Changeset 4836
- Timestamp:
- 09/02/04 17:47:06 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog ¶
r4829 r4836 40 40 41 41 * mhist/ 42 - paint significance 42 - paint significance and othe rinformations 43 - unified fit in Finalize and Paint 44 - replaced significance calculation by Li/Ma 43 45 44 46 * mhvstime/MHVsTime.[h,cc]: … … 53 55 * msignal/MArrivalTime.[h,cc]: 54 56 - added Print() 57 58 * manalysis/MEventRateCalc.[h,cc]: 59 - added the difference in time between two events into the output 60 - made setup more flexible 61 62 * mbase/ 63 - fixed a bug which caused a problem if MContinue was not in the 64 main tasklist 65 66 * mimage/MHImagePar.[h,cc], mimage/MHNewImagePar.[h,cc]: 67 - added Paint function to support logarithmic y-axis scles 55 68 56 69 -
TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mhist/ ¶
r4828 r4836 101 101 } 102 102 103 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------104 //105 // Calculate Significance as106 // significance = (s-b)/sqrt(s+k*k*b) mit k=s/b107 //108 Double_t MHAlpha::Significance(Double_t s, Double_t b)109 {110 const Double_t k = b==0 ? 0 : s/b;111 const Double_t f = s+k*k*b;112 113 return f==0 ? 0 : (s-b)/TMath::Sqrt(f);114 }115 116 103 Bool_t MHAlpha::SetupFill(const MParList *pl) 117 104 { … … 158 145 void MHAlpha::Paint(Option_t *opt) 159 146 { 147 DoFit(); 148 } 149 150 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151 // 152 // Draw the histogram 153 // 154 void MHAlpha::Draw(Option_t *opt) 155 { 156 TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(this); 157 pad->SetBorderMode(0); 158 159 fHist.Draw(); 160 161 AppendPad(""); 162 } 163 164 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165 // 166 // This is a preliminary implementation of a alpha-fit procedure for 167 // all possible source positions. It will be moved into its own 168 // more powerfull class soon. 169 // 170 // The fit function is "gaus(0)+pol2(3)" which is equivalent to: 171 // [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2) + [3] + [4]*x + [5]*x^2 172 // or 173 // A*exp(-0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)^2) + a + b*x + c*x^2 174 // 175 // Parameter [1] is fixed to 0 while the alpha peak should be 176 // symmetric around alpha=0. 177 // 178 // Parameter [4] is fixed to 0 because the first derivative at 179 // alpha=0 should be 0, too. 180 // 181 // In a first step the background is fitted between bgmin and bgmax, 182 // while the parameters [0]=0 and [2]=1 are fixed. 183 // 184 // In a second step the signal region (alpha<sigmax) is fittet using 185 // the whole function with parameters [1], [3], [4] and [5] fixed. 186 // 187 // The number of excess and background events are calculated as 188 // s = int(0, sigint, gaus(0)+pol2(3)) 189 // b = int(0, sigint, pol2(3)) 190 // 191 // The Significance is calculated using the Significance() member 192 // function. 193 // 194 Bool_t MHAlpha::DoFit(Double_t &sig, Bool_t paint) 195 { 160 196 Float_t sigint=fSigInt; 161 197 Float_t sigmax=fSigMax; 162 Float_t bgmin 163 Float_t bgmax 198 Float_t bgmin=fBgMin; 199 Float_t bgmax=fBgMax; 164 200 Byte_t polynom=fPolynom; 165 201 … … 175 211 176 212 TH1 *h=&fHist; 177 //const Double_t alpha0 = h->GetBinContent(1);178 //const Double_t alphaw = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);213 const Double_t alpha0 = h->GetBinContent(1); 214 const Double_t alphaw = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); 179 215 180 216 // Check for the regios which is not filled... 