Changeset 1886
- Timestamp:
- 04/01/03 17:49:19 (22 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Files:
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TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog ¶
r1883 r1886 1 1 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2 3 2003/04/01: Abelardo Moralejo 4 5 * macros/CT1EnergyEst.C 6 - added argument (maximum dist parameter), changed (reduced) output 7 histograms, added writing to (and reading from) a file the energy 8 estimation parameters and the histograms. Added comments. 9 10 * manalysis/MEnergyEstParam.[h,cc] 11 - added member function GetCoeff. Changed comment. 12 2 13 3 14 2003/03/31: Thomas Bretz -
TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/macros/CT1EnergyEst.C ¶
r1852 r1886 16 16 ! 17 17 ! 18 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz et al, 09/2002 <> 18 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 09/2002 <> 19 ! Abelardo Moralejo, 03/2003 <> 19 20 ! 20 21 ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2002 … … 23 24 \* ======================================================================== */ 24 25 26 // 27 // fcn is the function to be minimized using TMinuit::Migrad 28 // 25 29 void fcn(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag) 26 30 { 27 31 MEvtLoop *evtloop = (MEvtLoop*)gMinuit->GetObjectFit(); 28 32 29 MTaskList *tlist = (MTaskList*)evtloop->GetParList()->FindObject("MTaskList"); // GetTaskList();33 MTaskList *tlist = (MTaskList*)evtloop->GetParList()->FindObject("MTaskList"); // GetTaskList(); 30 34 31 35 MChisqEval *eval = (MChisqEval*) tlist->FindObject("MChisqEval"); … … 41 45 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42 46 43 void CT1EnergyEst(Float_t maxhadronness= 1.)47 void CT1EnergyEst(Float_t maxhadronness=0.22, Float_t maxdist = 1.) 44 48 { 45 // Bool_t evalenergy=kFALSE; 49 // 50 // Upper cut in Maxdist taken from D. Kranich's Ph D. 51 // We have to convert maxdist from degrees to mm: 52 // 53 54 MGeomCamCT1 gct1; 55 maxdist /= gct1.GetConvMm2Deg(); 56 46 57 // 47 58 // Fill events into a MHMatrix … … 50 61 MHMatrix matrix; 51 62 52 Int_t col = matrix.AddColumn("MMcEvt.fEnergy"); 63 // 64 // colenergy and colimpact are the indexes of the matrix columns containing 65 // the MC energy and impact parameter. 66 // 67 Int_t colenergy = matrix.AddColumn("MMcEvt.fEnergy"); 68 Int_t colimpact = matrix.AddColumn("MMcEvt.fImpact"); 53 69 54 70 MEnergyEstParam eest("Hillas"); … … 56 72 eest.InitMapping(&matrix); 57 73 74 // 75 // Here we read in the events for the training. Second argument of AddFile is 76 // the number of events. With 2000 it is rather fast, but only the lowest zenith 77 // angles will enter in the minimization. 78 // 58 79 MReadTree read("Events"); 59 read.AddFile("MC_ON2.root", 200);80 read.AddFile("MC_ON2.root",2000); 60 81 read.DisableAutoScheme(); 61 82 83 // 84 // Filter to keep the most gamma-like events: 85 // 62 86 TString hcut("MHadronness.fHadronness<"); 63 87 hcut += maxhadronness; 88 hcut += " && HillasSrc.fDist < "; 89 hcut += maxdist; 64 90 65 91 MF filterhadrons(hcut); 66 92 67 if (!matrix.Fill(&parlist, &read)) 93 // 94 // Fill the matrix used later in the minimization loop by Minuit: 95 // 96 if (!matrix.Fill(&parlist, &read, &filterhadrons)) 68 97 return; 69 98 … … 76 105 MMatrixLoop loop(&matrix); 77 106 78 79 107 MChisqEval eval; 80 eval.SetY1(new MDataElement(&matrix, col)); 108 109 eval.SetY1(new MDataElement(&matrix, colenergy)); 81 110 eval.SetY2(new MDataMember("MEnergyEst.fEnergy")); 111 82 112 eval.SetOwner(); 83 