Changeset 3602

03/29/04 18:58:22 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
4 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r3601 r3602  
    3232   * mcalib/
     33   * mbadpixels/
    3334     - adopt to new style in MBadPixelsPix.h
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/

    r3559 r3602  
    211211using namespace std;
     213const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCalc::fgChargeLimit              = 3.;
     214const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCalc::fgChargeErrLimit           = 0.;
     215const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCalc::fgChargeRelErrLimit        = 1.;
     216const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCalc::fgTimeLowerLimit           = 1.;
     217const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCalc::fgTimeUpperLimit           = 2.;
    213218// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    232237    Clear();
     239    SetChargeLimit();
     240    SetChargeErrLimit(); 
     242    SetChargeRelErrLimit();
     243    SetTimeLowerLimit();
     244    SetTimeUpperLimit();
    380392      }
    382       pix.SetAbsTimeBordersHiGain(fSignals->GetFirstUsedSliceHiGain(),
    383                                   fSignals->GetLastUsedSliceHiGain());
    384       pix.SetAbsTimeBordersLoGain(fSignals->GetFirstUsedSliceLoGain(),
    385                                   fSignals->GetLastUsedSliceLoGain());
    386394    }
    451459  if (cal.IsHiGainSaturation())
    452460    {
    453       cal.SetPedestal(avped/avnum  * fNumLoGainSamples,
     461      cal.SetPedestal(avped/avnum * fNumLoGainSamples,
    454462                      avrms/avnum * fSqrtLoGainSamples,
    455463                      avrms/avnum * fSqrtLoGainSamples/avnum);
    458466  else
    459467    {
    460       cal.SetPedestal(avped/avnum  * fNumHiGainSamples,
     468      cal.SetPedestal(avped/avnum * fNumHiGainSamples,
    461469                      avrms/avnum * fSqrtHiGainSamples,
    462470                      avrms/avnum * fSqrtHiGainSamples/avnum);
    477   cal.CheckChargeValidity (&bad);
    478   cal.CheckTimeValidity   (&bad);
     485  //
     486  // The check return kTRUE if:
     487  //
     488  // 1) Pixel has a fitted charge greater than fChargeLimit*PedRMS
     489  // 2) Pixel has a fit error greater than fChargeVarLimit
     490  // 3) Pixel has a fitted charge greater its fChargeRelVarLimit times its charge error
     491  // 4) Pixel has a charge sigma bigger than its Pedestal RMS
     492  //
     493  if (cal.GetMeanCharge() < fChargeLimit*cal.GetPedRms())
     494    {
     495      *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Fitted Charge: " << cal.GetMeanCharge() << " is smaller than "
     496            << fChargeLimit << " Pedestal RMS: " <<  cal.GetPedRms() << " in Pixel  " << cal.GetPixId() << endl;
     497      bad.SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::kChargeIsPedestal);
     498      bad.SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun   );
     499    }
     501  if (cal.GetMeanChargeErr() < fChargeErrLimit)
     502    {
     503      *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Sigma of Fitted Charge: " << cal.GetMeanChargeErr() << " is smaller than "
     504            << fChargeErrLimit << " in Pixel  " << cal.GetPixId() << endl;
     505      bad.SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::kChargeErrNotValid );
     506      bad.SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun     );
     507    }
     509   if (cal.GetMeanCharge() < fChargeRelErrLimit*cal.GetMeanChargeErr())
     510    {
     511      *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Fitted Charge: " << cal.GetMeanCharge() << " is smaller than "
     512            << fChargeRelErrLimit << "* its error: " << cal.GetMeanChargeErr() << " in Pixel  " << cal.GetPixId() << endl;
     513      bad.SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::kChargeRelErrNotValid );
     514      bad.SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun        );
     515    }
     517  if (cal.GetSigmaCharge() < cal.GetPedRms())
     518    {
     519      *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Sigma of Fitted Charge: " << cal.GetSigmaCharge()
     520            << " smaller than Pedestal RMS: " << cal.GetPedRms() << " in Pixel  " << cal.GetPixId() << endl;
     521      bad.SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::kChargeSigmaNotValid );
     522      bad.SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun       );
     523    }
     525  //
     526  // The check returns kTRUE if:
     527  //
     528  // The mean arrival time is at least 1.0 slices from the lower edge slices and 2 slices from the upper edge
     529  //
     530  const Byte_t loweredge  = cal.IsHiGainSaturation() ? fSignals->GetFirstUsedSliceLoGain()
     531                                                     : fSignals->GetFirstUsedSliceHiGain();
     532  const Byte_t upperedge  = cal.IsHiGainSaturation() ? fSignals->GetLastUsedSliceLoGain()
     533                                                     : fSignals->GetLastUsedSliceHiGain();
     535  const Float_t lowerlimit = (Float_t)loweredge + fTimeLowerLimit;
     536  const Float_t upperlimit = (Float_t)upperedge + fTimeUpperLimit; 
     538  if ( cal.GetAbsTimeMean() < lowerlimit)
     539    {
     540      *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Mean ArrivalTime in first " << fTimeLowerLimit
     541            << " extraction bin of the Pixel " << cal.GetPixId() << endl;
     542      *fLog << cal.GetAbsTimeMean() << "   " << lowerlimit << endl;
     543      bad.SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::kMeanTimeInFirstBin );
     544      bad.SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun      );
     545    }
     547  if ( cal.GetAbsTimeMean() > upperlimit )
     548    {
