03/30/04 18:22:35 (21 years ago)
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  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/include-Classes/MMcFormat/MMcFadcHeader.hxx

    r2749 r3610  
    1313  Float_t  fFadcShape   ;   // a number that indicate the shape type of
    1414                            // the signal   
     15  Float_t  fFadcShapeOuter; // a number that indicate the shape type of
     16                            // the signal   
    1517                            // = 0 --> a gaussian 
    16   Float_t  fAmplFadc    ;   // the integral of sph response [counts*ns]
     18                            // = 1 --> from Pulpo set-up 
     20  // NOTE : meaning of fAmplFadc, fAmplFadcOuter changed in camera 0.7,
     21  // 30/03/2004: before it was amplitude of (gaussian) pulse, now is
     22  // integral of pulse (which may be gaussian or not).
     24  Float_t  fAmplFadc    ;   // the integral of single phe response [counts]
    1725  Float_t  fFwhmFadc    ;   // the width of the signal in nsec
    18   Float_t  fAmplFadcOuter;  // the integral of sph response [counts*ns], outer
     26  Float_t  fAmplFadcOuter;  // the integral of single phe response [counts],
     27                            // outer pixels
    1928  Float_t  fFwhmFadcOuter;  // the width of the signal in nsec, outer
    2030  Float_t  fPedesMean[MFADC_CHANNELS]    ;  //  The mean value for the pedestal
    2131                                            //  of each pixel (channel)
    2434  Float_t  fPedesSigmaLow[MFADC_CHANNELS]    ;  //  The sigma for the pedestal
    2535                                                //  of each pixel (channel)
     37  // In camera 0.7, the meaning of fPedesSigmaHigh, fPedesSigmaLow changed:
     38  // before it was the rms of the single FADC slice. Now we calculate the
     39  // RMS of the distribution of the sum of 14 FADC slices. The value we set
     40  // as fPedesSigmaHigh/Low is that RMS divided by sqrt(14). It can be seen
     41  // that the fluctuations of the integrated pedestal, when adding n slices
     42  // to obtain the pixel signal, with n>~6, is more or less well
     43  // approximated by sqrt(n)*RMS(sum_14)slices)/sqrt(14).
    2646  Float_t  fElecNoise[MFADC_CHANNELS]   ;  //  The rms value in the pedestal
    2747                                           //  due to the electronics for
    4161  void SetShape(Float_t shape){
    4262    fFadcShape=shape;
     63  }
     65  void SetShapeOuter(Float_t shape){
     66    fFadcShapeOuter=shape;
    4367  }
    87111  UInt_t GetNumPixel() const { return MFADC_CHANNELS; }
    89   ClassDef(MMcFadcHeader, 3)  //Stores Montecarlo Information describing the FADC behaviour
     113  ClassDef(MMcFadcHeader, 4)  //Stores Montecarlo Information describing the FADC behaviour
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