Changeset 262 for Evidence

07/26/10 17:53:31 (14 years ago)
Removed signaling to invoke ConfigChanged(), now it is run as separate thread. New command '/ResetMessage'
7 edited


  • Evidence/

    r255 r262  
    30 // Data handling class
     30// Class declaration
    3232class AlarmHandler: public DimClient, public EvidenceServer {
    148148        List[i].Level = 0;
    149149        List[i].WarnedLevel = 0;
    150         if (Server != "DIS_DNS") sendCommandNB((Server+"/EXIT").c_str(), (int) 0);
     150        sendCommandNB((Server+"/ResetMessage").c_str(), (int) 0);
    151151  }
  • Evidence/

    r253 r262  
    5151  public:
    52     Bridge(char *, int);
     52    Bridge();
    5353    ~Bridge();
    56 // Constructor
    57 Bridge::Bridge(char *Name, int Port): EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) {
    59   // Set primary DIM network to subscribe from
    60   DimClient::setDnsNode(Name, Port);
    62   // Initialise and request notification of configuration changes
     56// Constructor (ConfigChanged() is automatically called at start-up)
     57Bridge::Bridge(): EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) {
     59  // Initialise
    6360  ServerList = NULL;
    6461  GetConfig("cmdallow", " ");
    65   ActivateSignal(SIGUSR2);
    67   ConfigChanged();
    9387  // Check if configuratiomn changed
    94   if (ExcludeString == GetConfig("exclude")) return;
    95   ExcludeString = GetConfig("exclude");
    97   // Remove all previous subscriptions
    98   Undo();
     88  string NewExcludeString = GetConfig("exclude");
     90  Lock();
     91  if (ExcludeString != NewExcludeString) ExcludeString.swap(NewExcludeString);
     92  Unlock();
     93  if (ExcludeString == NewExcludeString) return;
    10095  // Compile regular expressions
    10196  regex_t R;
     97  vector<regex_t> RegEx;
    10299  vector<string> Exclude = Tokenize(ExcludeString, " \t");
    103100  for (int i=0; i<Exclude.size(); i++) {
    111108  }
    113   // Subscribe to top-level server list
     110  // Remove previous data, set new regular expressions and subscribe to top-level server list
     111  Lock();
     112  Undo();
     113  Bridge::RegEx = RegEx;
    114114  ServerList = new DimInfo((char *) "DIS_DNS/SERVER_LIST", NO_LINK, this);
     115  Unlock();
    267268        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    268269  }
     271  // Set primary DIM network to subscribe from
     272  DimClient::setDnsNode(argv[1], argc>2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : DEFAULT_PORT);
    270274  // Static ensures calling of destructor by exit()
    271   static Bridge Class(argv[1], argc>2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : DEFAULT_PORT);
     275  static Bridge Class;
    273277  // Sleep until signal caught
  • Evidence/

    r253 r262  
    1212  A mutex is used for preventing concurrent access to the configuration data from
    13   the methods rpcHandler() and ConfigChanged().
     13  the methods rpcHandler() and ReadConfig().
    1515  Oliver Grimm, July 2010
    4848    ~EvidenceConfig();
    50         void ConfigChanged();
     50        void ReadConfig();
    5656        DimRpc("ConfigRequest", "C", "C"), EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) {
    58   ConfigModified = NULL;        // Will be allocated in ConfigChanged()
     58  ConfigModified = NULL;        // Will be allocated in ReadConfig()
    5959  ConfigContent = NULL;
    6060  FileContent = NULL;
    7272  // Create DIM services
    73   ConfigChanged();
     73  ReadConfig();
    107107// Signalisation of configuration change
    108 void EvidenceConfig::ConfigChanged() {
     108void EvidenceConfig::ReadConfig() {
    110110  static int ModifyTime;
    249249  while (!Config.ExitRequest) {
    250250    if (Notify != -1) {
    251           if (read(Notify, &Event, sizeof(Event)) == sizeof(Event)) Config.ConfigChanged();
     251          if (read(Notify, &Event, sizeof(Event)) == sizeof(Event)) Config.ReadConfig();
    252252        }
    253253    else pause();         
  • Evidence/Doc/Evidence.tex

    r255 r262  
    130130\item Provides a method for configuration requests. If the configuration data is not available, the application terminates with a  message of FATAL severity unless default data is given.
    131131\item Provides a method for safely translating DIM service data into text.
    132 \item Implements the virtual DIM methods \lstinline{exitHandler()}. It can be called through a standard DIM command \lstinline{SvrName/EXIT}, taking a single integer as argument. Upon first invocation, the handler just sets the flag \lstinline{ExitRequest} which should be handled by the application. Upon second invocation, it will call \lstinline{exit()}. A special functionality is given to the argument value 0: it instructs the server to reset its message severity to INFO, without exiting. This is used by the \lstinline{Alarm} server if it receives a command to reset an alarm level, but is also available to the user. The user application can override this handler.
