Changeset 351 for trunk/MagicSoft

02/08/00 12:50:36 (25 years ago)
This is the version of the class MTrigger that was presented at the
general MAGIC in BARCELONA at the beginning of February. It is inside the
repository for further development. Especially for a better implementation
of diskriminator, NN, secondLevelTrigger, and NSB simulations.
2 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx

    r307 r351  
    66#include "MTrigger.hxx"
     8#include "TROOT.h"
     9#include "TFile.h"
     10#include "TH1.h"
     11#include "TObjArray.h"
     12#include "MGTriggerSignal.hxx"
     15MTrigger::MTrigger() {
     17  FILE *unit_mtrig ;
     18  Int_t endflag = 1  ;
     19  char   datac[256] ;
     20  char   dummy[50] ;
     21  //
     22  //  default constructor
     23  // 
     24  //  The procedure is the following:
     25  //
     26  //  1. Allocation of some memory needed
     27  //  2. some parameters of the trigger are set to default.   
     28  //  3. if a File MTrigger.card exists in the current directory,
     29  //     this parameters of the trigger may be changed
     30  //  4. Then the all signals are set to zero
     32  //
     33  //   allocate the memory for the 2dim arrays (a_sig, d_sig )
     34  //
     36  for( Int_t j=0; j<TRIGGER_PIXELS; j++ ) {
     38    a_sig[j] = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     40    d_sig[j] = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     41  }
     43  //
     44  //   set the values for the standard response pulse
     45  //
     47  fwhm_resp = RESPONSE_FWHM       ;
     48  ampl_resp = RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE  ;
     50  chan_thres    = CHANNEL_THRESHOLD  ;
     51  gate_leng     = TRIGGER_GATE       ;
     52  trigger_multi = TRIGGER_MULTI      ;
     54  //
     55  //  check if the file MTrigger.card exists
     56  //
     58  if ( (unit_mtrig = fopen ("MTrigger.card", "r")) != 0 ) {
     59    cout << "[MTrigger]  use the values from MTrigger.card "<< endl ;
     61    while ( endflag == 1  ) {
     62      //
     63      //
     64      fgets (datac, 255, unit_mtrig) ;
     65      //      printf ("--> %s <--", datac ) ;
     67      //
     68      //   now compare the line with controlcard words
     69      //
     71      if (      strncmp (datac, "channel_threshold", 17 ) == 0 ) {
     72        sscanf (datac, "%s %f", dummy, &chan_thres ) ;
     73      }
     74      else if ( strncmp (datac, "gate_length", 11 ) == 0 ) {
     75        sscanf (datac, "%s %f", dummy, &gate_leng ) ;
     76      }
     77      else if ( strncmp (datac, "response_fwhm", 13 ) == 0 ) {
     78        sscanf (datac, "%s %f", dummy, &fwhm_resp ) ;
     79      }
     80      else if ( strncmp (datac, "response_ampl", 13 ) == 0 ) {
     81        sscanf (datac, "%s %f", dummy, &ampl_resp ) ;
     82      }
     84      if ( feof(unit_mtrig) != 0 ) {
     85        endflag = 0 ;
     86      }
     88    }
     90    fclose ( unit_mtrig ) ;
     91  }
     92  else {
     93    cout << "[MTrigger]  use the standard values for MTrigger "<< endl ;
     94  }
     96  cout << endl
     97       << "[MTrigger]  Setting up the MTrigger with this values "<< endl ;
     98  cout << endl
     99       << "[MTrigger]    ChannelThreshold:   " << chan_thres << " mV"
     100       << endl ;
     102  cout << "[MTrigger]    Gate Length:        " << gate_leng  << " ns"
     103       << endl ;
     104  cout << "[MTrigger]    Response FWHM:      " << fwhm_resp  << " ns"
     105       << endl ;
     106  cout << "[MTrigger]    Response Amplitude: " << ampl_resp  << " mV"
     107       << endl ;
     109  cout << endl ;
     110  //
     111  //    set up the response shape
     112  //
     113  Int_t  i, ii ;
     115  Float_t   sigma ;
     116  Float_t   x, x0 ;
     118  sigma = fwhm_resp / 2.35 ;
     119  x0 = 3*sigma ;
     121  for (i=0; i< RESPONSE_SLICES ; i++ ) { 
     123    x = i * (1./((Float_t)SLICES_PER_NSEC))
     124      + (1./( 2 * (Float_t)SLICES_PER_NSEC ))  ;
     126    sing_resp[i] =
     127      ampl_resp * expf(-0.5 * (x-x0)*(x-x0) / (sigma*sigma) ) ;
     129    //      cout << i << "  "
     130    //           << x << "  "
     131    //           << sing_resp[i]
     132    //           << endl ;
     134  }
     136  //
     137  //   the amplitude of one single photo electron is not a constant.
