11/26/99 08:37:35 (25 years ago)
Adding the Checkmc project
1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/CvsDoku/body.html

    r322 r330  
    4343in the repository on a single (security reasons) linux computer in Max-Planck-Institut
    4444für Physik in Munich. As a remote developer you must declare the environment
    45 variable.
     45variable in the following way.
    4646<P><B><FONT COLOR="#33FF33">setenv&nbsp;&nbsp; CVSROOT&nbsp; :ext:pchegra4.mppmu.mpg.de:/CvsRepository&nbsp;</FONT></B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    4747for tcsh (use the syntax of your shell)
    48 <P><BLINK>The access from other computers is still under construction and
    49 tests.</BLINK>
     48<P>This assumes that you don't have a local CVS repository for your own
     50<BR><BLINK>The access from other computers is still under construction
     51and tests.</BLINK>
    5052<P>If you want access please inform<A HREF="mailto:harald@hegra1.mppmu.mpg.de">
    5153Harald Kornmayer&nbsp;</A> in Munich. For more details about the structure
    5254of the repository see <A HREF="#Anchor_StructureRepository">here.</A>
     55<P>For those developers, that work in other repositories in other experiments:
     56<P>You can access to the repository of MAGIC by typing:
     57<P><B><FONT COLOR="#33FF33">cvs -d :ext:pchegra4.mppmu.mpg.de:/CvsRepository&nbsp;
     58{command}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {project}</FONT></B>
     59<P>example:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cvs -d :ext:pchegra4.mppmu.mpg.de:/CvsRepository
     60checkout Camera
     61<BR>It is also possible to set an alias cvsmagic "cvs -d :ext:pchegra4.mppmu.mpg.de:/CvsRepository"
    6271planning to do bigger changes create your own development branch. But don't
    6372wait to long with committing.
    64 <BR>
     73<P>If you want to play a little around with CVS for magic, there is a project
     74only for testing. The project is calles CvsDummy. Inside this projects
     75there are some file. You can try tho change them, add new file and test
     76also the commit command.
    6579<HR WIDTH="100%">
    6680<BR><A NAME="Anchor_Projects"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>Projects</FONT></FONT></B>
    7185Carlo Simulation )</FONT></FONT>
    7286<BR>This is the adapted CORSIKA code for calculating air showers.
     87<P><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=+1>Checkmc</FONT></FONT>
     88<BR>This progam is to check the output of Mmcs. It is using hbook stuff.
    7389<P><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=+1>Reflector</FONT></FONT>
    7490<BR>With this program you can track the cerenkov photons generated by Mmcs
    8298<BR>To display one event use this nice Gui package.
     101<P><FONT COLOR="#CC6600"><FONT SIZE=+1>CvsDummy</FONT></FONT>
     102<BR>This is the project for CVS beginners to play with a project. How to
     103use comand with out the danger of destroying some stuff.
    85105It is obvious that some source code of a given directory is part of different
    163183<TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Corsika">Corsika</A></FONT></TD>
    165 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Mmcs</FONT></TD>
     185<TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Mmcs">Mmcs</A></FONT></TD>
     201<TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Checkmc">Checkmc</A></FONT></TD>
     405<TD><FONT SIZE=+1>CvsDummy&nbsp;</FONT></TD>
    389441<BR>All things needed for the simulation of Air Showers. All this simulation
    390442are based on the CORSIKA program of the KASCADE group in Karlsruhe.
    391 <BR>&nbsp;
    392 <P><A NAME="Anchor_Detector"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Detector</FONT></FONT>
     443<BLOCKQUOTE><A NAME="Anchor_Mmcs"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Mmcs</FONT></FONT>
     444<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">(Magic Monte Carlo Simulation)</FONT>
     445<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Here you find all stuff for the generation of
     446air showers using the CORSIKA program.</FONT>
     447<P><A NAME="Anchor_Checkmc"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Checkmc</FONT></FONT>
     448<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">After the production of air shower it is good
     449to get an impression about the reliabability of the produced data. This
     450can be done by this project.</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
     452<P><BR><A NAME="Anchor_Detector"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Detector</FONT></FONT>
    393453<BR>&nbsp;Every thing that is needed to transfer the simulated events to
    394454the common raw data format. There are a lot of different tools inside this
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.