Changeset 3027 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars

02/05/04 17:21:09 (21 years ago)
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2 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r3025 r3027  
    99     - removed all TStrings and replace them by Form(..)
    1010     - Check for nan's of all returned fit values
     12   * mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc]
     13     - reshuffled HiLoGainConversion, calculation of F-Factor method,
     14     - calculation of total F-Factor of the readout.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationPix.h

    r3012 r3027  
    1414  static const Float_t gkElectronicPedRms;    // The pure electronic component of the RMS
    1515  static const Float_t gkErrElectronicPedRms; // The error of the pure electronic component of the RMS
    16   static const Float_t gkFFactor;             // The laboratory F-factor
    17   static const Float_t gkFFactorError;        // The laboratory F-factor Error
     16  static const Float_t gkFFactor;             // The laboratory F-factor of the PMTs
     17  static const Float_t gkFFactorError;        // The laboratory F-factor Error of the PMTs
    1818  static const Float_t gkChargeLimit;         // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted mean charge
    1919  static const Float_t gkChargeErrLimit;      // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted charge sigma
    2121  static const Float_t gkTimeLimit;           // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    2222  static const Float_t gkTimeErrLimit;        // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
     23  static const Float_t gkConvFFactorRelErrorLimit; // The limit (in units of [1]) for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
    2426  Int_t   fPixId;                     // the pixel Id
    3032  Float_t fSigmaCharge;         // The sigma of the mean charge after the fit
    3133  Float_t fErrSigmaCharge;      // The error of the sigma of the mean charge after the fit
    32   Float_t fRSigmaSquare;        // The reduced squares of sigmas after the fit
     34  Float_t fRSigmaCharge;        // The reduced squares of sigmas after the fit
     35  Float_t fErrRSigmaCharge;     // The reduced squares of sigmas after the fit 
    3336  Float_t fChargeProb;          // The probability of the fit function
    3740  Float_t fErrPedRms;           // The error of the pedestal  RMS (from MPedestalPix) 
    39   Float_t fTime;                // The mean arrival time after the fit
    40   Float_t fErrTime;             // The mean arrival time error after the fit   
    41   Float_t fSigmaTime;           // The error of the mean arrival time after the fit
     42  Float_t fMeanTimeOffset;      // The mean relative arrival time offset after the fit
     43  Float_t fMeanTimeOffsetError; // The mean relative arrival time offset error after the fit   
     44  Float_t fTimingPrecision;     // The error of the mean arrival time after the fit
    4245  Float_t fTimeProb;            // The probability of the fit function
    5558  Float_t fPheFFactorMethodError;           // The error on the number of Phe's calculated (F-factor method)
    57   Float_t fConversionFFactorMethod;         // The conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
    58   Float_t fConversionBlindPixelMethod;      // The conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    59   Float_t fConversionPINDiodeMethod;        // The conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    61   Float_t fConversionErrorFFactorMethod;    // The error of the conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
    62   Float_t fConversionErrorBlindPixelMethod; // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    63   Float_t fConversionErrorPINDiodeMethod;   // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    65   Float_t fConversionSigmaFFactorMethod;    // The sigma of conversion factor to Ph's (F-factor method)
    66   Float_t fConversionSigmaBlindPixelMethod; // The conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    67   Float_t fConversionSigmaPINDiodeMethod;   // The conversion factor to Phd's (PIN Diode method)
     60  Float_t fMeanConversionFFactorMethod;     // The conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
     61  Float_t fMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod;  // The conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
     62  Float_t fMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod;    // The conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
     64  Float_t fErrorConversionFFactorMethod;    // The error of the conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
     65  Float_t fErrorConversionBlindPixelMethod; // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
     66  Float_t fErrorConversionPINDiodeMethod;   // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
     68  Float_t fSigmaConversionFFactorMethod;    // The sigma of conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
     69  Float_t fSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod; // The conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
     70  Float_t fSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod;   // The conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
     72  Float_t fTotalFFactor;                    // The F-Factor of the total readout system (Sigma(out)/mean(out)*Mean(in)/sigma(in)
     73  Float_t fTotalFFactorError;               // The error on the F-Factor of the total readout system
    6975  Float_t fConversionHiLo;                  // The conversion factor between Hi Gain and Lo Gain 