113 … … 97 127 98 128 // Ready for: minuit.mnexcm("SET ERR", arglist, 1, ierflg) 129 99 130 if (minuit.SetErrorDef(1)) 100 131 { … … 104 135 105 136 // 106 // Set initial values 107 // 108 TArrayD fA(5); 109 fA[0] =1;//4916.4; */-2414.75; 110 fA[1] =1;//149.549; */ 1134.28; 111 fA[2] =1;//-558.209; */ 132.932; 112 fA[3] =1;//0.270725; */ 0.292845; 113 fA[4] =1;//107.001; */ 107.001; 114 137 // Set initial values of the parameters (close enough to the final ones, taken 138 // from previous runs of the procedure). Parameter fA[4] is not used in the default 139 // energy estimation model (from D. Kranich). 140 // 141 TArrayD fA(5); 115 142 TArrayD fB(7); 116 fB[0] = 1;//-8234.12; */ -4282.25; 117 fB[1] = 1;// 23.2153; */ 18.892; 118 fB[2] = 1;// 0.416372;*/ 0.193373; 119 fB[3] = 1;// 332.42; */ 203.803; 120 fB[4] = 1;// -0.701764;*/ -0.534876; 121 fB[5] = 1;//-0.0131774;*/ -0.00789539; 122 fB[6] = 1;//-0.162687;*/ 0.111913; 123 143 144 fA[0] = 21006.2; 145 fA[1] = -43.2648; 146 fA[2] = -690.403; 147 fA[3] = -0.0428544; 148 fA[4] = 1.; 149 fB[0] = -3391.05; 150 fB[1] = 136.58; 151 fB[2] = 0.253807; 152 fB[3] = 254.363; 153 fB[4] = 61.0386; 154 fB[5] = -0.0190984; 155 fB[6] = -421695; 156 157 // 124 158 // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters 159 // 125 160 for (Int_t i=0; i<fA.GetSize(); i++) 126 161 { … … 166 201 minuit.SetObjectFit(&evtloop); 167 202 168 169 203 TStopwatch clock; 170 204 clock.Start(); 171 205 172 // Now ready for minimization step: minuit.mnexcm("MIGRAD", arglist, 1, ierflg) 206 // Now ready for minimization step: 207 173 208 gLog.SetNullOutput(kTRUE); 174 209 Bool_t rc = minuit.Migrad(); 175 210 gLog.SetNullOutput(kFALSE); 176 211 177 212 if (rc) 178 213 { … … 199 234 } 200 235 201 cout << i << ": " << val << " +- " << er << endl; 236 cout << i << ": " << val << endl; 237 // " +- " << er << endl; 202 238 } 203 239 … … 208 244 minuit.mnstat(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx, icstat); 209 245 minuit.mnprin(3, amin); 246 eest.Print(); 210 247 */ 211 eest.Print(); 212 213 214 215 //--------------------------------------------------------------- 216 248 249 eest.StopMapping(); 250 251 252 // 253 // Now write the parameters of the energy estimator to file: 254 // 255 TVector* EnergyParams = new TVector(12); 256 for (Int_t i=0; i<eest.GetNumCoeff(); i++) 257 EnergyParams(i) = eest.GetCoeff(i); 258 TFile out("energyest.root", "recreate"); 259 EnergyParams->Write("EnergyParams"); 260 out.Close(); 261 262 // 263 // End of Part 1 (estimation of the parameters) 264 // 265 266 267 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 269 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 271 272 273 // 217 274 // Part 2: Now test how the energy estimation method works. 218 275 // … … 222 279 // 223 280 224 225 281 MTaskList tlist2; 226 parlist.Replace(&tlist2); 282 MParList parlist2; 283 284 parlist2.AddToList(&tlist2); 227 285 228 286 // … … 231 289 // 232 290 233 234 read->SetEventNum(0); 235 236 // 237 // Use this to change the binnign of the histograms to CT1-style 238 // 239 Bool_t usect1 = kTRUE; 240 241 MH3 mh3e("MMcEvt.fEnergy", "(MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1)*(MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1)"); 242 MH3 mh3i("MMcEvt.fImpact/100", "(MEnergyEst.fImpact/MMcEvt.fImpact-1)*(MEnergyEst.fImpact/MMcEvt.fImpact-1)"); 243 MH3 mh3eo("MMcEvt.fEnergy", "MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1"); 244 MH3 mh3io("MMcEvt.fImpact/100", "MEnergyEst.fImpact/MMcEvt.fImpact-1"); 245 246 MH3 