Changeset 17209 for trunk

10/11/13 14:25:47 (11 years ago)
Implemented 12 bit ADC
3 edited


  • trunk/Mars/msimcamera/

    r17197 r17209  
    185185    {
    186186        MPedestalPix &ped = (*fElectronicNoise)[i];
    187         if (fDefaultOffset>0)
    188             ped.SetPedestal(fDefaultOffset);
     187        ped.SetPedestal(fDefaultOffset);
    189188        if (fDefaultNoise>0)
    190189            ped.SetPedestalRms(fDefaultNoise);
  • trunk/Mars/msimcamera/

    r17148 r17209  
    215215    const Float_t offset    = 0;//128;
    216     const UInt_t  max       = fData->GetMax();
     216    // FTemme: Don't need this anymore:
     217//    const UInt_t  max       = fData->GetMax();
     218//    const UInt_t  min       = fData->GetMin();
    218221    // FIXME: Take this into account
    232235        for (Int_t j=0; j<nslices; j++)
    233236        {
    234             Float_t slice = j+trig>=(Int_t)sig.GetSize() ? offset :
    235                 sig[j+trig] * fConversionFactor + offset;
    237             // FIXME: Handle/Implement saturation!
    238             if (slice>max)
    239                 slice = max;
    240             if (slice<0)
    241                 slice = 0;
    243             // We have a 16 bit FADC. The resolution of the DRS4 is just about 11.5 bit.
    244             // Therefore the last 4.5 bits (~22.5) are gaussian noise (is this right?)
    245             buffer[nslices*i + j] = TMath::Nint(slice);
     238            Float_t slice = 0;
     239            if (j+trig >= (Int_t)sig.GetSize())
     240            {
     241                // DN: This, IMHO can never happen, since the check in line 205
     242                // already took care for this.
     243                // DN: But I don't understand why Thomas did this?
     244                //      We need to add noise at least ?!
     245                slice = offset;
     246            }
     247            else
     248            {
     249                // normal case
     251                // Why do we add 'offset' when it is a hardcoded zero?
     252                // And why do we multiply, while this value *may* be changed
     253                // by a user, but it should not? Why do we care?
     254                // Because we can?
     255                slice = sig[j+trig] * fConversionFactor + offset;
     256            }
     259            // Saturation in FACT is done as follows:
     260            // If the digitized signal is larger than an upper limit 'max'
     261            // the ADC does set a special bit! The overflow bit ...
     262            // So while we say we have a 12bit ADC ... in fact we sometimes
     263            // also use a 13th bit ...
     264            // but this does not increase our resolution by a factor of 2!
     266            // There are different binary formats for signed integers,
     267            // however the 'Two's complement' format
     268            //
     269            // is increadibly common, and this is also what is used by FACTs ADCs.
     271            // A normal 12bit (two's complement formatted) signed integer
     272            // goes from -2048 to +2047 and is coded like this:
     273            // from -2048 = 0x800 = 1000.0000.0000
     274            // to   +2047 = 0x7FF = 0111.1111.1111
     275            //
     276            // But on a normal PC we store these 12 bit numbers in a space, that
     277            // was designed for 16bit numbers. This is no problem for the positive numbers
     278            // 12bit: 0x7FF = 0111.1111.1111 --> 16bit: 0x07FF = 0000.0111.1111.1111
     279            // This bit combination is always understood as +2047 .. no problem!
     280            // But the negative numbers:
     281            // 12bit: 0x800 = 1000.0000.0000 --> 16bit: 0x0800 = 0000.1000.0000.0000
     282            // This *would* normally be understood as +2048, because we need to
     283            // 'enlarge' the 'sign bit'
     284            // so our largest negative number written into a 16bit storage space
     285            // should look like this:
     286            // 0xF800 = 1111.1000.0000.0000  --> -2048
     288            // The enlargement of the sign bit is autotically done on the FACT FAD
     289            // board already before the data is send to any PC, because we can do it
     290            // damn fast on that board, and a PC would need to touch every incoming
     291            // data word again....
     292            // But now since we have enlarged the 12th bit ... the sign bit into
     293            // the space of bits 13,14,15 and 16 ... where did the overflow-bit go?
     294            //
     295            //  Well .. we still have plenty of bit-combinations, which are normally
     296            // forbidden for a 12bit ADC, and these we can use to encode both,
     297            // the positive and negative overflow.
     298            // we decided to do this:
     299            // positive overflow
     300            // 0000.1000.0000.0000 --> interpreted by a PC as +2048 and thus out of 12 bit range!
     301            // negative underflow
     302            // 1111.0111.1111.1111 --> interpreted by a PC as -2049 and thus out of 12 bit range!
     304            // we will simulate exactly the same behaviour here!
     306            // max and min can be set, by the user currently ..
     307            // but I don't see why this should be possible.
     308            Int_t digitized_value = TMath::Nint(slice);
     309            if (digitized_value > 2047) // positive overflow
     310                buffer[nslices*i + j] = 0x0800; // <-- +2048
     311            else if (digitized_value < -2048)
     312                buffer[nslices*i + j] = 0xF7FF; // <-- -2049
     313            else
     314                buffer[nslices*i + j] = digitized_value;
    246315        }
    247316    }
  • trunk/Mars/msimcamera/

    r9574 r17209  
    337337    }
    339     if (fDiscriminatorThreshold<=0)
    340     {
    341         *fLog << err << "ERROR - Discriminator threshold " << fDiscriminatorThreshold << " invalid." << endl;
    342         return kFALSE;
    343     }
     339//    if (fDiscriminatorThreshold<=0)
     340//    {
     341//        *fLog << err << "ERROR - Discriminator threshold " << fDiscriminatorThreshold << " invalid." << endl;
     342//        return kFALSE;
     343//    }
    345345    if (fElectronicNoise && !fRouteAC.IsEmpty() && !fRouteAC.IsDefaultCol())
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