Changeset 4456 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars

08/04/04 11:34:22 (21 years ago)
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2 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r4454 r4456  
    2626   * mjobs/
    2727     - replaced default time extractor by MExtractTimeFastSpline
     29   * mbadpixels/
     30     - updated the class description
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mbadpixels/

    r3961 r4456  
    4343// The second index (fInfo[1]) hold information acquired during the calibration. The bits
    4444// are coded in the following form:
    45 // BIT(1 ): kHiGainNotCalibrated :  Any High Gain signal is not calibrated and cannot be used
    46 // BIT(2 ): kLoGainNotCalibrated :  Any Low  Gain signal is not calibrated and cannot be used
    47 // BIT(3 ): kHiGainNotFitted     :  Any High Gain signal is calibrated without a Gauss Fit to the signal distribution
    48 // BIT(4 ): kLoGainNotFitted     :  Any Low  Gain signal is calibrated without a Gauss Fit to the signal distribution
    49 // BIT(5 ): kHiGainOscillating   :  The High Gain signals fourier transform showed abnormal behavior 
    50 // BIT(6 ): kLoGainOscillating   :  The Low  Gain signals fourier transform showed abnormal behavior 
     46// * Set bits leading to an unreliable flag:
     48// BIT(1 ): kHiGainNotFitted     :  Any High Gain signal is calibrated without a Gauss Fit to the signal distribution
     49// BIT(2 ): kLoGainNotFitted     :  Any Low  Gain signal is calibrated without a Gauss Fit to the signal distribution
     50// BIT(3 ): kRelTimeNotFitted    :  Any High Gain signal's arrival times are calibrated without a Gauss Fit
     51// BIT(4 ): kHiGainOscillating   :  The High Gain signals fourier transform showed abnormal behavior 
     52// BIT(5 ): kLoGainOscillating   :  The Low  Gain signals fourier transform showed abnormal behavior 
     53// BIT(6 ): kRelTimeOscillating  :  The High Gain arrival times fourier transform showed abnormal behavior 
    5154// BIT(7 ): kLoGainSaturation    :  The Low  Gain signals were saturated during calibration
     56// * Set bits leading to an unsuitable flag:
    5258// BIT(8 ): kChargeIsPedestal    :  The calibration signal contained only pedestals - presumably dead pixel
     59// BIT(9 ): kChargeErrNotValid   :  The absolute error of the derived charge has given non-sense - presumably pedestal
    5360// BIT(10): kChargeRelErrNotValid:  The relative error of the derived charge was too large or too small
    5461// BIT(11): kChargeSigmaNotValid :  The sigma of the pedestal distribution smaller than the pedestal RMS - presumably a pixel with a star in its FOV only during the pedestal taking
    5764// BIT(14): kDeviatingNumPhes    :  The calculated number of photo-electrons deviates too much from the mean - inconsistency
    5865// BIT(15): kDeviatingFFactor    :  The calculated overall F-Factor deviates too much from the mean - inconsistency
     67// * Set bits leading to not useable low-gain signal:
    5969// BIT(16): kConversionHiLoNotValid: The calibrated Conversion between Hi-Gain and Low Gain gives absurd results
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