, (time(NULL)+3600)*1000); 474 replot(); 475 } 476 477 void EddPlot::MenuAllAsText() { 478 479 QMainWindow *M = new QMainWindow; 480 M->setCentralWidget(new QWidget(M)); 481 M->setStatusBar(new QStatusBar(M)); 482 M->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); 483 M->setWindowTitle("Edd Services"); 484 485 QGridLayout *Layout = new QGridLayout(M->centralWidget()); 486 487 for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) { 488 Layout->addWidget(new EddLineDisplay(List[i].Name, List[i].Index), i/10, i%10); 489 } 490 491 M->resize(400,450); 492 M->show(); 493 } 494 495 // 496 // Reimplementation of QwtDateScaleDraw::label() 497 // 498 QwtText EddDateScale::label(double Value) const { 499 500 QString Format; 501 502 if (scaleDiv().range() > 30*24*60*60*1000.0) Format = "d-MMM\n yyyy"; 503 else if (scaleDiv().range() > 1*24*60*60*1000.0) Format = " h 'h'\nd-MMM"; 504 else if (scaleDiv().range() > 60*60*1000.0) Format = "hh:mm"; 505 else Format = "hh:mm:ss"; 506 507 return QwtDate::toString(toDateTime(Value), Format, QwtDate::FirstThursday); 508 } 504 509 505 510 ////////////////// … … 514 519 setAutoReplot(false); 515 520 setCanvasBackground(EddPlotBackgroundColor); 516 setMargin(15);517 521 NewData = false; 518 522 519 523 // Plot navigation 520 524 Zoomer = new QwtPlotZoomer(QwtPlot::xBottom,QwtPlot::yLeft,canvas()); 521 connect(Zoomer, SIGNAL(zoomed(const QwtDoubleRect &)), this, SLOT(HandleZoom(const QwtDoubleRect &))); 522 connect(Zoomer, SIGNAL(zoomed(const QwtDoubleRect &)), this, SLOT(ReDoStats())); 525 Zoomer->setTrackerMode(QwtPicker::AlwaysOff); 526 connect(Zoomer, SIGNAL(zoomed(const QRectF &)), this, SLOT(HandleZoom(const QRectF &))); 527 connect(Zoomer, SIGNAL(zoomed(const QRectF &)), this, SLOT(ReDoStats())); 523 528 524 529 Magnifier = new QwtPlotMagnifier(canvas()); 525 Magnifier->setMouseButton(Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton);530 Magnifier->setMouseButton(Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier); 526 531 Magnifier->setZoomInKey(Qt::Key_M, Qt::NoModifier); 527 532 Magnifier->setZoomOutKey(Qt::Key_M, Qt::ShiftModifier); … … 531 536 connect(Panner, SIGNAL(panned(int, int)), this, SLOT(ReDoStats())); 532 537 533 Picker = new QwtPicker(QwtPicker::CornerToCorner|QwtPicker::RectSelection, QwtPicker::RectRubberBand, QwtPicker::AlwaysOff, this); 534 connect(Picker, SIGNAL(selected(const QwtPolygon &)), SLOT(MouseSelection(const QwtPolygon &))); 538 Picker = new QwtPicker(QwtPicker::RectRubberBand, QwtPicker::AlwaysOff, this); 539 Picker->setStateMachine(new QwtPickerDragRectMachine); 540 connect(Picker, SIGNAL(selected(const QPolygon &)), SLOT(MouseSelection(const QPolygon &))); 535 541 536 542 // Grid and legend 537 543 Grid = new QwtPlotGrid; 538 Grid->setMaj Pen(QPen(Qt::gray, 0, Qt::DotLine));544 Grid->setMajorPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 0, Qt::DotLine)); 539 545 Grid->attach(this); 540 546 541 insertLegend(new QwtLegend(), QwtPlot::TopLegend, 0.3); 547 Legend = new EddLegend(); 548 insertLegend(Legend, QwtPlot::TopLegend, 0.3); 542 549 543 550 // Marker for statistics text … … 599 606 // Calculate mean and sigma for data points currently visible 600 607 for (int j=0; j<Items[i].y.size(); j++) { 601 if (!axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->contains(Items[i].x[j])) continue;608 if (!axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).contains(Items[i].x[j])) continue; 602 609 Mean += Items[i].y[j]; 603 610 Sigma += Items[i].y[j]*Items[i].y[j]; … … 620 627 QwtText text(Text); 621 628 text.