Changeset 18583 for trunk

09/13/16 09:26:45 (9 years ago)
Fixed some typos in the docu.
1 edited


  • trunk/FACT++/src/

    r18446 r18583  
    5353    cout <<
    5454        "First for each minute of the night a list is calculated of all "
    55         "selected sources fullfiling all global and all source specific "
     55        "selected sources fulfiling all global and all source specific "
    5656        "constraints, e.g. on the zenith distance or the current.\n"
    5757        "\n"
    5858        "The remaining source list is sorted by the relative threshold, "
    5959        "while the threshold is weighted with a user defined source "
    60         "specific panelty. The first source of the list is taken to "
     60        "specific penalty. The first source of the list is taken to "
    6161        "be observed.\n"
    6262        "\n"
    6464        "are evaluated. If their observation time is below 40', it is tried "
    6565        "to extend it to 40min. If this violates one of the criteria mentioned "
    66         "above or gives an observation time for the neighboring source of "
    67         "less than 40min, try to replace it by the neighboring source. "
    68         "If this also does not fulfull the requirements, the original "
     66        "above or gives an observation time for the neighbouring source of "
     67        "less than 40min, try to replace it by the neighbouring source. "
     68        "If this also does not fulfil the requirements, the original "
    6969        "schedule remains unchanged.\n"
    7070        "\n"
    7272        "checked (from the beginning to the end, one by one), if they have "
    7373        "an observation time of less than 40min. In this case, it is tried "
    74         "to remove them. The observation of the two neighboring sources is "
    75         "extended to their penelized point of equal relative threshold. "
    76         "If this solution would not fullfil all criteria, no change is made.\n"
     74        "to remove them. The observation of the two neighbouring sources is "
     75        "extended to their penalized point of equal relative threshold. "
     76        "If this solution would not fulfil all criteria, no change is made.\n"
    7777        "\n"
    7878        "In a last step, all remaining sources with less than 5min "
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