mh3e2("MEnergyEst.fEnergy", "(MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1)*(MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1)"); 247 MH3 mh3i2("MEnergyEst.fImpact/100", "(MEnergyEst.fImpact/MMcEvt.fImpact-1)*(MEnergyEst.fImpact/MMcEvt.fImpact-1)"); 248 MH3 mh3eo2("MEnergyEst.fEnergy", "MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1"); 249 MH3 mh3io2("MEnergyEst.fImpact/100", "MEnergyEst.fImpact/MMcEvt.fImpact-1"); 250 251 MH3 mhe("MMcEvt.fEnergy", "MEnergyEst.fEnergy"); 252 MH3 mhi("MMcEvt.fImpact/100", "MEnergyEst.fImpact/100"); 253 254 mh3e.SetName("HistEnergy"); 255 mh3i.SetName("HistImpact"); 256 mh3eo.SetName("HistEnergyOffset"); 257 mh3io.SetName("HistImpactOffset"); 258 259 mh3e2.SetName("HistEnergy"); 260 mh3i2.SetName("HistImpact"); 261 mh3eo2.SetName("HistEnergyOffset"); 262 mh3io2.SetName("HistImpactOffset"); 291 MReadTree read2("Events"); 292 read2.AddFile("MC_ON2.root"); 293 read2.DisableAutoScheme(); 294 295 // 296 // Create some histograms to display the results: 297 // 298 299 MH3 mh3ed("log10(MMcEvt.fEnergy)", "MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1"); 300 MH3 mh3ed2("log10(MEnergyEst.fEnergy)", "MEnergyEst.fEnergy/MMcEvt.fEnergy-1"); 301 MH3 mhe("log10(MMcEvt.fEnergy)", "log10(MEnergyEst.fEnergy)"); 302 303 MFillH hfilled(&mh3ed); 304 MFillH hfilled2(&mh3ed2); 305 MFillH hfillee(&mhe); 263 306 264 307 mhe.SetName("HistEE"); 265 mhi.SetName("HistII"); 266 267 MFillH hfille(&mh3e); 268 MFillH hfilli(&mh3i); 269 MFillH hfilleo(&mh3eo); 270 MFillH hfillio(&mh3io); 271 272 MFillH hfille2(&mh3e2); 273 MFillH hfilli2(&mh3i2); 274 MFillH hfilleo2(&mh3eo2); 275 MFillH hfillio2(&mh3io2); 276 277 MFillH hfillee(&mhe); 278 MFillH hfillii(&mhi); 279 280 MBinning binsex("BinningHistEnergyX"); 281 MBinning binsey("BinningHistEnergyY"); 282 MBinning binsix("BinningHistImpactX"); 283 MBinning binsiy("BinningHistImpactY"); 284 MBinning binseox("BinningHistEnergyOffsetX"); 285 MBinning binseoy("BinningHistEnergyOffsetY"); 286 MBinning binsiox("BinningHistImpactOffsetX"); 287 MBinning binsioy("BinningHistImpactOffsetY"); 308 mh3ed.SetName("HistEnergyDelta"); 309 mh3ed2.SetName("HistEnergyDelta"); 310 311 MBinning binsedx("BinningHistEnergyDeltaX"); 312 MBinning binsedy("BinningHistEnergyDeltaY"); 288 313 MBinning binseex("BinningHistEEX"); 289 MBinning binsiix("BinningHistIIX");290 314 MBinning binseey("BinningHistEEY"); 291 MBinning binsiiy("BinningHistIIY"); 292 293 binse x.SetEdgesLog(50, usect1 ? 300: 10, usect1 ? 50000 : 1e4);294 binse y.SetEdges(50, 0, usect1 ? 0.8 : 1.75);295 binse ox.SetEdgesLog(50, usect1 ? 300 : 10, usect1 ? 50000 : 1e4);296 binseoy.SetEdges(50, usect1 ? -0.75 : -1.75, usect1 ? 0.75 : 1.75); 297 298 binsix.SetEdges(50, 0, usect1 ? 275 : 300);299 binsiy.SetEdges(50, 0, usect1 ? 0.2 : 1.75);300 binsiox.SetEdges(50, 0, usect1 ? 275 : 300);301 binsioy.SetEdges(50, usect1 ? -0.75 : -1.75, usect1 ? 0.75 : 1.75); 302 303 binseex.SetEdgesLog(50, usect1 ? 300 : 10, usect1 ? 50000 : 15e3);304 binseey.SetEdgesLog(50, usect1 ? 300 : 1, usect1 ? 50000 : 2e3);305 binsiix.SetEdges(50, 0, usect1 ? 275 : 300);306 binsiiy.SetEdges(50, 0, usect1 ? 