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 8)); 622 Stats->setValue(axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->upperBound(), axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft)->upperBound());629 Stats->setValue(axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).upperBound(), axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft).upperBound()); 623 630 Stats->setLabel(text); 624 631 … … 630 637 void EddBasePlot::UpdatePlot() { 631 638 632 double Lower = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->lowerBound();633 double Upper = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->upperBound();639 double Lower = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).lowerBound(); 640 double Upper = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).upperBound(); 634 641 double MaxTime = DBL_MIN; 635 static QwtSymbol Symbol, Sym1;636 Symbol.setStyle(QwtSymbol::Ellipse);637 Symbol.setSize(4);638 642 639 643 // Only update if called by timer if new data is available … … 645 649 setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, new QwtLinearScaleEngine); 646 650 } 647 else setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, new QwtLog 10ScaleEngine);651 else setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, new QwtLogScaleEngine); 648 652 649 653 for (int ItemNo=0; ItemNo<Items.size(); ItemNo++) { … … 654 658 655 659 // Set symbol if requested 656 if (StyleAction->isChecked()) Items[ItemNo].Signal->setSymbol(Symbol); 657 else Items[ItemNo].Signal->setSymbol(Sym1); 660 if (StyleAction->isChecked()) { 661 QwtSymbol *Symbol = new QwtSymbol(); 662 Symbol->setStyle(QwtSymbol::Ellipse); 663 Symbol->setSize(4); 664 Items[ItemNo].Signal->setSymbol(Symbol); 665 } 666 else Items[ItemNo].Signal->setSymbol(new QwtSymbol); 658 667 659 668 // Determine number of data points … … 675 684 676 685 // Plot data 677 Items[ItemNo].Signal->set Data(Items[ItemNo], y, DataPoints);686 Items[ItemNo].Signal->setSamples(Items[ItemNo], y, DataPoints); 678 687 Items[ItemNo].Signal->show(); 679 688 delete[] y; … … 704 713 struct PlotItem N; 705 714 706 N.Signal = new QwtPlotCurve ;715 N.Signal = new QwtPlotCurve(Title); 707 716 N.Signal->attach(this); 708 N.Signal->setTitle(Title);709 717 N.Signal->setPen(QColor(LineColors[Items.size() % (sizeof(LineColors)/sizeof(Qt::GlobalColor))])); 710 718 N.Largest = DBL_MIN; … … 712 720 Items.append(N); 713 721 722 QVariant ItemInfo = itemToInfo(N.Signal); 723 ((EddLegendLabel *) Legend->legendWidget(ItemInfo))->Curve = N.Signal; 724 725 // Context menu might delete curve and legend -> seg fault if using direct connection, as legend item deleted 726 connect(((EddLegendLabel *) Legend->legendWidget(ItemInfo)), SIGNAL(DeleteCurve(QwtPlotCurve *)), SLOT(RemoveService(QwtPlotCurve *)), Qt::QueuedConnection); 727 714 728 return N.Signal; 729 } 730 731 // Remove item 732 void EddBasePlot::DeleteCurve(QwtPlotCurve *Curve) { 733 734 for (int i=0; i<Items.size(); i++) if (Items[i].Signal == Curve) { 735 delete Curve; 736 Items.takeAt(i); 737 break; 738 } 739 UpdatePlot(); 715 740 } 716 741 … … 737 762 738 763 // Rescale plot in case selection has been made outside the canvas 739 void EddBasePlot::MouseSelection(const QPolygon &P ) {764 void EddBasePlot::MouseSelection(const QPolygon &P_integer) { 740 765 741 QwtDoubleInterval xPlot, xMouse, yPlot, yMouse; 742 766 QwtInterval xPlot, xMouse, yPlot, yMouse; 767 QPolygonF P(P_integer); 768 743 769 // Shift selected rectangle so that upper left corner is 0/0 on canvas 744 QRect R = P.boundingRect().translated(-plotLayout()->canvasRect().topLeft());770 QRectF R = P.boundingRect().translated(-plotLayout()->canvasRect().topLeft()); 745 771 746 772 // Current axis intervals 747 xPlot = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->interval();748 yPlot = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft) ->interval();773 xPlot = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).interval(); 774 yPlot = axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft).interval(); 749 775 750 776 // Selected axis intervals 751 xMouse = Qwt DoubleInterval(invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom, R.left()),777 xMouse = QwtInterval(invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom, R.left()), 752 778 invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom, R.right())); 