     132\item Implements the virtual DIM methods \lstinline{exitHandler()}. It can be called through a standard DIM command \lstinline{SvrName/EXIT}, taking a single integer as argument. Upon first invocation, the handler just sets the flag \lstinline{ExitRequest} which should be handled by the application. Upon second invocation, it will call \lstinline{exit()}. The user application can override this handler.
     133\item Provides a DIM command \lstinline{SvrName/ResetMessage}. It will set the message service to INFO severity with the information which client issued the command. This can be used to remove a WARN, ERROR or FATAL serverity once the problem has been fixed. The \lstinline{Alarm} server uses this command if it is instructed to reset an alarm level. The command takes no arguments.
    133134\item Implements the virtual DIM methods \lstinline{errorHandler()}. The error handler will issue a message with ERROR severity that contains the DIM error code. The user application can override this handler.
    134135\item Installs signal handler for SIGQUIT (ctrl-backspace), SIGTERM, SIGINT (ctrl-c), and SIGHUP (terminal closed). The signal handler sets first \lstinline{ExitRequest}, and on second invocation calls \lstinline{exit()}. After instantiating the class, the programmer may override the handlers.
    157158    void SendToLog(const char *, ...);
    158159    string GetConfig(string, string = string());
    159     void ActivateSignal(int);
     160        virtual void ConfigChanged() {};
    160161    void Lock();
    161162    void Unlock();
    163164    static bool ServiceOK(DimInfo *);
    164165    static bool ServiceOK(DimRpcInfo *);
     166        static bool ServiceOK(DimCurrentInfo *);
    165167    static vector<string> Tokenize(const string &, const string & = " ");
    179181\underline{\lstinline{GetConfig()}} issues, on first invocation, a DIM remote procedure call to the configuration server to retrieve the required data and returns it as a string. The second argument gives the data to be returned in case the server is unavailable or cannot provide the requested data. If in this case the second string is empty, the program terminates with a FATAL message. Using the service \lstinline{Config/ModifyTime}, the server keeps track of changes to the configuration file in the background. Upon subsequent requests for the same configuration data, it only issues a remote procedure call again if the file changed in the meantime. If not, the same data already retrieved is returned. This way, this function can be repeatedly called, even at high rate, without generating unnecessary load to the configuration server (as the configuration file does not change frequently).
    181 \underline{\lstinline{ActivateSignal()}} is used to define a signal that should be emitted to the main thread in case the configuration file changes. See Sect.\,\ref{ConfigHandling} for details. No signal will be emitted if not set by this routine.
    183 The methods \underline{\lstinline{Lock()}} and \underline{\lstinline{Unlock()}} work on an internal mutex.\footnote{Its type is \lstinline{PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK}. In case an already locked mutex is re-locked, the corresponding system call will therefore return a error and thus avoid dead-locking. Error messages from \lstinline{Lock()} and \lstinline{Unlock()} are written to the console and to the log file. They are not published using \lstinline{Message()} since this method itself uses locking and calling it would result in an infinite recursion.} They are used by \lstinline{GetConfig()} but are also available for the user application to serialize access from multiple threads. If a signal is set by \lstinline{ActivateSignal()}, it is masked before locking and unmasked after unlocking. Calling functions in the locked state should be avoided as it might result in re-locking.
     183The virtual method \underline{\lstinline{ConfigChanged()}} is executed in a separate thread when the configuration file changes. It can be reimplemented by the application. Calls to \lstinline{GetConfig()} from this method will be blocking and thus result in updated configuration data.
     185The methods \underline{\lstinline{Lock()}} and \underline{\lstinline{Unlock()}} work on an internal mutex.\footnote{Its type is \lstinline{PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK}. In case an already locked mutex is re-locked, the corresponding system call will therefore return a error and thus avoid dead-locking. Error messages from \lstinline{Lock()} and \lstinline{Unlock()} are written to the console and to the log file. They are not published using \lstinline{Message()} since this method itself uses locking and calling it would result in an infinite recursion.} They are used by \lstinline{GetConfig()} but are also available for the user application to serialize access from multiple threads. Calling functions in the locked state should be avoided as it might result in re-locking.
    185187The static method \underline{\lstinline{ToString()}} translates the contents of a DIM service safely into a string that is returned. As no consistency between a service format and the contained data is guaranteed by DIM, precautions are necessary to avoid buffer overruns. The method currently handles the standardized message format \lstinline{"I:1;C"}, arrays of numbers and strings. All other formats are translated into a hex representation. The arguments are the DIM service format, a pointer to the service data and the data size in bytes. It is thread safe as it uses only the arguments and dynamically allocated storage.
