Changeset 3646

04/04/04 20:16:52 (20 years ago)
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3 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationCam.h

    r3645 r3646  
    2424  TClonesArray *fAverageBadAreas;    //-> Array of MBadPixelsPix, one per pixel area
    2525  TClonesArray *fAverageBadSectors;  //-> Array of MBadPixelsPix, one per camera sector
    27   Byte_t fFlags;                     // Byte to hold the flags
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.h

    r3645 r3646  
    12   static const Float_t gkElectronicPedRms;       //! Electronic component of ped. RMS   (now set to: 1.5)
    13   static const Float_t gkElectronicPedRmsErr;    //! Error Electronic component of ped. RMS (now set to: 0.3)
    14   static const Float_t gkFFactor;                //! Laboratory F-factor PMTs           (now set to: 1.15)
    15   static const Float_t gkFFactorErr;             //! Laboratory F-factor Error PMTs     (now set to: 0.02)
     12  static const Float_t gkElectronicPedRms;       //! Electronic component of ped. RMS (now set to: 1.5)
     13  static const Float_t gkElectronicPedRmsErr;    //! Error Electr. component ped. RMS (now set to: 0.3)
     14  static const Float_t gkFFactor;                //! Laboratory F-factor PMTs       (now set to: 1.15)
     15  static const Float_t gkFFactorErr;             //! Laboratory F-factor Error PMTs (now set to: 0.02)
    17   static const Float_t fgConversionHiLo;         //! Default for fConversionHiLo        (now set to: 10.)
    18   static const Float_t fgConversionHiLoErr;      //! Default for fConversionHiLoVar     (now set to: 2.5)
    19   static const Float_t fgPheFFactorMethodLimit;  //! Default for fPheFFactorMethodLimit (now set to: 5.)
     17  static const Float_t fgConversionHiLo;         //! Default fConversionHiLo        (now set to: 10.)
     18  static const Float_t fgConversionHiLoErr;      //! Default fConversionHiLoVar     (now set to: 2.5)
     19  static const Float_t fgPheFFactorMethodLimit;  //! Default fPheFFactorMethodLimit (now set to: 5.)