     138  //   There exists a measured distribution from Razmik. This distribution
     139  //   is used to simulate the noise of the amplitude.
     140  //   For this a histogramm (histPmt) is created and filled with the
     141  //   values.
     142  //
     144  histPmt = new TH1F ("histPmt","Noise of PMT", 40, 0., 40.) ;
     146  Stat_t ValRazmik[41] = { 0., 2.14, 2.06, 2.05, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08,  2.15,
     147                           2.27, 2.40, 2.48, 2.55, 2.50, 2.35, 2.20,  2.10,
     148                           1.90, 1.65, 1.40, 1.25, 1.00, 0.80, 0.65,  0.50,
     149                           0.35, 0.27, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12,  0.10,
     150                           0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005,0.003, 0.001} ;
     152  histMean =  histPmt->GetMean() ;   
     154  histPmt->SetContent( ValRazmik) ;
     156  histMean =  histPmt->GetMean() ;
     158  //
     159  //   create the random generator for the Electronic Noise
     160  //
     162  GenElec = new TRandom() ;
     165  //
     166  //  Read in the lookup table for NN trigger
     167  //
     169  FILE *unit ;
     170  int id ;
     171  float y ;
     173  i = 0 ;
     175  if ( (unit = fopen("../include-MTrigger/TABLE_NEXT_NEIGHBOUR", "r" )) == 0 ) {
     176    cout << "ERROR: not able to read ../include-MTrigger/TABLE_NEXT_NEIGHBOUR"
     177         << endl ;
     178    exit(123) ;
     179  } 
     180  else {
     181    while ( i < TRIGGER_PIXELS )
     182      {
     183        fscanf ( unit, " %d", &id ) ;
     185        for ( Int_t k=0; k<6; k++ ) {
     186          fscanf ( unit, "%d ", &NN[i][k]  ) ;
     187        }
     188        i++ ;
     189      }
     191    fclose (unit) ;
     192  }
     195  //
     196  //
     197  //  set all the booleans used to FALSE, indicating that the pixel is not
     198  //  used in this event.
     199  //
     201  for ( i =0 ; i <TRIGGER_PIXELS ; i++ ) {
     202    used [i] = FALSE ;
     204    nphot[i] = 0 ;
     205  }
     207  for ( ii=0 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     208    sum_d_sig[ii] = 0. ; 
     209  }
     211  //
     212  //   set the information about the Different Level Triggers to zero
     213  //
     215  nZero = nFirst = nSecond = 0 ;
     217  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
     218    SlicesZero[i]   = 0 ;
     219    SlicesFirst[i]  = 0 ;
     220    SlicesSecond[i] = 0 ;
     221  }
     223  cout << " end of MTrigger::MTrigger()" << endl ;
     226MTrigger::~MTrigger() {
     228  delete histPmt ;
     231void MTrigger::Reset() {
     232  //
     233  //  set all values of the signals to zero
     234  //
     235  Int_t  i, ii ;
     237  for ( i =0 ; i <TRIGGER_PIXELS ; i++ ) {
     238    used [i] = FALSE ;
     239    dknt [i] = FALSE ;
     241    nphot[i] = 0 ;
     242    }
     244  for ( ii=0 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     245    sum_d_sig[ii] = 0. ; 
     246  }
     248  //
     249  //   set the information about the Different Level Triggers to zero
     250  //
     252  nZero = nFirst = nSecond = 0 ;
     254  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
     255    SlicesZero[i]   = 0 ;
     256    SlicesFirst[i]  = 0 ;
     257    SlicesSecond[i] = 0 ;
     258  }
     263Float_t  MTrigger::Fill( Int_t iPix, Float_t time ) {
     264  //
     265  // fills the information about one single Phe in the Trigger class
     266  //
     267  // parameter is the number of the pixel and the time-difference to the
     268  // first particle
     269  //
     270  //
     272  Int_t i, ichan ;
     274  Float_t NoiseAmp = 0 ;   //  Amplitude of the PMT signal (results from noise)
     276  //
     277  //   first we have to check if the pixel iPix is used or not until now
     278  //   if this is the first use, reset all signal for that pixels
     279  //