    187 The two variants of the static method \underline{\lstinline{ServiceOK()}} take a pointer to a received service update or result of a remote procedure call (as available in the respective handlers) and safely checks if its contents is identical to the constant \lstinline{NO_LINK}. If so, they return false. If using the same constant in the service declaration, this provides a safe way of being informed if a particular service becomes unavailable. Then, the handler is called once for that service with the data content \lstinline{NO_LINK}.
     189The static methods \underline{\lstinline{ServiceOK()}} take a pointer to a received service update or result of a remote procedure call (as available in the respective handlers) and safely checks if its contents is identical to the constant \lstinline{NO_LINK}. If so, they return false. If using the same constant in the service declaration, this provides a safe way of being informed if a particular service becomes unavailable. Then, the handler is called once for that service with the data content \lstinline{NO_LINK}.
    189191\underline{\lstinline{Tokenize()}} takes the string from the first argument, tokenizes it using the characters contained the second argument as delimeters, and returns a vector of strings containing all tokens.
    358360As a first step in achieving this, the application should not store the obtained configuration data internally, but always re-request it using the method \lstinline{GetConfig()} described in Sect.\,\ref{EvidenceServer-Methods}. This method will only issue a remote procedure call to the \lstinline{Config} server if the configuration file has been modified since the last invocation. So calling this method even at high rate will not load the configuration server at all if the configuraton file is unchanged, but will yield up-to-date information if it did change.
    360 The remote procedure call is blocking when called from the main thread, and non-blocking, using an \lstinline{rpcInfoHandler()}, when called from any other thread (especially also from the DIM handler thread). Blocking execution means that the remote procedure call will wait until the data has arrived from the server before returning to the application, whereas non-blocking execution will return immediately and invoke a handler later when the data arrived. This procedure is necessary since a blocking remote procedure call from \lstinline{infoHandler()} will result in a dead-lock.
     362The remote procedure call is blocking when called from the main thread or from the method \lstinline{ConfigChanged()} (which runs in a separate thread). It is non-blocking, using an \lstinline{rpcInfoHandler()}, when called from any other thread, especially also from the DIM handler thread. Blocking execution means that the remote procedure call will wait until the data has arrived from the server before returning to the application, whereas non-blocking execution will return immediately and invoke a handler later when the data arrived. This procedure is necessary since a blocking remote procedure call from \lstinline{infoHandler()} will result in a dead-lock.
    362364In the non-blocking case, the call to \lstinline{GetConfig()} returns still the previous, non-updated data even if the configuration file changed. The result of the non-blocking remote procedure call can only be processed by DIM once the current and all queued handler invocations have finished. When this is done, updated data will be returned by subsequent calls to \lstinline{GetConfig()}.
    366 An alternative, albeit for the programmer more demanding, procedure for semi-automatic updates on configuration information is to implement the method \lstinline{ConfigChanged()} in the user class. This method can be invoked through a signaling mechanism by the \lstinline{EvidenceServer} class.
    368 To this end, first \lstinline{ActivateSignal()} has to be called with a signal number that should be used for announcing configuration changes (for example, \lstinline{SIGUSR1}). That signal is send to the main thread when the service \lstinline{Config/ModifyTime} changes. The signal is caught by the internal signal handler of the \lstinline{EvidenceServer} class which in turn calls the method \lstinline{ConfigChanged()}. It is declared as \lstinline{virtual} in the class and defined as an empty function. The user application can override this by declaring and defining the method itself. This method is then executed in the main thread and thus \lstinline{GetConfig()} will use blocking connections to get always up-to-date data.
    370 However, it must be kept in mind that this routine is running as part of the signal handler. The normal main thread execution was interrupted at an arbitrary point by the signal, thus suitable protection must be employed by the programmer when accessing common data structures. To ease that, the \lstinline{EvidenceServer} class contains the pair of methods \lstinline{Lock()} and \lstinline{Unlock()} that work on an class internal mutex. When the mutex is acquired, also the signal declared by \lstinline{ActivateSignal()} is disabled, thus preventing interruptions in case a configuration update occurs in the locked state. The mutex type is \lstinline{PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK} and therefore includes error checking: no dead-lock will occur if double locking, but the program will terminate with a \lstinline{FATAL} message.   
     368An alternative, albeit for the programmer more demanding, procedure for semi-automatic updates on configuration information is to reimplement the virtual method \lstinline{ConfigChanged()} in the user class. This method is invoked as a separate thread by the \lstinline{EvidenceServer} class whenever the service \lstinline{Config/ModifyTime} changes (and also at program start-up). As it is not running within the DIM handler thread, \lstinline{GetConfig()} will use blocking connections to get immediately up-to-date data when called from \lstinline{ConfigChanged()}.