275 : 150); 307 308 parlist.AddToList(&binsex);309 parlist.AddToList(&binsey); 310 parlist.AddToList(&binsix);311 parlist.AddToList(&binsiy);312 parlist.AddToList(&binseox);313 parlist.AddToList(&binseoy); 314 parlist.AddToList(&binsiox);315 parlist.AddToList(&binsioy);316 parlist.AddToList(&binseex);317 parlist.AddToList(&binseey);318 parlist.AddToList(&binsiix); 319 parlist.AddToList(&binsiiy);320 321 eest.StopMapping(); 322 e est.Add("HillasSrc");315 316 binsedx.SetEdges(25, 2.5, 5.); 317 binsedy.SetEdges(30, -1., 1.); 318 binseex.SetEdges(25, 2.5, 5.); 319 binseey.SetEdges(30, 2., 5.); 320 321 parlist2.AddToList(&binsedx); 322 parlist2.AddToList(&binsedy); 323 parlist2.AddToList(&binseex); 324 parlist2.AddToList(&binseey); 325 326 // 327 // Create energy estimator task, add necessary containers and 328 // initialize parameters read from file: 329 // 330 331 MEnergyEstParam eest2("Hillas"); 332 eest2.Add("HillasSrc"); 333 334 TFile enparam("energyest.root"); 335 TArrayD parA(5); 336 TArrayD parB(7); 337 338 for (Int_t i=0; i<parA.GetSize(); i++) 339 parA[i] = EnergyParams(i); 340 for (Int_t i=0; i<parB.GetSize(); i++) 341 parB[i] = EnergyParams(i+parA.GetSize()); 342 343 eest2.SetCoeffA(parA); 344 eest2.SetCoeffB(parB); 345 346 enparam.Close(); 323 347 324 348 // 325 349 // Setup tasklists 326 350 // 327 tlist2.AddToList(&read); 328 351 352 tlist2.AddToList(&read2); 353 354 // 355 // Include filter on hadronness and maximum value of dist: 356 // 329 357 TString hcut2("MHadronness.fHadronness>"); 330 358 hcut2 += maxhadronness; 359 hcut2 += "|| HillasSrc.fDist > "; 360 hcut2 += maxdist; 361 331 362 MContinue cont(hcut2); 332 363 333 364 tlist2.AddToList(&cont); 334 335 tlist2.AddToList(&eest); 365 tlist2.AddToList(&eest2); 366 336 367 // tlist2.AddToList(new MPrint("MMcEvt")); 337 368 // tlist2.AddToList(new MPrint("MEnergyEst")); 338 369 339 tlist2.AddToList(&hfille); 340 tlist2.AddToList(&hfilli); 341 tlist2.AddToList(&hfilleo); 342 tlist2.AddToList(&hfillio); 343 344 tlist2.AddToList(&hfille2); 345 tlist2.AddToList(&hfilli2); 346 tlist2.AddToList(&hfilleo2); 347 tlist2.AddToList(&hfillio2); 348 370 tlist2.AddToList(&hfilled); 371 tlist2.AddToList(&hfilled2); 349 372 tlist2.AddToList(&hfillee); 350 tlist2.AddToList(&hfillii);351 373 352 374 // … … 357 379 MEvtLoop evtloop2; 358 380 evtloop2.SetProgressBar(&bar); 359 evtloop2.SetParList(&parlist );381 evtloop2.SetParList(&parlist2); 360 382 361 383 // … … 365 387 return; 366 388 367 tlist2.PrintStatistics(); 368 369 const TString text = "\\sqrt{<y>}=%.0f%%"; 370 371 char txt[1000]; 372 373 TCanvas *c=new TCanvas("Est1", "Estimates vs. E_{true}"); 389 // 390 // Plot results: 391 // 392 mhe.GetHist()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} E_{MC} (GeV)"); 393 mhe.GetHist()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} E_{EST} (GeV)"); 394 mhe.GetHist()->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 395 396 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("energy","CT1 Energy estimation"); 374 397 c->Divide(2,2); 375 398 c->cd(1); 376 mh3i.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 377 sprintf(txt, text.Data(), sqrt(mh3i.GetHist().GetMean(2))*100); 378 TLatex *t = new TLatex(180, 0.15, txt); 379 t->Draw(); 399 energy_1->SetBottomMargin(0.12); 400 mhe.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 401 402 mh3ed.GetHist()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} E_{MC} (GeV)"); 403 mh3ed.GetHist()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("\\frac{E_{EST} - E_{MC}}{E_{MC}}"); 404 mh3ed.GetHist()->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 405 mh3ed.GetHist()->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); 380 406 c->cd(2); 381 mh3e.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 382 sprintf(txt, text.Data(), sqrt(mh3e.GetHist().GetMean(2))*100); 383 t = new TLatex(3.5, 0.6, txt); 384 t->Draw(); 407 energy_2->SetLeftMargin(0.15); 408 energy_2->SetBottomMargin(0.12); 409 mh3ed.