753 yMouse = Qwt DoubleInterval(invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft, R.bottom()),779 yMouse = QwtInterval(invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft, R.bottom()), 754 780 invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft,; 755 781 … … 773 799 // Rescale y axis (increase range if selected rectangle larger than axis area) 774 800 if (R.right() < 0) { 775 if (yMouse.maxValue() > axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft) ->upperBound()) {801 if (yMouse.maxValue() > axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft).upperBound()) { 776 802 yMouse.setMaxValue(yMouse.maxValue() + yPlot.width()); 777 803 } 778 if (yMouse.minValue() < axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft) ->lowerBound()) {804 if (yMouse.minValue() < axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft).lowerBound()) { 779 805 yMouse.setMinValue(yMouse.minValue() - yPlot.width()); 780 806 } … … 785 811 // Rescale x axis (increase range if selected rectangle larger than axis area) 786 812 if ( > plotLayout()->canvasRect().height()) { 787 if (xMouse.maxValue() > axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->upperBound()) {813 if (xMouse.maxValue() > axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).upperBound()) { 788 814 xMouse.setMaxValue(xMouse.maxValue() + xPlot.width()); 789 815 } 790 if (xMouse.minValue() < axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom) ->lowerBound()) {816 if (xMouse.minValue() < axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom).lowerBound()) { 791 817 xMouse.setMinValue(xMouse.minValue() - xPlot.width()); 792 818 } … … 800 826 801 827 // Reset graph axes to autoscale when fully unzoomed 802 void EddBasePlot::HandleZoom(const Q wtDoubleRect&) {828 void EddBasePlot::HandleZoom(const QRectF &) { 803 829 804 830 if(Zoomer->zoomRectIndex() == 0) { … … 809 835 UpdatePlot(); 810 836 } 837 838 // Double clicking hightlights curve 839 void EddBasePlot::mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *Event) { 840 841 double Dist, MinDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); 842 int Index = -1; 843 844 // Check which curve is closest 845 for (int i=0; i<Items.size(); i++) { 846 if (Items[i].Signal->closestPoint(Event->pos(), &Dist) != -1 && Dist < MinDistance) { 847 MinDistance = Dist; 848 Index = i; 849 } 850 } 851 852 // Toggle 'thick line' action 853 if (Index != -1) { 854 ((EddLegendLabel *) Legend->legendWidget(itemToInfo(Items[Index].Signal)))->ThickLineAction->toggle(); 855 } 856 } 811 857 812 858 // Opening context menu … … 820 866 821 867 Zoomer->zoom(0); 822 UpdatePlot();823 }824 825 826 // Remove item827 void EddBasePlot::DeleteCurve(QwtPlotCurve *Curve) {828 829 for (int i=0; i<Items.size(); i++) if (Items[i].Signal == Curve) {830 delete Curve;831 Items.takeAt(i);832 break;833 }834 868 UpdatePlot(); 835 869 } … … 863 897 for (int ItemNo=0; ItemNo<Items.size(); ItemNo++) { 864 898 Stream << QString("# ") + Items[ItemNo].Signal->title().text() + ".hist" << endl; 865 for (int i=0; i<Items[ItemNo].Signal->dataSize(); i++) { 866 Stream << Items[ItemNo] << " " << Items[ItemNo].Signal->y(i) << endl; 899 for (unsigned int i=0; i<Items[ItemNo].Signal->dataSize(); i++) { 900 //Stream << Items[ItemNo] << " " << Items[ItemNo].Signal->y(i) << endl; 901 Stream << Items[ItemNo] << " " << Items[ItemNo].Signal->sample(i).y() << endl; 867 902 } 868 903 } … … 908 943 "Pan\tShift and left mouse button\n\n" 909 944 "ESC cancels selection\n" 945 "Double-clicking highlights nearest curve\n" 910 946 "Cursor keys move mouse\n\n" 911 947 "Statistics are calculated over the current x axis extend\n\n" … … 915 951 916 952 917 //////////////// 918 // Edd Legend // 919 //////////////// 920 921 EddLegend::EddLegend(QwtPlotCurve *Curve, EddPlot *Plot): Curve(Curve), Plot(Plot) { 953 //////////////////////////////// 954 // Edd Legend and LegendLabel // 955 //////////////////////////////// 