     370Running in a separate thread requires suitable protection by the programmer when accessing common data structures. To ease that, the \lstinline{EvidenceServer} class contains the pair of methods \lstinline{Lock()} and \lstinline{Unlock()} that work on an class internal mutex. The mutex type is \lstinline{PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK} and therefore includes error checking: no dead-lock will occur if double locking, but the program will terminate with a \lstinline{FATAL} message.   
  • Evidence/

    r255 r262  
    33 // Constructor
    34 EvidenceServer::Config::Config(string Name): DimRpcInfo("ConfigRequest", NO_LINK), Name(Name) {
    36   // Initialise
     33// Constructor: Subscribe to be informed on configuration file change
     34EvidenceServer::Config::Config():       DimRpcInfo("ConfigRequest", NO_LINK),
     35                                                                        DimCommand((This->Name+"/ResetMessage").c_str(), (char *) "") {
    3737  CurrentItem = string();
    3838  ConfigTimeStamp = 0;
    39   ThreadID = pthread_self();
    41   // Subscribe to be informed on configuration file change
    4239  Service = new DimInfo("Config/ModifyTime", NO_LINK, this);
     48// Reset message and severity
     49void EvidenceServer::Config::commandHandler() {
     51  This->Message(INFO, "Message reset by %s (ID %d)", getClientName(), getClientId());
    5154// Track last modification time of configuration file
    5255void EvidenceServer::Config::infoHandler() {
     57  pthread_t Thread;
     58  int Ret;
     60  if (!ServiceOK(DimInfo::getInfo())) return;
    5462  This->Lock();
    5563  ConfigTimeStamp = getInfo()->getInt();
    5664  This->Unlock();
    58   if (pthread_kill(ThreadID, This->ConfigSignal) != 0) {
    59         This->Message(WARN, "Could not send signal to main thread");
    60   }
    61 }
    63 // Receive answer to remote procedure call
     66  // Launch ConfigChanged() as detached thread
     67  if ((Ret = pthread_create(&Thread, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) EvidenceServer::CallConfigChanged, (void *) NULL)) != 0) {
     68    This->Message(ERROR, "pthread_create() failed in EvidenceServer::Config::infoHandler() (%s)\n", strerror(Ret));
     69  }
     70  else if ((Ret = pthread_detach(Thread)) != 0) {
     71        This->Message(ERROR, "pthread_detach() failed in EvidenceServer::Config::infoHandler() (%s)\n", strerror(Ret));
     72  } 
     75// Answer to remote procedure call: Update map
    6476void EvidenceServer::Config::rpcInfoHandler(){
    6678  This->Lock();
    67   // Update map
    68   List[CurrentItem].Value = string(getString(), getSize()-1);
    69   List[CurrentItem].Time = ConfigTimeStamp;
     79  This->List[CurrentItem].Value = string(DimRpcInfo::getString(), DimRpcInfo::getSize()-1);
     80  This->List[CurrentItem].Time = ConfigTimeStamp;
    7082  // Clear to allow new rpc call
    7183  CurrentItem.clear();
    75 // Return configuration data if still up to date or empty string otherwise
    76 string EvidenceServer::Config::GetConfig(string Item, string Default) {
     87// Request configuration data possible only when answer to previous request received
     88string EvidenceServer::Config::RequestNB(string Item) {
     90  This->Lock();
     91  if (CurrentItem.empty()) {
     92        CurrentItem = Item;
     93        setData(((char *) Item.c_str()));
     94  }
     95  This->Unlock();
     100// EvidenceServer Class //
     103// Initialise
     104EvidenceServer *EvidenceServer::This = NULL;
     105pthread_mutex_t EvidenceServer::Mutex;
     106set<pthread_t> EvidenceServer::Threads;
     109// Constructor
     110EvidenceServer::EvidenceServer(string ServerName): Name(ServerName) {
     112  // Initialize
     113  MessageService = NULL;
     114  MessageData = NULL;
     115  ExitRequest = false;
     116  This = this;
     117  Threads.insert(pthread_self());
     119  // Initialise mutex
     120  int Ret;
     121  pthread_mutexattr_t Attr;
     123  if ((Ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&Attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)) != 0) {
     124    Message(FATAL, "pthread_mutex_settype() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret));
     125  }
     126  if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_init(&Mutex, &Attr)) != 0) {
