05/04/04 15:27:25 (21 years ago)
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1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mtools/MFFT.cc

    r3125 r3957  
    6363//     * If the PSD does NOT CONVERGE to 0 at the maximum bin,              //
    6464//       you HAVE TO sample your data finer!                                //
    65 //                                                                          //
     66// Fourier-Transformation:
     67// =======================
     69// (taken from http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/Pd/ft.htm)
     71//  The Fourier-Transformation is a mathematical function that breaks
     72// down a signal (like sound) into its frequency-spectrum as a set of
     73// sinusoidal components, converting it from the Time Domain to the
     74// Frequency Domain.
     76//  In the Time Domain the signal x[ ] consists of N samples, labeled
     77// from 0 to N-1. In the Frequency Domain the RFFT produces two signals
     78// (signalvectors), treated as complex numbers representing the Real Part:
     79// Re X[ ] and the Imaginary Part: Im X[ ]. They are seen as the Cosine-
     80// und Sine-Components of the base frequencies. Each of these two signals
     81// contains one more sample than the half of the original signal: N/2 + 1
     82// samples. (this results from the fact, that the sine-components of the
     83// first frequency (0) and the last (nyquist, N/2) are always 0). With the
     84// complex Fourier-Transformation N complexe values are transformed to N
     85// new complex values. For both it applies to: the Frequency Domain
     86// contains exactly the same information as the Time-Domain.
     88//  A Real FFT over 64 samples produces values for 33 cosine- and 33
     89// sine-wave-amplitudes with the frequencies 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 30, 31, 32.
     90// The first value (frequency 0) is the DC (direct current), the other
     91// values have to be seen in practice as factors of a
     92// fundamental-frequency which can be calculated by dividing samplerate by
     93// windowsize. The highest frequency is the nyquist-frequency
     94// (samplerate/2).
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