181 const Double_t alpha0 = h->GetBinContent(1);182 217 if (alpha0==0) 183 return ;218 return kFALSE; //*fLog << warn << "Histogram empty." << endl; 184 219 185 220 // First fit a polynom in the off region … … 191 226 func.ReleaseParameter(i); 192 227 193 //h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", bgmin, bgmax);194 228 h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", bgmin, bgmax); 195 func.SetRange(0, 90); 196 func.SetLineColor(kRed); 197 func.Paint("same"); 198 199 //h4a.Fill(func.GetChisquare()); 200 //h5a.Fill(func.GetProb()); 229 230 const Double_t chisq1 = func.GetChisquare()/func.GetNDF(); 231 232 // ------------------------------------ 233 if (paint) 234 { 235 func.SetRange(0, 90); 236 func.SetLineColor(kRed); 237 func.Paint("same"); 238 } 239 // ------------------------------------ 201 240 202 241 func.ReleaseParameter(0); … … 217 256 func.SetParameter(2, sigmax*0.75); 218 257 219 //h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", 0, sigmax);220 258 h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", 0, sigmax); 221 func.SetLineColor(kGreen); 222 func.Paint("same"); 223 224 const Double_t w=fHist.GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); 225 226 const Double_t s = func.Integral(0, sigint)/w; 259 260 const Double_t chisq2 = func.GetChisquare()/func.GetNDF(); 261 const Double_t sigmagaus = func.GetParameter(2); 262 263 // ------------------------------------ 264 if (paint) 265 { 266 func.SetLineColor(kGreen); 267 func.Paint("same"); 268 } 269 // ------------------------------------ 270 271 const Double_t s = func.Integral(0, sigint)/alphaw; 227 272 func.SetParameter(0, 0); 228 273 func.SetParameter(2, 1); 229 const Double_t b = func.Integral(0, sigint)/w; 230 const Double_t sig = MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(s, b); 231 232 TLatex text; 233 text.PaintLatex(35, fHist.GetMaximum()*1.1, 0, 0.05, Form("\\sigma=%.1f E=%d", sig, (int)(s-b))); 234 } 235 236 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 237 // 238 // Draw the histogram 239 // 240 void MHAlpha::Draw(Option_t *opt) 241 { 242 TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(this); 243 pad->SetBorderMode(0); 244 245 fHist.Draw(); 246 247 AppendPad(""); 248 } 249 250 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251 // 252 // This is a preliminary implementation of a alpha-fit procedure for 253 // all possible source positions. It will be moved into its own 254 // more powerfull class soon. 255 // 256 // The fit function is "gaus(0)+pol2(3)" which is equivalent to: 257 // [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2) + [3] + [4]*x + [5]*x^2 258 // or 259 // A*exp(-0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)^2) + a + b*x + c*x^2 260 // 261 // Parameter [1] is fixed to 0 while the alpha peak should be 262 // symmetric around alpha=0. 263 // 264 // Parameter [4] is fixed to 0 because the first derivative at 265 // alpha=0 should be 0, too. 266 // 267 // In a first step the background is fitted between bgmin and bgmax, 268 // while the parameters [0]=0 and [2]=1 are fixed. 269 // 270 // In a second step the signal region (alpha<sigmax) is fittet using 271 // the whole function with parameters [1], [3], [4] and [5] fixed. 