    7076  Float_t fConversionHiLoError;             // The error of the conversion factor between Hi Gain and Lo Gain 
     78  Float_t fNumHiGainSamples;
     79  Float_t fNumLoGainSamples;
     81  Bool_t fFactorCalculated;
    7283  enum  { kHiGainSaturation,
    8192  Bool_t CheckTimeFitValidity();
    8293  Bool_t CheckOscillations(); 
     95  Bool_t CalcFFactorMethod();
    94107  // Charges
    95   Float_t GetCharge()              const { return fCharge;         }
    96   Float_t GetErrCharge()           const { return fErrCharge;      }
    97   Float_t GetChargeProb()          const { return fChargeProb;     }   
    98   Float_t GetSigmaCharge()         const { return fSigmaCharge;    }
    99   Float_t GetErrSigmaCharge()      const { return fErrSigmaCharge; }
    100   Float_t GetRSigmaSquare()        const { return fRSigmaSquare;   }
     108  Float_t GetCharge()              const { return fCharge;          }
     109  Float_t GetErrCharge()           const { return fErrCharge;       }
     110  Float_t GetChargeProb()          const { return fChargeProb;      }   
     111  Float_t GetSigmaCharge()         const { return fSigmaCharge;     }
     112  Float_t GetErrSigmaCharge()      const { return fErrSigmaCharge;  }
     113  Float_t GetRSigmaCharge()        const { return fRSigmaCharge;    }
     114  Float_t GetErrRSigmaCharge()     const { return fErrRSigmaCharge; } 
    102116  // Times 
    103   Float_t GetTime()                const { return fTime;           }
    104   Float_t GetErrTime()             const { return fErrTime;        } 
    105   Float_t GetSigmaTime()           const { return fSigmaTime;      }
    106   Float_t GetTimeProb()            const { return fTimeProb;       }     
     117  Float_t GetMeanTimeOffset()       const { return fMeanTimeOffset;      }
     118  Float_t GetMeanTimeOffsetError()  const { return fMeanTimeOffsetError; } 
     119  Float_t GetTimingPrecision()      const { return fTimingPrecision;     }
     120  Float_t GetTimingPrecisionError() const;
     121  Float_t GetTimeProb()             const { return fTimeProb;            }     
    108123  Float_t GetAbsTimeMean()         const { return fAbsTimeMean;    }
    114129  Float_t GetConversionHiLoError()            const  { return fConversionHiLoError;   }
    116   Float_t GetMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod()  const { return fConversionBlindPixelMethod ; }
    117   Float_t GetErrorConversionBlindPixelMethod() const { return fConversionErrorBlindPixelMethod ; }
    118   Float_t GetSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod() const { return fConversionSigmaBlindPixelMethod ; }
    120   Float_t GetMeanConversionFFactorMethod()     const { return fConversionFFactorMethod ;       }
    121   Float_t GetErrorConversionFFactorMethod()    const { return fConversionErrorFFactorMethod ;  }
    122   Float_t GetSigmaConversionFFactorMethod()    const { return fConversionSigmaFFactorMethod ;  }
    124   Float_t GetPheFFactorMethod()                const { return fPheFFactorMethod;               }
    125   Float_t GetPheFFactorMethodError()           const { return fPheFFactorMethodError;          }
    127   Float_t GetMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod()    const { return fConversionPINDiodeMethod ;      }
    128   Float_t GetErrorConversionPINDiodeMethod()   const { return fConversionErrorPINDiodeMethod ; }
    129   Float_t GetSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod()   const { return fConversionSigmaPINDiodeMethod ; }
     131  Float_t GetMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod()  const { return fMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod ; }
     132  Float_t GetErrorConversionBlindPixelMethod() const { return fErrorConversionBlindPixelMethod ; }
     133  Float_t GetSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod() const { return fSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod ; }
     135  Float_t GetMeanConversionFFactorMethod();
     136  Float_t GetErrorConversionFFactorMethod();
     137  Float_t GetSigmaConversionFFactorMethod();
     139  Float_t GetMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod()    const { return fMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod ;  }
     140  Float_t GetErrorConversionPINDiodeMethod()   const { return fErrorConversionPINDiodeMethod ; }
     141  Float_t GetSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod()   const { return fSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod ; }
     143  Float_t GetPheFFactorMethod();   
     144  Float_t GetPheFFactorMethodError();
    131146  Int_t   GetPixId()                           const  { return fPixId;   }
    134149  Float_t GetPedRms()                          const { return fPedRms; }
     151  Float_t GetTotalFFactor();
     152  Float_t GetTotalFFactorError();
    136154  Bool_t IsExcluded()              const;
    137155  Bool_t IsChargeFitValid()        const;
    139157  Bool_t IsFitted()                const;
    140158  Bool_t IsBlindPixelMethodValid() const;
    141   Bool_t IsFFactorMethodValid()    const;
    142159  Bool_t IsPINDiodeMethodValid()   const;
     160  Bool_t IsFFactorMethodValid();
    144162  // Setter
    145   void SetPedestal(Float_t ped, Float_t pedrms);
     163  void SetPedestal(Float_t ped, Float_t pedrms, Float_t higainsamp, Float_t logainsamp);
    146164  void SetConversionHiLo(Float_t c)      { fConversionHiLo      = c;    }
    147165  void SetConversionHiLoError(Float_t e)  { fConversionHiLoError = e;    }
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