Changeset 2313
- Timestamp:
- 08/22/03 10:33:25 (22 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/manalysis
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2300 r2313 36 36 #include <math.h> // fabs 37 37 38 #include <TArrayD.h> 39 #include <TArrayI.h> 38 40 #include <TMinuit.h> 39 41 #include <TStopwatch.h> … … 42 44 #include "MLogManip.h" 43 45 #include "MParContainer.h" 44 45 46 46 47 ClassImp(MMinuitInterface); … … 57 58 fName = name ? name : "MMinuitInterface"; 58 59 fTitle = title ? title : "Interface for Minuit"; 59 60 60 } 61 62 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------63 //64 // Default destructor.65 //66 MMinuitInterface::~MMinuitInterface()67 {68 }69 70 61 71 62 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 76 67 Bool_t MMinuitInterface::CallMinuit( 77 68 void (*fcn)(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &, Double_t *, Int_t), 78 UInt_t npar, char name[80][100], 79 Double_t vinit[80], Double_t step[80], 80 Double_t limlo[80], Double_t limup[80], Int_t fix[80], 81 TObject *objectfit , TString method, Bool_t nulloutput) 69 const TString* name, const TArrayD &vinit, const TArrayD &step2, 70 const TArrayD &limlo, const TArrayD &limup, const TArrayI &fix, 71 TObject *objectfit , const TString &method, Bool_t nulloutput) 82 72 { 83 TString str(method); 84 85 // 86 // Be carefull: This is not thread safe 87 // 88 UInt_t maxpar = 100; 89 90 if (npar > maxpar) 73 TArrayD step(step2); 74 75 // 76 // Be carefull: This is not thread safe 77 // 78 if (vinit.GetSize() != step.GetSize() || 79 vinit.GetSize() != limlo.GetSize() || 80 vinit.GetSize() != limup.GetSize() || 81 vinit.GetSize() != fix.GetSize()) 82 { 83 *fLog << "CallMinuit: Parameter Size Mismatch" << endl; 84 return kFALSE; 85 } 86 87 88 89 //.............................................. 90 // Set the maximum number of parameters 91 TMinuit *const save = gMinuit; 92 93 TMinuit &minuit = *new TMinuit(vinit.GetSize()); 94 minuit.SetName("MinuitSupercuts"); 95 96 97 //.............................................. 98 // Set the print level 99 // -1 no output except SHOW comands 100 // 0 minimum output 101 // 1 normal output (default) 102 // 2 additional ouput giving intermediate results 103 // 3 maximum output, showing progress of minimizations 104 // 105 minuit.SetPrintLevel(1); 106 107 //.............................................. 108 // Printout for warnings 109 // SET WAR print warnings 110 // SET NOW suppress warnings 111 Int_t errWarn; 112 Double_t tmpwar = 0; 113 minuit.mnexcm("SET NOW", &tmpwar, 0, errWarn); 114 //minuit.mnexcm("SET WAR", &tmpwar, 0, errWarn); 115 116 //.............................................. 117 // Set the address of the minimization function 118 minuit.SetFCN(fcn); 119 120 //.............................................. 121 // Store address of object to be used in fcn 122 minuit.SetObjectFit(objectfit ); 123 124 //.............................................. 125 // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters 126 for (Int_t i=0; i<vinit.GetSize(); i++) 127 { 128 if (minuit.DefineParameter(i, name[i], vinit[i], step[i], 129 limlo[i], limup[i])) 91 130 { 92 *fLog << "CallMinuit : too many parameters, npar = " << npar93 << ", maxpar = " << maxpar<< endl;131 *fLog << "CallMinuit: Error in defining parameter " 132 << name[i][0] << endl; 94 133 return kFALSE; 95 134 } 96 97 98 99 //.............................................. 100 // Set the maximum number of parameters 101 TMinuit &minuit = *(new TMinuit(maxpar)); 102 minuit.SetName("MinuitSupercuts"); 103 //TMinuit minuit(maxpar); 104 //gMinuit = new TMinuit(maxpar); 105 //TMinuit &minuit = *gMinuit; 106 107 108 //.............................................. 