956 957 // Reimplementation to return EddLegendLabel widget 958 QWidget *EddLegend::createWidget(const QwtLegendData &) const { 959 960 return new EddLegendLabel(); 961 } 962 963 // Constructor for EddLegendLabel class 964 EddLegendLabel::EddLegendLabel() { 922 965 923 966 // Context menu … … 925 968 Menu->addAction("Open in new history", this, SLOT(MenuOpenHistory())); 926 969 Menu->addAction("Copy service", this, SLOT(MenuCopyService())); 927 Menu->addAction("Normal line", this, SLOT(MenuNormalLine())); 928 Menu->addAction("Thick line", this, SLOT(MenuThickLine())); 970 971 ThickLineAction = new QAction("Thick line", this); 972 ThickLineAction->setCheckable(true); 973 connect(ThickLineAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(MenuThickLine(bool))); 974 Menu->addAction(ThickLineAction); 975 929 976 Menu->addAction("Remove curve", this, SLOT(MenuRemove())); 930 } 931 932 // 977 978 Curve = NULL; 979 } 980 933 981 // Opening context menu 934 // 935 void EddLegend::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *Event) { 982 void EddLegendLabel::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *Event) { 936 983 937 984 Menu->exec(Event->globalPos()); … … 939 986 940 987 // Handling of mouse press event: Register start position for drag 941 void EddLegend ::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *Event) {988 void EddLegendLabel::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *Event) { 942 989 943 990 if (Event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) dragStart = Event->pos(); … … 945 992 946 993 // Handling of dragging (Drag and MimeData will be deleted by Qt) 947 void EddLegend ::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *Event) {994 void EddLegendLabel::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *Event) { 948 995 949 996 if ((Event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) == 0) return; … … 962 1009 963 1010 // Handling of mouse release event: Open history 964 void EddLegend ::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *Event) {1011 void EddLegendLabel::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *Event) { 965 1012 966 1013 if (Event->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; … … 974 1021 975 1022 // Menu: Open history plot 976 void EddLegend ::MenuOpenHistory() {1023 void EddLegendLabel::MenuOpenHistory() { 977 1024 978 1025 QString D(text().text()); … … 984 1031 985 1032 // Menu: Copy service name 986 void EddLegend ::MenuCopyService() {1033 void EddLegendLabel::MenuCopyService() { 987 1034 988 1035 QString D(text().text()); … … 995 1042 } 996 1043 997 // Menu: Normal line width 998 void EddLegend::MenuNormalLine() { 999 1044 // Menu: Thick line width 1045 void EddLegendLabel::MenuThickLine(bool State) { 1046 1047 if (Curve == NULL) { 1048 printf("Warning: No QwtPlotCurve set in EddLegendLabel::MenuThickLine(), programming error\n"); 1049 return; 1050 } 1051 1052 // Set pxel width of curve 1000 1053 QPen Pen = Curve->pen(); 1001 Pen.setWidth( 1);1054 Pen.setWidth(State ? 4:1); 1002 1055 Curve->setPen(Pen); 1003 1056 Curve->plot()->replot(); 1057 1058 // Highlight legend entry 1059 QFont Font = font(); 1060 Font.setWeight(State ? QFont::Bold:QFont::Normal); 1061 setFont(Font); 1004 1062 } 1005 1063 1006 1064 // Menu: Normal line width 1007 void EddLegend::MenuThickLine() { 1008 1009 QPen Pen = Curve->pen(); 1010 Pen.setWidth(4); 1011 Curve->setPen(Pen); 1012 Curve->plot()->replot(); 1013 } 1014 1015 // Menu: Normal line width 1016 void EddLegend::MenuRemove() { 1065 void EddLegendLabel::MenuRemove() { 1017 1066 1018 1067 emit(DeleteCurve(Curve)); … … 1031 1080 setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); 1032 1081 setAutoFillBackground(true); 1033 //setText("connecting...");1034 1082 document()->setMaximumBlockCount(1000); 1035 1083 Accumulate = true; -
TabularUnified fact/Evidence/GUI.h ¶