    21   Float_t fPheFFactorMethodLimit;   // The minimum number of Photo-electrons for a pixel to be accepted.
     21  Float_t fAbsTimeMean;                     // Mean Absolute Arrival Time
     22  Float_t fAbsTimeRms;                      // RMS Mean Absolute Arrival Time
     23  Byte_t  fCalibFlags;                      // Bit-field for the class-own bits
     24  Float_t fConversionFFactorMethodVar;      // Variance conversion factor (F-factor method)
     25  Float_t fConversionBlindPixelMethodVar;   // Variance conversion factor (Blind Pixel method)
     26  Float_t fConversionPINDiodeMethodVar;     // Variance conversion factor (PIN Diode method)
     27  Float_t fConversionCombinedMethodVar;     // Variance conversion factor (all methods combined)
     28  Float_t fConversionHiLo;                  // Conversion factor betw. Hi Gain and Lo Gain 
     29  Float_t fConversionHiLoVar;               // Variance Conversion factor betw. Hi and Lo Gain
     30  Float_t fLoGainPedRms;                    // Pedestal RMS of Low Gain
     31  Float_t fLoGainPedRmsVar;                 // Pedestal RMS Variance of Low Gain
     32  Float_t fMeanConversionFFactorMethod;     // Conversion factor (F-factor method)
     33  Float_t fMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod;  // Conversion factor (Blind Pixel method)
     34  Float_t fMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod;    // Conversion factor (PIN Diode method)
     35  Float_t fMeanConversionCombinedMethod;    // Conversion factor (all methods combined)
     36  Float_t fPed;                             // Pedestal (from MPedestalPix) times number FADC slices
     37  Float_t fPedVar;                          // Variance of pedestal
     38  Float_t fPedRms;                          // Pedestal RMS (from MPedestalPix) times sqrt nr. FADC slices
     39  Float_t fPheFFactorMethod;                // Number Phe's calculated (F-factor method)
     40  Float_t fPheFFactorMethodVar;             // Variance number of Phe's (F-factor method)
     41  Float_t fPheFFactorMethodLimit;           // Min. number Photo-electrons for pix to be accepted.
     42  Float_t fRSigma;                          // Reduced sigma
     43  Float_t fRSigmaVar;                       // Variance Reduced sigma
     44  Float_t fSigmaConversionFFactorMethod;    // Sigma Conversion factor (F-factor method)
     45  Float_t fSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod; // Sigma Conversion factor (Blind Pixel method)
     46  Float_t fSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod;   // Sigma Conversion factor (PIN Diode method)
     47  Float_t fSigmaConversionCombinedMethod;   // Sigma Conversion factor (all methods combined)
     48  Float_t fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod;       // Total F-Factor to Ph's (F-factor method)
     49  Float_t fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod;    // Total F-Factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
     50  Float_t fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod;      // Total F-Factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
     51  Float_t fTotalFFactorCombinedMethod;      // Total F-Factor to Ph's (all methods combined)
     52  Float_t fTotalFFactorFFactorMethodVar;    // Variance total F-Factor (F-factor method)
     53  Float_t fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodVar; // Variance total F-Factor (Blind Pixel method)
     54  Float_t fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodVar;   // Variance total F-Factor (PIN Diode method)
     55  Float_t fTotalFFactorCombinedMethodVar;   // Variance total F-Factor (all methods combined)
    23   Float_t fRSigma;                  // The reduced squares of sigmas after the fit
    24   Float_t fRSigmaVar;               // The reduced squares of sigmas after the fit 
    26   Float_t fPed;                     // The mean pedestal (from MPedestalPix) times number of FADC slices
    27   Float_t fPedVar;                  // The error of the pedestal
    28   Float_t fPedRms;                  // The pedestal  RMS (from MPedestalPix) times sqrt of number of FADC slices
    30   Float_t fLoGainPedRms;            // The pedestal  RMS of the low gain
    31   Float_t fLoGainPedRmsVar;         // The pedestal  RMS Variance of the low gain
    33   Float_t fAbsTimeMean;             // The mean absolute arrival time
    34   Float_t fAbsTimeRms;              // The rms of the mean absolute arrival time
    36   Float_t fPheFFactorMethod;        // The number of Phe's calculated (F-factor method)
    37   Float_t fPheFFactorMethodVar;     // The error on the number of Phe's calculated (F-factor method)
    39   Float_t fMeanConversionFFactorMethod;     // The conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
    40   Float_t fMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod;  // The conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    41   Float_t fMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod;    // The conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    42   Float_t fMeanConversionCombinedMethod;    // The conversion factor to Ph's (all methods combined)
    44   Float_t fConversionFFactorMethodVar;      // The error of the conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
    45   Float_t fConversionBlindPixelMethodVar;   // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    46   Float_t fConversionPINDiodeMethodVar;     // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    47   Float_t fConversionCombinedMethodVar;     // The error of the conversion factor to Ph's (all methods combined)
    49   Float_t fSigmaConversionFFactorMethod;    // The sigma of conversion factor to Phe's (F-factor method)
    50   Float_t fSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod; // The conversion factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    51   Float_t fSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod;   // The conversion factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    52   Float_t fSigmaConversionCombinedMethod;   // The conversion factor to Ph's (all methods combined)
