Changeset 18579 for trunk/Mars/fact
- Timestamp:
- 09/06/16 10:25:30 (9 years ago)
- File:
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r18554 r18579 75 75 */ 76 76 77 int callisto(const TString drsfile="test300samples2.drs.fits.gz", 78 const TString pedfile="00000001.001_P_MonteCarlo000_Events.fits", 79 const TString datfile="00000003.387_D_MonteCarlo010_Events.fits", 80 TString outpath = "", 81 TString displayfile = "", TString displaytitle = "") 77 int callisto_data(const TString drsfile="test300samples2.drs.fits.gz", 78 const TString datfile="00000003.387_D_MonteCarlo010_Events.fits", 79 TString outpath = "", 80 TString displayfile = "", TString displaytitle = "") 82 81 { 83 82 … … 118 117 // false: Display pixels in hardware/linear indices, 119 118 // but the order is the camera display is distorted 120 bool usemap = true;119 bool usemap = false; 121 120 122 121 // map file to use (get that from La Palma!) 123 const char *pmap = usemap ? " /home/isdc/toscanos/FACT/Mars_svn/resources/FACTmap111030.txt" : NULL;122 const char *pmap = usemap ? "FACTmap111030.txt" : NULL; 124 123 125 124 // ------------------------------------------------------ … … 160 159 161 160 //double scale = 0.1; 162 double scale = 0.1024; 161 double scale = 0.1024; // 0.00389429 163 162 164 163 // ====================================================== … … 181 180 } 182 181 gLog << all; 183 gLog << "Pedestal file: " << pedfile << '\n';184 182 gLog << "Output file: " << outfile << '\n'; 185 183 gLog << "Display file: " << displayfile << '\n'; … … 187 185 188 186 // ------------------------------------------------------ 189 /* 190 MStatusArray arrt, arrp; 191 192 TFile ft(lp_template); 193 if (arrt.Read()<=0) 194 { 195 gLog << err << "ERROR - Reading LP template from " << lp_template << endl; 196 return 100; 197 } 198 199 MHCamera *lpref = (MHCamera*)arrt.FindObjectInCanvas("ExtCalSig;avg", "MHCamera", "Cam"); 200 if (!lpref) 201 { 202 gLog << err << "ERROR - LP Template not found in " << lp_template << endl; 203 return 101; 204 } 205 lpref->SetDirectory(0); 206 207 MHCamera *gain = (MHCamera*)arrt.FindObjectInCanvas("gain", "MHCamera", "Gain"); 208 if (!gain) 209 { 210 gLog << err << "ERROR - Gain not found in " << lp_template << endl; 211 return 101; 212 } 213 gain->SetDirectory(0); 214 215 TFile fp(pulse_template); 216 if (arrp.Read()<=0) 217 { 218 gLog << err << "ERROR - Reading Pulse template from " << pulse_template << endl; 219 return 102; 220 } 221 222 TH1F *hpulse = (TH1F*)arrp.FindObjectInCanvas("hPixelEdgeMean0_0", "TH1F", "cgpPixelPulses0"); 223 if (!hpulse) 224 { 225 gLog << err << "ERROR - Pulse Template not found in " << pulse_template << endl; 226 return 103; 227 } 228 hpulse->SetDirectory(0); 229 */ 230 // ====================================================== 231 232 MDrsCalibrationTime timecam; 187 188 // ====================================================== 233 189 234 190 // Plot the trigger pattern rates vs. run-number … … 246 202 247 203 // ========================= Result ================================== 248 /*249 //~ Double_t avgS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetMean();250 //~ Double_t medS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetMedian();251 //~ Double_t rmsS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetRMS();252 //~ Double_t maxS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetMaximum();253 