     127    Message(FATAL, "pthread_mutex_init() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret));
     128  }
     130  // Catch some signals
     131  signal(SIGQUIT, &SignalHandler);  // CTRL-Backspace
     132  signal(SIGTERM, &SignalHandler);  // Termination signal
     133  signal(SIGINT, &SignalHandler);   // CTRL-C
     134  signal(SIGHUP, &SignalHandler);   // Terminal closed
     136  // Catch C++ unhandled exceptions
     137  set_terminate(Terminate);
     139  // Message service and initial message
     140  MessageService = new DimService((Name+"/Message").c_str(), (char *) "I:1;C", NULL, 0);
     142  string Rev(EVIDENCE_REVISION);
     143  Message(INFO, "Server started (%s, compiled %s %s)", (Rev.substr(1, Rev.size()-3)).c_str(),__DATE__, __TIME__);
     145  // Configuration class
     146  ConfClass = new class Config();
     148  // Start server
     149  start(ServerName.c_str());
     150  addExitHandler(this);
     154// Destructor: Free memory
     155EvidenceServer::~EvidenceServer() {
     157  Message(INFO, "Server stopped");
     159  delete ConfClass;
     161  int Ret;
     162  if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&Mutex)) != 0) {
     163        Message(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_destroy() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret));
     164  }
     166  delete MessageService;
     167  delete[] MessageData;
     171// DIM exit handler
     172void EvidenceServer::exitHandler(int Code) {
     174  Message(INFO, "Exit handler called (DIM exit code %d)", Code);
     175  exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
     178// DIM error handler
     179void EvidenceServer::errorHandler(int Severity, int Code, char *Text) {
     181  Message(ERROR, "%s (DIM error code %d, DIM severity %d)\n", Text, Code, Severity);
     185// Set server message (if Severity is FATAL, exit() will be invoked)
     186void EvidenceServer::Message(MessageType Severity, const char *Format, ...) {
     188  static const char* StateString[] = {"Info", "Warn", "Error", "Fatal"};
     189  static char ErrorString[] = "vasprintf() failed in Message()";
     190  char *Text;
     192  // Assemble message from application
     193  va_list ArgumentPointer;
     194  va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format);
     195  if (vasprintf(&Text, Format, ArgumentPointer) == -1) {
     196        Text = ErrorString;
     197        Severity = ERROR;
     198  }
     199  va_end(ArgumentPointer);
     201  // Generate new Message structure and free text
     202  struct Message *NewMsg = (struct Message *) new char [sizeof(struct Message)+strlen(Text)+1];
     203  NewMsg->Severity = Severity;
     204  strcpy(NewMsg->Text, Text);
     205  if (Text != ErrorString) free(Text);
     207  // Send message to console and log file
     208  printf("%s (%s): %s\n", MessageService->getName(), StateString[Severity], NewMsg->Text);
     209  SendToLog("%s (%s): %s", MessageService->getName(), StateString[Severity], NewMsg->Text);
     211  // Update DIM message service
     212  if (MessageService != NULL) {
     213        MessageService->updateService(NewMsg, sizeof(struct Message)+strlen(NewMsg->Text)+1);
     214  }
     216  // Delete old message
     217  Lock();
     218  delete[] MessageData;
     219  MessageData = NewMsg;
     220  Unlock(); 
     222  // Terminate if severity if FATAL 
     223  if (Severity == FATAL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
     227// Send to central logging server with non-blocking command
     228void EvidenceServer::SendToLog(const char *Format, ...) {
     230  static char ErrorString[] = "vasprintf() failed in SendToLog()";
     231  char *Buffer;
     232  int Ret;
     234  // Evaluate variable argument list
     235  va_list ArgumentPointer;
     236  va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format);
     237  Ret = vasprintf(&Buffer, Format, ArgumentPointer);
     238  va_end(ArgumentPointer);
     240  // Send to logger
     241  if (Ret != -1) {
     242        DimClient::sendCommandNB("DColl/Log", Buffer);
     243        free (Buffer);
     244  }
     245  else DimClient::sendCommandNB("DColl/Log", ErrorString);
     249// Get configuration data
     251// Program terminates if data is missing and no default given. Actual configuration
     252// request will be made only if config file has modification since last request.