r12940 r17037 17 17 #include <qwt_plot_layout.h> 18 18 #include <qwt_legend.h> 19 #include <qwt_legend_ item.h>19 #include <qwt_legend_label.h> 20 20 #include <qwt_symbol.h> 21 21 #include <qwt_plot_marker.h> 22 #include <qwt_data.h>23 22 #include <qwt_color_map.h> 23 #include <qwt_date_scale_draw.h> 24 24 25 25 #include <limits> … … 44 44 45 45 // Base class for Edd plot 46 // DeleteCurve() is pure virtual and needs to be implemented iin the application class 46 // RemoveService() is pure virtual and needs to be implemented in the application class, 47 // it will be called through signal by context menu of legend entries 47 48 class EddBasePlot: public QwtPlot { 48 49 Q_OBJECT … … 74 75 QwtPlotMagnifier *Magnifier; 75 76 QwtPicker *Picker; 76 Q wtDoubleRectBBox;77 QRectF BBox; 77 78 QwtPlotMarker *Stats; 78 79 class EddLegend *Legend; 80 79 81 public: 80 82 EddBasePlot(QWidget * = NULL); … … 84 86 bool NewData; 85 87 QwtPlotCurve *NewCurve(QwtText); 88 virtual void RemoveService(QwtPlotCurve *) = 0; 86 89 void DeleteCurve(QwtPlotCurve *); 87 90 void ClearCurve(unsigned int); … … 93 96 private slots: 94 97 void ReDoStats(); 95 void HandleZoom(const QwtDoubleRect &); 96 void MouseSelection(const QwtPolygon &); 98 void HandleZoom(const QRectF &); 99 void MouseSelection(const QPolygon &); 100 void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *); 97 101 void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *); 98 102 void MenuSetUpdateRate(); … … 154 158 Q_OBJECT 155 159 156 // Time scale for axis157 class EddTimeScale: public QwtScaleDraw {158 159 public:160 EddTimeScale() {}161 162 virtual QwtText label(double v) const {163 // Adapt text format to time span164 QString Format;165 if (scaleDiv().range() < 60*60) Format = "hh' h\n'mm:ss";166 else if (scaleDiv().range() < 24*60*60) Format = "hh:mm";167 else if (scaleDiv().range() < 30*24*60*60) Format = "h' h\n'd-MMM";168 else Format = "d-MMM'\n'yyyy";169 170 // Generate text171 QwtText Text = QDateTime::fromTime_t((int) v).toString(Format);172 QFont Font = Text.font();173 Font.setPointSize(7);174 Text.setFont(Font);175 176 return Text;177 }178 };179 180 160 struct ItemDetails { 181 161 QString Name; … … 186 166 187 167 private: 168 //EddDateScale *Scale; 188 169 QwtLegend *Legend; 189 170 QTimer *SingleShot; … … 192 173 void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *); 193 174 void dropEvent(QDropEvent *); 194 void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);195 175 196 176 public: … … 202 182 public slots: 203 183 void RemoveService(QwtPlotCurve *); 204 205 private slots: 184 void borderPath(QRect) {}; //Dummy method for qwtPicker, prevents QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method EddPlot::borderPath(QRect) 185 186 private slots: 187 void ScaleUpdate(); 206 188 void MenuPasteService(); 207 189 void MenuShowLastHour(); … … 210 192 }; 211 193 212 213 // Legend 214 class EddLegend: public QwtLegendItem { 194 // Scale showing date and time 195 class EddDateScale: public QwtDateScaleDraw { 196 197 public: 198 QwtText label(double) const; 199 }; 200 201 // Legend and legend label with protected methods implemented 202 class EddLegend: public QwtLegend { 203 204 protected: 205 QWidget *createWidget(const QwtLegendData &) const; 206 }; 207 208 class EddLegendLabel: public QwtLegendLabel { 215 209 Q_OBJECT 216 210 217 211 QMenu *Menu; 218 212 QPoint dragStart; 219 QwtPlotCurve *Curve; 220 EddPlot *Plot; 221 222 public: 223 EddLegend(QwtPlotCurve *, EddPlot *); 213 214 public: 215 EddLegendLabel(); 224 216 225 217 void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *); … … 228 220 void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *); 229 221 222 QwtPlotCurve *Curve; 223 QAction *ThickLineAction; 224 230 225 private slots: 231 226 void MenuOpenHistory(); 232 227 void MenuCopyService(); 233 void MenuNormalLine(); 234 void MenuThickLine(); 228 void MenuThickLine(bool); 235 229 void MenuRemove(); 236 230
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for help on using the changeset viewer.