Changeset 4678 for trunk/MagicSoft

08/18/04 10:12:10 (21 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
3 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r4677 r4678  
    23   2004/08/18 : Wolfgang Wittek
    25     * mastro/MTransCelLocCam.[h,cc]
    26       - new class; allows to calculate for any point (X, Y) in the
    27         camera the local (celestial) coordinates if the local
    28         (celestial) coordinates are known for some fixed point (X0, Y0)
    29         in the camera
    30       - for given local (celestial) coordinates of the camera center,
    31         the meber function PlotGrid draws the lines of constant theta
    32         and phi (and of constant dec and hourangle) onto the camera
    33         plane
    35     * mastro/Makefile, mastro/AstroLinkDef.h
    36       - MTransCelLocCam added
    38     * macros/testMTrans.C
    39       - macro to test the class MTransCelLocCam
     23 2004/08/18: Thomas Bretz
     25   * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.[h,cc]:
     26     - implemented function to calculate max cluster sizes
     30 2004/08/18 : Wolfgang Wittek
     32   * mastro/MTransCelLocCam.[h,cc]
     33     - new class; allows to calculate for any point (X, Y) in the
     34       camera the local (celestial) coordinates if the local
     35       (celestial) coordinates are known for some fixed point (X0, Y0)
     36       in the camera
     37     - for given local (celestial) coordinates of the camera center,
     38       the meber function PlotGrid draws the lines of constant theta
     39       and phi (and of constant dec and hourangle) onto the camera
     40       plane
     42   * mastro/Makefile, mastro/AstroLinkDef.h
     43     - MTransCelLocCam added
     45   * macros/testMTrans.C
     46     - macro to test the class MTransCelLocCam
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mbadpixels/

    r4658 r4678  
    4242#include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
     44#include "MGeomCam.h"
     45#include "MGeomPix.h"
    164167    fArray->ForEach(TObject, Clear)();
     170// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     172// Calculate the number of pixels with the given type-flags.
     174// The second argument aidx is the area index (see MGeomCam, MGeomPix)
     175// The default (or any value less than 0) means: all
     177// Returns -1 if the geometry doesn't match.
     179Short_t MBadPixelsCam::GetNumUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, const MGeomCam *geom, Int_t aidx) const
     181    const UInt_t n = GetSize();
     183    if (aidx>=0 && geom->GetNumPixels()!=n)
     184    {
     185        *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << "ERROR - Geometry (" << geom->ClassName() << ") size mismatch!" << endl;
     186        return -1;
     187    }
     189    Short_t rc = 0;
     190    for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++)
     191    {
     192        if (aidx>=0 && (*geom)[i].GetAidx()!=aidx)
     193            continue;
     195        if ((*this)[i].IsUnsuitable(type))
     196            rc++;
     197    }
     198    return rc;
     201// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     203// Calculate the number of pixels which are - under no circumstances -
     204// interpolatable, called isolated. This means that a pixel (its own status
     205// doesn't matter) has less than two reliable neighbor pixels.
     207// The second argument aidx is the area index (see MGeomCam, MGeomPix)
     208// The default (or any value less than 0) means: all
     210// Returns -1 if the geometry doesn't match.
     212Short_t MBadPixelsCam::GetNumIsolated(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t aidx) const
     214    const Int_t n = geom.GetNumPixels();
     216    if (n!=GetSize())
     217    {
     218        *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << "ERROR - Geometry (" << geom.ClassName() << ") size mismatch!" << endl;
     219        return -1;
     220    }
     222    Short_t rc = 0;
     223    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
     224    {
     225        const MGeomPix &pix = geom[i];
     226        if (aidx>=0 && pix.GetAidx()!=aidx)
     227            continue;
     229        const Int_t n2 = pix.GetNumNeighbors();
     231        Int_t cnt=0;
     232        for (int j=0; j<n2; j++)
     233        {
     234            const Int_t id2 = pix.GetNeighbor(j);
     235            if (!(*this)[id2].IsUnsuitable(type))
     236                cnt++;
     237        }
     239        if (cnt<2)
     240            rc++;
     241    }
     242    return rc;
     245// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     247// This is a helper function which calculates the size of a single cluster
     248// by iterative calling.
     250// If a pixel matches the criterias the counter is increased by 1 and
     251// the function is called for all its neighbors. If
     253// The second argument aidx is the area index (see MGeomCam, MGeomPix)
     254// The default (or any value less than 0) means: all
     256// Returns -1 if the geometry doesn't match.
     258Short_t MBadPixelsCam::GetNumMaxCluster(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, TObjArray &list, Int_t idx, Int_t aidx) const
     260    const MGeomPix *pix = (MGeomPix*)list[idx];
     261    if (!pix)
     262        return 0;
     264    if (!(*this)[idx].IsUnsuitable(type))
     265        return 0;
     267    if (aidx>=0 && pix->GetAidx()!=aidx)
     268        return 1;
     270    list.RemoveAt(idx);
     272    Short_t cnt = 1;
     273    const Int_t n = pix->GetNumNeighbors();
     274    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
     275        cnt += GetNumMaxCluster(type, list, pix->GetNeighbor(i), aidx);
     277    return cnt;
     280// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     282// Returns the size of the biggest cluster with the given USuitableType
     283// type and the given area index.
     285// The second argument aidx is the area index (see MGeomCam, MGeomPix)
     286// The default (or any value less than 0) means: all
     288// Returns -1 if the geometry doesn't match.
     290Short_t MBadPixelsCam::GetNumMaxCluster(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t aidx) const
     292    const Int_t n = geom.GetNumPixels();
     294    if (n!=GetSize())
     295    {
     296        *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << "ERROR - Geometry (" << geom.ClassName() << ") size mismatch!" << endl;
     297        return -1;
     298    }
     300    TObjArray list(n);
     301    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
     302        list.AddAt(&geom[i], i);
     304    Short_t max = 0;
     305    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
     306        max = TMath::Max(GetNumMaxCluster(type, list, i, aidx), max);
     308    return max;
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.h

    r3734 r4678  
    22#define MARS_MBadPixelsCam
    4 #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
    5 #include "MParContainer.h"
     4#ifndef MARS_MBadPixelsPix
     5#include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
    77#ifndef MARS_MCamEvent
    1111class TClonesArray;
    12 class MBadPixelsPix;
    1413class MBadPixelsCam : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent
    1716    TClonesArray *fArray; //->
     18    Short_t GetNumMaxCluster(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, TObjArray &list, Int_t idx, Int_t aidx) const;
    3435    void Merge(const MBadPixelsCam &cam);
     37    Short_t GetNumUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, const MGeomCam *geom, Int_t aidx=-1) const;
     38    Short_t GetNumUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type) const { return GetNumUnsuitable(type, 0); }
     39    Short_t GetNumIsolated(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t aidx=-1) const;
     40    Short_t GetNumIsolated(const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t aidx=-1) const { return GetNumIsolated(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun, geom, aidx); }
     41    Short_t GetNumMaxCluster(MBadPixelsPix::UnsuitableType_t type, const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t aidx=-1) const;
     42    Short_t GetNumMaxCluster(const MGeomCam &geom, Int_t aidx=-1) { return GetNumMaxCluster(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun, geom, aidx); }
    3644    void   AsciiRead(ifstream &fin, UInt_t run);
    3745    void   AsciiRead(ifstream &fin) { AsciiRead(fin, 0); }
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