     549      *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Mean ArrivalTime in last " << fTimeUpperLimit
     550            << " two extraction bins of the Pixel " << cal.GetPixId() << endl;
     551      *fLog << cal.GetAbsTimeMean() << "   " << upperlimit << endl;
     552      bad.SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::kMeanTimeInLast2Bins );
     553      bad.SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun       );
     554    }
    480556  if (bad.IsUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun))
    633709  fCam->SetReadyToSave();
    635   PrintInfo();
    637   return kTRUE;
    638 }
    640 void MCalibrationChargeCalc::PrintInfo()
    641 {
    643711  *fLog << inf << endl;
    644712  *fLog << GetDescriptor() << ": Calibration statistics:" << endl;
    645713  *fLog << dec << setfill(' ');
    647715  UInt_t countinner = 0;
    648716  UInt_t countouter = 0; 
    662730        << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    664   countinner = 0;
    665   countouter = 0;
     732  PrintUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun, "Bad Pixels:                     ");
     733  PrintUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun, "Unreliable Pixels:              ");
     735  *fLog << inf << endl;
     736  *fLog << GetDescriptor() << ": Errors statistics:" << endl; 
     738  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kChargeIsPedestal,   
     739                    Form("%s%2.1f%s","Signal less than ",fChargeLimit," Pedestal RMS:                "));
     740  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kChargeErrNotValid,
     741                    Form("%s%2.1f%s","Signal Error smaller than ",fChargeErrLimit,":                    "));
     742  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kChargeRelErrNotValid,
     743                    Form("%s%2.1f%s","Signal Error bigger than ",fChargeRelErrLimit," times Mean Signal:   "));
     744  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kChargeSigmaNotValid,
     745                    "Signal Sigma smaller than Pedestal RMS:           ");
     746  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kLoGainSaturation,   
     747                    "Pixels with Low Gain Saturation:                  ");
     748  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kMeanTimeInFirstBin,
     749                    Form("%s%2.1f%s","Mean Abs. Arr. Time in First ",fTimeLowerLimit," Bin(s):          "));
     750  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kMeanTimeInLast2Bins,
     751                    Form("%s%2.1f%s","Mean Abs. Arr. Time in Last ",fTimeUpperLimit," Bin(s):           "));
     752  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kHiGainOscillating,   
     753                    "Pixels with changing Hi Gain signal over time:    ");
     754  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kLoGainOscillating,   
     755                    "Pixels with changing Lo Gain signal over time:    ");
     756  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kDeviatingNumPhes,   
     757                    "Pixels with deviating number of phes:             ");
     758  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kHiGainNotFitted,     
     759                    "Pixels with unsuccesful Gauss fit to the Hi Gain: ");
     760  PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kLoGainNotFitted,     
     761                    "Pixels with unsuccesful Gauss fit to the Lo Gain: ");
     763  return kTRUE;
     766void MCalibrationChargeCalc::PrintUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t typ, const char *text) const
     769  UInt_t countinner = 0;
     770  UInt_t countouter = 0;
    666771  for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    667772    {
    668773      MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    669       if (bad.IsUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun))
     774      if (bad.IsUnsuitable(typ))
    670775        {
    671776          if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    676781    }
    678   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Bad Pixels:                     "
    679         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    681   countinner = 0;
    682   countouter = 0;
     783  *fLog << " " << setw(7) << text
     784        << Form("%s%3i%s%3i","Inner: ",countinner," Outer: ",countouter) << endl;
     787void MCalibrationChargeCalc::PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t typ, const char *text) const
     790  UInt_t countinner = 0;
     791  UInt_t countouter = 0;
    683792  for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    684793    {
    685794      MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    686       if (bad.IsUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun))
     795      if (bad.IsUncalibrated(typ))
    687796        {
    688797          if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    693802    }
    695   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Unreliable Pixels:              "
    696         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    698   *fLog << inf << endl;
    699   *fLog << GetDescriptor() << ": Errors statistics:" << endl; 
    701   countinner = 0;
    702   countouter = 0;
    703   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    704     {
    705       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    706       if (bad.IsChargeIsPedestal())
    707         {
    708           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    709             countinner++;
    710           else
    711             countouter++;
    712         }
    713     }
    715   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Signal less than 3 Pedestal RMS:                 "
    716         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    718   countinner = 0;
