Changeset 17817 for trunk/FACT++

05/10/14 13:43:05 (11 years ago)
Some small layout improvements; added the MC checkbox and the Drs checkbox.
1 edited


  • trunk/FACT++/www/viewer/index.html

    r17814 r17817  
    134134   <input id="submit"  type="button" onclick="onSubmit();" value="Submit"></input>
    135135   <span style="float:right;white-space:nowrap;">
    136       Cal:
    137       <input id="calibrated" type="checkbox" onclick="onSubmit();"></input>
    138       Run:
     136      MC
     137      <input id="montecarlo" style="margin-left:0px;margin-right:5px;" type="checkbox" onclick="onSubmit();" disabled="true"></input>
     138      DRS
     139      <input id="drsfile" style="margin-left:0px;margin-right:5px;" type="checkbox" onclick="onSubmit();"></input>
     140      Cal
     141      <input id="calibrated" style="margin-left:0px;margin-right:5px;" type="checkbox" onclick="onSubmit();"></input>
     142      Run
    139143      <input id="file" style="width:100px"></input>
    140144   </span>
    141145   &nbsp;
    142146   <span style="white-space:nowrap">
    143       Evt:
     147      Evt
    144148      <input id="event" style="text-align:right;" type="number" onchange="onEvent();"  value="0" min="0" max="0"    step="1"></input>/<span id="numevents">---</span>
    145149   </span>
    146150   &nbsp;
    147151   <span style="white-space:nowrap">
    148       Pix:
     152      Pix
    149153      <input id="pixel" style="text-align:right;width:50px;" type="number" onchange="onPixel();"  value="0" min="0" max="1439" step="1"></input>
    150154   </span>
    151155   &nbsp;
    152156   <span style="white-space:nowrap">
    153       CBPX:
     157      CBPX
    154158      <input id="cbpx-c" style="text-align:right;width:30px;" type="number" onchange="onCBPX();"  value="1" min="0" max="3" step="1"></input>
    155159      <input id="cbpx-b" style="text-align:right;width:30px;" type="number" onchange="onCBPX();"  value="0" min="0" max="9" step="1"></input>
    547551it fom the pull down.
     553<H3>What is the meaning of the DRS and Cal checkboxes?</H3>
     554For some files, files which contain calibrated data are available.
     555This means that the DRS calibration (offset (1024), gain and offset
     556(roi)) has been applied. Enabling the checkbox will show this data
     557instead of the raw data. Note that the precision is limited to 0.1mV.
     558In some cases files were taken to deduce this calibration constants
     559(DRS files). This is done in four steps: offset, gain, offset (1024),
     560offset (roi). These steps are called 0, 1, 2 and 2 respectively. If the
     561checkbox Drs is enabled, the corresponding calibration constants as
     562stored in the .drs.fits file, are shown, which is
     563<I>BaselineMean</I> [0], <I>GainMean</I> [1] and <I>TriggerOffsetMean</I> [2].
     565<H3>What is the meaning of the MC checkbox?</h3>
     566Currently, it is only to indicate whether the chosen file
     567is a Monte Carlo file or not. At the moment, all available
     568Monte Carlo file have a four-digit <I>year</I> starting with
     569a 0.
    549571<H3>How to change the displayed pixel?</H3>
    550572Enter the pixel number on the corresponding field or its hwardware
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