     280  if ( iPix >= CAMERA_PIXELS ) {
     281    //
     282    //   the PixelID is greater than the CAMERA 
     283    //
     284    cout << " WARNING:  MTrigger::Fill() :  iPix greater than CAMERA_PIXELS"
     285         << endl ;
     286    NoiseAmp = 0. ;
     287  }
     288  else if ( iPix >=TRIGGER_PIXELS ) {
     289    //
     290    //   the pixel is inside the Camera, but outside of the TRIGGER-FIELD
     291    // 
     292    //   we just scramble the amplitude of the PMT-signal for the FADC
     293    //
     294    //   scramble the Amplitude of this single photo electron signal
     295    //
     296    NoiseAmp = (histPmt->GetRandom()/histMean) ;
     297  }
     298  else {
     299    //
     300    //   the photoelectron is contributing to the trigger
     301    //
     302    if ( used[iPix] == FALSE ) {
     303      used [iPix] = TRUE ;
     304      //      baseline[iPix] = 0. ;
     306      for (i=0; i < TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; i++ ) {
     307        a_sig[iPix][i] = 0. ;
     308        d_sig[iPix][i] = 0. ;
     309      }
     310    }
     312    //
     313    //   then select the time slice to use (ican)
     314    //
     317    if ( time < 0. ) {
     318      cout << "  WARNING!!   " << time << "  below ZERO!! Very strange!!"
     319           << endl ;
     320    }
     321    else if ( time < TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME ) {
     322      nphot[iPix]++ ;
     323      //
     324      ichan = (Int_t) ( time * ((Float_t) SLICES_PER_NSEC) ) ;
     326      //
     327      //   scramble the Amplitude of this single photo electron signal
     328      //
     329      NoiseAmp = (histPmt->GetRandom()/histMean) ;
     331      for ( i = 0 ; i<RESPONSE_SLICES; i++ ) {
     333        if ( (ichan+i) < TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES ) { 
     334          a_sig[iPix][ichan+i] += NoiseAmp * sing_resp[i] ;
     336        }
     337      }
     338    }
     339    else {
     340      cout << "  WARNING!!   " << time << "  out of TriggerTimeRange "
     341           << TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME << endl ;
     342    }
     343  }
     345  return NoiseAmp ;
     350Float_t  MTrigger::FillNSB( Int_t iPix, Float_t time ) {
     351  //
     352  // fills the information about one single Phe in the Trigger class
     353  //
     354  // parameter is the number of the pixel and the time-difference to the
     355  // first particle
     356  //
     357  //
     359  Int_t i, ichan ;
     361  Float_t NoiseAmp = 0 ;   //  Amplitude of the PMT signal (results from noise)
     363  //
     364  //   first we have to check if the pixel iPix is used or not until now
     365  //   if this is the first use, reset all signal for that pixels
     366  //
     367  if ( iPix >= CAMERA_PIXELS ) {
     368    cout << " WARNING:  MTrigger::Fill() :  iPix greater than CAMERA_PIXELS"
     369         << endl ;
     370  }
     371  else if ( iPix >= TRIGGER_PIXELS ) {
     372    //
     373    //   scramble the Amplitude of this single photo electron signal
     374    //
     375    NoiseAmp = (histPmt->GetRandom()/histMean) ;
     376  }
     378  else {
     379    if ( used[iPix] == FALSE ) {
     380      used [iPix] = TRUE ;
     381      //      baseline[iPix] = 0. ;
     383      for (i=0; i < TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; i++ ) {
     384        a_sig[iPix][i] = 0. ;
     385        d_sig[iPix][i] = 0. ;
     386      }
     387    }
     389    //
     390    //   then select the time slice to use (ican)
     391    //
     393    if ( time < 0. ) {
     394      cout << "  WARNING!!   " << time << "  below ZERO!! Very strange!!"
     395           << endl ;
     396    }
     397    else if ( time < TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME ) {
     398      //
     399      //  FillNSB doesn't add a photon to nphot[iPix] as the method Fill do!!
