- Timestamp:
- 08/11/04 12:01:44 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft
- Files:
- 17 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4574 r4577 20 20 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 21 21 22 2004/08/10: Thomas Bretz 23 24 * mreport/MReportFileReadCC.[h,cc]: 25 - added 26 27 * mreport/Makefile, mreport/ReportsLinkDef.h: 28 - added MReportFileReadCC 29 30 * mreport/MReport*.[h,cc]: 31 - prpagate file version number to all Interpreters 32 33 * merpp.cc: 34 - added new commandline options to support different CC files 35 - changed help-output 36 37 * readraw.cc: 38 - a small fix (a '.' was missing) 39 40 * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: 41 - fixed bug in Print 42 43 * manalysis/MGeomApply.cc: 44 - changed to Init all MCamEvents in the parlist 45 46 * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: 47 - added a cast operator to TIterator* 48 - check whether a automatic created class inherits from MParConatiner 49 50 * mgui/MCamEvent.[h,cc]: 51 - added Init 52 - added InitSize 53 54 * mmc/MMcTrig.cxx: 55 - added a new option to Print() 56 57 * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc], mraw/MRawEvtHeader.[h,cc], 58 mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawSocketRead.cc 59 - changed Init() to InitRead() 60 61 * msignal/MArrivalTime.[h,cc]: 62 - changed argument of InitSize according to MCamEvent 63 64 * msql/MSQLServer.[h,cc]: 65 - small changes to interface 66 67 68 22 69 2004/08/10: Robert Wagner 23 70 24 * mreport s/MReportCamera.[h,cc]71 * mreport/MReportCamera.[h,cc] 25 72 - added function InterpreteHOT which interprete the HOT* part of 26 73 the report. The variable HVs_modified_by_HOT_Pixels is … … 29 76 30 77 78 31 79 2004/08/10: Markus Gaug 32 80 … … 42 90 - implemented different way to calculate error of signal 43 91 in method kFlatCharge (as discussed with Keiichi). 92 44 93 45 94 … … 53 102 - change format of "Format" 54 103 - change default value for fgMaxHiGainVar to 40 104 105 55 106 56 107 2004/08/10: Nadia Tonello -
r4511 r4577 118 118 Bool_t MGeomApply::ReInit(MParList *pList) 119 119 { 120 MGeomCam * cam = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MGeomCam"));121 if (! cam)120 MGeomCam *geom = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MGeomCam")); 121 if (!geom) 122 122 { 123 123 *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": No MGeomCam found... aborting." << endl; … … 128 128 // the use of some camera files from the 0.7 beta version in which the 129 129 // array containing pixel ratios is not initialized. 130 cam->CalcPixRatio(); 131 130 geom->CalcPixRatio(); 131 132 TIter Next(*pList); 133 TObject *o = 0; 134 135 while ((o=Next())) 136 { 137 MCamEvent *cam = dynamic_cast<MCamEvent*>(o); 138 if (cam) 139 cam->Init(*geom); 140 } 141 /* 132 142 MPedestalCam *ped = (MPedestalCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MPedestalCam")); 133 143 if (ped) 134 ped->Init(* cam);144 ped->Init(*geom); 135 145 136 146 MCalibrationCam *cal = (MCalibrationCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MCalibrationChargeCam")); 137 147 if (cal) 138 cal->Init(* cam);148 cal->Init(*geom); 139 149 140 150 MCalibrationCam *cat = (MCalibrationCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MCalibrationRelTimeCam")); 141 151 if (cat) 142 cat->Init(* cam);152 cat->Init(*geom); 143 153 144 154 MCalibrationCam *qe = (MCalibrationCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MCalibrationQECam")); 145 155 if (qe) 146 qe->Init(* cam);156 qe->Init(*geom); 147 157 148 158 MCalibrationCam *pcam = (MCalibrationCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MCalibrationPedCam")); 149 159 if (pcam) 150 pcam->Init(* cam);160 pcam->Init(*geom); 151 161 152 162 MPedPhotCam *pedphot = (MPedPhotCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MPedPhotCam")); 153 163 if (pedphot) 154 pedphot->Init(* cam);164 pedphot->Init(*geom); 155 165 156 166 MExtractedSignalCam *ext = (MExtractedSignalCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MExtractedSignalCam")); 157 167 if (ext) 158 ext->Init Size(cam->GetNumPixels());168 ext->Init(*cam); 159 169 160 170 MArrivalTimeCam *tme = (MArrivalTimeCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MArrivalTimeCam")); … … 168 178 MBadPixelsCam *bad = (MBadPixelsCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MBadPixelsCam")); 169 179 if (bad) 170 bad->InitSize(cam->GetNumPixels()); 180 bad->InitSize(cam->GetNumPixels()); 181 */ 171 182 172 183 return kTRUE; -
r3568 r4577 515 515 } 516 516 517 if (!cls->InheritsFrom(MParContainer::Class())) 518 { 519 *fLog << " - Class doesn't inherit from MParContainer." << endl; 520 return NULL; 521 } 522 517 523 // 518 524 // create the parameter container of the the given class type … … 936 942 return kTRUE; 937 943 } 944 945 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 946 // 947 // Can be used to create an iterator over all containers, eg: 948 // MParList plist; 949 // TIter Next(plist); // Be aware: Use a object here rather than a pointer! 950 // TObject *o=0; 951 // while ((o=Next())) 952 // { 953 // [...] 954 // } 955 // 956 MParList::operator TIterator*() const 957 { 958 return new TOrdCollectionIter(fContainer); 959 } -
r2958 r4577 94 94 Bool_t WriteEnv(TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print=kFALSE) const; 95 95 96 operator TIterator*() const; 97 96 98 ClassDef(MParList, 1) // list of parameter containers (MParContainer) 97 99 }; -
r3226 r4577 40 40 #include "MCamEvent.h" 41 41 42 #include "MGeomCam.h" 43 42 44 ClassImp(MCamEvent); 45 46 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 // 48 // You can overwrite this function if you want the container to be 49 // initialized by MGeomApply with the geometry. If it is not overloaded 50 // it calls InitSize with the corresponding pixel number. If this information 51 // is enough for you it is enough to overload InitSize. 52 // 53 void MCamEvent::Init(const MGeomCam &geom) 54 { 55 InitSize(geom.GetNumPixels()); 56 } -
r2958 r4577 14 14 virtual void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const = 0; 15 15 16 virtual void Init(const MGeomCam &geom); 17 virtual void InitSize(const UInt_t i) { } // Used by MGeomApply see Init() 18 16 19 ClassDef(MCamEvent, 0) // A camera event 17 20 }; -
r4358 r4577 50 50 ~MRawEvtData(); 51 51 52 void Init (MRawRunHeader *rh, MRawCrateArray *arr)52 void InitRead(MRawRunHeader *rh, MRawCrateArray *arr) 53 53 { 54 54 // -
r4052 r4577 140 140 // a raw binary file 141 141 // 142 void MRawEvtHeader::Init (MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t)142 void MRawEvtHeader::InitRead(MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t) 143 143 { 144 144 // -
r4040 r4577 53 53 ~MRawEvtHeader(); 54 54 55 void Init (MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t);55 void InitRead(MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t); 56 56 57 57 void Clear(Option_t * = NULL); -
r4178 r4577 206 206 // Run header must be valid! 207 207 // 208 fRawEvtHeader->Init (fRawRunHeader, fRawEvtTime);209 fRawEvtData ->Init (fRawRunHeader, fRawCrateArray);208 fRawEvtHeader->InitRead(fRawRunHeader, fRawEvtTime); 209 fRawEvtData ->InitRead(fRawRunHeader, fRawCrateArray); 210 210 211 211 // -
r4019 r4577 262 262 // Run header must be valid! 263 263 // 264 fRawEvtHeader->Init (fRawRunHeader, fRawEvtTime);265 fRawEvtData ->Init (fRawRunHeader, fRawCrateArray);264 fRawEvtHeader->InitRead(fRawRunHeader, fRawEvtTime); 265 fRawEvtData ->InitRead(fRawRunHeader, fRawCrateArray); 266 266 267 267 if (!ReadEvent(*fIn)) -
