04/05/04 19:23:23 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
2 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargePINDiode.cc

    r3655 r3656  
    4444const Float_t MCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgChargeRelErrLimit  = 1.;
    46 const Float_t MCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgConversionChargePhotons    = -1.;
    47 const Float_t MCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgConversionChargePhotonsErr = -1.;
     46const Float_t MCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgConvPhotons        = -1.;
     47const Float_t MCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgConvPhotonsErr    = -1.;
    4949// Area of Inner Pixel w.r.t. PIN Diode (which is 1 cm2)
    9797  SetChargeRelErrLimit();
    99   SetConversionChargePhotons();
    100   SetConversionChargePhotonsErr();
     99  SetConvPhotons();
     100  SetConvPhotonsErr();
    102102  SetOscillating          ( kFALSE );
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargePINDiode.h

    r3655 r3656  
    12   static const Float_t fgChargeLimit;                //! Default for fChargeLimit
    13   static const Float_t fgChargeErrLimit;             //! Default for fChargeErrLimit
    14   static const Float_t fgChargeRelErrLimit;          //! Default for fChargeRelErrLimit
    15   static const Float_t fgConversionChargePhotons;    //! Default for fConversionChargePhotons
    16   static const Float_t fgConversionChargePhotonsErr; //! Default for fConversionChargePhotonsErr
    17   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeArea;               //! PIN Diode Effective Area in mm^2 
    18   static const Float_t gkFluxCameravsPINDiode;       //! Flux Conversion PIN Diode - inner pixel
    19   static const Float_t gkFluxCameravsPINDiodeErr;    //! Error of flux conv. PIN Diode - inner pixel
    20   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEGreen;            //! Quantum Efficiency at 520 nm
    21   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEBlue;             //! Quantum Efficiency at 460 nm
    22   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEUV;               //! Quantum Efficiency at 370 nm
    23   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQECT1;              //! Quantum Efficiency at 370 nm
    24   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEGreenErr;         //! Uncertainty QE at 520 nm
    25   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEBlueErr ;         //! Uncertainty QE at 460 nm
    26   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEUVErr   ;         //! Uncertainty QE at 370 nm
    27   static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQECT1Err  ;         //! Uncertainty QE at 370 nmu
     12  static const Float_t fgChargeLimit;             //! Default for fChargeLimit
     13  static const Float_t fgChargeErrLimit;          //! Default for fChargeErrLimit
     14  static const Float_t fgChargeRelErrLimit;       //! Default for fChargeRelErrLimit
     15  static const Float_t fgConvPhotons;             //! Default for fConversionChargePhotons
     16  static const Float_t fgConvPhotonsErr;          //! Default for fConversionChargePhotonsErr
     17  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeArea;            //! PIN Diode Effective Area in mm^2 
     18  static const Float_t gkFluxCameravsPINDiode;    //! Flux Conversion PIN Diode - inner pixel
     19  static const Float_t gkFluxCameravsPINDiodeErr; //! Error of flux conv. PIN Diode - inner pixel
     20  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEGreen;         //! Quantum Efficiency at 520 nm
     21  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEBlue;          //! Quantum Efficiency at 460 nm
     22  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEUV;            //! Quantum Efficiency at 370 nm
     23  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQECT1;           //! Quantum Efficiency at 370 nm
     24  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEGreenErr;      //! Uncertainty QE at 520 nm
     25  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEBlueErr ;      //! Uncertainty QE at 460 nm
     26  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQEUVErr   ;      //! Uncertainty QE at 370 nm
     27  static const Float_t gkPINDiodeQECT1Err  ;      //! Uncertainty QE at 370 nmu
    30   Float_t fAbsTimeMean;                     // Mean Absolute Arrival Time
    31   Float_t fAbsTimeRms;                      // RMS Mean Absolute Arrival Time
    32   Byte_t  fCalibFlags;                      // Bit-field for the class-own bits
    33   Float_t fChargeLimit;                     // Limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance fitted mean charge
    34   Float_t fChargeErrLimit;                  // Limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance fitted charge sigma
    35   Float_t fChargeRelErrLimit;               // Limit (in units of Error of fitted charge) for acceptance fitted mean 
    36   Float_t fConversionChargePhotons;         // Mean conv. PIN Diode charge to number of incident photons
    37   Float_t fConversionChargePhotonsErr;      // Error mean conv. PIN Diode charge to nr. incident photons
    38   Float_t fConvertedPhotons;                // Number photons incidident on PIN Diode
    39   Float_t fConvertedPhotonsErr;             // Error on nr. photons incid. on PIN Diode
    40   Float_t fMeanFluxOutsidePlexiglass;       // Mean number photons in INNER PIXEL outside plexiglass
    41   Float_t fMeanFluxErrOutsidePlexiglass;    // Error on nr. photons in INNER PIXEL outside plexiglass
    42   Float_t fPed;                             // Mean pedestal (from MPedestalPix)