     400      //
     402      ichan = (Int_t) ( time * ((Float_t) SLICES_PER_NSEC) ) ;
     404      //
     405      //   scramble the Amplitude of this single photo electron signal
     406      //
     407      NoiseAmp = (histPmt->GetRandom()/histMean) ;
     409      for ( i = 0 ; i<RESPONSE_SLICES; i++ ) {
     411        if ( (ichan+i) < TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES ) { 
     412          a_sig[iPix][ichan+i] += NoiseAmp * sing_resp[i] ;
     413        }
     414      }
     415    }
     416    else {
     417      cout << "  WARNING!!   " << time << "  out of TriggerTimeRange "
     418           << TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME << endl ;
     419    }
     420  }
     422  return NoiseAmp ;
     426void MTrigger::ElecNoise() {
     428  Float_t rausch ;
     430  rausch = RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE * 0.3 ;
     432  for ( Int_t i=0 ; i < TRIGGER_PIXELS; i++  ) {
     433    if ( used [i] == TRUE ) {
     434      //cout << "Pixel " << i << " used"  ;
     436      for ( Int_t ii=1 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     438        a_sig [i][ii] +=  GenElec->Gaus(0., rausch  ) ;
     440      }
     441    }
     442  }
     447Int_t MTrigger::Diskriminate() {
     449  cout << " MTrigger::Diskriminate()" << flush ;
     451  Int_t  iM = 0 ;
     452  Int_t  i, ii  ;
     454  Int_t  jmax = (Int_t) (gate_leng * SLICES_PER_NSEC )  ;
     457  //
     458  //    first of all determine the integral of all signals to get
     459  //    the baseline shift.
     460  //
     463  for ( i=0 ; i < TRIGGER_PIXELS ; i++ ) {
     464    if ( used[i] == TRUE ) {
     465      baseline[i] = 0. ;
     467      for ( ii = 0 ;  ii < TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES ; ii++ ) {
     468        baseline[i] += a_sig[i][ii] ;
     469      }
     471      baseline[i] = baseline[i] / ( (Float_t ) TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES)  ;
     473      //cout << "Pixel " << i
     474      //   << " baseline " << baseline[i]
     475      //   <<endl ;
     477    }
     478  }
     480  //
     481  //  take only that pixel which are used
     482  //
     484  for ( i=0 ; i < TRIGGER_PIXELS; i++  ) {
     485    if ( used [i] == TRUE ) {
     486      //cout << "Pixel " << i << " used"  ;
     488      for ( ii=1 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     490        //
     491        // first check if the signal is crossing the CHANNEL_THRESHOLD
     492        // form low to big signals
     493        //
     495        if ( a_sig[i][ii-1] <   chan_thres  &&
     496             a_sig[i][ii]   >=  chan_thres  ) {
     497          {
     498            if ( dknt[i] == FALSE ) {
     499              dknt [i] = TRUE ;
     500              iM++ ;
     501            }
     502            //    cout << " disk " << ii  ;
     503            //
     504            //   put the standard diskriminator signal in
     505            //   the diskriminated signal
     506            //
     507            for ( Int_t j=0 ; j < jmax ; j++ ) {
     509              if ( ii+j  < TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES ) {
     510                d_sig  [i][ii+j] = 1. ; 
     511                sum_d_sig [ii+j] += 1. ; 
     512              }
     513            }
     514            ii = ii + jmax ;
     515          }
     516        }
     517      }
     518      //      cout << endl ;
     519    }
     520  }
     522  //cout << "**  MTrigger::Diskriminate()  " << iM << endl ;
     525  //
     526  //   determine the number of zero level triggers
     527  //
     528  //   zero level trigger = the sum of all diskriminated signals
     529  //   is above the TRIGGER_MULTI value.
     530  //   only for this events it is neccessay to look for next neighbours!!!
     531  //
     533  if ( iM > TRIGGER_MULTI ) {
     534    Int_t iReturn = 0 ;
     536    for ( ii=1 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     537      if ( sum_d_sig[ii] > TRIGGER_MULTI ) {
     538        iReturn++ ;
     540        SlicesZero[nZero++] = ii ;
     542        //
     543        //    if a trigger occurs we read out the next 50 nsec
     544        //
     545        //    -> don't study the next 50/0.25 = 200 slices
     546        //
     547        ii = ii + 200 ;
     548      }     
     549    }
     551    return ( iReturn ) ;
     552  }
     553  else {
     554    return ( 0 ) ;
     555  }
     557  return ( 0 ) ;
     561Int_t MTrigger::FirstLevel() {
     563  Int_t iReturn = 0 ;
     565  Bool_t Muster[TRIGGER_PIXELS] ;
     566  Int_t  iMulti = 0 ;
     568  // cout << "#### MTrigger::FirstLevel()" << endl ;
     569  // cout << nZero << "  " << SlicesZero[0] <<  endl ;
     571  if ( nZero > 1 ) {
     572    cout << " INFORMATION:  more than one Zero Level TRIGGER " << endl ;
     573  }
     575  //
     576  //   loop over all ZeroLevel Trigger
     577  //
     578  //   it is only neccessary to look after a ZeroLevel Trigger for
     579  //   a FirstLevel (NextNeighbour) trigger.