109 // Set the print level 110 // -1 no output except SHOW comands 111 // 0 minimum output 112 // 1 normal output (default) 113 // 2 additional ouput giving intermediate results 114 // 3 maximum output, showing progress of minimizations 115 // 116 //Int_t printLevel = -1; 117 Int_t printLevel = 1; 118 minuit.SetPrintLevel(printLevel); 119 120 //.............................................. 121 // Printout for warnings 122 // SET WAR print warnings 123 // SET NOW suppress warnings 124 Int_t errWarn; 125 Double_t tmpwar = 0; 126 minuit.mnexcm("SET NOW", &tmpwar, 0, errWarn); 127 //minuit.mnexcm("SET WAR", &tmpwar, 0, errWarn); 128 129 //.............................................. 130 // Set the address of the minimization function 131 minuit.SetFCN(fcn); 132 133 134 //.............................................. 135 // Store address of object to be used in fcn 136 minuit.SetObjectFit(objectfit ); 137 138 139 //.............................................. 140 // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters 141 for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar; i++) 135 } 136 137 //.............................................. 138 //Int_t NumPars; 139 //NumPars = minuit.GetNumPars(); 140 //*fLog << "CallMinuit : number of free parameters = " 141 // << NumPars << endl; 142 143 144 //.............................................. 145 // Error definition : 146 // 147 // for chisquare function : 148 // up = 1.0 means calculate 1-standard deviation error 149 // = 4.0 means calculate 2-standard deviation error 150 // 151 // for log(likelihood) function : 152 // up = 0.5 means calculate 1-standard deviation error 153 // = 2.0 means calculate 2-standard deviation error 154 minuit.SetErrorDef(1.0); 155 156 // Int_t errMigrad; 157 // Double_t tmp = 0; 158 // minuit.mnexcm("MIGRAD", &tmp, 0, errMigrad); 159 160 //.............................................. 161 // fix a parameter 162 for (Int_t i=0; i<vinit.GetSize(); i++) 163 { 164 if (fix[i] > 0) 142 165 { 143 if (minuit.DefineParameter(i, &name[i][0], vinit[i], step[i], 144 limlo[i], limup[i])) 145 { 146 *fLog << "CallMinuit: Error in defining parameter " 147 << name[i][0] << endl; 148 return kFALSE; 149 } 166 minuit.FixParameter(i); 167 step[i] = 0.0; 150 168 } 151 152 //.............................................. 153 //Int_t NumPars; 154 //NumPars = minuit.GetNumPars(); 155 //*fLog << "CallMinuit : number of free parameters = " 156 // << NumPars << endl; 157 158 159 //.............................................. 160 // Error definition : 161 // 162 // for chisquare function : 163 // up = 1.0 means calculate 1-standard deviation error 164 // = 4.0 means calculate 2-standard deviation error 165 // 166 // for log(likelihood) function : 167 // up = 0.5 means calculate 1-standard deviation error 168 // = 2.0 means calculate 2-standard deviation error 169 Double_t up = 1.0; 170 minuit.SetErrorDef(up); 171 172 173 174 // Int_t errMigrad; 175 // Double_t tmp = 0; 176 // minuit.mnexcm("MIGRAD", &tmp, 0, errMigrad); 177 178 179 //.............................................. 180 // fix a parameter 181 for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar; i++) 182 { 183 if (fix[i] > 0) 184 { 185 Int_t parNo = i; 186 minuit.FixParameter(parNo); 187 step[parNo] = 0.0; 188 } 189 } 190 191 //.............................................. 192 //NumPars = minuit.GetNumPars(); 193 //*fLog << "CallMinuit : number of free parameters = " 194 // << NumPars << endl; 195 196 //.............................................. 