     253// If called from infoHandler(), a non-blocking request will be made
     254string EvidenceServer::GetConfig(string Item, string Default) {
    78256  string Result;
     257  bool Blocking = false;
    80259  // If up-to-date data in configuration list available, return this
    81   This->Lock();
    82   if ((List.count(Item) > 0) && (List[Item].Time >= ConfigTimeStamp)) Result = List[Item].Value;
    83   This->Unlock();
     260  Lock();
     261  if ((List.count(Item) > 0) && (List[Item].Time >= ConfClass->ConfigTimeStamp)) Result = List[Item].Value;
     262  if (Threads.count(pthread_self()) != 0) Blocking = true;
     263  Unlock();
    84264  if (!Result.empty()) return Result;
    86   // Blocking configuration request if in main thread
    87   if (pthread_self() == ThreadID) {
     266  // Blocking configuration request
     267  if (Blocking) {
    88268        DimRpcInfo Config((char *) "ConfigRequest", NO_LINK);
    89269        Config.setData((char *) (Name + " " + Item).c_str());
    92272        if (!EvidenceServer::ServiceOK(&Config)) {
    93273      if (Default.empty()) {
    94                 This->Message(FATAL, "Configuration server unreachable, can't retrieve '%s'", Item.c_str());
     274                Message(FATAL, "Configuration server unreachable, can't retrieve '%s'", Item.c_str());
    95275          }
    96276          else Result = Default;
    103283        // Update configuration map     
    104284        if (!Result.empty()) {
    105           This->Lock();
     285          Lock();
    106286          List[Item].Value = Result;
    107           List[Item].Time = ConfigTimeStamp;
    108           This->Unlock();
     287          List[Item].Time = ConfClass->ConfigTimeStamp;
     288          Unlock();
    109289        }       
    110290  }
    112   // Non-blocking configuration request from other threads
    113   if (pthread_self() != ThreadID) {
    114         This->Lock();
     292  // Non-blocking configuration request
     293  if (!Blocking) {
     294        Lock();
    115295        if (List.count(Item) > 0) {
    116           // New request possible only when answer to previous request received
    117           if (CurrentItem.empty()) {
    118                 CurrentItem = Item;
    119                 setData(((char *) (Name + " " + Item).c_str()));
    120           }
    122           // Return current value
     296          ConfClass->RequestNB(Name + " " + Item);
    123297          Result = List[Item].Value;
    124298        }
    125         This->Unlock();
    126   }
     299        Unlock();
     300  }
     302  // Terminate if no configuration information found
     303  if (Result.empty()) Message(FATAL, "Missing configuration data '%s'", Item.c_str());
    128305  return Result;
    132 //////////////////////////
    133 // EvidenceServer Class //
    134 //////////////////////////
    136 // Initialise
    137 int EvidenceServer::ConfigSignal = 0;
    138 EvidenceServer *EvidenceServer::This = NULL;
    140 // Constructor
    141 EvidenceServer::EvidenceServer(string ServerName): Name(ServerName) {
    143   // Initialize
    144   MessageService = NULL;
    145   MessageData = NULL;
    146   ExitRequest = false;
    147   This = this;
    149   // Initialise mutex
    150   int Ret;
    151   pthread_mutexattr_t Attr;
    153   if ((Ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&Attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)) != 0) {
    154     Message(FATAL, "pthread_mutex_settype() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    155   }
    156   if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_init(&Mutex, &Attr)) != 0) {
    157     Message(FATAL, "pthread_mutex_init() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    158   }
    160   // Catch some signals
    161   signal(SIGQUIT, &SignalHandler);  // CTRL-Backspace
    162   signal(SIGTERM, &SignalHandler);  // Termination signal
    163   signal(SIGINT, &SignalHandler);   // CTRL-C
    164   signal(SIGHUP, &SignalHandler);   // Terminal closed
    166   // Catch C++ unhandled exceptions
    167   set_terminate(Terminate);
    169   // Configuration class (must be instantiate after signal handling installed)
    170   ConfClass = new class Config(Name);
    172   // Message service and initial message
    173   MessageService = new DimService((Name+"/Message").c_str(), (char *) "I:1;C", NULL, 0);
    175   string Rev(EVIDENCE_REVISION);
    176   Message(INFO, "Server started (%s, compiled %s %s)", (Rev.substr(1, Rev.size()-3)).c_str(),__DATE__, __TIME__);
    178   // Start server
    179   start(ServerName.c_str());
    180   addExitHandler(this);
    181 }
    183 // Destructor: Free memory
    184 EvidenceServer::~EvidenceServer() {
    186   Message(INFO, "Server stopped");
    188   delete ConfClass;
    190   int Ret;
    191   if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&Mutex)) != 0) {
    192         Message(ERROR, "pthread_mutex_destroy() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    193   }
    195   delete MessageService;
    196   delete[] MessageData; 
    197 }
    199 // DIM exit handler
    200 void EvidenceServer::exitHandler(int Code) {
    202   if (Code == 0) Message(INFO, "Message cleared by %s (ID %d)", getClientName(), getClientId());
    203   else {
    204         Message(INFO, "Exit handler called (DIM exit code %d)", Code);
    205         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
    206   }
    207 }
    209 // DIM error handler
    210 void EvidenceServer::errorHandler(int Severity, int Code, char *Text) {
    212   Message(ERROR, "%s (DIM error code %d, DIM severity %d)\n", Text, Code, Severity);
    213 }
    215 // Set server message (if Severity is FATAL, exit() will be invoked)