     580  //
     582  for (Int_t iloop = 0; iloop < nZero ; iloop++ ) {
     584    //
     585    //   Then run over all slices
     586    //   start at the ZeroLevelTrigger slices
     587    //
     589    for ( Int_t iSli = SlicesZero[iloop];
     590          iSli < SlicesZero[iloop]+ 200; iSli++ ) {
     592      //
     593      //  then look in all pixel if the diskriminated signal is 1
     594      //
     595      iMulti = 0 ;
     597      for ( Int_t iPix = 0 ; iPix < TRIGGER_PIXELS; iPix++ ) {
     598        Muster[iPix] = kFALSE ;
     600        if ( used [iPix] == TRUE ) {
     601          //
     602          //  now check the diskriminated signal
     603          //
     604          if ( d_sig [iPix][iSli] > 0. ) {
     606            iMulti++ ;
     607            Muster[iPix] = kTRUE ;
     608          }
     609        }
     610      } // end of loop over the pixels
     612      //
     613      //   here we have to look for next neighbours
     614      //
     616      if ( PassNextNeighbour ( Muster ) ) {
     617        //
     618        //   A NN-Trigger is detected at time Slice
     619        //
     620        SlicesFirst[nFirst++] = iSli ;
     621        iReturn++ ;
     622        break ;
     623      }   
     624    } // end of loop over the slices 
     626  } // end of loop over zerolevelTriggers
     628  //
     629  //   return the Number of FirstLevel Triggers
     630  //
     631  return iReturn ;
     635Bool_t MTrigger::PassNextNeighbour ( Bool_t m[] ) {
     636  //
     637  //  This method is looking for next neighbour triggers using a
     638  //  NNlookup table. This table is builded by the default constructor
     639  //
     641  Int_t iNN ;
     643  //
     644  //   loop over all trigger pixels
     645  //
     646  for ( Int_t i=0; i<TRIGGER_PIXELS; i++) {
     647    //
     648    //  check if this pixel has a diskrminator signal
     649    //  (this is inside m[] )
     650    //
     652    if ( m[i] ) {
     653      iNN = 1 ;
     654      //      cout << "/ " << i  ;
     656      //
     657      //  look in the next neighbours from the lookuptable
     658      //
     659      for ( Int_t kk=0; kk<6; kk++ ) {
     660        //
     661        //  if the nextneighbour is outside the triggerarea do nothing
     662        //
     663        if (NN[i][kk] >= TRIGGER_PIXELS ) {
     665        }
     666        // the nextneighbout is inside the TRIGGER_PIXELS
     667        else {
     668          //
     669          //  look if the boolean of nn pixels is true
     670          //
     672          if ( m[ NN[i][kk] ] ) {
     673            iNN++ ;
     674          } 
     675        }
     676      }
     678      //   cout << "   NN  " << iNN ;
     680      if ( iNN >=4 ) {
     681        return ( kTRUE ) ;
     682      } 
     683    }
     684  }
     685  return ( kFALSE ) ;
     688Float_t MTrigger::GetFirstLevelTime(Int_t il ) {
     689  return ( (Float_t)SlicesFirst[il]/ SLICES_PER_NSEC   ) ;
     694void MTrigger::ShowSignal (MMcEvt *McEvt) {
     695  //
     696  //  This method is used to book the histogramm to show the signal in
     697  //  a special gui frame (class MGTriggerSignal). After the look onto the
     698  //  signals for a better understanding of the things we will expect
     699  //  the gui frame and all histogramms will be destroyed.   