    719   countouter = 0;
    720   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    721     {
    722       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    723       if (bad.IsChargeErrNotValid())
    724         {
    725           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    726             countinner++;
    727           else
    728             countouter++;
    729         }
    730     }
    732   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Signal Error smaller than 0:                     "
    733         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    735   countinner = 0;
    736   countouter = 0;
    737   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    738     {
    739       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    740       if (bad.IsChargeRelErrNotValid())
    741         {
    742           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    743             countinner++;
    744           else
    745             countouter++;
    746         }
    747     }
    749   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Signal Error bigger than Mean Signal:            "
    750         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    752   countinner = 0;
    753   countouter = 0;
    754   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    755     {
    756       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    757       if (bad.IsChargeSigmaNotValid())
    758         {
    759           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    760             countinner++;
    761           else
    762             countouter++;
    763         }
    764     }
    766   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Signal Sigma smaller than Pedestal RMS:          "
    767         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    769   countinner = 0;
    770   countouter = 0;
    771   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    772     {
    773       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    774       if (bad.IsLoGainSaturation())
    775         {
    776           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    777             countinner++;
    778           else
    779             countouter++;
    780         }
    781     }
    783   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with Low Gain Saturation:                 "
    784         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    786   countinner = 0;
    787   countouter = 0;
    788   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    789     {
    790       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    791       if (bad.IsMeanTimeInFirstBin())
    792         {
    793           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    794             countinner++;
    795           else
    796             countouter++;
    797         }
    798     }
    800   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with Mean Abs. Arr. Time in First Bin:    "
    801         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    803   countinner = 0;
    804   countouter = 0;
    805   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    806     {
    807       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    808       if (bad.IsMeanTimeInLastBin())
    809         {
    810           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    811             countinner++;
    812           else
    813             countouter++;
    814         }
    815     }
    817   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with Mean Abs. Arr. Time in Last 2 Bins:  "
    818         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    820   countinner = 0;
    821   countouter = 0;
    822   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    823     {
    824       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    825       if (bad.IsHiGainOscillating())
    826         {
    827           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    828             countinner++;
    829           else
    830             countouter++;
    831         }
    832     }
    834   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with changing Hi Gain signal over time:   "
    835         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    837   countinner = 0;
    838   countouter = 0;
    839   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    840     {
    841       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    842       if (bad.IsLoGainOscillating())
    843         {
    844           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    845             countinner++;
    846           else
    847             countouter++;
    848         }
    849     }
    851   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with changing Lo Gain signal over time:   "
    852         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    854   countinner = 0;
    855   countouter = 0;
    856   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    857     {
    858       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    859       if (!bad.IsCalibrationFitOK())
    860         {
    861           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    862             countinner++;
    863           else
    864             countouter++;
    865         }
    866     }
    868   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with unsuccessful signal fit:             "
    869         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    871   countinner = 0;
    872   countouter = 0;
    873   for (Int_t i=0; i<fBadPixels->GetSize(); i++)
    874     {
    875       MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i];
    876       if (bad.IsDeviatingNumPhes())
    877         {
    878           if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.)