272 // 273 // The number of excess and background events are calculated as 274 // s = int(0, sigint, gaus(0)+pol2(3)) 275 // b = int(0, sigint, pol2(3)) 276 // 277 // The Significance is calculated using the Significance() member 278 // function. 279 // 274 const Double_t b = func.Integral(0, sigint)/alphaw; 275 276 sig = MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(s, b); 277 278 // ------------------------------------ 279 if (paint) 280 { 281 TLatex text; 282 text.PaintLatex(9, fHist.GetMaximum()*1.11, 0, 0.04, 283 Form("\\sigma_{Li/Ma}=%.1f \\omega=%.1f\\circ E=%d (\\chi_{b}^{2}/N=%.1f \\chi_{s}^{2}/N=%.1f)", 284 sig, sigmagaus, (int)(s-b), chisq1, chisq2)); 285 } 286 // ------------------------------------ 287 288 return kTRUE; 289 } 290 280 291 Bool_t MHAlpha::Finalize() 281 292 { 282 //*fLog << dbg << "Fitting..." << endl; 283 284 Float_t sigint=fSigInt; 285 Float_t sigmax=fSigMax; 286 Float_t bgmin=fBgMin; 287 Float_t bgmax=fBgMax; 288 Byte_t polynom=fPolynom; 289 290 // xmin, xmax, npar 291 //TF1 func("MyFunc", fcn, 0, 90, 6); 292 // Implementing the function yourself is only about 5% faster 293 TF1 func("", Form("gaus(0) + pol%d(3)", polynom), 0, 90); 294 TArrayD maxpar(func.GetNpar()); 295 296 //*fLog << "Setup pars..." << endl; 297 298 func.FixParameter(1, 0); 299 func.FixParameter(4, 0); 300 func.SetParLimits(2, 0, 90); 301 func.SetParLimits(3, -1, 1); 302 303 // TStopwatch clk; 304 // clk.Start(); 305 /* 306 *fLog << inf; 307 *fLog << "Signal fit: alpha < " << sigmax << endl; 308 *fLog << "Integration: alpha < " << sigint << endl; 309 *fLog << "Background fit: " << bgmin << " < alpha < " << bgmax << endl; 310 *fLog << "Polynom order: " << (int)polynom << endl; 311 *fLog << "Fitting False Source Plot..." << flush; 312 */ 313 TH1 *h=&fHist; 314 const Double_t alpha0 = h->GetBinContent(1); 315 const Double_t alphaw = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); 316 317 // Check for the regios which is not filled... 318 if (alpha0==0) 293 Double_t sig = 0; 294 295 if (!DoFit(sig)) 319 296 { 320 297 *fLog << warn << "Histogram empty." << endl; 321 return kTRUE; 322 } 323 324 // First fit a polynom in the off region 325 func.FixParameter(0, 0); 326 func.FixParameter(2, 1); 327 func.ReleaseParameter(3); 328 329 //*fLog << "Release pars..." << endl; 330 331 for (int i=5; i<func.GetNpar(); i++) 332 func.ReleaseParameter(i); 333 334 //*fLog << dbg << "Fit 1" << endl; 335 //h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", bgmin, bgmax); 336 h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", bgmin, bgmax); 337 //*fLog << dbg << ix << "/" << iy << ": " << func.GetParameter(3) << " " << func.GetParameter(4) << endl; 338 339 //h4a.Fill(func.GetChisquare()); 340 //h5a.Fill(func.GetProb()); 341 342 //func.SetParLimits(0, 0.5*h->GetBinContent(1), 1.5*h->GetBinContent(1)); 343 //func.SetParLimits(2, 5, 90); 344 345 //*fLog << dbg << "Change params..." << endl; 346 347 func.ReleaseParameter(0); 348 //func.ReleaseParameter(1); 349 func.ReleaseParameter(2); 350 func.FixParameter(3, func.GetParameter(3)); 351 for (int i=5; i<func.GetNpar(); i++) 352 func.FixParameter(i, func.GetParameter(i)); 353 354 // Do not allow signals smaller than the background 355 const Double_t A = alpha0-func.GetParameter(3); 356 const Double_t