10/29/03 19:13:11 (21 years ago)
New constructor needed to decouple StarResponse from MARS.
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx

    r2393 r2443  
    552552    fclose (unit) ;
    553553  }
     555  //
     556  //
     557  //  set all the booleans used to FALSE, indicating that the pixel is not
     558  //  used in this event.
     559  //
     561  for ( i =0 ; i <pixnum ; i++ ) {
     562    used [i] = FALSE ;
     563    dknt [i] = FALSE ;
     565    nphotshow[i] = 0 ;
     566    nphotnsb [i] = 0 ;
     567    nphotstar[i] = 0 ;
     569    baseline[i] = 0 ;
     570  }
     572  for ( ii=0 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     573    sum_d_sig[ii] = 0. ; 
     574  }
     576  //
     577  //   set the information about the Different Level Triggers to zero
     578  //
     580  nZero = nFirst = nSecond = 0 ;
     582  for (ii=0 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     583    SlicesZero[ii] = FALSE;
     584  }
     586  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
     587    SlicesFirst[i]  = -50 ;
     588    SlicesSecond[i] = -50 ;
     589    PixelsFirst[i]  = -1;
     590    PixelsSecond[i] = -1;
     591  }
     592  cout << " end of MTrigger::MTrigger()" << endl ;
     594MTrigger::MTrigger(Int_t pix,
     595                   float gate, float overt, float ampl, float fwhm) {
     596  // ============================================================
     597  //
     598  //  constructor
     599  // 
     600  //  The procedure is the following:
     601  //
     602  //  1. Allocation of some memory needed
     603  //  2. some parameters of the trigger are set.   
     604  //  3. Then the all signals are set to zero
     606  Int_t  i, ii ;
     608  Float_t threshold ;
     610  // Number of pixels in the trigger region
     611  pixnum=pix;
     613  //
     614  //   allocate the memory for the 2dim arrays (a_sig, d_sig )
     615  //
     617  used = new Bool_t[pix];
     618  nphotshow = new Int_t[pix];
     619  nphotnsb = new Int_t[pix];
     620  nphotstar = new Int_t[pix];
     621  a_sig = new Float_t * [pix];
     622  d_sig = new Float_t * [pix];
     623  baseline = new Float_t[pix];
     624  dknt = new Bool_t[pix];
     625  noise = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES*1001];
     626  chan_thres = new Float_t[pix];
     627  for(Int_t j=0;j<6;j++)
     628    NN[j] = new Int_t[pix];
     629  for(Int_t j=0;j<TRIGGER_CELLS;j++)
     630    TC[j] = new Int_t[pix];
     632  for( Int_t j=0; j<pix; j++ ) {
     634    a_sig[j] = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     636    d_sig[j] = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     637  }
     639  //
     640  //   set the values for the standard response pulse
     641  //
     643  fwhm_resp = fwhm       ;
     644  ampl_resp = ampl  ;
     646  overlaping_time = overt;
     649  threshold = CHANNEL_THRESHOLD  ;
     652  gate_leng        = gate       ;
     653  trigger_multi    = TRIGGER_MULTI      ;
     654  trigger_geometry = TRIGGER_GEOM ;
     656  cout << endl
     657       << "[MTrigger]  Setting up the MTrigger with this values "<< endl ;
     658  cout << "[MTrigger]    Gate Length:        " << gate_leng  << " ns"
     659       << endl ;
     660  cout << "[MTrigger]    Overlaping time:    " << overlaping_time << " ns"
     661       << endl ;
     662  cout << "[MTrigger]    Response FWHM:      " << fwhm_resp  << " ns"
     663       << endl ;
     664  cout << "[MTrigger]    Response Amplitude: " << ampl_resp  << " mV"
     665       << endl ;
     666  cout << endl ;
     668  for (Int_t k=0; k<pixnum; k++ ) {
     669    chan_thres[k] = threshold ;
     670  }
     672  //
     673  //    set up the response shape
     674  //
     676  Float_t   sigma ;
     677  Float_t   x, x0 ;
     679  sigma = fwhm_resp / 2.35 ;
     680  x0 = 3*sigma ;
     682  for (i=0; i< RESPONSE_SLICES ; i++ ) { 
     684    x = i * (1./((Float_t)SLICES_PER_NSEC))
     685      + (1./( 2 * (Float_t)SLICES_PER_NSEC ))  ;
     687    sing_resp[i] =
     688      ampl_resp * expf(-0.5 * (x-x0)*(x-x0) / (sigma*sigma) ) ;
     690  }
     692  //
     693  //    look for the time between start of response function and the
     694  //    maximum value of the response function. This is needed by the
     695  //    member functions FillNSB() and FillStar()
     696  // 
     698  Int_t imax  = 0  ;
     699  Float_t max = 0. ;
     700  for (i=0; i< RESPONSE_SLICES ; i++ ) { 
     701    if ( sing_resp[i] > max ) {
     702      imax = i ;
     703      max  = sing_resp[i] ;
     704    }
     705  }
     707  peak_time = ( (Float_t) imax )  / ( (Float_t) SLICES_PER_NSEC ) ;
     709  //
     710  //   the amplitude of one single photo electron is not a constant.
     711  //   There exists a measured distribution from Razmik. This distribution
     712  //   is used to simulate the noise of the amplitude.
     713  //   For this a histogramm (histPmt) is created and filled with the
     714  //   values.
     715  //
     717  histPmt = new TH1F ("histPmt","Noise of PMT", 40, 0., 40.) ;
     719  Stat_t ValRazmik[41] = { 0., 2.14, 2.06, 2.05, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08,  2.15,
     720                           2.27, 2.40, 2.48, 2.55, 2.50, 2.35, 2.20,  2.10,
     721                           1.90, 1.65, 1.40, 1.25, 1.00, 0.80, 0.65,  0.50,
     722                           0.35, 0.27, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12,  0.10,
     723                           0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005,0.003, 0.001} ;
     725  histMean =  histPmt->GetMean() ;   
     727  for (i=0;i<41;i++){
     728    histPmt->SetBinContent(i,ValRazmik[i]);
     729  }
     731  histMean =  histPmt->GetMean() ;
     733  //
     734  //   create the random generator for the Electronic Noise
     735  //
     737  GenElec = new TRandom() ;
    555739  //
    12921476    }
    12931477  }
    12951480  //
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