Changeset 4542
- Timestamp:
- 08/07/04 15:40:59 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Files:
- 2 added
- 10 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4541 r4542 23 23 2004/08/06: Markus Gaug 24 24 25 * mcalib/MCalibrationTestCalc.[h,cc] 26 * mcalib/Makefile 27 * mcalib/CalibLinkDef.h 28 - new class to retrieve the results of MHCalbirationTestCam 29 - outputs the results of the bad pixels interpolation and the 30 new relative flat-fielding of the camera. 31 25 32 * mjobs/ 26 33 - uncomment (and use) the interpolation of bad pixels 34 - use the class MCalibrationTestCalc 27 35 28 36 * mcalib/ -
r4456 r4542 63 63 // BIT(13): kMeanTimeInLast2Bins : The signal has its mean maximum in the last two used FADC slice - signal extractor bad 64 64 // BIT(14): kDeviatingNumPhes : The calculated number of photo-electrons deviates too much from the mean - inconsistency 65 // BIT(15): kDeviatingFFactor : The calculated overall F-Factor deviates too much from the mean - inconsistency 65 // BIT(15): kDeviatingNumPhots : The calculated number of calibrated photons deviates too much from the mean - inconsistency 66 // BIT(16): kDeviatingFFactor : The calculated overall F-Factor deviates too much from the mean - inconsistency 66 67 // 67 68 // * Set bits leading to not useable low-gain signal: 68 69 // 69 // BIT(1 6): kConversionHiLoNotValid: The calibrated Conversion between Hi-Gain and Low Gain gives absurd results70 // BIT(17): kConversionHiLoNotValid: The calibrated Conversion between Hi-Gain and Low Gain gives absurd results 70 71 // 71 72 // These bits can be called with the enum MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t in combination -
r4464 r4542 45 45 kMeanTimeInLast2Bins = BIT(13), 46 46 kDeviatingNumPhes = BIT(14), 47 kDeviatingFFactor = BIT(15), 48 kDeviatingTimeResolution = BIT(16), 49 kConversionHiLoNotValid = BIT(17) 47 kDeviatingNumPhots = BIT(15), 48 kDeviatingFFactor = BIT(16), 49 kDeviatingTimeResolution = BIT(17), 50 kConversionHiLoNotValid = BIT(18) 50 51 }; 51 52 -
r4402 r4542 17 17 #pragma link C++ class MCalibrationQECam+; 18 18 #pragma link C++ class MCalibrationQEPix+; 19 #pragma link C++ class MCalibrationTestCalc+; 19 20 #pragma link C++ class MCalibrationChargeCalc+; 20 21 #pragma link C++ class MCalibrationChargeCam+; -
r4541 r4542 949 949 Float_t lowlim [nareas]; 950 950 Float_t upplim [nareas]; 951 Float_t areavars[nareas];952 Float_t areaweights[nareas], sectorweights [nsectors];953 Float_t areaphes[nareas], sectorphes [nsectors];951 Double_t areavars [nareas]; 952 Double_t areaweights[nareas], sectorweights [nsectors]; 953 Double_t areaphes [nareas], sectorphes [nsectors]; 954 954 Int_t numareavalid[nareas], numsectorvalid[nsectors]; 955 955 956 956 memset(lowlim ,0, nareas * sizeof(Float_t)); 957 957 memset(upplim ,0, nareas * sizeof(Float_t)); 958 memset(areaphes ,0, nareas * sizeof( Float_t));959 memset(areavars ,0, nareas * sizeof( Float_t));960 memset(areaweights ,0, nareas * sizeof( Float_t));958 memset(areaphes ,0, nareas * sizeof(Double_t)); 959 memset(areavars ,0, nareas * sizeof(Double_t)); 960 memset(areaweights ,0, nareas * sizeof(Double_t)); 961 961 memset(numareavalid ,0, nareas * sizeof(Int_t )); 962 memset(sectorweights ,0, nsectors * sizeof( Float_t));963 memset(sectorphes ,0, nsectors * sizeof( Float_t));962 memset(sectorweights ,0, nsectors * sizeof(Double_t)); 963 memset(sectorphes ,0, nsectors * sizeof(Double_t)); 964 964 memset(numsectorvalid,0, nsectors * sizeof(Int_t )); 965 965 … … 1066 1066 1067 1067 memset(numareavalid,0,nareas*sizeof(Int_t)); 1068 memset(areaphes ,0,nareas*sizeof( Float_t));1069 memset(areavars ,0,nareas*sizeof( Float_t));1068 memset(areaphes ,0,nareas*sizeof(Double_t)); 1069 memset(areavars ,0,nareas*sizeof(Double_t)); 1070 1070 1071 1071 // … … 1367 1367 Float_t lowlim [nareas]; 1368 1368 Float_t upplim [nareas]; 