    216 void EvidenceServer::Message(MessageType Severity, const char *Format, ...) {
    218   static const char* StateString[] = {"Info", "Warn", "Error", "Fatal"};
    219   static char ErrorString[] = "vasprintf() failed in Message()";
    220   char *Text;
    222   // Assemble message from application
    223   va_list ArgumentPointer;
    224   va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format);
    225   if (vasprintf(&Text, Format, ArgumentPointer) == -1) {
    226         Text = ErrorString;
    227         Severity = ERROR;
    228   }
    229   va_end(ArgumentPointer);
    231   // Generate new Message structure and free text
    232   struct Message *NewMsg = (struct Message *) new char [sizeof(struct Message)+strlen(Text)+1];
    233   NewMsg->Severity = Severity;
    234   strcpy(NewMsg->Text, Text);
    235   if (Text != ErrorString) free(Text);
    237   // Send message to console and log file
    238   printf("%s (%s): %s\n", MessageService->getName(), StateString[Severity], NewMsg->Text);
    239   SendToLog("%s (%s): %s", MessageService->getName(), StateString[Severity], NewMsg->Text);
    241   // Update DIM message service
    242   if (MessageService != NULL) {
    243         MessageService->updateService(NewMsg, sizeof(struct Message)+strlen(NewMsg->Text)+1);
    244   }
    246   // Delete old message
    247   Lock();
    248   delete[] MessageData;
    249   MessageData = NewMsg;
    250   Unlock(); 
    252   // Terminate if severity if FATAL 
    253   if (Severity == FATAL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    254 }
    257 // Send to central logging server with non-blocking command
    258 void EvidenceServer::SendToLog(const char *Format, ...) {
    260   static char ErrorString[] = "vasprintf() failed in SendToLog()";
    261   char *Buffer;
    262   int Ret;
    264   // Evaluate variable argument list
    265   va_list ArgumentPointer;
    266   va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format);
    267   Ret = vasprintf(&Buffer, Format, ArgumentPointer);
    268   va_end(ArgumentPointer);
    270   // Send to logger
    271   if (Ret != -1) {
    272         DimClient::sendCommandNB("DColl/Log", Buffer);
    273         free (Buffer);
    274   }
    275   else DimClient::sendCommandNB("DColl/Log", ErrorString);
    276 }
    279 // Get configuration data
    280 //
    281 // Program terminates if data is missing and no default given. Actual configuration
    282 // request will be made only if config file has modification since last request.
    283 // If called from infoHandler(), a non-blocking request will be made
    284 string EvidenceServer::GetConfig(string Item, string Default) {
    286   string Result = ConfClass->GetConfig(Item, Default);
    287   if (Result.empty()) Message(FATAL, "Missing configuration data '%s'", Item.c_str());
    288   return Result;
    289 }
    292 // Set signal emitted when configuraton file changes, signal handler calls ConfigChanged()
    293 void EvidenceServer::ActivateSignal(int Signal) {
    295   struct sigaction S;
    297   ConfigSignal = Signal;
    298   S.sa_handler = &SignalHandler;
    299   S.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
    300   sigaction(Signal, &S, NULL);
    301 }
    304309// Locking and unlocking functions.
    305 // Signal blocked before locking (pthread_mutex_lock() not asynch-signal safe).
    306310// Message() is not used to avoid infinite recursion
    307311void EvidenceServer::Lock() {
    309313  int Ret;
    310   sigset_t Set;
    312   if (ConfigSignal != 0) {
    313         Ret = abs(sigemptyset(&Set));
    314         Ret += abs(sigaddset(&Set, ConfigSignal));
    315         Ret += abs(pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &Set, NULL));
    317         if (Ret != 0) {
    318           printf("Signal masking failed in Lock()");
    319           SendToLog("Signal masking failed in Lock()");
    320           exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    321         }
    322   }
    324   if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex)) != 0) {
     315  if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&EvidenceServer::Mutex)) != 0) {
    325316        printf("pthread_mutex_lock() failed in Lock() (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    326317        SendToLog("pthread_mutex_lock() failed in Lock() (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    333324  int Ret;
    334   sigset_t Set;
    336   if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex)) != 0) {
     326  if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&EvidenceServer::Mutex)) != 0) {
    337327        printf("pthread_mutex_unlock() failed in Unlock() (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    338328        SendToLog("pthread_mutex_unlock() failed in Unlock() (%s)", strerror(Ret));
    339329        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    340   }
    342   if (ConfigSignal != 0) {
    343         Ret = abs(sigemptyset(&Set));
    344         Ret += abs(sigaddset(&Set, ConfigSignal));
    345         Ret += abs(pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &Set, NULL));
    347         if (Ret != 0) {
    348           printf("Signal unmasking failed in Unlock()");
    349           SendToLog("Signal unmasking failed in Unlock()");
    350           exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    351         }
    352   }
     330  } 
    356334// ====== Static methods ======
     336// Stub to call ConfigChanged() method of class as separate thread
     337// Thread set is used to determine if blocking or non-blocking rpc is to be used
     338void EvidenceServer::CallConfigChanged() {
     340  EvidenceServer::Lock();
     341  EvidenceServer::Threads.insert(pthread_self());
