- Timestamp:
- 11/10/03 17:12:27 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r2399 r2506 18 18 # export MARSLIBS="-lX11 -lXpm -L/usr/X11R6/lib" 19 19 # 20 DEFINES = -DMARSVER=\" \<cvs\>\" -D__MARS__ -DROOTVER=\"$(ROOTVER)\" $(ARCHDEF) $(MARSDEFINES)20 DEFINES = -DMARSVER=\"0.8.2\" -D__MARS__ -DROOTVER=\"$(ROOTVER)\" $(ARCHDEF) $(MARSDEFINES) 21 21 22 22 CXXFLAGS = $(ROOTCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(OPTIM) $(DEBUG) $(DEFINES) -
r2505 r2506 21 21 22 22 INCLUDES = -I. -I../mfileio -I../mfilter 23 # MRead (MEvtLoop), MF (MContinue) 23 # mfileio: MRead (MEvtLoop) 24 # mfilter: MF (MContinue) 24 25 25 26 # @code … … 50 51 MReadSocket.cc \ 51 52 MDirIter.cc \ 53 MGGroupFrame.cc \ 52 54 MGList.cc \ 53 55 MGTask.cc \ 54 M GGroupFrame.cc \56 MStatusDisplay.cc \ 55 57 MArray.cc \ 56 58 MArrayB.cc \ -
r2505 r2506 22 22 # connect the include files defined in the config.mk file 23 23 # 24 INCLUDES = -I. -I../mbase -I../manalysis -I../mdatacheck -I../m eventdisp\24 INCLUDES = -I. -I../mbase -I../manalysis -I../mdatacheck -I../mraw \ 25 25 -I../mgui -I../mgeom -I../mhist -I../mmontecarlo -I../mfileio \ 26 -I../mimage -I../mhistmc -I../m raw26 -I../mimage -I../mhistmc -I../mgbase 27 27 28 28 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 35 35 MAnalysis.cc \ 36 36 MMonteCarlo.cc \ 37 MGDisplayAdc.cc \ 37 38 MEventDisplay.cc \ 38 MGDisplayAdc.cc \39 39 MCameraDisplay.cc 40 40 … … 54 54 55 55 # @endcode 56 -
r2486 r2506 27 27 // Status - Example how to use the MStatusDisplay 28 28 // 29 // Use a camera file as input 29 // Use a camera file as input ----- PRELIMINARY 30 30 // 31 31 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 32 32 33 33 #include "MStatusDisplay.h" 34 #include "MArray.h" 34 35 #include "MLog.h" 36 #include "MArgs.h" 37 #include "MLogManip.h" 35 38 #include "MParList.h" 36 39 #include "MTaskList.h" … … 39 42 #include "MMcPedestalCopy.h" 40 43 #include "MMcPedestalNSBAdd.h" 44 #include "MCerPhotCalc.h" 41 45 #include "MCerPhotAnal2.h" 42 46 //#include "MBlindPixelCalc.h" … … 51 55 52 56 #include <TApplication.h> 57 #include <TSystem.h> 58 59 static void StartUpMessage() 60 { 61 gLog << all << endl; 62 63 // 1 2 3 4 5 64 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 65 gLog << "==================================================" << endl; 66 gLog << " status - MARS V" << MARSVER << endl; 67 gLog << " MARS - Merging and Preprocessing Program" << endl; 68 gLog << " Compiled on <" << __DATE__ << ">" << endl; 69 gLog << " Using ROOT v" << ROOTVER << endl; 70 gLog << " PROGRAM IS PRELIMINARY - FOR TEST CASES ONLY" << endl; 71 gLog << "==================================================" << endl; 72 gLog << endl; 73 } 74 75 static void Usage() 76 { 77 gLog << all << endl; 78 gLog << "Sorry the usage is:" << endl; 79 gLog << " status [-a0] [-vn] [-cn] inputfile[.root]" << endl << endl; 80 gLog << " input file: Mars root file." << endl; 81 gLog << " -a0: Do not use Ansii codes." << endl; 82 gLog << " -vn: Verbosity level n [default=2]" << endl << endl; 83 } 53 84 54 85 55 86 int main(int argc, char **argv) 56 87 { 88 StartUpMessage(); 89 90 // 91 // Evaluate arguments 92 // 93 MArgs arg(argc, (const char**)argv); 94 95 // 96 // Set verbosity to highest level. 