    43   Float_t fPedRms;                          // Pedestal  RMS (from MPedestalPix)
    44   Float_t fRmsChargeMean;                   // Mean of RMS of summed FADC slices distribution
    45   Float_t fRmsChargeMeanErr;                // Error on Mean RMS summed FADC slices distribution
    46   Float_t fRmsChargeSigma;                  // Sigma of RMS of summed FADC slices distribution   
    47   Float_t fRmsChargeSigmaErr;               // Error on Sigma RMS summed FADC slices distribution
    49   PulserColor_t fColor; 
     30  Float_t fAbsTimeMean;                   // Mean Absolute Arrival Time
     31  Float_t fAbsTimeRms;                    // RMS Mean Absolute Arrival Time
     32  Byte_t  fCalibFlags;                    // Bit-field for the class-own bits
     33  Float_t fChargeLimit;                   // Limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance fitted mean charge
     34  Float_t fChargeErrLimit;                // Limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance fitted charge sigma
     35  Float_t fChargeRelErrLimit;             // Limit (in units of Error of fitted charge) for acceptance fitted mean 
     36  Float_t fConvPhotons;                   // Mean conv. PIN Diode charge to number of incident photons
     37  Float_t fConvPhotonsErr;                // Error mean conv. PIN Diode charge to nr. incident photons
     38  Float_t fConvertedPhotons;              // Number photons incidident on PIN Diode
     39  Float_t fConvertedPhotonsErr;           // Error on nr. photons incid. on PIN Diode
     40  Float_t fMeanFluxOutsidePlexiglass;     // Mean number photons in INNER PIXEL outside plexiglass
     41  Float_t fMeanFluxErrOutsidePlexiglass;  // Error on nr. photons in INNER PIXEL outside plexiglass
     42  Float_t fPed;                           // Mean pedestal (from MPedestalPix)
     43  Float_t fPedRms;                        // Pedestal  RMS (from MPedestalPix)
     44  Float_t fRmsChargeMean;                 // Mean of RMS of summed FADC slices distribution
     45  Float_t fRmsChargeMeanErr;              // Error on Mean RMS summed FADC slices distribution
     46  Float_t fRmsChargeSigma;                // Sigma of RMS of summed FADC slices distribution   
     47  Float_t fRmsChargeSigmaErr;             // Error on Sigma RMS summed FADC slices distribution
     48  PulserColor_t fColor;                   // Colour of the pulsed LEDs
    5150  enum  { kOscillating,
    5251          kChargeFitValid, kTimeFitValid,
    53           kFluxOutsidePlexiglassAvailable  };    
     52          kFluxOutsidePlexiglassAvailable  }; // Possible bits to be set
    6261  // Setters
    63   void SetColor(   const PulserColor_t color )  {  fColor = color;         }
    65   void SetRmsChargeMean    ( const Float_t f )    { fRmsChargeMean     = f;  }
    66   void SetRmsChargeMeanErr ( const Float_t f )    { fRmsChargeMeanErr  = f;  }
    67   void SetRmsChargeSigma   ( const Float_t f )    { fRmsChargeSigma    = f;  }
    68   void SetRmsChargeSigmaErr( const Float_t f )    { fRmsChargeSigmaErr = f;  }
    70   void SetAbsTimeMean    (   const Float_t f )    { fAbsTimeMean       = f;  }
    71   void SetAbsTimeRms     (   const Float_t f )    { fAbsTimeRms        = f;  }
    73   void SetChargeLimit    (   const Float_t f=fgChargeLimit       ) { fChargeLimit       = f; }
    74   void SetChargeErrLimit (   const Float_t f=fgChargeErrLimit    ) { fChargeErrLimit    = f; }
     62  void SetAbsTimeMean      ( const Float_t f )                     { fAbsTimeMean       = f; }
     63  void SetAbsTimeRms       ( const Float_t f )                     { fAbsTimeRms        = f; }
     64  void SetChargeLimit      ( const Float_t f=fgChargeLimit       ) { fChargeLimit       = f; }
     65  void SetChargeErrLimit   ( const Float_t f=fgChargeErrLimit    ) { fChargeErrLimit    = f; }
    7566  void SetChargeRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgChargeRelErrLimit ) { fChargeRelErrLimit = f; }
    77   void SetConversionChargePhotons    ( const Float_t f=fgConversionChargePhotons    ) { fConversionChargePhotons    = f; } 
    78   void SetConversionChargePhotonsErr ( const Float_t f=fgConversionChargePhotonsErr ) { fConversionChargePhotonsErr = f; } 
    80   void SetPedestal(Float_t ped, Float_t pedrms);
    82   void SetOscillating     ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE);
    83   void SetChargeFitValid     ( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    84   void SetTimeFitValid       ( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
     67  void SetColor            ( const PulserColor_t color           ) { fColor = color;         }
     68  void SetConvPhotons      ( const Float_t f=fgConvPhotons       ) { fConvPhotons       = f; } 
     69  void SetConvPhotonsErr   ( const Float_t f=fgConvPhotonsErr    ) { fConvPhotonsErr    = f; } 
     70  void SetPedestal         (       Float_t ped, Float_t pedrms   );
     71  void SetRmsChargeMean    ( const Float_t f )                     { fRmsChargeMean     = f; }
     72  void SetRmsChargeMeanErr ( const Float_t f )                     { fRmsChargeMeanErr  = f; }
     73  void SetRmsChargeSigma   ( const Float_t f )                     { fRmsChargeSigma    = f; }
     74  void SetRmsChargeSigmaErr( const Float_t f )                     { fRmsChargeSigmaErr = f; }
     75  void SetOscillating      ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE );
     76  void SetChargeFitValid   ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE );
     77  void SetTimeFitValid     ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE );
    8578  void SetFluxOutsidePlexiglassAvailable ( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
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