Changeset 17207
- Timestamp:
- 10/11/13 12:56:02 (11 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/Mars
- Files:
- 27 added
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r15149 r17207 11 11 # (overwrites command line options) 12 12 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 #MLog.VerbosityLevel: 2 13 MLog.VerbosityLevel: 4 14 14 #MLog.DebugLevel: 1 15 15 #MLog.NoColors: yes … … 43 43 # BinningEnergy.Raw: 100 1 100000 log 44 44 # BinningSize.Raw: 100 1 10000000 log 45 # BinningImpact.Raw: 50 -250 25045 BinningImpact.Raw: 40 0 1000 46 46 # BinningHeight.Raw: 50 0 12 47 47 # BinningAz.Raw: 360 -360 360 48 48 # BinningZd.Raw: 70 0 70 49 49 # BinningViewCone.Raw: 155 0 31 50 # BinningTrigPos.Raw: 150 -25 12550 BinningTrigPos.Raw: 300 -25 275 51 51 # BinningEvtWidth.Raw: 150 0 25 52 52 # BinningDist.Raw: 100 0 2.5 … … 77 77 # Some setup for the atmosphere. The default should be well suited. 78 78 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 #MSimAtmosphere.FileAerosols: resmc/ atmopshere-aerosols.txt80 #MSimAtmosphere.FileOzone: resmc/ atmopshere-ozone.txt79 #MSimAtmosphere.FileAerosols: resmc/fact/atmopshere-aerosols.txt 80 #MSimAtmosphere.FileOzone: resmc/fact/atmopshere-ozone.txt 81 81 82 82 … … 97 97 # For the file definition see MReflector::ReadFile 98 98 99 #Reflector.FileName: resmc/magic-reflector.txt 100 #Reflector.FileName: resmc/magic-reflector-chessboard.txt 101 # Units mm: ~0.020° 102 #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 6.0 103 # Units mm: ~0.025° 104 #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 7.5 105 106 Reflector.FileName: resmc/dwarf-reflector.txt 99 Reflector.FileName: resmc/fact/fact-reflector.txt 107 100 # Units mm: ~0.02° 108 101 #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 1.8 109 102 # Units mm: ~0.03° 110 Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 2.6 111 103 #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 2.6 104 #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 1.66 105 106 # new Value from 7.12.2012: 107 # 0.95 of the reflected light was inside a circle with a radius of 2.25mm. This corresponds to a SigmaPSF of 1.3 mm 108 #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 1.3 109 110 # new Value from 29.05.2013: 111 # Set SigmaPSF to pixelsize 112 Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 10.0 112 113 113 114 # --- DWARF --- … … 117 118 #paraboloid_focal 488.87 118 119 119 # Hex cones maximum D=8mm 120 GeomCones.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(209.5, 7.5, 4.8887); 121 MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(209.5, 15, 4.8887); 122 123 MSimBundlePhotons.FileName: resmc/dwarf-apdmap.txt 124 125 # Set the APD type (1: 30x30 <default>, 2: 60x60) 126 #MSimAPD.Type: 1 127 128 # --- MAGIC --- 129 #MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamMagic(17.0) 130 #MSimAPD.NameGeomCam: 131 120 #MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(189.8, 9.5, 4.8887); 121 MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamFACT(); 122 123 #MSimBundlePhotons.FileName: resmc/fact/dwarf-fact.txt 124 125 # Set the APD type (1: 30x30 <default>, 2: 60x60, 3:60x60(ct=15%)) 126 MSimAPD.Type: 4 127 MSimExcessNoise.ExcessNoise: 0.12 132 128 133 129 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134 130 # Setup the absorption, conversion efficiency and angular acceptance 135 131 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 MirrorReflectivity.FileName: resmc/MirrorReflectivity_Lustermann_FACT_bearbeitet.txt 137 PhotonDetectionEfficiency.FileName: resmc/fact-pde-1.4V.txt 138 ConesAngularAcceptance.FileName: resmc/fact-cones-angular-acceptance.txt 139 ConesTransmission.FileName: resmc/Transmittance_1439Cones_FACT_bearbeitet.txt 140 132 MirrorReflectivity.FileName: resmc/fact/MirrorReflectivity_Lustermann_FACT_bearbeitet.txt 133 PhotonDetectionEfficiency.FileName: resmc/fact/fact-pde-1.0V.txt 134 ConesAngularAcceptance.FileName: resmc/fact/fact-cones-angular-acceptance.txt 135 ConesTransmission.FileName: resmc/fact/Transmittance_1439Cones_FACT_bearbeitet.txt 141 136 142 137 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 146 141 #MSimReflector.DetectorMargin: 0 147 142 148 149 143 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150 144 # Setup the dark counts (FrequencyFixed) and the NSB noise per cm^2 … … 152 146 # Dark Counts per APD: ~4MHz 153 147 #MSimRandomPhotons.FrequencyFixed: 0.004 154 # Spectrum to use as NSB spectrum (see Benn et al. for example) 155 #MSimRandomPhotons.FileNameNSB: resmc/night-sky-la-palma.txt 156 # If an empty file name is given a constant is used instead: 157 # NSB photon rate [ph/m^2/nm/sr/ns] 158 #MSimRandomPhotons.FrequencyNSB: 5.8 148 # NSB photon rate per cm^2 ~40MHz (folded with the cones' angular 149 # acceptance and the wavelength acceptance of the camera (window, apd, etc) 150 # 0.040 1/ns/cm^2 NSB-rate: 151 #MSimRandomPhotons.FrequencyNSB: 0.025 159 152 160 153 # FIXME: With a class describing the cones we could give NSB as 161 154 # per sr and cm^2 162 163 155 164 156 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 168 160 # evaluated for all pixels not just for the pixels which are 169 161 # later "connected" in the trigger (used in the coincidence map) 170 # MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: resmc/magic-trigger-1NN.txt 171 172 # HEGRA like single pixel above threshold trigger 173 #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 10.00 174 # Is this an option for a single pixel trigger? 