r2675 r4577 5 5 #pragma link off all functions; 6 6 7 #pragma link C++ class MRawRunHeader ;7 #pragma link C++ class MRawRunHeader+; 8 8 9 #pragma link C++ class MRawEvtHeader ;10 #pragma link C++ class MRawEvtData ;9 #pragma link C++ class MRawEvtHeader+; 10 #pragma link C++ class MRawEvtData+; 11 11 #pragma link C++ class MRawEvtPixelIter+; 12 12 -
r4522 r4577 67 67 } 68 68 69 void MArrivalTime::InitSize( Int_t i)69 void MArrivalTime::InitSize(const UInt_t i) 70 70 { 71 71 fData.Set(i); -
r4522 r4577 30 30 31 31 void Reset(); 32 void InitSize( Int_t i);32 void InitSize(const UInt_t i); 33 33 34 34 UInt_t GetSize() const { return fData.GetSize(); } -
r4514 r4577 221 221 } 222 222 223 void MSQLServer::PrintLine(const TArrayI &max) const/*FOLD00*/223 void MSQLServer::PrintLine(const TArrayI &max) /*FOLD00*/ 224 224 { 225 225 cout << "+" << setfill('-'); … … 229 229 } 230 230 231 void MSQLServer::PrintTable(TSQLResult *res) const/*FOLD00*/232 { 233 Int_t n = res ->GetFieldCount();231 void MSQLServer::PrintTable(TSQLResult &res) /*FOLD00*/ 232 { 233 Int_t n = res.GetFieldCount(); 234 234 235 235 TArrayI max(n); 236 236 237 237 for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 238 max[i] = strlen(res ->GetFieldName(i));238 max[i] = strlen(res.GetFieldName(i)); 239 239 240 240 TSQLRow *row; 241 241 242 242 TList rows; 243 while ((row=res ->Next()))243 while ((row=res.Next())) 244 244 { 245 245 for (int i=0; i<n; i++) … … 254 254 cout << "|" << setfill(' '); 255 255 for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 256 cout << setw(max[i]+1) << res ->GetFieldName(i) << " |";256 cout << setw(max[i]+1) << res.GetFieldName(i) << " |"; 257 257 cout << endl; 258 258 … … 305 305 if (res) 306 306 { 307 PrintTable( res);307 PrintTable(*res); 308 308 delete res; 309 309 } -
r4514 r4577 28 28 Bool_t PrintError(const char *txt, const char *q) const; 29 29 30 void PrintLine(const TArrayI &max) const;31 void PrintTable(TSQLResult *res) const;32 30 TString GetFields() const; 33 31 … … 84 82 ~MSQLServer(); 85 83 84 static void PrintLine(const TArrayI &max); 85 static void PrintTable(TSQLResult &res); 86 86 87 const char *GetName() const; 87 88 -
r2399 r4577 93 93 } 94 94 95 void MMcTrig::Print(Option_t *Option) const { 96 // 97 // print out the data member on screen 98 // 99 Int_t i,j; 95 void MMcTrig::Print(Option_t *option) const 96 { 97 // 98 // print out the data member on screen 99 // 100 cout << "Monte Carlo Trigger output:" << endl; 101 cout << " First Level Trigger in this Event: " << fNumFirstLevel << endl; 102 if (!TString(option).Contains("short")) 103 { 104 cout << " Times of first Level Trigger in this Event: "; 105 for (int i=0; i<fNumFirstLevel; i++) 106 cout << fTimeFirst[i] << " "; 107 cout << endl; 100 108 101 cout <<endl << "Monte Carlo Trigger output:" <<endl; 102 cout << " First Level Trigger in this Event: "<<fNumFirstLevel<<endl; 103 cout << " Times of first Level Trigger in this Event: "; 104 for (i=0;i<fNumFirstLevel;i++){ 105 cout<< fTimeFirst[i]<<"-"; 106 } 107 cout<<endl; 108 cout << " Pixels of first Level Trigger in this Event : "; 109 for (i=0;i<fNumFirstLevel;i++){ 110 for(j=0;j<CAMERA_PIXELS/8+1;j++){ 111 cout<<fPixelsFirst[j][i]<<"-"; 109 cout << " Pixels of first Level Trigger in this Event: "; 110 for (int i=0; i<fNumFirstLevel; i++) 111 for(int j=0; j<CAMERA_PIXELS/8+1; j++) 112 cout << (int)fPixelsFirst[j][i] << " "; 113 cout << endl; 112 114 } 113 } 114 cout<<endl; 115 cout << " Second Level Trigger in this Event: " << fNumSecondLevel << endl; 116 cout << endl ; 115 116 cout << " Second Level Trigger in this Event: " << fNumSecondLevel << endl; 117 cout << endl; 117 118 } 118 119
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