     342  EvidenceServer::Unlock();
     344  This->ConfigChanged();
     346  EvidenceServer::Lock();
     347  EvidenceServer::Threads.erase(pthread_self());
     348  EvidenceServer::Unlock();
    358352// Signal handler (causes pause() and other syscalls to return)
    361355  static bool Called = false;
    363   // If signal indicates configuration change, invoke call-back
    364   if (Signal == EvidenceServer::ConfigSignal) {
    365     This->ConfigChanged();
    366         return;
    367   }
    369357  // At first invocation just request exit
    378366  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    381370// C++ exception handler (derived from gcc __verbose_terminate_handler())
     483bool EvidenceServer::ServiceOK(DimCurrentInfo *Item) {
     485  return !((Item->getSize() == strlen(NO_LINK)+1) && 
     486          (memcmp(Item->getData(), NO_LINK, Item->getSize()) == 0));
    495490// Tokenize std::string using given delimeter list
  • Evidence/Evidence.h

    r253 r262  
    1010#include <vector>
    1111#include <map>
     12#include <set>
    1314#include <exception>
    2021#define EVIDENCE_REVISION "$Revision$"
     23void ConfigChanged();
    2225// Class declation of Evidence server
    2326class EvidenceServer: public DimServer {
    2528        // Internal class for configuration requests
    26         class Config: public DimClient, public DimRpcInfo {
     29        class Config: public DimInfo, public DimCommand, public DimRpcInfo {
    28                 std::string Name;
    2931                DimInfo *Service;
    30                 int ConfigTimeStamp;
    3132                std::string CurrentItem;
    32                 pthread_t ThreadID;
    34                 struct Item {
    35                   std::string Value;
    36                   int Time;
    37                 };
    38                 std::map<std::string, struct Item> List;
     34                void commandHandler();
    4035                void infoHandler();
    4136                void rpcInfoHandler();
    4338          public:
    44                 Config(std::string);
     39                Config();
    4540                ~Config();
    47                 std::string GetConfig(std::string, std::string);
     42                int ConfigTimeStamp;
     43                std::string RequestNB(std::string);
    4844        };
     46        struct Item {
     47          std::string Value;
     48          int Time;
     49        };
     50        std::map<std::string, struct Item> List;
    5052        struct Message {
    5759        struct Message *MessageData;
    5860        class Config *ConfClass;
    59         static int ConfigSignal;                // static since accessed in signal handler
    60         pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
     61        static pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
     62        static std::set<pthread_t> Threads;
    6163        static EvidenceServer *This;
    6567        virtual void errorHandler(int, int, char *);
    6668        virtual void exitHandler(int);
    67         virtual void ConfigChanged() {};
     69    static void CallConfigChanged();    // static for phread_create()
    6971  public:
    7577        void Message(MessageType, const char *, ...);
    76         void SendToLog(const char *, ...);
     78        static void SendToLog(const char *, ...);
    7779        std::string GetConfig(std::string, std::string = std::string());
    78         void ActivateSignal(int);
    79         void Lock();
    80         void Unlock();
     80        virtual void ConfigChanged() {};
     81        static void Lock();
     82        static void Unlock();
    8183        static std::string ToString(char *, void *, int);
    8284        static bool ServiceOK(DimInfo *);
    8385        static bool ServiceOK(DimRpcInfo *);
     86        static bool ServiceOK(DimCurrentInfo *);
    8487        static std::vector<std::string> Tokenize(const std::string &, const std::string & = " ");
  • Evidence/readme.txt

    r255 r262  
    282823/6/2010       GetConfig() returns std::string. Non-blocking configuration request in case
    2929                        GetConfig() not called from main thread. Access to configuration information
    30                         internally mutex protected. With ActivateSignal() a signal can be set that is send
    31                         to main thread upon configuration file change, the build-in signal handler then
    32                         invokes the (virtual) method ConfigChanged().
     30                        internally mutex protected.
    333124/6/2010       Workaround for erroneous /SERVICE_LIST updates. Added static tokenize method to
    3432                        Evidence class.
    464421/7/2010       Lock()/Unlock() do not report errors via Message(), but print to console and use
    4745                        SendToLog(). That avoids a recursion problem since Message() also uses locking.
    48                         The general exitHandler() will react in a special way to code 0: it will reset
    49                         the message severity. This feature is used by Alarm if it receives a command to
    50                         reset an alarm level.
     4626/7/2010       General command '/ResetMessage' will reset message text and severity. This feature is
     47                        used by Alarm if it receives a command to reset an alarm level.
     48                        ConfigChanged() is called as separate thread when configuration file changes. Thread ID
     49                        is checked in GetConfig() and also from this thread it will make blocking requests.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.