Changeset 4868
- Timestamp:
- 09/06/04 08:31:05 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4584 r4868 172 172 //TString tag = "040126"; 173 173 //TString tag = "040127"; 174 TString tag = "040215"; 174 //TString tag = "040215"; 175 TString tag = "040422"; 175 176 176 177 //const char *offfile = "~magican/ct1test/wittek/offdata.preproc"; … … 184 185 // 15 Feb 04 185 186 //const char *offfile = "*.OFF"; 186 const char *offfile = "174*.OFF";187 187 //const char *offfile = "174*.OFF"; 188 const char *offfile = "*.OffMrk421*"; 188 189 189 190 //const char *onfile = "~magican/ct1test/wittek/mkn421_on.preproc"; … … 199 200 // 15 Feb 04 200 201 //const char *onfile = "*.ON"; 201 const char *onfile = "174*.ON"; 202 //const char *onfile = "174*.ON"; 203 const char *onfile = "*.Mrk421*"; 202 204 203 205 … … 231 233 //if (tag == "040215") 232 234 // TString inPath = "/mnt/magicserv01/scratch/David/CalibratedData/Crab/2004_02_15/"; 233 if (tag == "040215") 235 if (tag == "040215") 236 { 234 237 TString inPathON = "/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/Daniel/CalibratedData/MispointingTest/2004_02_15ForgottenData/finesam20/"; 235 238 TString inPathOFF = "/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/David/CalibratedData/Mkn421/2004_02_15/"; 236 239 TString inPathMC = "/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/David/MCData/MCApril2004/Data/gammas_highnoise/"; 240 } 241 242 if (tag == "040422") 243 { 244 TString inPathON = "/.magic/data03a/mazin/calibrdata/2004_04_22/"; 245 TString inPathOFF = "/.magic/data03a/mazin/calibrdata/2004_04_22/"; 246 TString inPathMC = "/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/David/MCData/MCApril2004/Data/gammas_highnoise/"; 247 } 237 248 238 249 // path for output from Mars 239 250 //TString outPath = "~wittek/datacrab_feb04/"; 240 251 //TString outPath = "~wittek/datacrab_01march04/"; 241 TString outPath = "~wittek/datacrab_27april04/"; 252 // TString outPath = "~wittek/datacrab_27april04/"; 253 TString outPath = "/mnt/data03a/wittek/"; 254 outPath += tag; 255 outPath += "/"; 242 256 243 257 //----------------------------------------------- … … 256 270 257 271 Bool_t JobA = kTRUE; 258 Bool_t GPadON = k FALSE; // \ generate padding histograms272 Bool_t GPadON = kTRUE; // \ generate padding histograms 259 273 Bool_t GPadOFF = kFALSE; // | and write them onto disk 260 274 Bool_t GPadMC = kFALSE; // / 261 275 Bool_t Merge = kFALSE; // merge padding histograms 262 276 // and write them onto disk 263 Bool_t Wout = k TRUE; // read in merged padding histograms and277 Bool_t Wout = kFALSE; // read in merged padding histograms and 264 278 // write out root file of padded data 265 279 // (ON1.root, OFF1.root or MC1.root) … … 477 491 MGeomApply apply; 478 492 479 MSourcePosfromStarPos sourcefromstaron; 480 sourcefromstaron.AddFile("~wittek/datacrab_26feb04/positions040215.txt", 0); 481 482 MBlindPixelsCalc2 blindon; 483 //blindon.SetUseBlindPixels(); 484 blindon.SetCheckPedestalRms(); 493 TString pedphotcamname("MPedPhotCamFromData"); 494 495 MBadPixelsCalc badcalcon; 496 badcalcon.SetNamePedPhotContainer(pedphotcamname); 497 badcalcon.SetPedestalLevel(2.0); 498 499 MBadPixelsTreat badtreaton; 500 badtreaton.SetNamePedPhotCam(pedphotcamname); 501 badtreaton.SetUseInterpolation(); 502 badtreaton.SetProcessPedestalEvt(); 503 badtreaton.SetProcessTimes(); 485 504 486 505 MFSelBasic selbasicon; 487 506 MContinue contbasicon(&selbasicon); 488 507 489 MHB lindPixels blindON("BlindPixelsON");490 MFillH fillb lindON("BlindPixelsON[MHBlindPixels]", "MBlindPixels");491 