dA = TMath::Abs(A); 357 func.SetParLimits(0, -dA*4, dA*4); 358 func.SetParLimits(2, 0, 90); 359 360 // Now fit a gaus in the on region on top of the polynom 361 func.SetParameter(0, A); 362 func.SetParameter(2, sigmax*0.75); 363 364 //*fLog << dbg << "Fit 2..." << endl; 365 //h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", 0, sigmax); 366 h->Fit(&func, "N0Q", "", 0, sigmax); 367 //*fLog << dbg << " " << func.GetParameter(0) << " " << func.GetParameter(1) << " " << func.GetParameter(2) << endl; 368 369 //*fLog << dbg << "Copy par..." << endl; 370 TArrayD p(func.GetNpar(), func.GetParameters()); 371 372 // Fill results into some histograms 373 /* 374 h0a.Fill(p[0]); 375 h0b.Fill(p[3]); 376 h1.Fill(p[1]); 377 h2.Fill(p[2]); 378 if (polynom>1) 379 h3.Fill(p[5]); 380 h4b.Fill(func.GetChisquare()); 381 //h5b.Fill(func.GetProb()); 382 */ 383 // Implementing the integral as analytical function 384 // gives the same result in the order of 10e-5 385 // and it is not faster at all... 386 387 //*fLog << dbg << "Int1 par..." << endl; 388 const Double_t s = func.Integral(0, sigint)/alphaw; 389 390 func.SetParameter(0, 0); 391 //func.SetParameter(2, 1); 392 393 //*fLog << dbg << "Int2 par..." << endl; 394 const Double_t b = func.Integral(0, sigint)/alphaw; 395 const Double_t sig = Significance(s, b); 396 397 //*fLog << dbg << "Set Val "<<sig<<" ..." << fResult << endl; 298 return kFALSE; 299 } 300 398 301 if (fResult) 399 302 fResult->SetVal(sig); 400 303 401 *fLog << inf << "Found Significance: " << sig << " (width=";402 *fLog << func.GetParameter(2) << "°, excess=" << s-b << ")" << endl;403 404 //*fLog << dbg << "Done." << endl;405 304 return kTRUE; 406 /*407 if (sig!=0)408 h6.Fill(sig);409 410 if (sig<maxs)411 {412 maxs = sig;413 maxx = ix;414 maxy = iy;415 maxpar = p;416 }417 */418 /*419 420 *fLog << inf << "done." << endl;421 422 h0a.GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, maxalpha0*1.5);423 h0b.GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, maxalpha0*1.5);424 425 //hists->SetMinimum(GetMinimumGT(*hists));426 histb->SetMinimum(GetMinimumGT(*histb));427 428 // clk.Stop();429 // clk.Print();430 TCanvas *c=new TCanvas;431 432 c->Divide(3,2, 0, 0);433 c->cd(1);434 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);435 hists->Draw("colz");436 hists->SetBit(kCanDelete);437 c->cd(2);438 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);439 hist->Draw("colz");440 hist->SetBit(kCanDelete);441 c->cd(3);442 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);443 histb->Draw("colz");444 histb->SetBit(kCanDelete);445 c->cd(4);446 gPad->Divide(1,3, 0, 0);447 TVirtualPad *p=gPad;448 p->SetBorderMode(0);449 p->cd(1);450 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);451 h0b.DrawCopy();452 h0a.DrawCopy("same");453 p->cd(2);454 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);455 h3.DrawCopy();456 p->cd(3);457 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);458 h2.DrawCopy();459 c->cd(6);460 gPad->Divide(1,2, 0, 0);461 TVirtualPad *q=gPad;462 q->SetBorderMode(0);463 q->cd(1);464 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);465 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);466 h4b.DrawCopy();467 h4a.DrawCopy("same");468 h6.DrawCopy("same");469 q->cd(2);470 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);471 //h5b.DrawCopy();472 //h5a.DrawCopy("same");473 c->cd(5);474 gPad->SetBorderMode(0);475 if (maxx>0 && maxy>0)476 {477 const char *title = Form(" \\alpha for x=%.2f y=%.2f (\\sigma_{max}=%.1f) ",478 fHist.