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 410 411 mh3ed2.GetHist()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} E_{EST} (GeV)"); 412 mh3ed2.GetHist()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("\\frac{E_{EST} - E_{MC}}{E_{MC}}"); 413 mh3ed2.GetHist()->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 414 mh3ed2.GetHist()->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); 385 415 c->cd(3); 386 mh3io.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 416 energy_3->SetLeftMargin(0.15); 417 energy_3->SetBottomMargin(0.12); 418 mh3ed2.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 419 420 ((TH2*)mh3ed2.GetHist())->ProjectionY("deltae"); 421 387 422 c->cd(4); 388 mh3eo.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 389 390 c=new TCanvas("Est2", "Estimates vs. E_{est}"); 391 c->Divide(2,2); 392 c->cd(1); 393 mh3i2.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 394 c->cd(2); 395 mh3e2.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 396 c->cd(3); 397 mh3io2.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 398 c->cd(4); 399 mh3eo2.DrawClone("PROFXnonew"); 400 401 mhe.DrawClone("PROFX"); 402 mhi.DrawClone("PROFX"); 423 energy_4->SetLeftMargin(0.1); 424 energy_4->SetRightMargin(0.05); 425 energy_4->SetBottomMargin(0.12); 426 deltae.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); 427 deltae.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(E_{EST} - E_{MC}) / E_{MC}"); 428 deltae.Draw("e"); 429 430 TFile out2("energyest.root", "update"); 431 ((TH2*)mh3ed.GetHist())->Write("mh3ed"); 432 ((TH2*)mh3ed2.GetHist())->Write("mh3ed2"); 433 ((TH2*)mhe.GetHist())->Write("mhe"); 434 deltae.Write(); 435 out2.Close(); 436 437 return; 438 403 439 } -
TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/manalysis/ ¶
r1861 r1886 58 58 fA[3] = 0.006; 59 59 fA[4] = 58.3; 60 60 61 /* 61 fA[0] = 39.667402; // [cm]62 fA[1] = 143.081912; // [cm]63 fA[2] = -395.501677; // [cm]64 fA[3] = 0.006193;65 fA[4] = 0;66 62 fA[0] = 39.667402; // [cm] 63 fA[1] = 143.081912; // [cm] 64 fA[2] = -395.501677; // [cm] 65 fA[3] = 0.006193; 66 fA[4] = 0; 67 */ 67 68 68 69 fB.Set(7); … … 74 75 fB[5] = 4.13e-8; // [GeV] 75 76 fB[6] = 0.05; 77 76 78 /* 77 fB[0] = 45.037867; // [GeV]78 fB[1] = 0.087222; // [GeV]79 fB[2] = -0.208065; // [GeV/cm]80 fB[3] = 78.164942; // [GeV]81 fB[4] = -159.361283; // [GeV]82 fB[5] = -0.130455; // [GeV/cm]83 fB[6] = 0.051139;84 79 fB[0] = 45.037867; // [GeV] 80 fB[1] = 0.087222; // [GeV] 81 fB[2] = -0.208065; // [GeV/cm] 82 fB[3] = 78.164942; // [GeV] 83 fB[4] = -159.361283; // [GeV] 84 fB[5] = -0.130455; // [GeV/cm] 85 fB[6] = 0.051139; 86 */ 85 87 } 86 88 … … 340 342 const Double_t dist = fMatrix ? GetVal(col++) : ((MHillasSrc*)NextH())->GetDist(); 341 343 342 343 344 /* DANIEL - MARCOS */ 344 345 const Double_t ir = i0 * (i1 + fA[1]*dist); // [cm] 345 346 Double_t er = e0 * (e1 + e2*ir); // [GeV] 346 347 347 348 /* MY PARAM */ 348 /* THOMAS BRETZ */ 349 349 // if (width==0) return kCONTINUE; 350 350 // const Double_t ir = i0 * (i1 + dist*(fA[1]/width + fA[4]/log10(size))); // [cm] -
TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/manalysis/MEnergyEstParam.h ¶
r1852 r1886 40 40 Double_t GetVal(Int_t i) const; 41 41 42 42 43 public: 43 44 MEnergyEstParam(const char *hil="MHillas", const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); … … 58 59 void SetCoeffB(const TArrayD &arr); 59 60 61 Double_t GetCoeff(Int_t i) { return i<fA.GetSize()? fA[i] : fB[i-fA.GetSize()]; } 62 60 63 void Print(Option_t *o=NULL); 61 64
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