Changeset 410 for trunk/MagicSoft

07/04/00 15:16:24 (25 years ago)
We itroduced a new constructor that has values for gate length and
amplitud response and fhwn for one phe.
1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx

    r392 r410  
    294294  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
    295     SlicesFirst[i]  = -50.0 ;
    296     SlicesSecond[i] = -50.0 ;
     295    SlicesFirst[i]  = -50 ;
     296    SlicesSecond[i] = -50 ;
     297    PixelsFirst[i]  = -1;
     298    PixelsSecond[i] = -1;
     299  }
     300  cout << " end of MTrigger::MTrigger()" << endl ;
     303MTrigger::MTrigger(float gate, float ampl, float fwhm) {
     304  // ============================================================
     305  //
     306  //  constructor
     307  // 
     308  //  The procedure is the following:
     309  //
     310  //  1. Allocation of some memory needed
     311  //  2. some parameters of the trigger are set.   
     312  //  3. Then the all signals are set to zero
     314  Int_t  i, ii ;
     316  Float_t threshold ;
     318  //
     319  //   allocate the memory for the 2dim arrays (a_sig, d_sig )
     320  //
     322  for( Int_t j=0; j<TRIGGER_PIXELS; j++ ) {
     324    a_sig[j] = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     326    d_sig[j] = new Float_t[TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES] ;
     327  }
     329  //
     330  //   set the values for the standard response pulse
     331  //
     333  fwhm_resp = fwhm       ;
     334  ampl_resp = ampl  ;
     336  threshold = CHANNEL_THRESHOLD  ;
     339  gate_leng        = gate       ;
     340  trigger_multi    = TRIGGER_MULTI      ;
     341  trigger_geometry = TRIGGER_GEOM ;
     343  cout << endl
     344       << "[MTrigger]  Setting up the MTrigger with this values "<< endl ;
     345  cout << "[MTrigger]    Gate Length:        " << gate_leng  << " ns"
     346       << endl ;
     347  cout << "[MTrigger]    Response FWHM:      " << fwhm_resp  << " ns"
     348       << endl ;
     349  cout << "[MTrigger]    Response Amplitude: " << ampl_resp  << " mV"
     350       << endl ;
     351  cout << endl ;
     354  for (Int_t k=0; k<TRIGGER_PIXELS; k++ ) {
     355    chan_thres[k] = threshold ;
     356  }
     359  //
     360  //    set up the response shape
     361  //
     363  Float_t   sigma ;
     364  Float_t   x, x0 ;
     366  sigma = fwhm_resp / 2.35 ;
     367  x0 = 3*sigma ;
     369  for (i=0; i< RESPONSE_SLICES ; i++ ) { 
     371    x = i * (1./((Float_t)SLICES_PER_NSEC))
     372      + (1./( 2 * (Float_t)SLICES_PER_NSEC ))  ;
     374    sing_resp[i] =
     375      ampl_resp * expf(-0.5 * (x-x0)*(x-x0) / (sigma*sigma) ) ;
     377  }
     379  //
     380  //    look for the time between start of response function and the
     381  //    maximum value of the response function. This is needed by the
     382  //    member functions FillNSB() and FillStar()
     383  // 
     385  Int_t imax  = 0  ;
     386  Float_t max = 0. ;
     387  for (i=0; i< RESPONSE_SLICES ; i++ ) { 
     388    if ( sing_resp[i] > max ) {
     389      imax = i ;
     390      max  = sing_resp[i] ;
     391    }
     392  }
     394  peak_time = ( (Float_t) imax )  / ( (Float_t) SLICES_PER_NSEC ) ;
     397  //
     398  //   the amplitude of one single photo electron is not a constant.
     399  //   There exists a measured distribution from Razmik. This distribution
     400  //   is used to simulate the noise of the amplitude.
     401  //   For this a histogramm (histPmt) is created and filled with the
     402  //   values.
     403  //
     405  histPmt = new TH1F ("histPmt","Noise of PMT", 40, 0., 40.) ;
     407  Stat_t ValRazmik[41] = { 0., 2.14, 2.06, 2.05, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08,  2.15,
     408                           2.27, 2.40, 2.48, 2.55, 2.50, 2.35, 2.20,  2.10,
     409                           1.90, 1.65, 1.40, 1.25, 1.00, 0.80, 0.65,  0.50,
     410                           0.35, 0.27, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12,  0.10,
     411                           0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005,0.003, 0.001} ;
     413  histMean =  histPmt->GetMean() ;   
     415  histPmt->SetContent( ValRazmik) ;
     417  histMean =  histPmt->GetMean() ;
     419  //
     420  //   create the random generator for the Electronic Noise
     421  //
     423  GenElec = new TRandom() ;
     425  //
     426  //  Read in the lookup table for NN trigger
     427  //
     429  FILE *unit ;
     430  int id ;
     432  i = 0 ;
     434  if ( (unit = fopen("../include-MTrigger/TABLE_NEXT_NEIGHBOUR", "r" )) == 0 ) {
     435    cout << "ERROR: not able to read ../include-MTrigger/TABLE_NEXT_NEIGHBOUR"
     436         << endl ;
     437    exit(123) ;
     438  } 
     439  else {
     440    while ( i < TRIGGER_PIXELS )
     441      {
     442        fscanf ( unit, " %d", &id ) ;
     444        for ( Int_t k=0; k<6; k++ ) {
     445          fscanf ( unit, "%d ", &NN[i][k]  ) ;
     446        }
     447        i++ ;
     448      }
     450    fclose (unit) ;
     451  }
     454  //
     455  //
     456  //  set all the booleans used to FALSE, indicating that the pixel is not
     457  //  used in this event.
     458  //
     460  for ( i =0 ; i <TRIGGER_PIXELS ; i++ ) {
     461    used [i] = FALSE ;
     462    dknt [i] = FALSE ;
     464    nphotshow[i] = 0 ;
     465    nphotnsb [i] = 0 ;
     466    nphotstar[i] = 0 ;
     468    baseline[i] = 0 ;
     469  }
     471  for ( ii=0 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     472    sum_d_sig[ii] = 0. ; 
     473  }
     475  //
     476  //   set the information about the Different Level Triggers to zero
     477  //
     479  nZero = nFirst = nSecond = 0 ;
     481  for (ii=0 ; ii<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES; ii++ ) {
     482    SlicesZero[ii] = FALSE;
     483  }
     485  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
     486    SlicesFirst[i]  = -50 ;
     487    SlicesSecond[i] = -50 ;
    297488    PixelsFirst[i]  = -1;
    298489    PixelsSecond[i] = -1;
    362553  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
    363     SlicesFirst[i]  = -50.0 ;
     554    SlicesFirst[i]  = -50 ;
    364555    PixelsFirst[i]  = -1;
    365556  }
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