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(maxx),479 fHist.GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(maxy), maxs);480 481 TH1 *result = fHist.ProjectionZ("AlphaFit", maxx, maxx, maxy, maxy);482 result->SetDirectory(NULL);483 result->SetNameTitle("Result \\alpha", title);484 result->SetBit(kCanDelete);485 result->SetXTitle("\\alpha [\\circ]");486 result->SetYTitle("Counts");487 result->Draw();488 489 TF1 f1("", func.GetExpFormula(), 0, 90);490 TF1 f2("", func.GetExpFormula(), 0, 90);491 f1.SetParameters(maxpar.GetArray());492 f2.SetParameters(maxpar.GetArray());493 f2.FixParameter(0, 0);494 f2.FixParameter(1, 0);495 f2.FixParameter(2, 1);496 f1.SetLineColor(kGreen);497 f2.SetLineColor(kRed);498 499 f2.DrawCopy("same");500 f1.DrawCopy("same");501 502 TPaveText *leg = new TPaveText(0.35, 0.10, 0.90, 0.35, "brNDC");503 leg->SetBorderSize(1);504 leg->SetTextSize(0.04);505 leg->AddText(0.5, 0.82, Form("A * exp(-(\\frac{x-\\mu}{\\sigma})^{2}/2) + pol%d", polynom))->SetTextAlign(22);506 //leg->AddText(0.5, 0.82, "A * exp(-(\\frac{x-\\mu}{\\sigma})^{2}/2) + b*x^{2} + a")->SetTextAlign(22);507 leg->AddLine(0, 0.65, 0, 0.65);508 leg->AddText(0.06, 0.54, Form("A=%.2f", maxpar[0]))->SetTextAlign(11);509 leg->AddText(0.06, 0.34, Form("\\sigma=%.2f", maxpar[2]))->SetTextAlign(11);510 leg->AddText(0.06, 0.14, Form("\\mu=%.2f (fix)", maxpar[1]))->SetTextAlign(11);511 leg->AddText(0.60, 0.54, Form("a=%.2f", maxpar[3]))->SetTextAlign(11);512 leg->AddText(0.60, 0.34, Form("b=%.2f (fix)", maxpar[4]))->SetTextAlign(11);513 if (polynom>1)514 leg->AddText(0.60, 0.14, Form("c=%.2f", maxpar[5]))->SetTextAlign(11);515 leg->SetBit(kCanDelete);516 leg->Draw();517 518 q->cd(2);519 520 TGraph *g = new TGraph;521 g->SetPoint(0, 0, 0);522 523 Int_t max=0;524 Float_t maxsig=0;525 for (int i=1; i<89; i++)526 {527 const Double_t s = f1.Integral(0, (float)i);528 const Double_t b = f2.Integral(0, (float)i);529 530 const Double_t sig = Significance(s, b);531 532 g->SetPoint(g->GetN(), i, sig);533 534 if (sig>maxsig)535 {536 max = i;537 maxsig = sig;538 }539 }540 541 g->SetNameTitle("SigVs\\alpha", "Significance vs \\alpha");542 g->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("\\alpha_{0} [\\circ]");543 g->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("Significance");544 g->SetBit(kCanDelete);545 g->Draw("AP");546 547 leg = new TPaveText(0.35, 0.10, 0.90, 0.25, "brNDC");548 leg->SetBorderSize(1);549 leg->SetTextSize(0.1);550 leg->AddText(Form("\\sigma_{max}=%.1f at \\alpha_{max}=%d\\circ", maxsig, max));551 leg->SetBit(kCanDelete);552 leg->Draw();553 }*/554 305 } 555 306 -
TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mhist/MHAlpha.h ¶
r3779 r4836 33 33 Int_t fMap; //! 34 34 35 Bool_t DoFit(Double_t &, Bool_t); 36 Bool_t DoFit(Double_t &d) { return DoFit(d, kFALSE); } 37 void DoFit() { Double_t d; DoFit(d, kTRUE); } 38 35 39 public: 36 40 MHAlpha(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); … … 46 50 void StopMapping(); 47 51 48 static Double_t Significance(Double_t s, Double_t b);49 50 52 ClassDef(MHAlpha, 1) // Alpha-Plot which is fitted online 51 53 };
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