    54   Float_t fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod;       // The total F-Factor to Ph's (F-factor method)
    55   Float_t fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod;    // The total F-Factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    56   Float_t fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod;      // The total F-Factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    57   Float_t fTotalFFactorCombinedMethod;      // The total F-Factor to Ph's (all methods combined)
    59   Float_t fTotalFFactorFFactorMethodVar;    // The variance of the total F-Factor to Ph's (F-factor method)
    60   Float_t fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodVar; // The variance of the total F-Factor to Ph's (Blind Pixel method)
    61   Float_t fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodVar;   // The variance of the total F-Factor to Ph's (PIN Diode method)
    62   Float_t fTotalFFactorCombinedMethodVar;   // The variance of the total F-Factor to Ph's (all methods combined)
    64   Float_t fTotalFFactor;                    // The F-Factor of the total readout system (Sigma(out)/mean(out)*Mean(in)/sigma(in)
    65   Float_t fTotalFFactorVar;                 // The variance on the F-Factor of the total readout system
    67   Float_t fConversionHiLo;                  // The conversion factor between Hi Gain and Lo Gain 
    68   Float_t fConversionHiLoVar;               // The error of the conversion factor between Hi Gain and Lo Gain 
    70   Byte_t fCalibFlags;                       // The bit-field for the class-own bits
    7257  enum  { kBlindPixelMethodValid, kFFactorMethodValid,
    73           kPINDiodeMethodValid, kCombinedMethodValid }; // The possible bits to be set
     58          kPINDiodeMethodValid, kCombinedMethodValid }; // Possible bits to be set
    8267  // Setter
    83   void SetPedestal(const Float_t ped, const Float_t pedrms, const Float_t pederr);
    85   void SetConversionHiLo(     const Float_t c = fgConversionHiLo)       { fConversionHiLo      = c;    }
    86   void SetConversionHiLoErr(  const Float_t e = fgConversionHiLoErr)    { fConversionHiLoVar   = e*e;    }
    88   void SetPheFFactorMethodLimit ( const Float_t f=fgPheFFactorMethodLimit  ) { fPheFFactorMethodLimit  = f;   }
    90   // Times
    91   void SetAbsTimeMean           ( const Float_t f ) { fAbsTimeMean           = f; }
    92   void SetAbsTimeRms            ( const Float_t f ) { fAbsTimeRms            = f; }
    94   // Conversion Factors
     68  void SetAbsTimeMean ( const Float_t f ) { fAbsTimeMean = f; }
     69  void SetAbsTimeRms  ( const Float_t f ) { fAbsTimeRms  = f; }
     70  void SetConversionHiLo    ( const Float_t c=fgConversionHiLo    ) { fConversionHiLo    = c;   }
     71  void SetConversionHiLoErr ( const Float_t e=fgConversionHiLoErr ) { fConversionHiLoVar = e*e; }
    9572  void SetConversionFFactorMethod   ( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    9673  void SetConversionBlindPixelMethod( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    9875  void SetConversionCombinedMethod  ( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    100   void SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod = f; }
    101   void SetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod = f; }
    102   void SetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod = f; }
     77  void SetBlindPixelMethodValid( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
     78  void SetFFactorMethodValid   ( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
     79  void SetPINDiodeMethodValid  ( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
     80  void SetCombinedMethodValid  ( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
     82  void SetPedestal              ( const Float_t ped, const Float_t pedrms, const Float_t pederr);
     83  void SetPheFFactorMethodLimit ( const Float_t f=fgPheFFactorMethodLimit ) { fPheFFactorMethodLimit  = f; }
     84  void SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod       ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod       = f; }
     85  void SetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod    ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod    = f; }
     86  void SetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod      ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod      = f; }
     87  void SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethodErr    ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorFFactorMethodVar    = f*f; }
     88  void SetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodErr ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodVar = f*f; }
     89  void SetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodErr   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodVar   = f*f; }
    104   void SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethodErr   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorFFactorMethodVar = f*f; }
    105   void SetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodErr ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodVar = f*f; }
    106   void SetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodErr   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodVar = f*f; }
    108   // Bit Setters
    109   void SetBlindPixelMethodValid( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    110   void SetFFactorMethodValid  (  const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    111   void SetPINDiodeMethodValid (  const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    112   void SetCombinedMethodValid (  const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    114   Float_t GetLoGainMean     ()           const;