fillb lindON.SetName("FillBlind");508 MHBadPixels badON("BadPixelsON"); 509 MFillH fillbadON("BadPixelsON[MHBadPixels]", "MBadPixelsCam"); 510 fillbadON.SetName("FillBad"); 492 511 493 512 MSigmabarCalc sigbarcalcon; 494 513 495 514 MHSigmaTheta sigthON("SigmaThetaON"); 496 MFillH fillsigthetaON ("SigmaThetaON[MHSigmaTheta]", "MPointingPos"); 515 sigthON.SetNamePedPhotCam(pedphotcamname); 516 MFillH fillsigthetaON ("SigmaThetaON[MHSigmaTheta]", ""); 497 517 fillsigthetaON.SetName("FillSigTheta"); 498 518 … … 503 523 InitBinnings(&pliston); 504 524 pliston.AddToList(&observon); 505 pliston.AddToList(&b lindON);525 pliston.AddToList(&badON); 506 526 pliston.AddToList(&sigthON); 507 527 … … 512 532 tliston.AddToList(&readON); 513 533 tliston.AddToList(&apply); 514 tliston.AddToList(&sourcefromstaron); 515 516 tliston.AddToList(&b lindon);534 535 tliston.AddToList(&badcalcon); 536 tliston.AddToList(&badtreaton); 517 537 518 538 tliston.AddToList(&contbasicon); 519 tliston.AddToList(&fillb lindON);539 tliston.AddToList(&fillbadON); 520 540 tliston.AddToList(&sigbarcalcon); 521 541 tliston.AddToList(&fillsigthetaON); … … 533 553 tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE); 534 554 535 b lindON.DrawClone();555 badON.DrawClone(); 536 556 sigthON.DrawClone(); 537 557 … … 541 561 TH3D *diffpixthon = sigthON.GetDiffPixTheta(); 542 562 543 TH2D *b lindidthon = blindON.GetBlindId();544 TH2D *b lindnthon = blindON.GetBlindN();563 TH2D *badidthon = badON.GetBadId(); 564 TH2D *badnthon = baddON.GetBadN(); 545 565 546 566 gLog << "" << endl; … … 552 572 sigpixthon->Write(); 553 573 diffpixthon->Write(); 554 b lindidthon->Write();555 b lindnthon->Write();574 badidthon->Write(); 575 badnthon->Write(); 556 576 filewriteon.Close(); 557 577 -
r4741 r4868 207 207 208 208 //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ww 209 Int_t InputType = 1;209 Int_t InputType = 0; 210 210 //findstars.SetUseCorrelatedGauss(kFALSE); 211 211 … … 265 265 while (tlist.Process()) 266 266 { 267 gLog << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;268 gLog << "Macro : MStarPos content = " << endl;269 starcam.Print("namepossizchierr");270 gLog << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;271 gLog << "Macro : MSourcePos content = " << endl;272 sourcecam.Print("namepossizchierr");273 gLog << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;267 //gLog << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 268 //gLog << "Macro : MStarPos content = " << endl; 269 //starcam.Print("namepossizchierr"); 270 //gLog << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 271 //gLog << "Macro : MSourcePos content = " << endl; 272 //sourcecam.Print("namepossizchierr"); 273 //gLog << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 274 274 275 275 numevents++; … … 314 314 + source->GetYIdeal()*source->GetYIdeal() ); 315 315 316 cout << "R0, R = " << R0 << ", " << R << endl;316 //cout << "R0, R = " << R0 << ", " << R << endl; 317 317 318 318 aberr->Fill(R0, R, 1.0); … … 345 345 //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ww 346 346 347 gLog << "Event loop finished; call DrawClone of MHTelAxisFromStars" << endl;348 TObject *srccam = plist.FindObject("MSourceCam"); 349 350 gLog << "srccam = " << srccam << endl;347 //gLog << "Event loop finished; call DrawClone of MHTelAxisFromStars" << endl; 348 349 //TObject *srccam = plist.FindObject("MSourceCam"); 350 //gLog << "srccam = " << srccam << endl; 351 351 352 352 TObject *obj = plist.FindObject("MHTelAxisFromStars");
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