97 // 98 gLog.SetDebugLevel(arg.HasOption("-v") ? arg.GetIntAndRemove("-v") : 2); 99 100 if (arg.HasOption("-a") && arg.GetIntAndRemove("-a")==0) 101 gLog.SetNoColors(); 102 103 // 104 // check for the right usage of the program 105 // 106 if (arg.GetNumArguments()!=1) 107 { 108 Usage(); 109 return -1; 110 } 111 112 // 113 // This is to make argv[i] more readable insidethe code 114 // 115 TString kNamein = arg.GetArgumentStr(0); 116 117 if (!kNamein.EndsWith(".root")) 118 kNamein += ".root"; 119 120 // 121 // check whether the given files are OK. 122 // 123 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(kNamein, kFileExists)) 124 { 125 gLog << err << "Sorry, the input file '" << kNamein << "' doesn't exist." << endl; 126 return -1; 127 } 128 57 129 TApplication app("Status", &argc, argv); 58 130 if (gROOT->IsBatch() || !gClient) 131 { 132 gLog << "Bombing... maybe your DISPLAY variable is not set correctly!" << endl; 133 return 1; 134 } 135 136 MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); 137 MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); 59 138 60 139 // … … 93 172 // 94 173 MReadMarsFile read("Events"); 95 read.DisableAutoScheme();174 //read.DisableAutoScheme(); 96 175 97 176 // ------------- user change ----------------- 98 read.AddFile( "/home/tbretz/cosmics.root");177 read.AddFile(kNamein); 99 178 100 179 MGeomApply geomapl; 101 102 180 MMcPedestalCopy pcopy; 103 181 MMcPedestalNSBAdd pnsb; 104 MCerPhotAnal2 ncalc; 182 MCerPhotCalc ncalc; 183 // MCerPhotAnal2 ncalc; 105 184 /* 106 185 TArrayS blinds(6); … … 111 190 blinds[4] = 271; 112 191 blinds[5] = 291; 113 /* 192 114 193 blinds[3] = 51; 115 194 blinds[4] = 56; 116 blinds[5] = 112; //*117 blinds[6] = 31; //*195 blinds[5] = 112; 196 blinds[6] = 31; 118 197 blinds[7] = 116; 119 198 blinds[8] = 507; 120 199 blinds[9] = 559; 121 blinds[10]= 291; // 311, 119, 54, 85, 125, 92, 133, 224 */122 /* 200 blinds[10]= 291; // 311, 119, 54, 85, 125, 92, 133, 224 201 123 202 MBlindPixelCalc blind; 124 203 blind.SetPixelIndices(blinds); 125 204 //blind.SetUseInterpolation(); 126 205 */ 127 MSigmabarCalc sgcal;206 // MSigmabarCalc sgcal; 128 207 MImgCleanStd clean; 129 208 MHillasCalc hcalc; 130 209 MHillasSrcCalc scalc; // !!Preliminary!! Will be removed later! 131 MCT1SupercutsCalc calc1;210 // MCT1SupercutsCalc calc1; 132 211 133 212 MHCamEvent hist("PedestalRms"); … … 144 223 MFillH hfill6("MHHillasSrc","MHillasSrc"); 145 224 MFillH hfill7("MHNewImagePar","MNewImagePar"); 146 MFillH hfill8a("MHStarMap", "MHillas");147 MFillH hfill8b("MHStarMap2", "MHillas");225 //MFillH hfill8a("MHStarMap", "MHillas"); 226 //MFillH hfill8b("MHStarMap2", "MHillas"); 148 227 MFillH hfill9("Cleaned [MHCamEvent]", "MCerPhotEvt"); 149 MFillH hfill10("MHHadronness", "MHadronness");150 MFillH hfill11("MHSigmaTheta");228 //MFillH hfill10("MHHadronness", "MHadronness"); 229 //MFillH hfill11("MHSigmaTheta"); 151 230 152 231 tlist.AddToList(&read); … … 173 252 tlist.AddToList(&hfill9); 174 253 //tlist.AddToList(&hfill10); 254 //tlist.AddToList(&hfill11); 175 255 176 256 MEvtLoop evtloop; … … 185 265 186 266 tlist.PrintStatistics(); 187 188 267 return 0; 189 268 }
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