    115   Float_t GetLoGainMeanErr  ()           const;
    116   Float_t GetLoGainSigma    ()           const;
    117   Float_t GetLoGainSigmaErr ()           const;
    119   Float_t GetRSigma()                    const;
    120   Float_t GetRSigmaErr()                 const;
    122   Float_t GetAbsTimeMean()               const { return fAbsTimeMean;     }
    123   Float_t GetAbsTimeRms()                const { return fAbsTimeRms;      }
    125   // Conversion Factors
    126   Float_t GetConversionHiLo()            const  { return fConversionHiLo;    }
    127   Float_t GetConversionHiLoErr()         const;
     91  // Getters
     92  Float_t GetAbsTimeMean      ()        const { return fAbsTimeMean;     }
     93  Float_t GetAbsTimeRms       ()        const { return fAbsTimeRms;      }
     94  Float_t GetConversionHiLo   ()        const { return fConversionHiLo;  }
     95  Float_t GetConversionHiLoErr()        const;
     96  Float_t GetConversionBlindPixelMethodErr()   const;
     97  Float_t GetConversionFFactorMethodErr()      const;
     98  Float_t GetConversionPINDiodeMethodErr()     const;
     99  Float_t GetConversionCombinedMethodErr()     const;
     100  Float_t GetLoGainMean                 ()     const;
     101  Float_t GetLoGainMeanErr              ()     const;
     102  Float_t GetLoGainSigma                ()     const;
     103  Float_t GetLoGainSigmaErr             ()     const;
    129104  Float_t GetMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod()  const { return fMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod  ; }
    130   Float_t GetConversionBlindPixelMethodErr()   const;
     105  Float_t GetMeanConversionCombinedMethod()    const { return fMeanConversionCombinedMethod ;    }
     106  Float_t GetMeanConversionFFactorMethod()     const { return fMeanConversionFFactorMethod;      }
     107  Float_t GetMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod()    const { return fMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod ;    }
    131108  Float_t GetSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod() const { return fSigmaConversionBlindPixelMethod ; }
    133   Float_t GetMeanConversionFFactorMethod()     const { return fMeanConversionFFactorMethod;      }
    134   Float_t GetConversionFFactorMethodErr()      const;
     109  Float_t GetSigmaConversionCombinedMethod()   const { return fSigmaConversionCombinedMethod ;   }
    135110  Float_t GetSigmaConversionFFactorMethod()    const { return fSigmaConversionFFactorMethod;     }
    137   Float_t GetMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod()    const { return fMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod ;    }
    138   Float_t GetConversionPINDiodeMethodErr()     const;
    139111  Float_t GetSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod()   const { return fSigmaConversionPINDiodeMethod ;   }
    141   Float_t GetMeanConversionCombinedMethod()    const { return fMeanConversionCombinedMethod ;    }
    142   Float_t GetConversionCombinedMethodErr()     const;
    143   Float_t GetSigmaConversionCombinedMethod()   const { return fSigmaConversionCombinedMethod ;   }
    145   Float_t GetPheFFactorMethod()                const { return fPheFFactorMethod;                 }   
     112  Float_t GetPed                ()             const { return fPed;                              }
     113  Float_t GetPedErr             ()             const;
     114  Float_t GetPedRms             ()             const;
     115  Float_t GetPedRmsErr          ()             const;
     116  Float_t GetPheFFactorMethod   ()             const { return fPheFFactorMethod;                 }   
    146117  Float_t GetPheFFactorMethodErr()             const;
    148   Float_t GetPed()                             const { return fPed;                              }
    149   Float_t GetPedErr()                          const;
    150   Float_t GetPedRms()                          const;
    151   Float_t GetPedRmsErr()                       const;
     118  Float_t GetRSigma             ()             const;
     119  Float_t GetRSigmaErr          ()             const;
     120  Float_t GetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod()    const { return fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod;     }
     121  Float_t GetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodErr() const;
     122  Float_t GetTotalFFactorCombinedMethod()      const { return fTotalFFactorCombinedMethod;       }
     123  Float_t GetTotalFFactorCombinedMethodErr()   const;
    153124  Float_t GetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod()       const { return fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod;        }
    154125  Float_t GetTotalFFactorFFactorMethodErr()    const;
    156   Float_t GetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod()    const { return fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod;     }
    157   Float_t GetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethodErr() const;
    159126  Float_t GetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod()      const { return fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod;       }
    160127  Float_t GetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethodErr()   const;
    162   Float_t GetTotalFFactorCombinedMethod()      const { return fTotalFFactorCombinedMethod;       }
    163   Float_t GetTotalFFactorCombinedMethodErr()   const;
    165129  Bool_t IsBlindPixelMethodValid()             const;
    166130  Bool_t IsPINDiodeMethodValid()               const;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationPix.h

    r3645 r3646  
    9393  Bool_t  IsValid   ()         const;
    95   ClassDef(MCalibrationPix, 1)  // Base class container for Calibration Results Pixel
     95  ClassDef(MCalibrationPix, 1)  // Base class Container for Calibration Results Pixel
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