175 #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: -1 176 #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 3 177 178 # Magic like 2NN trigger (inner 396 pixel) 179 #MSimTrigger.FileNameCoincidenceMap: resmc/magic-trigger-2NN.txt 180 #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 7.00 181 #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8 182 #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5 183 184 # Magic like 3NN trigger (inner 396 pixel) 185 #MSimTrigger.FileNameCoincidenceMap: resmc/magic-trigger-3NN.txt 186 #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 6.0 187 #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8 188 #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5 189 190 # Magic like 4NN trigger (inner 396 pixel) 191 #MSimTrigger.FileNameCoincidenceMap: resmc/magic-trigger-4NN.txt 192 #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 5.0 193 #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8 194 #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5 195 196 MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: resmc/magic-trigger-3NN.txt 197 MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 11000 198 MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8 199 MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5 200 201 IntendedPulsePos.Val: 40 202 203 PulseShape.Function.Name: exp(-(x/2)^2/2) 162 # MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: resmc/fact/magic-trigger-1NN.txt 163 164 MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: resmc/fact/fact-trigger-sum.txt 165 166 # DiscriminatorThreshold is 9*offset(3580)+21*gain(358)=39738 167 MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 39738 168 169 # Every Pixel(!) should see the same signal independant of its size 170 MSimCalibrationSignal.NumPhotons: 24 171 MSimCalibrationSignal.NumEvents: 1000 172 173 IntendedPulsePos.Val: 25 174 175 #PulseShape.Function.Name: exp(-(x/2)^2/2) 176 #PulseShape.FileName: resmc/fact/dwarf-pulse.txt 204 177 205 178 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 208 181 209 182 #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumEvents: 1000 210 #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumPhotons :5211 #MSimCalibrationSignal.TimeJitter :1.0183 #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumPhotons; 5 184 #MSimCalibrationSignal.TimeJitter; 1.0 212 185 213 186 … … 216 189 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 217 190 218 # Currently only 1GHz is supported 219 MRawRunHeader.SamplingFrequency: 1000 220 MRawRunHeader.NumSamples: 150 191 MRawRunHeader.SamplingFrequency: 2000 192 MRawRunHeader.NumSamples: 300 221 193 MRawRunHeader.NumBytesPerSample: 2 222 194 MRawRunHeader.FadcResolution: 12 195 196 MSimCamera.DefaultOffset: 3580 197 MSimCamera.DefaultNoise: 45 198 MSimCamera.DefaultGain: 358 199 200 # Value for the fudgefactor in the calculation of the accoupling: 201 MSimCamera.fACFudgeFactor: 0.3367 223 202 224 203 #MSimReadout.fConversionFactor: 1 … … 228 207 # Nevertheless, you must make sure that there are enough points 229 208 # to sample the function accuratly enough. 230 #MPulseShape.Function.Name: 3.51308*exp(-1.4105*(exp(-0.5*x)+0.310942*x)) + 4.33521e-3*exp(-1.4105*(exp(-0.5*x)+6.09265e-3*x)) 231 #MPulseShape.Function.Npx: 250 232 #MPulseShape.Function.Xmin: -5 233 #MPulseShape.Function.Xmax: 45 234 235 # Old values 236 # Baseline at 15 like in MAGIC 237 # 1.5 bit noise for a gain of 64 238 # This allows a maximum of 200phe/pix 239 MSimCamera.DefaultOffset: 960 240 MSimCamera.DefaultNoise: 96 241 MSimCamera.DefaultGain: 256 242 243 # New values 244 #MSimCamera.DefaultOffset: 1000 245 #MSimCamera.DefaultNoise: 30 246 #MSimCamera.DefaultGain: 190 247 209 # Attention: x in the function is given in slices, so if you change the sampling 210 # frequency you have to change also this function 211 PulseShape.Function.Name: (1.626*(1-exp(-0.3803*0.5*x))*exp(-0.0649*0.5*x)) 212 PulseShape.Function.Npx: 300 213 PulseShape.Function.Xmin: 0 214 PulseShape.Function.Xmax: 300 248 215 249 216 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 217 # Setup an image cleaning on the pure gamma signal (without noise) 251 # The default is to removed signals in isolated pixels. No time constraint252 # is applied by default.253 218 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 254 219 … … 259 224 # This is a cut executed after the calculation of the image parameters 260 225 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 261 #Cut.Inverted: Yes 262 #Cut.Condition: MHillas.fSize>10 263 226 Cut.Inverted: Yes 227 228 #Cut.Condition: MNewImagePar.fNumUsedPixels>3 && MHillas.fSize>6 229 Cut.Condition: MHillas.fSize>10 230 #&& MHillas.fSize>30 264 231 #MSimTrigger.SimulateElectronics: Off 232 233 # Does not trigger anyway 234 ContEmpty3.Condition: MPhotonEvent.GetNumPhotons<10
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