254 MArrayF der1(hpulse->GetNbinsX());255 MArrayF der2(hpulse->GetNbinsX());256 257 MExtralgoSpline spline(hpulse->GetArray()+1, hpulse->GetNbinsX(),258 der1.GetArray(), der2.GetArray());259 spline.SetRiseFallTime(rise_time_dat, fall_time_dat);260 spline.SetExtractionType(type);261 spline.SetHeightTm(heighttm);262 263 spline.Extract(hpulse->GetMaximumBin()-1);264 265 // The pulser signal is most probably around 400mV/9.5mV266 // IntegraFixed 2/48 corresponds to roughly 215mV*50slices267 Double_t scale = 1./spline.GetSignal();268 269 MArrayD calib(1440);270 for (int i=0; i<1440; i++)271 calib[i] =1.;272 273 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);274 d->AddTab("PulseTemp");275 gPad->SetGrid();276 hpulse->SetNameTitle("Pulse", "Single p.e. pulse template");277 hpulse->SetDirectory(0);278 hpulse->SetLineColor(kBlack);279 hpulse->DrawCopy();280 281 TAxis *ax = hpulse->GetXaxis();282 283 Double_t w = hpulse->GetBinWidth(1);284 Double_t T = w*(spline.GetTime()+0.5) +ax->GetXmin();285 //~ Double_t H = w*(hpulse->GetMaximumBin()+0.5)+ax->GetXmin();286 287 TLine line;288 line.SetLineColor(kRed);289 line.DrawLine(T-rise_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight(),290 T+fall_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight());291 line.DrawLine(T, spline.GetHeight()/4, T, 3*spline.GetHeight()/4);292 line.DrawLine(T-rise_time_dat*w, 0,293 T-rise_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight());294 line.DrawLine(T+fall_time_dat*w, 0,295 T+fall_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight());296 297 TGraph gg;298 for (int ix=1; ix<=hpulse->GetNbinsX(); ix++)299 for (int i=0; i<10; i++)300 {301 Double_t x = hpulse->GetBinLowEdge(ix)+i*hpulse->GetBinWidth(ix)/10.;302 gg.SetPoint(gg.GetN(), x+w/2, spline.EvalAt(ix-1+i/10.));303 }304 305 gg.SetLineColor(kBlue);306 gg.SetMarkerColor(kBlue);307 gg.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium);308 gg.DrawClone("L");309 310 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);311 d->AddTab("CalConst");312 MGeomCamFACT fact;313 MHCamera hcalco(fact);314 hcalco.SetName("CalConst");315 hcalco.SetTitle(Form("Relative calibration constant [%.0f/pe]", 1./scale));316 hcalco.SetCamContent(calib);317 hcalco.SetAllUsed();318 //hcalco.Scale(scale);319 hcalco.DrawCopy();320 */321 // ======================================================322 204 323 205 gLog << endl; 324 gLog.Separator("Extracting random pedestal"); 325 326 MTaskList tlist3; 327 328 MParList plist3; 329 plist3.AddToList(&tlist3); 330 plist3.AddToList(&drscalib300); 331 plist3.AddToList(&badpixels); 332 plist3.AddToList(&timecam); 333 334 MEvtLoop loop3("DetermineRndmPed"); 335 loop3.SetDisplay(d); 336 loop3.SetParList(&plist3); 337 338 // ------------------ Setup the tasks --------------- 339 340 MRawFitsRead read3; 341 read3.LoadMap(pmap); 342 read3.AddFile(pedfile); 343 344 MFillH fill3a(&hrate); 345 346 MContinue cont3("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)!=0x400", "SelectPed"); 347 348 MGeomApply apply3; 349 350 MDrsCalibApply drsapply3; 351 352 MFilterData filterdata5; 353 354 //--- 355 356 MExtractFACT extractor3; 357 extractor3.SetRange(first_slice, last_slice); 358 extractor3.SetNoiseCalculation(kTRUE); 359 360 MCalibrateFact conv3; 361 conv3.SetScale(scale); 362 //conv3.SetCalibConst(calib); 363 364 MBadPixelsTreat treat3; 365 treat3.SetProcessPedestalRun(kFALSE); 366 treat3.SetProcessPedestalEvt(kFALSE); 367 treat3.SetProcessTimes(kFALSE); 368 369 MHCamEvent evt3b(0, "PedRdm","Interpolated random pedestal;;Signal [~phe]"); 370 //evt2b.