Changeset 19982
- Timestamp:
- 08/10/20 17:58:02 (5 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
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TabularUnified trunk/FACT++/src/ ¶
r19981 r19982 1139 1139 WriteHistogram(connection, { 1140 1140 .name = "OnTime", 1141 .title = "Effective on time ",1141 .title = "Effective on time per Zd bin", 1142 1142 .dir = "Zd", 1143 1143 .binningx = binning_theta, … … 1156 1156 WriteHistogram(connection, { 1157 1157 .name = "CountN", 1158 .title = "Simulated Zenith Distance",1158 .title = "Simulated Number of Events in each Zd bin", 1159 1159 .dir = "Zd", 1160 1160 .binningx = binning_theta, … … 1173 1173 WriteHistogram(connection, { 1174 1174 .name = "ZdWeight", 1175 .title = " Zenith Distance Weight",1175 .title = "Calculated Weight for each Zd bin", 1176 1176 .dir = "Zd", 1177 1177 .binningx = binning_theta, … … 1531 1531 hist_sim.axisy = "Counts"; 1532 1532 1533 hist_sim.title = " ";1533 hist_sim.title = "Events simulated with Corsika"; 1534 1534 hist_sim.v = "SimCountN"; 1535 1535 hist_sim.err = "ErrSimCountN"; 1536 1536 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1537 1537 1538 hist_sim.title = " ";1538 hist_sim.title = "Events after cleaning"; 1539 1539 hist_sim.v = "TrigCountN"; 1540 1540 hist_sim.err = "ErrTrigCountN"; 1541 1541 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1542 1542 1543 hist_sim.title = " ";1543 hist_sim.title = "Events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; 1544 1544 hist_sim.v = "SignalN"; 1545 1545 hist_sim.err = "ErrSignalN"; 1546 1546 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1547 1547 1548 hist_sim.title = "Events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all Cuts"; 1549 hist_sim.v = "BackgroundN"; 1550 hist_sim.err = "ErrBackgroundN"; 1551 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1552 1553 hist_sim.title = "Excess events [true positive - false positive]"; 1554 hist_sim.v = "ExcessN"; 1555 hist_sim.err = "ErrExcessN"; 1556 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1557 1548 1558 1549 1559 hist_sim.axisy = *ib=="theta"?"dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1}]":"dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]"; 1550 1560 1551 hist_sim.title = " ";1561 hist_sim.title = "Weighted simulated events (corsika) per simulated area and time"; 1552 1562 hist_sim.v = "SimFluxW"; 1553 1563 hist_sim.err = "ErrSimFluxW"; 1554 1564 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1555 1565 1556 hist_sim.title = " ";1566 hist_sim.title = "Weighted events after trigger (cered) per simulated area and time"; 1557 1567 hist_sim.v = "TrigFluxW"; 1558 1568 hist_sim.err = "ErrTrigFluxW"; 1559 1569 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1560 1570 1561 hist_sim.title = " ";1571 hist_sim.title = "Weighted excess events [true positive - false positive]"; 1562 1572 hist_sim.v = "ExcessFluxW"; 1563 1573 hist_sim.err = "ErrExcessFluxW"; 1564 1574 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1565 1575 1566 hist_sim.title = " ";1576 hist_sim.title = "Weighted events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; 1567 1577 hist_sim.v = "SignalFluxW"; 1568 1578 hist_sim.err = "ErrSignalFluxW"; 1569 1579 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1570 1580 1571 hist_sim.title = " ";1581 hist_sim.title = "Weighted events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all cuts per simulated area and time"; 1572 1582 hist_sim.v = "BackgroundFluxW"; 1573 1583 hist_sim.err = "ErrBackgroundFluxW"; … … 1575 1585 1576 1586 1577 hist_sim.title = " ";1587 hist_sim.title = "Average simulated energy for weighted events after cuts"; 1578 1588 hist_sim.v = "AvgEnergySimW"; 1579 1589 hist_sim.err = ""; … … 1581 1591 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1582 1592 1583 hist_sim.title = " ";1593 hist_sim.title = "Average estimated energy for weighted events after cuts"; 1584 1594 hist_sim.v = "AvgEnergyEstW"; 1585 1595 hist_sim.err = ""; … … 1588 1598 1589 1599 1590 hist_sim.title = " ";1600 hist_sim.title = "Cut effiency times simulated area"; 1591 1601 hist_sim.v = "EffectiveAreaN"; 1592 1602 hist_sim.err = "ErrEffectiveAreaN"; … … 1594 1604 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1595 1605 1596 hist_sim.title = " ";1606 hist_sim.title = "Cut efficiency