04/08/04 18:38:12 (21 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationQECam.h

    r3678 r3680  
    16   static const Float_t gkPlexiglassQE   ;  //! Quantum Efficiency Plexiglass
    17   static const Float_t gkPlexiglassQEErr;  //! Uncertainty QE Plexiglass
     16  static const Float_t gkPlexiglassQE   ;  //! Quantum Efficiency Plexiglass (now set to: 0.96)
     17  static const Float_t gkPlexiglassQEErr;  //! Uncertainty QE Plexiglass     (now set to: 0.01)
    1919  TArrayC fFlags;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationQEPix.cc

    r3678 r3680  
    3030// This container (like MCalibrationQECam) is designed to persist during
    3131// several eventloops over different calibration files, especially those
    32 // with different colour LEDs. It is the class calibration the Quantum
    33 // efficiency for each individual pixel.
     32// with different colour LEDs. This class contains all measured Quantum
     33// Efficiencies with the calibration system for each individual pixel.
    3535// At the moment, this calibration works in the following steps:
    4343// 3)  MHCalibrationChargePINDiode extracts the mean of a charge distribution
    44 //     of the signals collected by the PIN Diode and stores it in MCalibrationChargePINDiode
     44//     of the signals collected by the PIN Diode and stores it in
     45//     MCalibrationChargePINDiode
    46 // 4)  MCalibrationCalc calculates for every pixel the number of photo-electrons
    47 //     with the F-Factor method (see MCalibrationCalc)
    48 //
    49 // 5)  MCalibrationCalc calculates the (weighted) average number of photo-electrons
    50 //     from the pixels with the area index 0 (Inner pixels for the MAGIC camera)
    51 //     and divides this number by gkDefaultQEGreen, gkDefaultQEBlue, gkDefaultQEUV
    52 //     or gkDefaultQECT1, depending on the implied pulser LED colour, and further
    53 //     by MCalibratinoQECam::gkPlexiglassQE. The obtained number gives the NUMBER
    54 //     OF PHOTONS incident on a pixel with area index 0 (INNER pixel) OUTSIDE THE
    55 //     PLEXIGLASS of the camera, obtained with the F-Factor method.
    56 //
    57 // 6)  MCalibrationCalc calculates the mean photon flux per mm^2 in the camera
     47// 4)  MCalibrationChargeCalc calculates for every pixel the number of
     48//     photo-electrons with the F-Factor method and stores them in MCalibrationChargePix
     50// 5)  MCalibrationChargeCalc calculates the (weighted) average number of photo-
     51//     electrons from the pixels with the area index 0 (Inner pixels for the MAGIC
     52//     camera) and divides this number by gkDefaultQEGreen, gkDefaultQEBlue,
     53//     gkDefaultQEUV or gkDefaultQECT1, depending on the used pulser LED colour,
     54//     and further by MCalibrationQECam::gkPlexiglassQE. The obtained number gives
     55//     the NUMBER OF PHOTONS incident on a pixel with area index 0 (INNER pixel)
     56//     OUTSIDE THE PLEXIGLASS of the camera, obtained with the F-Factor method.
     58// 6)  MCalibrationChargeCalc calculates the mean photon flux per mm^2 in the camera
    5859//     from the MCalibrationChargeBlindPix, multiplies it with the area of
    5960//     one pixel with area index 0 (Inner pixel) and divides it by the quantum
    60 //     efficiency of the plexi-glass (MCalibratinoQECam::gkPlexiglassQE). The obtained
     61//     efficiency of the plexi-glass (MCalibrationQECam::gkPlexiglassQE). The obtained
    6162//     number gives the NUMBER OF PHOTONS incident on a pixel with area index 0
    6263//     (INNER pixel) OUTSIDE THE PLEXIGLASS of the camera, obtained with the
    6364//     Blind Pixel method.
    65 // 7)  MCalibrationCalc calculates the mean photon flux per mm^2 in the camera
     66// 7)  MCalibrationChargeCalc calculates the mean photon flux per mm^2 in the camera
    6667//     from the MCalibrationChargePINDiode and multiplies it with the area of
    6768//     one pixel with area index 0 (Inner pixel). The obtained number gives the
    7172// 8)  Each of the three photons numbers is divided by the mean sum of FADC counts
    7273//     and defined as MEASURED QUANTUM EFFICIENCY AT A GIVEN COLOUR. They are stored
    73 //     in the variables SetQE*Method ( qe, colour ).
    74 //
    75 // 9)  Errors are propagated and corresponding variances get stored in: SetQE*Var( qe, colour).
    76 //
    77 // 10) After every eventloop, MCalibrationChargeCalc calls the function: Update*Method().
    78 //     which calculates the ratio measured QE / gkDefaultQE* of every colour implied so far
     74//     in the variables SetQEBlindPixel(qe, color), SetQEFFactor(qe,color) and
     75//     SetQEPINDiode(qe,color)
     77// 9)  Errors are propagated and corresponding variances get stored in
     78//     SetQEBlindPixelVar(var,color), SetQEFFactorVar(var,color) and
     79//     SetQEPINDiodeVar(var,color).
     81// 10) After every eventloop, MCalibrationChargeCalc calls the functions UpdateBlindPixelMethod(),
     82//     UpdateFFactorMethod() and UpdatePINDiodeMethod() which calculate the ratio
     83//     measured QE / gkDefaultQEGreen (or gkDefaultQEBlue or gkDefaultQEUV or gkDefaultQECT1)
    7984//     and calculates an weighted average of these quantum-efficiency normalizations obtained
    8085//     by one of the three methods.
    82 // 11) A call to GetQECascades* returns then the normalization multiplied with an average QE
     87// 11) A call to GetQECascadesBlindPixel(zenith), GetQECascadesFFactor(zenith) or
     88//     GetQECascadesPINDiode(zenith) returns then the normalization multiplied with an average QE
    8389//     folded into a cascades spectrum. This number should be dependent on zenith angle, but
    8490//     this feature is not yet implemented, instead a fixed number gkDefaultAverageQE is used.
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