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE); 371 372 MFillH fill3b(&evt3b, "MSignalCam", "FillPedRdm"); 373 fill3b.SetDrawOption("gaus"); 374 375 // ------------------ Setup eventloop and run analysis --------------- 376 377 tlist3.AddToList(&read3); 378 tlist3.AddToList(&apply3); 379 tlist3.AddToList(&drsapply3); 380 tlist3.AddToList(&cont3); 381 tlist3.AddToList(&filterdata3); 382 tlist3.AddToList(&extractor3); 383 // tlist3.AddToList(&fill3a); 384 tlist3.AddToList(&conv3); 385 tlist3.AddToList(&treat3); 386 tlist3.AddToList(&fill3b); 387 388 if (!loop3.Eventloop(max3)) 389 return 14; 390 391 if (!loop3.GetDisplay()) 392 return 15; 393 394 // ====================================================== 395 396 gLog << endl; 397 gLog.Separator("Extracting pedestal"); 398 399 MTaskList tlist4; 400 401 MParList plist4; 402 plist4.AddToList(&tlist4); 403 plist4.AddToList(&drscalib300); 404 plist4.AddToList(&badpixels); 405 plist4.AddToList(&timecam); 406 407 MEvtLoop loop4("DetermineExtractedPed"); 408 loop4.SetDisplay(d); 409 loop4.SetParList(&plist4); 410 411 // ------------------ Setup the tasks --------------- 412 413 MRawFitsRead read4; 414 read4.LoadMap(pmap); 415 read4.AddFile(pedfile); 416 417 MContinue cont4("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)!=0x400", "SelectPed"); 418 419 MGeomApply apply4; 420 421 MDrsCalibApply drsapply4; 422 423 MFilterData filterdata4; 424 425 MExtractFACT extractor4; 426 extractor4.SetRange(first_slice, last_slice); 427 extractor4.SetNoiseCalculation(kFALSE); 428 429 MCalibrateFact conv4; 430 conv4.SetScale(scale); 431 //conv4.SetCalibConst(calib); 432 433 MBadPixelsTreat treat4; 434 treat4.SetProcessPedestalRun(kFALSE); 435 treat4.SetProcessPedestalEvt(kFALSE); 436 437 MHCamEvent evt4b(0, "PedExt","Interpolated extracted pedestal;;Signal [~phe]"); 438 //evt4b.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE); 439 440 MFillH fill4b(&evt4b, "MSignalCam", "FillPedExt"); 441 fill4b.SetDrawOption("gaus"); 442 443 // ------------------ Setup eventloop and run analysis --------------- 444 445 tlist4.AddToList(&read4); 446 tlist4.AddToList(&apply4); 447 tlist4.AddToList(&drsapply4); 448 tlist4.AddToList(&cont4); 449 tlist4.AddToList(&filterdata4); 450 tlist4.AddToList(&extractor4); 451 tlist4.AddToList(&conv4); 452 tlist4.AddToList(&treat4); 453 tlist4.AddToList(&fill4b); 454 455 if (!loop4.Eventloop(max4)) 456 return 15; 457 458 if (!loop4.GetDisplay()) 459 return 16; 460 461 // =================================================================== 462 463 gLog << endl; 464 gLog.Separator("Extracting and calibration data"); 206 gLog.Separator("Extracting and calibrating data"); 465 207 466 208 MTaskList tlist5; … … 470 212 plist5.AddToList(&drscalib300); 471 213 plist5.AddToList(&badpixels); 472 plist5.AddToList(&timecam);473 214 474 215 MEvtLoop loop5("CalibratingData"); … … 480 221 MRawFitsRead read5a; 481 222 MReadMarsFile read5b("Events"); 482 read5a.LoadMap(pmap); 223 if (pmap) 224 read5a.LoadMap(pmap); 483 225 read5a.AddFile(datfile); 484 226 read5b.DisableAutoScheme();
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