1369 Float_t avffactorphotons [nareas];1370 Float_t avffactorphotvar [nareas];1369 Double_t avffactorphotons [nareas]; 1370 Double_t avffactorphotvar [nareas]; 1371 1371 Int_t numffactor [nareas]; 1372 1372 1373 1373 memset(lowlim ,0, nareas * sizeof(Float_t)); 1374 1374 memset(upplim ,0, nareas * sizeof(Float_t)); 1375 memset(avffactorphotons,0, nareas * sizeof( Float_t));1376 memset(avffactorphotvar,0, nareas * sizeof( Float_t));1375 memset(avffactorphotons,0, nareas * sizeof(Double_t)); 1376 memset(avffactorphotvar,0, nareas * sizeof(Double_t)); 1377 1377 memset(numffactor ,0, nareas * sizeof(Int_t)); 1378 1378 -
r4402 r4542 48 48 private: 49 49 50 static const Float_t fgChargeLimit; //! Default for fChargeLimit 51 static const Float_t fgChargeErrLimit; //! Default for fChargeErrLimit 52 static const Float_t fgChargeRelErrLimit; //! Default for fChargeRelErrLimit 53 static const Float_t fgLambdaCheckLimit; //! Default for fLambdaCheckLimit 54 static const Float_t fgLambdaErrLimit; //! Default for fLabmdaErrLimit 55 static const Float_t fgPheErrLimit; //! Default for fPheErrLimit 56 static const Float_t fgFFactorErrLimit; //! Default for fFFactorErrLimit 50 static const Float_t fgChargeLimit; //! Default for fChargeLimit (now set to: 2.5) 51 static const Float_t fgChargeErrLimit; //! Default for fChargeErrLimit (now set to: 0.) 52 static const Float_t fgChargeRelErrLimit; //! Default for fChargeRelErrLimit (now set to: 1.) 53 static const Float_t fgLambdaCheckLimit; //! Default for fLambdaCheckLimit (now set to: 0.2) 54 static const Float_t fgLambdaErrLimit; //! Default for fLabmdaErrLimit (now set to: 0.5) 55 static const Float_t fgPheErrLimit; //! Default for fPheErrLimit (now set to: 4.) 56 static const Float_t fgFFactorErrLimit; //! Default for fFFactorErrLimit (now set to: 4.) 57 57 58 58 // Variables … … 107 107 void PrintUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t typ, const char *text) const; 108 108 109 void SetPheFitOK ( const Int_t aidx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b ? SETBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kPheFitOK) 110 : CLRBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kPheFitOK); } 111 void SetFFactorFitOK ( const Int_t aidx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b ? SETBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kFFactorFitOK) 112 : CLRBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kFFactorFitOK); } 113 void SetBlindPixelFitOK ( const Int_t idx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b ? SETBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelFitOK) 114 : CLRBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelFitOK); } 115 void SetBlindPixelPedFitOK( const Int_t idx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b ? SETBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelPedFitOK) 116 : CLRBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelPedFitOK); } 117 void SetPINDiodeFitOK ( const Int_t idx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b ? SETBIT(fPINDiodeFlags[idx], kPINDiodeFitOK) 118 : CLRBIT(fPINDiodeFlags[idx], kPINDiodeFitOK); } 109 void SetPheFitOK ( const Int_t aidx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { 110 b ? SETBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kPheFitOK) 111 : CLRBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kPheFitOK); } 112 void SetFFactorFitOK ( const Int_t aidx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { 113 b ? SETBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kFFactorFitOK) 114 : CLRBIT(fResultFlags[aidx], kFFactorFitOK); } 115 void SetBlindPixelFitOK ( const Int_t idx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { 116 b ? SETBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelFitOK) 117 : CLRBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelFitOK); } 118 void SetBlindPixelPedFitOK( const Int_t idx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { 119 b ? SETBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelPedFitOK) 120 : CLRBIT(fBlindPixelFlags[idx], kBlindPixelPedFitOK); } 121 void SetPINDiodeFitOK ( const Int_t idx, const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { 122 b ? SETBIT(fPINDiodeFlags[idx], kPINDiodeFitOK) 123 : CLRBIT(fPINDiodeFlags[idx], kPINDiodeFitOK); } 119 124 120 125 Int_t PreProcess (MParList *pList); -