197 // Set maximum number of iterations (default = 500) 198 //Int_t maxiter = 100000; 199 Int_t maxiter = 10; 200 minuit.SetMaxIterations(maxiter); 201 202 //.............................................. 203 // minimization by the method of Migrad 204 if (str.Contains("Migrad", TString::kIgnoreCase)) 205 { 206 //*fLog << "call MIGRAD" << endl; 207 if (nulloutput) 169 } 170 171 //.............................................. 172 //NumPars = minuit.GetNumPars(); 173 //*fLog << "CallMinuit : number of free parameters = " 174 // << NumPars << endl; 175 176 //.............................................. 177 // Set maximum number of iterations (default = 500) 178 //Int_t maxiter = 100000; 179 minuit.SetMaxIterations(10); 180 181 //.............................................. 182 // minimization by the method of Migrad 183 if (method.Contains("Migrad", TString::kIgnoreCase)) 184 { 185 //*fLog << "call MIGRAD" << endl; 186 if (nulloutput) 208 187 fLog->SetNullOutput(kTRUE); 209 210 211 188 Double_t tmp = 0; 189 minuit.mnexcm("MIGRAD", &tmp, 0, fErrMinimize); 190 if (nulloutput) 212 191 fLog->SetNullOutput(kFALSE); 213 214 215 216 //..............................................217 218 219 if (str.Contains("Minimize", TString::kIgnoreCase))220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 //..............................................228 229 if (str.Contains("Simplex", TString::kIgnoreCase))230 231 232 192 //*fLog << "return from MIGRAD" << endl; 193 } 194 195 //.............................................. 196 // same minimization as by Migrad 197 // but switches to the SIMPLEX method if MIGRAD fails to converge 198 if (method.Contains("Minimize", TString::kIgnoreCase)) 199 { 200 *fLog << "call MINIMIZE" << endl; 201 Double_t tmp = 0; 202 minuit.mnexcm("MINIMIZE", &tmp, 0, fErrMinimize); 203 *fLog << "return from MINIMIZE" << endl; 204 } 205 206 //.............................................. 207 // minimization by the SIMPLEX method 208 if (method.Contains("Simplex", TString::kIgnoreCase)) 209 { 210 *fLog << "call SIMPLEX" << endl; 211 if (nulloutput) 233 212 fLog->SetNullOutput(kTRUE); 234 235 236 213 Double_t tmp = 0; 214 minuit.mnexcm("SIMPLEX", &tmp, 0, fErrMinimize); 215 if (nulloutput) 237 216 fLog->SetNullOutput(kFALSE); 238 239 240 241 //..............................................242 243 244 245 246 // 3 full accurate covariance matrix247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 if (str.Contains("Hesse", TString::kIgnoreCase))269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 if (str.Contains("Minos", TString::kIgnoreCase))279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 //..............................................287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 //..............................................298 299 300 301 302 303 const char *command = "CALL";304 Double_t iflag =3;305 Int_t errfcn3;306 minuit.mnexcm(command, &iflag, 1, errfcn3); 307 308 //*fLog << "Exit CallMinuit" << endl;309 310 217 //*fLog << "return from SIMPLEX" << endl; 218 } 219 220 //.............................................. 221 // check quality of minimization 222 // istat = 0 covariance matrix not calculated 223 // 1 diagonal approximation only (not accurate) 224 // 2 full matrix, but forced positive-definite 225 // 3 full accurate covariance matrix 226 // (indication of normal convergence) 227 minuit.mnstat(fMin, fEdm, fErrdef, fNpari, fNparx, fIstat); 228 229 //if (fErrMinimize != 0 || fIstat < 3) 230 if (fErrMinimize != 0) 231 { 232 *fLog << "CallMinuit : Minimization failed" << endl; 233 *fLog << " fMin = " << fMin << ", fEdm = " << fEdm 234 << ", fErrdef = " << fErrdef << ", fIstat = " << fIstat 235 << ", fErrMinimize = " << fErrMinimize << endl; 236 return kFALSE; 237 } 238 239 //*fLog << "CallMinuit : Minimization was successful" << endl; 240 //*fLog << " fMin = " << fMin << ", fEdm = " << fEdm 241 // << ", fErrdef = " << fErrdef << ", fIstat = " << fIstat 242 // << ", fErrMinimize = " << fErrMinimize << endl; 243 244 245 //.............................................. 