Changeset 203 for Evidence

04/26/10 15:56:18 (14 years ago)
Config provides service containing all configuration data, config parsing improved
2 edited


  • Evidence/

    r187 r203  
    33  Configuration server for the Evidence Control System
    5   - The configuration file is opened without buffering to catch changes
    6     without closing/opening.
    75  - The name of a configuration file can be given as command line argument
    86  - If a configuration file change is detected through inotify, the service
    9     "Config/ModifyTime" is updated with the current UNIX time to inform applications.
    10         The initial value of the server is the last file modification time.
    11   - The employed line buffer has conservatively at least the size of the
    12     configuration file. If needed, it will be enlarged.
     7    "Config/ModifyTime" contains the last modification UNIX time.
     8  - The contents of the configuration file is available through Config/ConfigData.
     9  - The current parser removes all tabs, multiple, leading and trailing spaces, and
     10    concatenates lines ending with '+'.
     12  A mutex is used for preventing concurrent access to the configuration data from
     13  the methods rpcHandler() and ConfigChanged().
    14   Oliver Grimm, November 2009
     15  Oliver Grimm, April 2010
    2425#include <sys/stat.h>
    2526#include <sys/inotify.h>
     27#include <sstream>
     29using namespace std;
    3236  private:
     37        struct Item {
     38          string Name;
     39          string Data;
     40        };
     41        vector<struct Item> List;
    3343    FILE *File;
    34     char *Buffer;
    35     unsigned int BufferLength;
     44        char *FileContent;
    3645    DimService *ConfigModified;
    37     int ModifyTime;
     46        DimService *ConfigContent;
     47    pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
    3949    void rpcHandler();
    5161        DimRpc("ConfigRequest", "C", "C"), EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) {
     63  ConfigModified = NULL;        // Will be allocated in ConfigChanged()
     64  ConfigContent = NULL;
     65  FileContent = NULL;
     67  // Initialise mutex (errno is not set by pthread_mutex_init())
     68  if (pthread_mutex_init(&Mutex, NULL) != 0) {
     69    State(FATAL, "pthread_mutex_init() failed");
     70  }
    5372  // Open configuration file
    5473  if ((File = fopen(Filename, "r")) == NULL) {
    5675  }
    58   // Create DIM service to indicate changes of configuration file
    59   struct stat Stat;
    60   if (stat(Filename, &Stat) == -1) {
    61     State(WARN, "Could not read last modification time of configuration file '%s' (%s)", Filename, strerror(errno));
    62         ModifyTime = 0;
    63   }
    64   else ModifyTime = Stat.st_mtime;   
    65   ConfigModified = new DimService (SERVER_NAME"/ModifyTime", ModifyTime);
    6777  // Disable buffering, so file modifications are immediately seen
    6878  if (setvbuf(File, NULL, _IONBF, 0) != 0) {
    6979    State(WARN, "Error setting configuration file '%s' to unbuffered mode", Filename);
    7080  }
    72   Buffer = NULL;    // Will be allocated in rpcHandler()
    73   BufferLength = 0;
     82  // Create DIM services
     83  ConfigChanged();
    7787EvidenceConfig::~EvidenceConfig() {
    79   if (File != NULL) fclose(File); 
    80   delete[] Buffer;
    81 }
     89  if (File != NULL && fclose(File) != 0) State(ERROR, "Error closing configuration file (%s)", strerror(errno));
     91  delete ConfigModified;
     92  delete ConfigContent;
     93  delete[] FileContent;
     95  if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&Mutex) != 0) State(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_destroy() failed");
    8399// Implementation of response to configuration request
    84100void EvidenceConfig::rpcHandler() {
    86   char *Token1,*Token2,*Token3, *Request = getString();
    87   struct stat FileStatus;
    89   // Check if Buffer[] is large enough to hold full file, enlarge if necessary
    90   if (fstat(fileno(File), &FileStatus) == -1) {
    91      State(FATAL, "Could not determine size of configuration file to allocate buffer (%s)", strerror(errno));
    92   }
    93   else if(BufferLength < FileStatus.st_size) {
    94     delete[] Buffer;
    95     Buffer = new char [FileStatus.st_size];
    96     BufferLength = FileStatus.st_size;   
    97   }
    99   // Search for configuration item
    100   rewind(File);
    101   while (fgets(Buffer, BufferLength, File) != NULL) {
     102  string Response;
     104  // Lock because ConfigChange() might access concurrently
     105  if (pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex) != 0) State(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_lock() failed in rpcHandler()");
     107  // Search for config data in list
     108  for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) {
     109    if (List[i].Name == getString()) Response = List[i].Data;
     110  }
     112  // Unlock
     113  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex) != 0) State(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_unlock() failed in rpcHandler()");
     115  // Send data and update Status
     116  setData((char *) Response.c_str());
    103     // Combine lines that end with '+'
    104     while (Buffer[strlen(Buffer)-2] == '+') {
    105       if (fgets(Buffer+strlen(Buffer)-2, BufferLength-(strlen(Buffer)-2), File) == NULL) break;
    106     }
    108     // Ignore comments