r4539 r4542 116 116 117 117 SetAverageNbins(5000); 118 119 fNotInterpolateablePixels.Set(0); 118 120 } 119 121 … … 376 378 if (hist.IsEmpty()) 377 379 { 378 *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": WARNING: Not interpolated histogram pixel: " << i << endl; 380 const Int_t size = fNotInterpolateablePixels.GetSize(); 381 fNotInterpolateablePixels.Set(size+1); 382 fNotInterpolateablePixels[size] = i; 379 383 continue; 380 384 } … … 441 445 } 442 446 443 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------444 //445 // Sets all pixels to MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun, if following flags are set:446 // - MBadPixelsPix::kTestNotFitted447 // - MBadPixelsPix::kTestOscillating448 //449 void MHCalibrationTestCam::FinalizeBadPixels()450 {451 452 }453 447 454 448 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r4152 r4542 7 7 #ifndef ROOT_TArrayF 8 8 #include "TArrayF.h" 9 #endif 10 #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI 11 #include "TArrayI.h" 9 12 #endif 10 13 … … 19 22 TArrayF fMeanSigmaPhotPerArea; 20 23 TArrayF fRmsSigmaPhotPerArea ; 24 25 TArrayI fNotInterpolateablePixels; 21 26 22 27 Bool_t ReInitHists(MParList *pList); 23 28 Bool_t FillHists(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1); 24 29 Bool_t FinalizeHists(); 25 void FinalizeBadPixels();26 30 27 31 public: … … 33 37 void DrawPixelContent(Int_t idx) const; 34 38 35 const Float_t GetMeanMeanPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fMeanMeanPhotPerArea[aidx]; }36 const Float_t GetRmsMeanPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fRmsMeanPhotPerArea[aidx]; }37 const Float_t GetMeanSigmaPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fMeanSigmaPhotPerArea[aidx]; }38 const Float_t GetRmsSigmaPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const{ return fRmsSigmaPhotPerArea [aidx]; }39 const Float_t GetMeanMeanPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fMeanMeanPhotPerArea [aidx]; } 40 const Float_t GetMeanSigmaPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fMeanSigmaPhotPerArea [aidx]; } 41 const Float_t GetRmsMeanPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fRmsMeanPhotPerArea [aidx]; } 42 const Float_t GetRmsSigmaPhotPerArea ( const Int_t aidx ) const { return fRmsSigmaPhotPerArea [aidx]; } 39 43 44 const TArrayI &GetNotInterpolateablePixels () const { return fNotInterpolateablePixels; } 45 40 46 void CalcAverageSigma(); 41 47 42 ClassDef(MHCalibrationTestCam, 0) // Histogram class for Relative Time Camera Calibration48 ClassDef(MHCalibrationTestCam, 1) // Histogram class for Relative Time Camera Calibration 43 49 }; 44 50 -
r4401 r4542 42 42 \ 43 43 \ 44 \ 44 45 \ 45 46 \ -
r4532 r4542 53 53 #include "MCalibrationRelTimeCam.h" 54 54 #include "MCalibrationQECam.h" 55 #include "MCalibrationTestCalc.h" 55 56 #include "MHCamEvent.h" 56 57 … … 262 263 badtreat.SetUseInterpolation(); 263 264 badtreat.SetSloppyTreatment(); 265 MCalibrationTestCalc testcalc; 266 testcalc.SetOutputPath(fOutputPath); 267 testcalc.SetOutputFile(Form("%s-TestCalibStat.txt",(const char*)fRuns->GetRunsAsFileName())); 264 268 265 269 MHCamEvent evt("ExtSignal"); … … 294 298 tlist.AddToList(&badtreat); 295 299 tlist.AddToList(&fillcam); 300 tlist.AddToList(&testcalc); 296 301 297 302 // Create and setup the eventloop
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