246 // minimization by the method of Migrad 247 if (method.Contains("Hesse", TString::kIgnoreCase)) 248 { 249 //*fLog << "call HESSE" << endl; 250 Double_t tmp = 0; 251 minuit.mnexcm("HESSE", &tmp, 0, fErrMinimize); 252 //*fLog << "return from HESSE" << endl; 253 } 254 255 //.............................................. 256 // Minos error analysis 257 if (method.Contains("Minos", TString::kIgnoreCase)) 258 { 259 //*fLog << "call MINOS" << endl; 260 Double_t tmp = 0; 261 minuit.mnexcm("MINOS", &tmp, 0, fErrMinimize); 262 //*fLog << "return from MINOS" << endl; 263 } 264 265 //.............................................. 266 // Print current status of minimization 267 // if nkode = 0 only function value 268 // 1 parameter values, errors, limits 269 // 2 values, errors, step sizes, internal values 270 // 3 values, errors, step sizes, 1st derivatives 271 // 4 values, paraboloc errors, MINOS errors 272 273 //Int_t nkode = 4; 274 //minuit.mnprin(nkode, fmin); 275 276 //.............................................. 277 // call fcn with IFLAG = 3 (final calculation : calculate p(chi2)) 278 // iflag = 1 initial calculations only 279 // 2 calculate 1st derivatives and function 280 // 3 calculate function only 281 // 4 calculate function + final calculations 282 Double_t iflag = 3; 283 Int_t errfcn3; 284 minuit.mnexcm("CALL", &iflag, 1, errfcn3); 285 286 delete &minuit; 287 gMinuit = save; 288 289 return kTRUE; 311 290 } 312 313 314 //===========================================================================315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 -
r2300 r2313 2 2 #define MARS_MMinuitInterface 3 3 4 #ifndef MARS_M Task5 #include "M Task.h"4 #ifndef MARS_MParContainer 5 #include "MParContainer.h" 6 6 #endif 7 7 8 #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD 9 #include <TArrayD.h> 10 #endif 8 class TArrayD; 9 class TArrayI; 11 10 12 13 14 class MMinuitInterface : public MTask 11 class MMinuitInterface : public MParContainer 15 12 { 16 13 private: 17 18 UInt_t fNpar; 19 Double_t fMin, fEdm, fErrdef; 20 Int_t fNpari, fNparx, fIstat; 21 Int_t fErrMinimize; 22 14 UInt_t fNpar; 15 Double_t fMin, fEdm, fErrdef; 16 Int_t fNpari, fNparx, fIstat; 17 Int_t fErrMinimize; 23 18 24 19 public: 25 MMinuitInterface(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); 26 ~MMinuitInterface(); 20 MMinuitInterface(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); 27 21 28 Bool_t MMinuitInterface::CallMinuit( 29 void (*fcn)(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &, Double_t *, Int_t), 30 UInt_t npar, char name[80][100], 31 Double_t vinit[80], Double_t step[80], 32 Double_t limlo[80], Double_t limup[80], Int_t fix[80], 33 TObject *fObjectFit, TString method, Bool_t nulloutput); 22 Bool_t CallMinuit( 23 void (*fcn)(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &, Double_t *, Int_t), 24 const TString *name, const TArrayD &vinit, const TArrayD &step, 25 const TArrayD &limlo, const TArrayD &limup, const TArrayI &fix, 26 TObject *fObjectFit, const TString &method, Bool_t nulloutput); 34 27 35 ClassDef(MMinuitInterface, 1) // Class for interfacing with Minuit28 ClassDef(MMinuitInterface, 0) // Class for interfacing with Minuit 36 29 }; 37 30
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