    879             countinner++;
    880           else
    881             countouter++;
    882         }
    883     }
    885   *fLog << " " << setw(7) << "Pixels with deviating number of phes:            "
    886         << "Inner: " << countinner << " Outer: " << countouter << endl;
    888 }
     804  *fLog << " " << setw(7) << text 
     805        << Form("%s%3i%s%3i","Inner: ",countinner," Outer: ",countouter) << endl;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.h

    r3559 r3602  
    1313#ifndef MARS_MTask
    1414#include "MTask.h"
     17#ifndef MARS_MBadPixelsPix
     18#include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
     39  static const Float_t fgChargeLimit;       // The default for fChargeLimit
     40  static const Float_t fgChargeErrLimit;    // The default for fChargeErrLimit
     41  static const Float_t fgChargeRelErrLimit; // The default for fChargeRelErrLimit
     42  static const Float_t fgTimeLowerLimit;    // The default for fTimeLowerLimit
     43  static const Float_t fgTimeUpperLimit;    // The default for fTimeUpperLimit
     45  Float_t fChargeLimit;          // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted mean charge
     46  Float_t fChargeErrLimit;       // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted charge sigma square
     47  Float_t fChargeRelErrLimit;    // The limit (in units of Sigma of fitted charge) for acceptance of the fitted mean 
     48  Float_t fTimeLowerLimit;       // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for distance to first signal extraction slice
     49  Float_t fTimeUpperLimit;       // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for distance to last signal extraction slice
    3551  MPedestalCam               *fPedestals;     //! Pedestals of all pixels in the camera
    6783  void FinalizeAvPedestals(MCalibrationChargePix &cal, Float_t avped, Float_t avrms, Int_t avnum);
    6884  Bool_t FinalizeCharges(MCalibrationChargePix &cal, MBadPixelsPix &bad);
    69   void PrintInfo();
     86  void PrintUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t typ, const char *text) const;   
     87  void PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t typ, const char *text) const;
    7593  void Clear(const Option_t *o="");
     95  void SetChargeLimit    (   const Float_t f=fgChargeLimit       ) { fChargeLimit       = f; }
     96  void SetChargeErrLimit (   const Float_t f=fgChargeErrLimit    ) { fChargeErrLimit    = f; }
     97  void SetChargeRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgChargeRelErrLimit ) { fChargeRelErrLimit = f; }
     99  void SetTimeLowerLimit (   const Float_t f=fgTimeLowerLimit    ) { fTimeLowerLimit  = f;   }
     100  void SetTimeUpperLimit (   const Float_t f=fgTimeUpperLimit    ) { fTimeUpperLimit  = f;   }
    77102  void SkipQualityChecks(Bool_t b=kTRUE)
    78103      {b ? CLRBIT(fFlags, kUseQualityChecks)    : SETBIT(fFlags, kUseQualityChecks);}
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.h

    r3559 r3602  
    1919  static const Float_t gkFFactorErr;             // The laboratory F-factor Error of the PMTs
    21   static const Float_t fgChargeLimit;            // The default limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted mean charge
    22   static const Float_t fgChargeErrLimit;         // The default limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted charge sigma
    23   static const Float_t fgChargeRelErrLimit;      // The default limit (in units of Error of fitted charge) for acceptance of the fitted mean 
    25   static const Float_t fgTimeLimit;              // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    26   static const Float_t fgTimeErrLimit;           // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
    2822  static const Float_t fgPheFFactorMethodLimit;  // The default minimum number of Photo-electrons for a pixel to be accepted.