     700  //
     702  //
     703  //  first of all create a list of the histograms to show
     704  //
     705  //  take only that one with a entry
     707  TH1F *hist ;
     708  TH1F *dhist ;
     709  Char_t dumm[10];
     710  Char_t name[256];
     712  TObjArray  *AList ;
     713  AList = new TObjArray(10) ;
     715  TObjArray  *DList ;
     716  DList = new TObjArray(10) ;
     718  // the list of analog signal histograms
     719  // at the beginning we initalise 10 elements
     720  // but this array expand automaticly if neccessay
     722  Int_t ic = 0 ;
     723  for ( Int_t i=0 ; i < TRIGGER_PIXELS; i++  ) {
     724    if ( used [i] == TRUE ) {
     726      sprintf (dumm, "A_%d", i ) ;
     727      sprintf (name, "analog %d", i ) ;
     729      hist = new TH1F(dumm, name, TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES, 0., TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME);
     730      //
     731      //  fill the histogram
     732      //
     734      for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin <=TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ibin++) {
     735        hist->SetBinContent (ibin, a_sig[i][ibin-1]) ;
     736      }
     737      hist->SetMaximum(8.);
     738      hist->SetStats(kFALSE);
     740      AList->Add(hist) ;
     742      sprintf (dumm, "D_%d", i ) ;
     743      sprintf (name, "digital %d", i ) ;
     745      dhist = new TH1F(dumm, name, TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES, 0., TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME);
     746      if ( dknt[i] == TRUE ) {
     747        //
     748        //   fill the histogram of digital signal
     749        //
     750        for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin <=TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ibin++) {
     751          dhist->SetBinContent (ibin, d_sig[i][ibin-1]) ;
     752          dhist->SetStats(kFALSE);
     753        }
     754      }
     755      dhist->SetMaximum(1.5);
     757      DList->Add(dhist);
     759      ic++ ;
     761    }
     762  } 
     764  //
     765  //   create the Gui Tool
     766  //
     767  //
     769  new MGTriggerSignal(McEvt,
     770                      AList,
     771                      DList,
     772                      gClient->GetRoot(),
     773                      gClient->GetRoot(),
     774                      400, 400 ) ;
     776  //
     777  //   delete the List of histogramms
     778  //
     780  AList->Delete() ;
     781  DList->Delete() ;
     783  delete AList ;
     784  delete DList ;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.hxx

    r307 r351  
    1 //
     1#ifndef __MTrigger__
     2#define __MTrigger__
    24//     class MTrigger
    1214#include <math.h>
     16#include "TROOT.h"
    1417#include "TObject.h"
     18#include "TRandom.h"
     19#include "TH1.h"
    1621#include "Mdefine.h"
     22#include "MMcEvt.h"
    18 #define TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES    400
     24#include "MTriggerDefine.h"
     28//  MTrigger
    20 //      We need 400 Time Slices of 0.25 nsec width.
    21 //      So the whole Time range we studies is 100 nsec.
     30//  The simulation of the Trigger for MonteCarlo Events is using this
     31//  class. So all methods concerning the trigger should be done inside this
     32//  class.
    23 #define RESPONSE_SLICES        40
     34//  For a better understanding of the behavior of the trigger is here small
     35//  abstract of the trigger. This may change in the future.
    25 //       This is for the standard response Signal to 1 Photoelectron
    26 //       that leaves the Photocathode
    27 //       The whole Timescale for the signal is 10 nsec
     38//  We now from the camera program (This is the surrounding of the class
     39//  MTrigger.) that one photo electron leaves at time t the photo cathode
     40//  of the pixel number iPix).
     42//  At the end of the PMT, the preamp, the optical fiber transmission we
     43//  get a signal of a given shape. After some discussion with Eckart the
     44//  standard response function looks like this :   
     46//  It is a gaussian Signal with a given FWHM.
     48//  So whenever a photo electron leaves the photo cathod, on has to add
     49//  the standard response function to the analog signal of the pixel.
     51//  Each pixel of the camera has such an summed-up analog signal. It may
     52//  look like this picture:
    30 //       These values are discussed with Eckart. We start from this point.
    31 #define RESPONSE_FWHM          2.
    32 #define RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE     1.
     55//  This is the input of the discriminator for the pixels. The output of
     56//  the discriminator is a digital signal. The response of the diskriminator
     57//  is not fixed at the moment. There are discussion about this topic.
     59//  At the moment the response is very simple. Whenever the analog signal
     60//  is crossing a defined threshold from below to above, a digital signal
     61//  with a given length is created.
     63//  No one can start with the simulation of different trigger levels.