for eighted spectrum times simulated area"; 1597 1607 hist_sim.v = "EffectiveAreaW"; 1598 1608 hist_sim.err = "ErrEffectiveAreaW"; … … 1601 1611 1602 1612 1603 hist_sim.title = " ";1613 hist_sim.title = "Bias of energy estimation for weighted events"; 1604 1614 hist_sim.v = "BiasW"; 1605 1615 hist_sim.err = "ErrBiasW"; … … 1607 1617 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1608 1618 1609 hist_sim.title = " ";1619 hist_sim.title = "Resolution of energy estimation for weighted events"; 1610 1620 hist_sim.v = "ResolutionW"; 1611 1621 hist_sim.err = ""; … … 1613 1623 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1614 1624 1615 hist_sim.title = " ";1625 hist_sim.title = "Ratio of event after trigger (ceres) to simulated events (corsika)"; 1616 1626 hist_sim.v = "TriggerEfficiencyN"; 1617 1627 hist_sim.err = "ErrTriggerEfficiencyN"; … … 1619 1629 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1620 1630 1621 hist_sim.title = " ";1631 hist_sim.title = "Ratio of weighted event after trigger (ceres) to weighted simulated events (corsika)"; 1622 1632 hist_sim.v = "TriggerEfficiencyW"; 1623 1633 hist_sim.err = "ErrTriggerEfficiencyW"; … … 1625 1635 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1626 1636 1627 hist_sim.title = " ";1637 hist_sim.title = "Ratio of event after cuts to simulated events (corsika)"; 1628 1638 hist_sim.v = "CutEfficiencyN"; 1629 1639 hist_sim.err = "ErrCutEfficiencyN"; … … 1631 1641 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_sim); 1632 1642 1633 hist_sim.title = " ";1643 hist_sim.title = "Ratio of weighted event after cuts to the weighted simulated events (corsika)"; 1634 1644 hist_sim.v = "CutEfficiencyW"; 1635 1645 hist_sim.err = "ErrCutEfficiencyW"; … … 1819 1829 hist_est.axisy = "Counts"; 1820 1830 1821 hist_est.title = " ";1831 hist_est.title = "Events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; 1822 1832 hist_est.v = "SignalN"; 1823 1833 hist_est.err = "ErrSignalN"; 1824 1834 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); 1825 1835 1826 hist_est.title = " ";1836 hist_est.title = "Events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all Cuts"; 1827 1837 hist_est.v = "BackgroundN"; 1828 1838 hist_est.err = "ErrBackgroundN"; 1829 1839 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); 1830 1840 1831 hist_est.title = " ";1841 hist_est.title = "Excess events [true positive - false positive]"; 1832 1842 hist_est.v = "ExcessN"; 1833 1843 hist_est.err = "ErrExcessN"; … … 1835 1845 1836 1846 1837 hist_est.title = " ";1847 hist_est.title = "Average simulated energy for weighted events after cuts"; 1838 1848 hist_est.v = "AvgEnergySimW"; 1839 1849 hist_est.err = ""; … … 1841 1851 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); 1842 1852 1843 hist_est.title = " ";1853 hist_est.title = "Average estimated energy for weighted events after cuts"; 1844 1854 hist_est.v = "AvgEnergyEstW"; 1845 1855 hist_est.err = ""; … … 1850 1860 hist_est.axisy = "dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}]"; 1851 1861 1852 hist_est.title = " ";1862 hist_est.title = "Weighted events [true positive] after all cuts (quality, background suppression, theta-square)"; 1853 1863 hist_est.v = "SignalFluxW"; 1854 1864 hist_est.err = "ErrSignalFluxW"; 1855 1865 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); 1856 1866 1857 hist_est.title = " ";1867 hist_est.title = "Weighted events wrongly classified as background [false positive] after all cuts per simulated area and time"; 1858 1868 hist_est.v = "BackgroundFluxW"; 1859 1869 hist_est.err = "ErrBackgroundFluxW"; 1860 1870 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); 1861 1871 1862 hist_est.title = " ";1872 hist_est.title = "Weighted excess events [true positive - false positive]"; 1863 1873 hist_est.v = "ExcessFluxW"; 1864 1874 hist_est.err = "ErrExcessFluxW"; … … 1866 1876 1867 1877 1868 hist_est.title = " ";1878 hist_est.title = "Bias of energy estimation for weighted events"; 1869 1879 hist_est.v = "BiasW"; 1870 1880 hist_est.err = "ErrBiasW"; … … 1872 1882 WriteHistogram(connection, hist_est); 1873 1883 1874 hist_est.title = " ";1884 hist_est.title = "Resolution of energy estimation for weighted events"; 1875 1885 hist_est.v = "ResolutionW"; 1876 1886 hist_est.err = "";
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