    30   Float_t fChargeLimit;             // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted mean charge
    31   Float_t fChargeVarLimit;          // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted charge sigma square
    32   Float_t fChargeRelVarLimit;       // The limit (in units of Variance of fitted charge) for acceptance of the fitted mean 
    34   Float_t fTimeLimit;               // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    35   Float_t fTimeVarLimit;            // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
    3724  Float_t fElectronicPedRms;        // The pure electronic component of the RMS
    3825  Float_t fElectronicPedRmsVar;     // The error of the pure electronic component of the RMS
    6956  Float_t fAbsTimeRms;              // The rms of the mean absolute arrival time
    71   Byte_t  fTimeFirstHiGain;         // The first used FADC slice
    72   Byte_t  fTimeLastHiGain;          // The last used FADC slice
    74   Byte_t  fTimeFirstLoGain;         // The first used FADC slice
    75   Byte_t  fTimeLastLoGain;          // The last used FADC slice
    7758  Float_t fPheFFactorMethod;        // The number of Phe's calculated (F-factor method)
    7859  Float_t fPheFFactorMethodVar;     // The error on the number of Phe's calculated (F-factor method)
    11495  enum  { kHiGainSaturation, kLoGainSaturation,
    11596          kExcluded,
    116           kChargeValid, kTimeFitValid,
    11797          kBlindPixelMethodValid, kFFactorMethodValid,
    11898          kPINDiodeMethodValid, kCombinedMethodValid };
    132112  void SetConversionHiLo(     const Float_t c = gkConversionHiLo)       { fConversionHiLo      = c;    }
    133113  void SetConversionHiLoErr(  const Float_t e = gkConversionHiLoErr)    { fConversionHiLoVar   = e*e;    }
    134   void SetChargeLimit    (   const Float_t f=fgChargeLimit       ) { fChargeLimit       = f; }
    135   void SetChargeErrLimit (   const Float_t f=fgChargeErrLimit    ) { fChargeVarLimit    = f*f; }
    136   void SetChargeRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgChargeRelErrLimit ) { fChargeRelVarLimit = f*f; }
    138   void SetTimeLimit      (   const Float_t f=fgTimeLimit         ) { fTimeLimit       = f;   }
    139   void SetTimeErrLimit   (   const Float_t f=fgTimeErrLimit      ) { fTimeVarLimit    = f*f;   }
    141115  void SetPheFFactorMethodLimit ( const Float_t f=fgPheFFactorMethodLimit  ) { fPheFFactorMethodLimit  = f;   }
    189163  void SetCombinedMethodValid (  const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    191   void SetAbsTimeBordersHiGain( Byte_t f, Byte_t l );
    192   void SetAbsTimeBordersLoGain( Byte_t f, Byte_t l );
    194165  // Charges
    195166  Float_t GetHiGainMeanCharge()          const { return fHiGainMeanCharge;      }
    272243  // Miscellaneous
    273   void CheckChargeValidity ( MBadPixelsPix *bad );
    274   void CheckTimeValidity   ( MBadPixelsPix *bad );
    276244  void  CalcLoGainPedestal(const Float_t logainsamples);
    277245  Bool_t CalcReducedSigma();
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