Changeset 17591 for trunk/DataCheck

03/02/14 00:36:23 (11 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
added plots for period of 1 month
1 edited


  • trunk/DataCheck/QuickLook/

    r17110 r17591  
    5757      continue
    5858   fi
    59    #echo "date: "$date
    6059   query="SELECT fSourceKEY FROM RunInfo WHERE fNight="$date2" AND fSourceKey > 0 AND fRunTypeKEY=1 GROUP BY fSourceKey "
    6160   sources=( `sendquery` )
    115114         esac
     116         # doing the plots for last month
     117         lastmonth=`date +%Y%m%d --date="$date -28 day"`
     118         logfile=$outpath"/lightcurve"$source"_"$timebin$timename"_month.log"
     119         outfile=$outpath"/lightcurve"$source"_"$timebin$timename"_month.root"
     120         #echo $outfile
     121         printprocesslog "INFO starting lightcurve.C+ for source "$source" timebin "$timebin" "$timename" night "$date2" last month ("$lastmonth")"
     123         check1=`root -q -b fact/analysis/lightcurve.C+\($source\,$lastmonth\\,$date2\,$timebin\,"\"$tablename"\"\,"\"$outfile\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $logfile | intgrep`
     125         case $check1 in
     126            0)   printprocesslog "INFO lightcurve.C was successful for source "$source" timebin "$timebin" "$timename" night "$date2" last month (check1=$check1)"
     127                 #./showplot -b --save-as-png $outfile
     128                 if ! ./showplot -b --save-as-png $outfile >/dev/null
     129                 then
     130                    printprocesslog "WARN showplot -b --save-as-png "$outfile" failed."
     131                 fi
     132                 ;;
     133            1)   printprocesslog "INFO lightcurve.C was successful for source "$source" timebin "$timebin" "$timename" night "$date2" last month, but nothing to plot (check1=$check1)"
     134                 ;;
     135            *)   printprocesslog "ERROR lightcurve.C failed for source "$source" timebin "$timebin" "$timename" night "$date2" last month (check1=$check1)"
     136                 ;;
     137         esac
    117139         # doing the plots for all nights
    118140         logfile=$outpath"/lightcurve"$source"_"$timebin$timename"_all.log"
    183205              ;;
    184206         *)   printprocesslog "ERROR lightcurve.C failed for source "$source" timebin 1 night for night "$date2" last week (check1=$check1)"
     207              ;;
     208      esac
     210      # doing the plots for last month
     211      lastmonth=`date +%Y%m%d --date="$date -28 day"`
     212      logfile=$outpath"/lightcurve"$source"_1night_month.log"
     213      outfile=$outpath"/lightcurve"$source"_1night_month.root"
     214      #echo $outfile
     215      printprocesslog "INFO starting lightcurve.C+ for source "$source" timebin 1 night for night "$date2" last month ("$lastmonth")"
     217      check1=`root -q -b fact/analysis/lightcurve.C+\($source\,$lastmonth\\,$date2\,-1\,"\"$tablename"\"\,"\"$outfile\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $logfile | intgrep`
     219      case $check1 in
     220         0)   printprocesslog "INFO lightcurve.C was successful for source "$source" timebin 1 night for night "$date2" last month (check1=$check1)"
     221              #./showplot -b --save-as-png $outfile
     222              if ! ./showplot -b --save-as-png $outfile >/dev/null
     223              then
     224                 printprocesslog "WARN showplot -b --save-as-png "$outfile" failed."
     225              fi
     226              ;;
     227         1)   printprocesslog "INFO lightcurve.C was successful for source "$source" timebin 1 night for night "$date2" last month, but nothing to plot (check1=$check1)"
     228              ;;
     229         *)   printprocesslog "ERROR lightcurve.C failed for source "$source" timebin 1 night for night "$date2" last month (check1=$check1)"
    185230              ;;
    186231      esac
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