    109     for (int i=0; i<strlen(Buffer); i++) if (Buffer[i] == '#') Buffer[i] = '\0';
    111     // Extract tokens
    112     Token1 = strtok(Buffer, " \t:");
    113     Token2 = strtok(NULL, " \t:");
    114     Token3 = strtok(NULL, "\n");
    116     // Check if all tokens existing
    117     if(Token1==NULL || Token2==NULL || Token3==NULL) continue;
    119     // Check for match and then send data (removing whitespace and both ends)
    120     if (strstr(Request, Token1)!=NULL && strstr(Request, Token2)!=NULL) {
    121           while (isspace(*Token3) != 0) Token3++;
    122           while ((strlen(Token3)>0) && isspace(*(Token3+strlen(Token3)-1))) *(Token3+strlen(Token3)-1) = '\0';
    123       setData(Token3);
    124       break;
    125     }
    126   }
    128   // If configuration data not found, send empty string
    129   if (feof(File)!=0) setData((char *) "");
    131118  State(INFO, "Client '%s' (ID %d) requested '%s'. Send '%s'.",
    132119                DimServer::getClientName(),
    133120                DimServer::getClientId(),
    134                 Request, feof(File)!=0 ? "n/a" : Token3);
    135 }
     121                getString(), Response.c_str());
    137125// Signalisation of configuration change
    138126void EvidenceConfig::ConfigChanged() {
    140   ModifyTime = time(NULL);
    141   ConfigModified->updateService();
    142 }
     128  static int ModifyTime;
     130  //
     131  // Part A: Handle updates to DIM services
     132  //
     134  // Access status information for configuration file (if fileno() returns -1, fstat() reports error)
     135  struct stat Stat;
     136  if (fstat(fileno(File), &Stat) == -1) {
     137    State(ERROR, "Error with stat() system call for configuration file, cannot update configuration file information (%s)", strerror(errno));
     138        delete ConfigModified;
     139        delete ConfigContent;
     140        ConfigModified = NULL;
     141        ConfigContent = NULL;
     142        return;
     143  }
     145  // Create/update DIM service to indicate changes of configuration file
     146  ModifyTime = Stat.st_mtime;   
     147  if (ConfigModified == NULL) ConfigModified = new DimService (SERVER_NAME"/ModifyTime", ModifyTime);
     148  else ConfigModified->updateService();
     150  // Read new configuration file (enfore \0 termination)
     151  char *NewContent = new char [Stat.st_size+1];
     152  rewind(File);
     153  if (fread(NewContent, sizeof(char), Stat.st_size, File) != Stat.st_size) {
     154    State(FATAL, "Could not read configuration file");
     155  }
     156  NewContent[Stat.st_size] = '\0';
     158  // Create/update DIM service that contains the current configuration file
     159  if (ConfigContent == NULL )ConfigContent = new DimService(SERVER_NAME"/ConfigData", NewContent);
     160  else ConfigContent->updateService(NewContent);
     162  delete[] FileContent;
     163  FileContent = NewContent;
     165  //
     166  // Part B: Interpret configuration list
     167  //
     169  stringstream In(FileContent), Out;
     170  string Line;
     171  struct Item New;
     172  size_t Pos;
     174  // First clean up and concatenate lines
     175  while (getline(In, Line).good()) {
     176    // Remove comments
     177        if (Line.find('#') != string::npos) Line.erase(Line.find('#'));
     178    // Repace all tabs by spaces
     179    while (Line.find("\t") != string::npos) Line[Line.find("\t")] = ' ';
     180        // Remove leading spaces
     181        while (!Line.empty() && isspace(Line[0])) Line.erase(0, 1);
     182        // Remove trailing spaces
     183        while (!Line.empty() && isspace(Line[Line.size()-1])) Line.erase(Line.size()-1);
     184        // Remove empty lines
     185        if (Line.empty()) continue;
     186        // Concatenate if line ends with '+'
     187    if (Line[Line.size()-1] != '+') Out << Line << endl;
     188        else Out << Line.erase(Line.size()-1);
     189  };
     191  In.str(Out.str());
     192  In.clear();
     194  // Interpret data
     195  while (getline(In, Line).good()) {
     196    // Remove multiple spaces
     197    while (Line.find("  ") != string::npos) Line.erase(Line.find("  "), 1);
     199        // Find second space character
     200    Pos = Line.find(" ", Line.find(" ") + 1);
     201        if(Pos == string::npos) continue;
     203        // Extract configuration name and data
     204        New.Name = string(Line, 0, Pos);
     205        New.Data = string(Line, Pos+1);
     207        // Add to configuration list
     208        if (pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex) != 0) State(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_lock() failed in ConfigChanged()");
     209        List.push_back(New);
     210        if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex) != 0) State(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_unlock() failed in ConfigChanged()");
     211  };
  • Evidence/

    r199 r203  
    320320        if (Text != NULL) {
    321           // Replace all control characters by white space
    322           for (int i=0; i<strlen(Text); i++) if (iscntrl(Text[i])) Text[i] = ' ';
     321          // Replace new line by '\' and all other control characters by white space
     322          for (int i=0; i<strlen(Text); i++) {
     323                if (Text[i] == '\n') Text[i] = '\\';
     324                else if (iscntrl(Text[i])) Text[i] = ' ';
     325          }
    324327          // Write to file
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