     65//  The TriggerLevelZero is a very easy one. It is just looking if there
     66//  are more then N digital signals at level ON (=1). If this is the case,
     67//  a TriggerLevelZero signal is created.
    34 //       This are the Standard values of the response function for
    35 //       1 photo electron.
    36 //       We assume a gaussian pulse with FWHM 2.5 nsec.
    37 //
     69//  The TriggerLevelOne is not implemented now. This will be a kind of next
     70//  neighbour condition (i.e. four neigbouring analog signals at the same
     71//  time, but this requests at least four digital signals at level ON, what
     72//  is equivalent with a TriggerLevelZero.   
     75class MTrigger {
    39 #define CHANNEL_THRESHOLD      2.
    40 //
    41 //       This is the diskriminator threshold for each individual channel
    42 //       First we set the value to 2 unit of the RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE
    43 //
    44 #define TRIGGER_GATE           3.
    45 //
    46 //       Here we set the width of the digital signal we get if the signal
    47 //       passes the diskriminator
    48 //
    49 #define TRIGGER_MULTI          4. 
    50 //
    51 //       We get a Level Zero Trigger, if we have a least TRIGGER_MULTI
    52 //       channels with a diskrimiator signal at the same time
    53 //
     77 private:
     78  //
     79  //    then for all pixels the shape of all the analog signals
     80  //
     81  Bool_t   used [TRIGGER_PIXELS] ;  //  a boolean to indicated if the pixels is used in this event
     82  Int_t    nphot[TRIGGER_PIXELS];   //  count the photo electrons per pixel (NSB phe are not counted)
     84  Float_t  *a_sig[TRIGGER_PIXELS] ; //  the analog signal for pixels
     86  Float_t  baseline[TRIGGER_PIXELS] ; //  for the baseline shift
     88  //
     89  //    then for all pixels the shape of the digital signal
     90  //
     91  Bool_t  dknt [TRIGGER_PIXELS] ;  //  a boolean to indicated if the pixels has passed the diskrminator
     92  Float_t *d_sig[TRIGGER_PIXELS] ; //  the digital signal for all pixels
     94  //
     95  //    and the sum of all digital signals
     96  //
     97  Float_t sum_d_sig[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     100  //
     101  //    first the data for the response function
     102  //
     103  Float_t fwhm_resp ;                      // fwhm of the phe_response function
     104  Float_t ampl_resp ;                      // amplitude of the phe_response function (in mV)
     105  Float_t sing_resp[ RESPONSE_SLICES ] ;   // the shape of the phe_response function
     107  TH1F     *histPmt ;
     108  Float_t  histMean ;    // Mean value of the distribution of Rasmik (stored in histPmt)
     109  TRandom  *GenElec  ;   // RandomGenerator for the Electronic Noise
     111  //
     112  //    some values for the trigger settings
     113  //
     115  Float_t chan_thres ; // the threshold (in mV) for each individuel pixels
     116  Float_t gate_leng  ; // the length of the digital signal if analog signal is above threshold
     118  Float_t trigger_multi  ;  // Number of Pixels requested for a Trigger
     120  //
     121  //  The lookup table for the next neighbours
     122  //
     124  Int_t NN[TRIGGER_PIXELS][6] ;
     126  //
     127  //    some information about the different TriggerLevels in each Event
     128  //
     130  Int_t  nZero ;         // how many ZeroLevel Trigger in one Event
     131  Int_t  SlicesZero[5] ; // Times Slices at which the ZeroLevel Triggers occur
     133  Int_t  nFirst ;         // how many FirstLevel Trigger in one Event
     134  Int_t  SlicesFirst[5] ; // Times Slices at which the FirstLevel Triggers occur
     136  Int_t  nSecond ;         // how many SecondLevel Trigger in one Event
     137  Int_t  SlicesSecond[5] ; // Times Slices at which the SecondLevel Triggers occur
     142  MTrigger() ;
     144  ~MTrigger() ;
     146  void Reset() ;
     148  Float_t  Fill( Int_t, Float_t ) ; 
     150  Float_t  FillNSB( Int_t, Float_t ) ; 
     152  void ElecNoise() ;
     154  Int_t Diskriminate() ;
     156  Int_t FirstLevel() ;   
     158  Bool_t PassNextNeighbour( Bool_t m[] ) ;
     160  void ShowSignal (MMcEvt *McEvt) ;
     162  Float_t GetFirstLevelTime( Int_t il ) ;
     164} ;
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