07/17/03 19:05:13 (21 years ago)
Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.20
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h

    r1704 r2289  
    2020//= $RCSfile: creadparam.h,v $
    21 //= $Revision: 1.16 $
     21//= $Revision: 1.17 $
    2222//= $Author: blanch $
    23 //= $Date: 2003-01-14 13:37:32 $
     23//= $Date: 2003-07-17 18:05:13 $
    154154T(root_file),       /* ROOT file */                               \
    155155T(ct_file),         /* file with the characteristics of the CT */ \
     156T(qe_file),         /* file with the characteristics of the CT */ \
    156157T(ana_pixels),      /* size of the camera for parameters calculation */  \
    157158T(elec_noise_off),  /* de-activates ElecNoise for FADC and Trigger channels */\
     159T(fadc_pedestal),      /* Pedestal value for FADC */\
    158160T(fadc_noise),      /* ElecNoise for FADC */\
    159161T(trig_noise),      /* ElecNoise for trigger */\
    163165T(nsb_mean),        /* mean value of NSB contribution per pixel */ \
    164166T(nsb_directory),   /* database for the NSB  */ \
     167T(nsb_dir_outer),   /* database for the NSB  */ \
    165168T(pixel_thres),     /* value of q0 for trigger for a given pixel */ \
    166169T(secure_disc),     /* Ac value to rise discrimnator threshold */ \
    167 T(tail_cut),        /* value of tail cut (t0) */ \
    168 T(islands_on),      /* DO count islands */ \
    169 T(islands_off),     /* do NOT count islands */ \
    170 T(islands_cut),     /* value of islands cut (i0) */ \
    171170T(seeds),           /* seeds for random number generation */ \
    172171T(data_from_stdin), /* to read data from STDIN */ \
    173172T(skip),            /* skip pathological showers */ \
    174 T(read_phe_all),    /* id., but was processed with write_all_events */ \
    175 T(read_phe),        /* read an already camera processed file */ \
    176173T(write_all_events),/* write to file .phe ALL images (even w.o. trigger)*/ \
    177174T(nowrite_McEvt),   /* nowrite to file .root McEvt infos */ \
    181178T(write_all_data),  /* write to file .dat ALL image data */ \
    182179T(select_energy),   /* energy range to read: only for .phe files */ \
    183 T(trigger_radius),  /* trigger radius for the camera */ \
    184 T(correction),      /* factor for correction in the pixel values */ \
    185180T(trigger_scan),    /* show signal in the diskriminator */ \
    186181T(fadc_scan),       /* show fadc signal */ \
    188183T(trigger_prop),    /* values of trigger properties */ \
    189184T(fadc_prop),    /* values of fadc properties */ \
     185T(fadc_outer),    /* values of fadc properties for outer pixels */ \
    190186T(trigger_single),  /* trigger conditions */ \
    191187T(Trigger_Loop_Output_Only_Specialists),   /* special steercard */ \
    192 T(telescope_axis),   /* Direction of the axis telescope */ \
    193188T(source_offset),   /* Displacement of the source from the center */ \
    194 T(corsika_vers),    /* Version of Corsika */ \
    195189T(end_file)         /* end of the parameters file */
    214208#define ITEM_MAX_LENGTH  40
    215209#define PATH_MAX_LENGTH  120
    217 // mean values of NSB contribution per pixel
    219 static const float Mean_NSB_MAGIC = 5.0; //@< for MAGIC
    220 static const float Mean_NSB_CT1 = 5.0;   //@< for CT1
    239228char *get_loop_filename(void);
    240229char *get_ct_filename(void);
     230char *get_qe_filename(void);
    241231char *get_nsb_directory(void);
     232char *get_nsb_directory_outer(void);
    242233int add_elec_noise(float *fadc, float *trig);
    243234int get_nsb(float *n, int *m);
    244 float get_tail_cut(void);
    245 int get_islands_cut(int *n);
    246235long int get_seeds(int n);
    247236int get_ana_pixels(void);
    249238int get_nskip_showers( void );
    250239int get_data_from_stdin(void);
    251 int get_read_phe(void);
    252 int get_read_phe_all(void);
    253240int get_write_all_events(void);
    254 //
    255241int get_write_McEvt(void);
    256242int get_write_McTrig(void);
    257243int get_write_McFadc(void);
    258244int get_write_RawEvt(void);
    259 //
    260245int get_write_all_data(void);
    261246int get_select_energy(float *le, float *ue);
    262 int get_trigger_radius(float *radius);
    263 int get_correction(float *corr);
    264247int get_FADC_Scan(void);
    265248int get_Trigger_Scan(void);
    266249void get_Trigger_properties(float *gl, float *ot, float *ra, float *rf);
    267 void get_FADC_properties(float *ra, float *rf);
     250void get_FADC_properties(float *ra, float *rf, float *rao, float *rfo);
     251float get_FADC_pedestal(void);
    268252int get_Trigger_Loop(float *lt, float *ut, float *st, int *lm, int *um, int *lg, int *ug);
    269253void get_Trigger_Single(float *t, int *m, int *g);
    271255void get_secure_threhold(float *ac, float *disc);
    272256int get_indi_thres_pixel(void);
    273 void get_teles_axis(float *th, float *p);
    274257void get_source_off(float *th, float *p);
    275 int get_corsika_ver(void);
    290272 * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
     273 * Revision 1.16  2003/01/14 13:37:32  blanch
     274 * Option to set a dc value to rise the discriminator threshold has been added.
     275 *
    291276 * Revision 1.15  2002/07/16 16:20:59  blanch
    292277 * Modifications done for the camera.cxx version, where a first implementation
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