Changeset 4385

07/15/04 09:42:12 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/msignal/MExtractBlindPixel.h

    r4379 r4385  
    2525  static const Int_t   fgNSBFilterLimit;   //! Default for fNSBFilterLimit
    2626  static const Float_t fgResolution;       //! Default for fResolution         (currently set to: 0.003)
    27   static const UInt_t  gkModificationRun;  //! The run number from which on three blind pixels are used
    2827  static const Float_t gkOverflow;         //! Default sum to assign overflow in case of saturation
     28  static const UInt_t  gkModificationRun;  //! Run number from which on three blind pixels are used
    30   MExtractedSignalBlindPixel  *fBlindPixel; // Extracted signal of the Blind Pixel
     30  MExtractedSignalBlindPixel *fBlindPixel; // Extracted signal of the Blind Pixel
    32   Byte_t   fFirst;
    33   Byte_t   fLast;
    34   Byte_t   fHiLoFirst;
    35   Float_t *fHiGainSignal;                     // Need fast access to the signals in a float way
    36   Float_t *fHiGainFirstDeriv;
    37   Float_t *fHiGainSecondDeriv;
     32  Byte_t   fFirst;                         // First extraction slice for runs after modification
     33  Byte_t   fLast;                          // Last extraction slice for runs after modification
     34  Byte_t   fHiLoFirst;                     // If not zero, start extraction from fHiLoFirst slice of Low-Gain
    39   Float_t fResolution;                        // The time resolution in FADC units
    40   TArrayI fBlindPixelIdx;
    41   Int_t   fNSBFilterLimit; 
     36  Float_t *fHiGainSignal;                  // Need fast access to the signals in a float way
     37  Float_t *fHiGainFirstDeriv;              // First derivative at intersection
     38  Float_t *fHiGainSecondDeriv;             // Second derivative at intersection
    43   Bool_t  fModified;
    44   Byte_t  fExtractionType;                   
     40  Float_t fResolution;                     // The time resolution in FADC units
     41  TArrayI fBlindPixelIdx;                  // Array holding the IDs of the blind pixel(s)
     42  Int_t   fNSBFilterLimit;                 // Limit of sum of FADC slices for filter part
     44  Bool_t  fModified;                       // Is the run taken after the modifications?
     45  Byte_t  fExtractionType;                 // What extraction type has been chosen?
    6970  // Setters
    70   void SetExtractionType( const ExtractionType_t typ=kAmplitude );
    71   void SetFirst( const Byte_t first=fgFirst) { fFirst = first; }
    72   void SetLast ( const Byte_t last =fgLast)  { fLast  = last; }
    73   void SetRange( const Byte_t hifirst=0, const Byte_t hilast=0,
    74                  const Byte_t lofirst=0, const Byte_t lolast=0);
    75   void SetBlindPixelIdx(  const  Int_t idx=fgBlindPixelIdx, const Int_t nr=0) {
     71  void SetBlindPixelIdx(  const Int_t  idx=fgBlindPixelIdx, const Int_t nr=0 ) {
    7672    if (nr>fBlindPixelIdx.GetSize()-1)
    7773      fBlindPixelIdx.Set(nr+1);
    7874    fBlindPixelIdx.AddAt(idx,nr); }
    79   void SetNSBFilterLimit(  const  Int_t lim=fgNSBFilterLimit ) { fNSBFilterLimit     = lim; }   
    80   void SetResolution(Float_t f=fgResolution)     { fResolution = f;  }
     75  void SetExtractionType( const ExtractionType_t typ=kAmplitude );
     76  void SetFirst         ( const Byte_t         first=fgFirst )  { fFirst          = first; }
     77  void SetLast          ( const Byte_t         last =fgLast  )  { fLast           = last;  }
     78  void SetNSBFilterLimit( const Int_t   lim=fgNSBFilterLimit )  { fNSBFilterLimit = lim;   }     
     79  void SetRange         ( const Byte_t  hifirst=0, const Byte_t hilast=0,
     80                          const Byte_t  lofirst=0, const Byte_t lolast=0 );
     81  void SetResolution    ( const Float_t f=fgResolution       )  { fResolution     = f;     }
    8283  ClassDef(MExtractBlindPixel, 0) // Signal Extractor for the Blind Pixel
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